Steroids, Pro-hormones etc - What's the general consensus?



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Just saying, where's the anti stance on anabolics rooted?

    The majority of the people against anabolics aren't athletes.
    They're people who:
    1. Don't understand steroids
    2. Watch sports on tv and think steroids ruin the sport, again, they don't understand that a large portion of their favorite athletes have used or are currently using.
    3. Are lazy people who want to discredit other peoples achievements by saying they cheated and used steroids.

    I come into contact with all of those people pretty often.
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member

    Just saying, where's the anti stance on anabolics rooted?

    The majority of the people against anabolics aren't athletes.
    They're people who:
    1. Don't understand steroids
    2. Watch sports on tv and think steroids ruin the sport, again, they don't understand that a large portion of their favorite athletes have used or are currently using.
    3. Are lazy people who want to discredit other peoples achievements by saying they cheated and used steroids.

    I come into contact with all of those people pretty often.

    Agreed. The media has put out so much misinformation it's sickening. Watching the US Senate/Congressional hearings on steroids was possibly the most sorry display of stupid ever lol.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member

    Just saying, where's the anti stance on anabolics rooted?

    The majority of the people against anabolics aren't athletes.
    They're people who:
    1. Don't understand steroids
    2. Watch sports on tv and think steroids ruin the sport, again, they don't understand that a large portion of their favorite athletes have used or are currently using.
    3. Are lazy people who want to discredit other peoples achievements by saying they cheated and used steroids.

    I come into contact with all of those people pretty often.

    Totally agree. I have never used but I spent 2 years educating myself before deciding not to. I have NOTHING against anyone who decides to use them. On one hand I don't think they should be legalized in theory because there are risks and to get the desired effect that MOST people are after we are talking about abusive levels AS. On the other hand I'm a proponent of legalizing certain recreational drugs because I feel that is a lost war and we might as well tax the shyt out of it. So really what's the difference right? I don't know... my main beef is with people who abuse their bodies and then we the public end up footing the bill when they end up in hospital.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    When I first started lifting at 19, I was enamored with all the meatheads who were on gear and their physiques. I was encouraged to take them, but problem was I had no money. As the years passed, the less and less I desired to add gear to my regimen. So to this very day, I am still a natural.
    But I have been slowly declining in strength, yet I still haven't lost much in physique at all. There may be a time in the future when I considered gear seriously again, but as of now, I'm content with the fact that I'll never be as strong as I previously was without enhancement.
    That said, if people want to use gear, I say let 'em.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition