Day 1 - FAIL



  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Peanut. Butter. :happy:

    This is the best post ever...I can't even begin to describe to you my love for peanut butter.....:heart:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Peanut. Butter. :happy:

    This is the best post ever...I can't even begin to describe to you my love for peanut butter.....:heart:

    Amen, Sista!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    I love to add a scoop of protein powder to my oatmeal. Makes it very tasty and is a good balance of carbs and protein. You could also add some crushed nuts for the fat. : )
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I love to add a scoop of protein powder to my oatmeal. Makes it very tasty and is a good balance of carbs and protein. You could also add some crushed nuts for the fat. : )

    I do this as well most mornings is old fashioned oats, brown sugar, 1/2 tbsp of butter, 1/2 scoop vanilla protien and 1/4 cup milk with a piece of whole wheat toast and coffee so yummy and 436 calories. Pretty balanced as well 18gr. fat, 19gr protien, 8 fiber and 54 carbs. So yummy
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    Day 2: SUCCESS! Every day is a new day, just keep going!
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    Oh, and start cooking with "real" food if you aren't already, that will get calories in. Like, real butter instead of margarine, 2% or whole milk instead of skim, stuff like that. Then you don't really have to eat more to get some more calories in.
  • drgooch
    drgooch Posts: 68 Member
    So I joined the group yesterday. Calculated my BMR and TDEE using the Scobby website and also on MFP. Scobby says my BMR is 1467 and MFP says it's 1416. Scobby says my TDEE is 2017 and MFP says 1916. SO......I just set my calorie goal to MFP's BMR of 1416 and try to eat my exercise calories back. Now I am upping my calories from 1270 to 1416. Well, I thought I was doing pretty good yesterday but by the time I got home, changed into my workout clothes, ate dinner, picked up my kids, went to the gym and came home it was too late to eat anything else and I had somewhere around 400 calories left after working out. The best I could do was eat a banana. I still had over 300 calories left over and had only netted a little of 1000 calories. But I was NOT hungry either. Crazy I know. I'm need to figure out how to eat more on workout days. I did find that eating about an hour before I worked out that I had a lot more energy. This was the first day I did that. Maybe a snack before working out then my meal afterwards. I would probably be able to eat more that way. I just hate eating so late. It's usually around 8-8:30 pm when I get home from the gym. So, yesterday was a FAIL. Hopefully today will be better. No gym cuz I have some other things that I have to get done. Still have 600 calories for dinner too. lol If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears and my diary is always open.

    I never want to hear that come out of your mouth again missy! lol We will get this figured out! I have also come to the realization that I need to eat MORE at breakfast and lunch. We need to sit down and figure somethings out for you at work. I love you girl and you got this in the palm of your hands!!!

    WOW~ The Gooches are IN THE HOUSE!!!!! :drinker: LOVE IT!!!!:drinker:

    Welcome to the family, you two!!!! Now, let's eat!:tongue:

    Yes she is my bestest friend and the best SIL ever!! Thanks for the welcome and I can always eat!!