weigh ins, measurements and pics!

Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
Hey all,
this topic is to post our weekly progress!! I will post a new belly pic every Sunday along with measurements and new weight. Hope you join me!!


  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Hiya im here now :)

    Will have to do measurements soon, only done 3 workouts this week since Sat, need to do one tonite. If I cant do measurements in week, will def put it on Sat.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    OK, OK... I'll go first as usual... ;o)

    Pic changed to todays and here's the news!! The scale went down an lb!!! Tadaa!!
    Here's the measurements as well; not much of a change I think, but these things take time!!

    Weight: 57.8
    Hip: 88cms
    Waist: 66 cms
    legs: l 54 cms r: 54 cms
    upper arms: l: 26 cms r: 26 cm

    I am quite happy with this, and think the proper progress will only start now slowly... my body seems to get used to the high amount of calories it finally gets and my metabolism starts working well again!! Yehaaaaaaa!!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Hi well done. i havent done any measurements as yet, but the scale did go down. I am off this week so can concentrate on my training, have a nice full week and am looking forward to it. Pic changed.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Great!! Where's the input from all the other people that SOOOOO desperately wanted a sixpack?? Keep it up and work week by week... it IS DOABLE!
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Hi well done. i havent done any measurements as yet, but the scale did go down. I am off this week so can concentrate on my training, have a nice full week and am looking forward to it. Pic changed.

    Hey congrats to that!! Have you got a bodyfat scale?? Mine (even though I don't really trust it) said I had gained just a tiny bit of lean mass and the weight went down one lb. Sound like losing bodyfat!!!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    So I finally changed my pic. Don't laugh too hard, I have a lot of work to do, after years of not taking care of myself and having babies, it takes a toll. I'll have to do measurements soon, I hardly ever weigh myself, but I think I should. I'd like to see if there have been any changes since the last time.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    So I finally changed my pic. Don't laugh too hard, I have a lot of work to do, after years of not taking care of myself and having babies, it takes a toll. I'll have to do measurements soon, I hardly ever weigh myself, but I think I should. I'd like to see if there have been any changes since the last time.

    Hey, you look gorgeous!! Maybe you need to get in a few more cals to build more muscle, but being a mom and having a belly like this... I think others would KILL to look like that!!! ;o)
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    So I finally changed my pic. Don't laugh too hard, I have a lot of work to do, after years of not taking care of myself and having babies, it takes a toll. I'll have to do measurements soon, I hardly ever weigh myself, but I think I should. I'd like to see if there have been any changes since the last time.

    Hey, you look gorgeous!! Maybe you need to get in a few more cals to build more muscle, but being a mom and having a belly like this... I think others would KILL to look like that!!! ;o)
    Thanks!! I've been working on upping the calories, not the easiest thing for me. I just have to take my time and let my body adjust to it. A little bit at a time, I'll get there.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Sorryyyyyyyyyy girls!!! Was away this week so I can only get back to the traditional Sunday-pics & measurements next Sunday! Will kick my *kitten* this week and see how it goes! Anybody any little victories yet??
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    I just joined this group, I've been trying to get that 6 pack for awhile now... I realized I may not be eating enough calories, so I'm working on that as my first step. I'll take measurements and post a picture this Sunday :)
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Great! Another warrior with us!! We are all looking forward to Sunday then! ;o)
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    OK! Another sunday, another pic... not glorious today and I feel a bit flabby, but that's maybe due to me upping my calories to TDEE for a while in order to build proper muscle! My weight had gone up quite a bit then (134 lbs) and is now down again to 129. Guess I am still adapting, BUT my muscles feel great and I think I am on the right track.
    Haven't taken any measurements yet, but will do so in the late afternoon... am off for a hike now (training for my big tour in Sweden in August!!!)
    Hope you guys are also still on track and focused, enjoy your Sunday!!!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    OK! Another sunday, another pic... not glorious today and I feel a bit flabby, but that's maybe due to me upping my calories to TDEE for a while in order to build proper muscle! My weight had gone up quite a bit then (134 lbs) and is now down again to 129. Guess I am still adapting, BUT my muscles feel great and I think I am on the right track.
    Haven't taken any measurements yet, but will do so in the late afternoon... am off for a hike now (training for my big tour in Sweden in August!!!)
    Hope you guys are also still on track and focused, enjoy your Sunday!!!
    Girl, you still look amazing!! I am right there with you in feeling a little flabby after upping the calories, so no pic for me today. But I do agree that I feel so much better and workouts are going better. I can go longer, heavier weights, and harder. It's a huge adjustment for the body to adapt to, but I can see how much it is going to help. Just have to eat the right things:)
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    HEY! Thanks, your words are always motivating me so much! I hope you had a lovely time at that wedding?? How did it go with the food there? ;o)
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    alright here I am! Even though I feel HORRIBLE eating at TDEE for a week now, here's the new pic and weigh-in- As of today I am at 132 lbs. Weight was fluctuating a lot these days and I cannot fit my clothes properly anymore... urghhh. I try to stick with it though and see whether it stabilizes.
    I did the whole week of the sixpack challenge and I love it! Great workouts and I think they will bring results (especially after my metabolism reset of a few weeks) and I can feel the muscle below...
    Keep going girls, hope you didn't give up on the sixpack journey!!
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    I have been (trying) to eat closer to my TDEE this week as well and I feel so fat! And oddly enough like I'm always hungry! I'm trying to stick to 40/30/30 (c/p/f), but I'm finding it hard to meet my protein goal. I'll post a picture this week if I'm feeling better, I'm also going to go back to more strength training days as I have mostly just been running and rock climbing lately. Desmonema-you look great! Hoping I can catch up to your progress soon!

    Also-I don't own a scale and I'm not trying to lose weight, just lower bodyfat %, so I'll post some measurements soon!
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I have been (trying) to eat closer to my TDEE this week as well and I feel so fat! And oddly enough like I'm always hungry! I'm trying to stick to 40/30/30 (c/p/f), but I'm finding it hard to meet my protein goal. I'll post a picture this week if I'm feeling better, I'm also going to go back to more strength training days as I have mostly just been running and rock climbing lately. Desmonema-you look great! Hoping I can catch up to your progress soon!

    Also-I don't own a scale and I'm not trying to lose weight, just lower bodyfat %, so I'll post some measurements soon!

    Hey there,
    thanks! Great not to be alone in this! I do not really know where this journey leads, but I just had to go back to lower calories and eating exercise calories back... I was trying to get my TDEE of rouhgly 2100 (!!!) in everyday and I found it really difficult and had to stuff myself! Now I'm feeling fat and my clothes are tight... (even though I cannot complain about the consistency of the booty these days .. hihihi). With eating a lot of unhealthy things it would be easy to reach that goal, but with healthy paleo-eating it is really HARD (and I do not want to overdo it with the fat... using more than enough).
    What's your TDEE then?
    Maybe you want to try the sixpack challenge I'm doing at the moment? I could send you all the links if you'd decide to give it a go..
    Anyway, I'll add you as a friend and you can see what's going on!
    Best, D
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    I have been (trying) to eat closer to my TDEE this week as well and I feel so fat! And oddly enough like I'm always hungry! I'm trying to stick to 40/30/30 (c/p/f), but I'm finding it hard to meet my protein goal. I'll post a picture this week if I'm feeling better, I'm also going to go back to more strength training days as I have mostly just been running and rock climbing lately. Desmonema-you look great! Hoping I can catch up to your progress soon!

    Also-I don't own a scale and I'm not trying to lose weight, just lower bodyfat %, so I'll post some measurements soon!

    Hey there,
    thanks! Great not to be alone in this! I do not really know where this journey leads, but I just had to go back to lower calories and eating exercise calories back... I was trying to get my TDEE of rouhgly 2100 (!!!) in everyday and I found it really difficult and had to stuff myself! Now I'm feeling fat and my clothes are tight... (even though I cannot complain about the consistency of the booty these days .. hihihi). With eating a lot of unhealthy things it would be easy to reach that goal, but with healthy paleo-eating it is really HARD (and I do not want to overdo it with the fat... using more than enough).
    What's your TDEE then?
    Maybe you want to try the sixpack challenge I'm doing at the moment? I could send you all the links if you'd decide to give it a go..
    Anyway, I'll add you as a friend and you can see what's going on!
    Best, D

    I set my goal for 1800 (TDEE is 2000), but it's definitely hard to eat all those calories with clean eating. My fat intake has been higher than I would like. I looked at the six pack factory website, but what exactly are you doing?
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I am doing the six week sixpack challenge... when you go to the website there's a little part in the upper right corner where you can sign up for the challenge and then they send you an e-mail each day with the link for your workout on that specific day. It Is really good!!
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    And it is Sunday again!! I will have to change my weigh-ins to Monday though I think, as I am exercising more on Sats (and therefore also eat more and retain more water the next day).
    So, you see new pic, and the news: look at the upper abs, they are developing!! Unfortunately the layer of fat above them still doesn't want to go, but time will get me there!!! ;o)
    So weight today is 60.3 kg.
    waist 66 cm
    hip 87
    How are the others doing??
    I cannot wait to see those muscles properly that I have there now (thanks to sixpackfactory)
    The workouts are really hard, but the programm is obviously very effective (I started it on a caloric surplus, so I will only now start to reduce body fat) and is ongoing. Tomorrow will be the first day of week 4, so still two more weeks to go!! Keep your fingers crossed that I will see some more results at the end of the program!!!
    Keep pushing people!!!