Hitting the Wall..

Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
I am hitting the wall hard this week.
I am 9-10 weeks into this journey and I today I am no better off than I was when I began.
Last Sunday (10 days ago) I finally recorded my lowest number since I began..and over the course of the next 10 days I watched as that number climbed higher and higher. AF had arrived on that Thursday morning, and I ballooned up 5 pounds.. Between her and lifting sessions I was "ok" with seeing water gains.. Im getting more used to them.
However, AF left on Sunday.. I havent lifted since Monday... Yesterday the scale finally dropped 2 of my 5 pounds. But today... up another .6!!! And this is after two rest days from lifting, one FULL rest day yesterday. My food intake yesterday was a little off because of dental work, but there was nothing horribly crazy in there, and my sodium level was still below my target..

I am starting to lose faith.. and I hate that considering I have been the one vocalizing to others to keep it. I am tired of this jumping up and down on the scale.. 2 MONTHS in and still there is virtually no change on the scale.. In two months I have finally lost a few inches, but even after starting NROL4W, those numbers havent changed.
I need to see some results. I am *this* close to throwing in the towel again and call it a day..

I need some serious help today..


  • angelew
    angelew Posts: 133 Member
    I'm probably not even "qualified" to respond since I'm very new to the group- just starting third week. I think weighing daily can play with your head...some people can see some significant fluctuations from day to day. What if you focus on your body measurements? All of the successful people in this group suggest that. I read posts in this group all of the time and I haven't yet come across one person that reports failure after sticking with this. It seems to work for everyone. Maybe take a look back at your calculations for TDEE to make sure your number is good....also open your diary. I bet the folks that have been at this a while will have some great rec's for you if they can see what your nutrition looks like. Hang in there!
  • lindsayjdodd
    lindsayjdodd Posts: 39 Member
    Hey lady! I know the feeling. Trust me. I am 3 months in. I emailed Lucia because I was starting to feel discouraged too. Three huge things:

    1. Make sure you stay within sodium limits.
    2. Make sure you really aim for 30% goal for protein.
    3. Keep your calories consistent everyday.

    It is hard to tell if you are doing these things since your diary is not open. But these are the things I've learned. Also, are you eating tdee - 15%? Or what deficit are you at?

    This morning I happily weighed in at 0.2 lbs less than my previous lowest weigh-in, which was 2 weeks in to eating more. So, I feel like these things were key in helping me this week.

    And have you checked out the Hacker's Diet chart tracking online? It can help you to see what your trend is, and that is when I really started noticing that although slow, I was actually trending downward.

    Hope some of this info helps! Stay the course!! It DOES work!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I would advise you to throw out your scale since it's gonna be your downfall. :smile: Focus on the lost inches....those don't come down very fast, it's slow and steady. You lost inches, they are still gone so the weight is a factor to be ignored. Measure yourself every two to four weeks (I do mine once a month max) and focus on those. Focus on clothing, how you feel, etc.

    When we started this process we knew it would be slow. Our bodies will adjust, then drop, then adjust, then drop, then adjust, then drop as our daily life patterns adjust and change. Our consistency is so important, but in reality it's very difficult so a metabolism that is used to be being 'played' might very easily go into panic mode at the slightest infraction we impose upon it. It could take months before your body really believes in you again.

    Be patient, and throw out that scale!!! If it has the power to destroy your new plan to a healthy you, throw it OUT!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I track daily on Hackerd diet so I can see my trend. Things were looking rather good until this last ten days.. now it looks like a rollercoaster again.

    My diary is now open. I work hard to hit my protein levels, and I think I managed twice or more in this last two weeks and was actually over (188g+ daily DAMN HARD to do )
    My sodium levels are generally below my target. I was actually prety proud of my journal over the last few weeks.

    My TDEE is 2800, my Cut is 2400 (-15%)
    BMR is 1800

    I am tempted to take it to 2200 which is about a 20% cut and see what that does. Im serioiusly getting beyond the level of frustration I had when I first began 9 weeks ago. I was finally happy that things were progressing, albeit slow, but it was going down..

    Believe me, I do everything I am "supposed" to do. I rarely go over in cals, if ever. I exercise 4-6 times a week, 3 of those are NROL. I eat well. I get protein in, substantially increased that in the last 2 months.. I watch my sodium, i drink a minimum 8 glasses of water. I gave up diet soda for the most part, I do treat myself on occasion..I am a "model" member, so to speak..

    Sigh.. this is mainly a vent.. Im just tired of doing everything right, and not seeing the results. My inches has stalled in three weeks (and thats after beginning to lift heavy) and my weight is virtually unchanged now.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Bumping to mark as I feel the same as you. Just keep at it, thats what i keep telling myself. I also pray alot. That helps the most.
  • kristi321
    kristi321 Posts: 71 Member
    One more thought... Do you have any food allergies or intolerances? Last year I discovered that I was gluten intolerant and my tummy would swell and puff up after eating gluten. When I was heavier I didn't notice it so much but now I do. My weight would jump 3 lbs over night!! Try cutting out things with gluten (bread, crackers, cereal, etc.) for about one week then eat one meal with LOTS of gluten and pay attention to what happens... That is how I knew with certainty. I feel so much better now that I know.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You need to keep in mind that your body is changing from the inside out and it is changing for the better.

    Google, "why the scale lies".

    Then throw out your scale.

    This will be an up and down rollercoaster. It just will. It is a slow process as your body adjusts and the weight lifting adds a whole other element to that as well.

    How long have you been doing NROL? I didn't lose anything for a couple weeks when I first started and I chalk that up to water retention. Lifting heavy is hard on your muscles and they retain a ton of water.
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    I think AF = TOM, yes/no? If so your "weight" fluctuations in the last 2 weeks could be because of that. For me, the week before TOM, I lose weight, during TOM hold steady, and after TOM go up. I have no idea why, but I've been charting it for the past 4 months and that's how my body acts.

    You also wrote that you're "no better off" than you were when this began. I beg to differ. Has your energy level increased? Are you able to push yourself further in your workouts? Are your clothes fitting differently? Like you said, you've been a cheerleader for so many here, it's time you listen to your own advice. Be patient and consistent. It will happen.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    You also wrote that you're "no better off" than you were when this began. I beg to differ. Has your energy level increased? Are you able to push yourself further in your workouts? Are your clothes fitting differently? Like you said, you've been a cheerleader for so many here, it's time you listen to your own advice. Be patient and consistent. It will happen.

    ^^^^^ I totally agree with what Tangiesharp wrote ^^^^^

    There are days where I feel frustrated and discouraged but then I try to focus on the emotional changes rather than the physical changes since beginning this EM2WL journey.

    I feel sooooo good with so much energy, my clothes fit better, I'm able to push myself harder in workouts and (this is huge) I no longer feel guilty for eating!! I look forward to eating every day because I know food is what fuels my body to continue to change for the better. I don't obsess about it any longer and it's such a great feeling to be freed from that burden of guilt.

    So.....I think you've changed more than you think you have!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Have you messaged Lucia? I read in another post her saying that she has never seen someone have to go down, always up. You say you never go over cals....maybe try adding an extra 100-200?
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    Do you eat the same things and work out the same way every week? The reason why I'm asking is because I have been doing the same exact exercising every week for so long my body just knew what to expect. So the last two weeks I've done completely different workouts (new gym, new classes, new cardio completely) and guess what? FINALLY, the scale is going down instead of up. FINALLY, the bloating feeling is going away. FINALLY, I don't look like a puffy rat! I'm not stressing about working out "hard" (like I see the rest of gym doing). I'm keeping my heartrate lower during cardio and doing a ton of foam rolling stretching.

    Good Luck.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey Rayann1, girl I just love you! Because you just keep it all real...ok, I don't think you should change your calories. Let's look at what you are doing for your workouts. Like someone suggested maybe switching it up a bit. Please refresh my memory...I am sooo not supposed to be on here, but saw your name and the topic and wanted to jump in. You have the eating part down, then we have to look elsewhere. Oh for me...TOM...start water weight climb the week before, hit my peak at day 4 of TOM and it takes almost a week to lose the water...just ridiculous...lol. I really don't even pay attention to the scale, but how I look and the inches...

    We can't neglect the inches because it is fat disappearing.

    Anyway, what's your workout?
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hang in there-you are doing great. And I agree with pp-throw out the scale.
    I think I shlould do the same
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Hey Rayann1, girl I just love you! Because you just keep it all real...ok, I don't think you should change your calories. Let's look at what you are doing for your workouts. Like someone suggested maybe switching it up a bit. Please refresh my memory...I am sooo not supposed to be on here, but saw your name and the topic and wanted to jump in. You have the eating part down, then we have to look elsewhere. Oh for me...TOM...start water weight climb the week before, hit my peak at day 4 of TOM and it takes almost a week to lose the water...just ridiculous...lol. I really don't even pay attention to the scale, but how I look and the inches...

    We can't neglect the inches because it is fat disappearing.

    Anyway, what's your workout?

    3 days NROL4W, 2 days running 5k/interval training

    I *used* to do 1 step class, 1 pump class, 3 days running 5k and the occasional JM video, but I cut back when I began lifting almost 4 weeks ago.

    Since I began lifting my measurements have not changed.

    I have been tracking my weight on Hackdiet for 2.5 months so I know when AF hits, and how the weight goes up at that time. Usually it takes 3 days after her disappearance for the weight to go back down. on top of that, I normally only see a 2-3 pound gain from her. This month I got a 5 pound. While that is normal for some women, I have NEVER had a gain that high from AF. So it has really made me question what else is going on.. Even after two days off from lifting, one full day of rest, no craziness on my eating, and drinking my water, etc... and the scale went back up again today..Just totally was not expecting it at all, was definitely expecting to see a loss this morning..

    I am trying very hard to be patient. I have had a wonderful downward trend for the past 5 weeks and I was *just* starting to feel comfortable that things were heading in the right direction for good, and this past 10 days has just gone so incredibly wonky, it honestly broke me this morning. I KNOW I cant control what the scale says.. But when you do everything "right" and things still dont change, its inevitable the frustrations hit.

    Im just at a loss. I dont know what I am going to do if the scale doesnt start going back down to where I was 10 days ago.. I just cant see why I am still carrying 3 extra pounds in that time.. why is it not letting go, KWIM?

    Thank you to everyone for the support. You are right. I am better off now than I was when I began. I am very slightly smaller, not noticiable to anyone, not even me, but I did lose a few inches. My energy levels have been great, and I have been sleeping better at night. My hair isnt falling out so much anymore and my skin is not so dry... There have been inward changes.... now I need the outward ones..
  • elly1979
    elly1979 Posts: 79 Member
    Have you comsidered getting a tape measure that uses centimeters and not inches?
    I use that, and it's easier to see small victories that way :)
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    Pretty much everyone covered it, but the only thing I would add is, and most people don't take this into account. If you recently started lifting weights, or started lifting heavier then before you are most likely adding some muscle weight in there. Along with that comes more water weight and glycogen weight. It's hard to say how much but I am sure it is a partial factor. Even if you add muscle weight etc, it will all balance out after awhile and the muscle will help your fat loss speed up. Because you can't add very much muscle anyways. Really 10lbs for a young male is pretty good in a year, more if your really serious. So give it more time, and remember it's not about your bodyweight it's more about getting fit. Along with being fit everything else will fall into place eventually.
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    I totally get what you mean. I upped mine 4 weeks ago and I can't see any real difference with measurements. Next Thursday will tell when my trainer will get out the calipers and get good accurate fat loss measurements. Which is what I'm after!!! During the 4 weeks my weight too has roller coasted, one day dropping 1.5kg and as of today I think I'm only a few 100 grams down.

    Roll on Thursday, I'll keep you posted.

    A good blog and website I've found is Metabolic Effect. They email me fat loss video seminars and freebie educational stuff.

    Their key points are

    Are you in it for weight loss or fat loss....... Fat for me
    Knowing hat we are all individual Nd some macros don't work for some and you need to learn how toaster what is right for you.
    Knowing the difference between healthy eating and fat

    Good luck everyone
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Wait, are you weighing yourself every day? I would definitely try to go for longer without weighing in. I usually only hop on the scale every Sunday, or sometimes only twice monthly.

    Stick to it because you'll see progress eventually! Your hard work will be rewarded. :) Gotta be patient.