Super Fatty Here....HELP!



  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Hi there and welcome! Congrats on your weight loss so far. Just want to echo what Kiki said about doing this thing right, so you can do it for life. I know the numbers sounds so big, especially considering the 1200 calorie diaries that are so commonplace on here. I had alot of weight to lose as well and wish I had done it right from the beginning, but I have been so blessed by this group and would highly encourage you to start your journey on the right foot. I think it will make things easier for you to continue on this journey and make it a lifestyle versus an on-again, off-again, thing. At my highest weight, I was 275 lbs and Im down to about 172 right now. I lost the first 50 by starving myself. I had the Biggest Loser mentality: eating as little as possible, and working out as much as possible. Big mistake. Eventually I starting gaining weight even though I my net was ridiculously low, and was often netting into the negative numbers Then I hit a six month plateau, and has all sorts of health issues arising so I finally started eating more. I've been slowly increasing my calories since then. But since embracing the eating more philosophy, lifting heavy, and cutting down on my cardio, I am finding that even though the scale isnt moving, the sizes are and that is all that really matters anyway, right? Btw I right now my cut calories are 2200, so I definitely think your calories can be higher. Enjoy the extra food, try to make it as clean, healthy, and protein rich as possible. Blessings to you on your journey!
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    Ya know, I dont think I EVER made it down to 1200 except for the 3 months post op. I dunno if my sleeve is bigger than others or my stomach is stretchier or what....but I eat quite a bit for a bariatric patient. And that doesn't bother me one bit. You do see some WLS patients who have lived on 800 cals for a couple of years and they don't look right. Something about their face says hello, Ive have WLS. I dont have any "facts" to back it up, but I think eating less than 1200 calories by WLS or by will power is not good in the long run yes it will get you thin and get you your life back...and to some that is all that matters, but to me I wanna be NORMAL. :) And that means eating crap sometimes. I still have to focus on protein etc but I can pack away the calories and if I eat less than don't wanna be around me, thats for sure, lol.

    Im happy I found this group. Sorry I offended some of you in my OP Im just a blunt tell it like it is and laugh about it type person. :)

    *puts cape back on and flies off*
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    but to me I wanna be NORMAL. :) And that means eating crap sometimes. I still have to focus on protein etc but I can pack away the calories and if I eat less than don't wanna be around me, thats for sure, lol.

    Im happy I found this group. Sorry I offended some of you in my OP Im just a blunt tell it like it is and laugh about it type person. :)

    *puts cape back on and flies off*

    This is how I feel too. I also struggled with an ED since I was 9 years old. I would watch my friends eat whatever they wanted and wondered why I couldn't do that too. So I would starve myself and then binge later on etc. etc. Such an awful cycle.

    I also just want to be normal. I want to eat a normal amount of food and enjoy some indulgences every now and then. And that is what I am doing here.

    now that I have been eating more for a few weeks I don't know how I managed on 1200.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Ya know, I dont think I EVER made it down to 1200 except for the 3 months post op. I dunno if my sleeve is bigger than others or my stomach is stretchier or what....but I eat quite a bit for a bariatric patient. And that doesn't bother me one bit. You do see some WLS patients who have lived on 800 cals for a couple of years and they don't look right. Something about their face says hello, Ive have WLS. I dont have any "facts" to back it up, but I think eating less than 1200 calories by WLS or by will power is not good in the long run yes it will get you thin and get you your life back...and to some that is all that matters, but to me I wanna be NORMAL. :) And that means eating crap sometimes. I still have to focus on protein etc but I can pack away the calories and if I eat less than don't wanna be around me, thats for sure, lol.

    Im happy I found this group. Sorry I offended some of you in my OP Im just a blunt tell it like it is and laugh about it type person. :)

    *puts cape back on and flies off*
    First of all, you are HILARIOUS and I'm so glad you found this group. I echo everything that has already been said. Find your Scooby numbers and go to town. I can't wait to hear how awesome you are doing, because I know that is going to happen! Welcome and let's go have a snack! :happy:
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    hahaha thanks :) And I did have a snack.....I had a snickers nom nom nom. And dont even feel slightly guilty. In fact. i had 2!! haha. A well spent 488 calories this time of the month, lol.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    hahaha thanks :) And I did have a snack.....I had a snickers nom nom nom. And dont even feel slightly guilty. In fact. i had 2!! haha. A well spent 488 calories this time of the month, lol.

    Super Chic~:wink:

    OK, I get you now and the more I read, the more I like!!
    You are just the right addition to our family!

    Welcome:flowerforyou: (and you will be Super Chic to me, k?)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    After reading all the info here it surprises me that doctors recommend eating 1200 calories a day. All of my fit friends eat a ton of food (granted, it's good healthy food most of the time but they do splurge as well).

    I wonder how many doctors have tried to live on 1200 calories for longer than a day. it's challenging and my body was screaming at me the whole time. That just doesn't seem healthy if my body is telling me it's not enough (through hair loss, lack of energy, constipation, moodiness, sleeplessness etc.).

    I hear you on the doctor thing! Especially since most the docs I have/had either are overweight or slightly overweight but you can tell they never get any exercise. I wonder where this 1200 number even came from especially since most nutrition labels are based off a 2,000 cal diet. *insert eye roll smiley here*
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    After reading all the info here it surprises me that doctors recommend eating 1200 calories a day. All of my fit friends eat a ton of food (granted, it's good healthy food most of the time but they do splurge as well).

    I wonder how many doctors have tried to live on 1200 calories for longer than a day. it's challenging and my body was screaming at me the whole time. That just doesn't seem healthy if my body is telling me it's not enough (through hair loss, lack of energy, constipation, moodiness, sleeplessness etc.).

    I hear you on the doctor thing! Especially since most the docs I have/had either are overweight or slightly overweight but you can tell they never get any exercise. I wonder where this 1200 number even came from especially since most nutrition labels are based off a 2,000 cal diet. *insert eye roll smiley here*

    Honestly I think the 1200 calories came from the early 1980s....where it shoulda stayed!!! haha
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member

    Super Chic~:wink:

    OK, I get you now and the more I read, the more I like!!
    You are just the right addition to our family!

    Welcome:flowerforyou: (and you will be Super Chic to me, k?)

    awwww! THANKS!! haha. I like when people like me :love:

    I guess with me I dont give people a warming up to me period, lol, I just put all it out there and ya either hate me or love me, lol.