Why am I so darn hungry?



  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Ah - the black hunger. I'm feeling this right now. I've already had two cups of pasta and am a few hundred over my calorie amount for the day (I'm fine with that - I had an awesome run today). But seriously, I was never this hungry before my metabolism started working. I also get hot during the day - a significant accomplishment for someone with hypothyroidism.

    Anyways - the hunger is a great sign. I like how Kiki put it best!
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    I am hungry 24/7 in a good way "Fuel me" instead of before "I'm flipping starving ya bastid, feed me!"

    HA HA,

    Some days I could eat a scabby horse, I now eat more than my husband he looks at me as if to say where the hell does she put it... nomm nommm nommm

    I agree if it growls and you have drank water then it's a sure sign you need food!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I agree if it growls and you have drank water then it's a sure sign you need food!

    The monster is growing right now. I am afraid if I feed it, it will just keep coming back (kind of like my ex wife)
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    Yup I am starving too! I had a BIG lunch at 1 pm and when I got home from work at 5:30 I was ready to eat my arm lol I have noticed in the last couple days how hungry I am. I upped cal 12 days ago to 1800, love love love the freedom to eat! I haven't lost but I really haven't gained either, gaining and losing the same 3 lbs which I had been doing anyways for the last 6 weeks at about 1400 cals. It's good to know the hunger is a good sign!
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    I agree if it growls and you have drank water then it's a sure sign you need food!

    The monster is growing right now. I am afraid if I feed it, it will just keep coming back (kind of like my ex wife)

    LOL, so very funnyyyyy :))

    I'm growling now someone feed me! :bigsmile:
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    I was so hungry again today! I ate a lot and it was yummy. Trying to cut back on sugar and carbs... any opinions on that?
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    I was so hungry again today! I ate a lot and it was yummy. Trying to cut back on sugar and carbs... any opinions on that?

    Fruit Sugars I don't watch, and Carbs are good for you! well the slow release ones, like oatmeal, wholeweat bread and pasta, Yams., sweet potatoes and red in that order are good for you! stay away from the white stuff!

  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I feel it tooooo!!! ... lol .... I thought it was just me!!!

    I am hungus right after a workout! ... and eat and hungry soon after too ....I have no idea how i ate less than I do now! :noway:

    No going back for me!!! :bigsmile:
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I'm eating more, hungrier, burning more calories... yet I haven't busted through this month long plateau! WTF lol

    Oh, it's coming, girl. You're showing all the signs (ravaging hunger, being an important one). The metabolism has to kick into high gear to start processing larger amounts of food. I always tell people to watch for that all important sign of HUNGER :love:

    That baby is on the WAY!

    You're experiencing the labor pains....... :laugh:


    Thanks Kiki! LOL you are hilarious. I'll check back in when I bust this sucker out!

    Just breathe through it sista!!! lol :huh:
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    I was REALY hungry after this mornings work outs so instead of my usual Oats I decided on eggs.
    2 x Poached eggs on toast with a Laughing Cow Cheese wedge spread onto the toast. Very delish!! Hehe, and so filling!
    ....all for 300cals!!!
    I thought I'll be hitting 400 at least for the meal...just shows you.

    Dont stress about too much sugar if it comes from fruit...but saying that, also dont go overboard on fruit. I think a good limit is 2 or 3 a day.
    And yes, stay away from white carbs mostly, the whole wheat ones are much healthier to me. Also more filling.
    But a nice baked Potato with some cottage cheese is sooo good and actually very healthy. :)
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I was ravenous all day yesterday (even with eating 190g of protein), and BAM, dropped two "new" pounds this morning!
    (Today I had celebratory donuts....and cheddar bay biscuits....and pizza... yeah. Back to business tomorrow.)

    This cracked me up! Celebratory donuts....:laugh:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm going to have to give myself plenty of calories for nighttime as I'm starving after dinner at night. I learned that the hard way last night!