I will not weigh myself for 4 weeks...



  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    LOL you guys are so funny. I did a 2.5 wk chalenge and thought I wouldn't make it...it was when I was struggling with EM...well it was almost a relief.

    Now everyone must take measurements, if you can bf%, and pictures too!

    Oh Lucia I took my before pictures this morning -- not pretty! So June is a scale free; picture free; measurement free month for me as well.....I am doing a reset and don't want to "my little voice who lives in my head" to convince me to slash my calories again :). So how about pictures and measurements at the end of July :happy: ?
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    OP here! I am so glad you all are joining me in the scale-free month of June! I was also thinking no measuring, no pics, no nothing other than good clean eating and exercise (but that is just me). I'd love to see what a solid month of not # obsessing does. It really helps to have all this support and people to answer to because this morning after my workout I thought "maybe I'll just jump on it for a second..." and then I remembered that this scale-free month was MY idea! I say as long as you are feeling good and eating right this is gonna be great!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I just ordered my calipers so I hope to start tracking my BF on a regular basis instead of my weight.
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    I'm in!! I'll tell my hubby to hide the scale somewhere and I won't weigh again until June 30! This is going to be hard, I'm a near daily weigher :blushing:

    Feel free to friend me for support!

    Edit: I will measure and take pics tomorrow morning....then nothing but logging, eating healthy, and exercising until June 30! Aghhh!!!:sad:
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Interesting that I found this thread today. I started reset Monday and I'm ready to jump ship. Yesterday I was down a bit and feeling secure in my decision and today BAM up to a number I haven't seen in years. :explode: My first thought was "I knew it was too good to be true that I could eat normal amounts of food!!!!"

    I'd love to find the courage to skip the scale for a month. However, if I gain 5-10# history dictates it will take me a year to lose it.:sad: :sad:

    Okay, I'm sweating, can't breath, terrified, and possibly having my first panic attack, but ..... I'M IN! There, I said it out loud.
  • luvdogz
    luvdogz Posts: 56 Member
    I am in! I am tired of being a slave to the scale! I will keep up with the tape measuring though.
  • Susan923
    Susan923 Posts: 61
    That's great! I have put mine away a couple weeks ago. Its a little nerve wracking but so freeing. Our day will not depend on what the scale says and boy is that wonderful. I just keep working out and eating clean and I know that's the best I can do so whatever the scale says then so be it. GOOD LUCK!
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    I haven't weight myself since May 25 (I know it's just a week, but that's a long time for me!). I don't plan to weigh again until June 30. No tape measure either (it takes me longer to see measurement results than scale results anyway). I find that the longer I go without weighing, the easier it is. Also, staying physically active and challenging myself to run farther and faster keeps me focused on fitness rather than weight. Good luck to us!
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    IN!!!! :drinker:

    I measured on 29th May and weighed on 31st May

    Measure was down 1 inch, scales up to 165.2 :ohwell: that was my February weight....

    After rerunning numbers and checking with Mike yesterday I'm upping again to 1850 and I feel :sick: BUT I will not measure or weigh until 29th June then report back.... Pic though ooooooo mebbe not... Well not that I'll post anyway... Not nice..:bigsmile:
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Love this thread!
  • 2bfitandhealthy
    I don't know if I could do that - gotta think this one over :)....LOL
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    YOU CAN DEF DO IT!!! I know I am only like 4 days in to not using the scale, but I already love the freedom! The first two days were HARD, but everyt ime I thought about stepping on the scale I remembered this thread. I am also more conscious of my food choices now. Before, if I ate something that wasn't good for me but still lost weight I wrote off the fact that I hadn't fueled my body correctly. Now I am 100% focused on my exercise and nutrition because June 30 will be a big day and I want this little experiment to pay off lol. Also, I do not trust these daily and weekly weight fluctuations...I want to see what my body does with a solid month! JOIN US! and feel free to friend me!
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    So 4 days in and no stepping on the scale while doing a reset so I am eating at my TDEE which is a significant (for me) increase to my calories. But my clothes still fit and I feel good. So we can do this!

    Oh - does anyone wake up starving now? It's to the point that my eyes pop open and my first thought is "what's for breakfast" not "where's my coffee"....
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    Yep, putting the scale away as soon as I get home!!
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    4 days in no weighing for me either
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    I used to be a prisoner of the scale. If feels so good not to be. DH hid it from me and I went through withdrawals but feel so much better now :laugh:

    You can do it Ladies!
  • chayleah
    chayleah Posts: 51 Member
    I also put both of my scales in the trunk of my car last week. I freaked out after showing a 4 lb. gain that I knew was water weight from weightlifting, even though I could fit into the jeans I haven't been able to wear since Christmas.

    It has been amazing to not let the scale dictate how I feel.
  • frenchie2727
    frenchie2727 Posts: 46 Member
    That's great! I have put mine away a couple weeks ago. Its a little nerve wracking but so freeing. Our day will not depend on what the scale says and boy is that wonderful. I just keep working out and eating clean and I know that's the best I can do so whatever the scale says then so be it. GOOD LUCK!

    This is how I feel exactly! I'm working hard and eating right, I feel great until...I get on the *%#@! scale. Then my air gets deflated just a little bit, although I know for a fact the scale is a terrible measure of success. I'm scared to death to give up my "frenemy" but I'll try it!!!
  • bcatgray
    bcatgray Posts: 41
    So glad to know that I'm not the only one that's addicted to my scale. I weigh multiple times a day to see how different things affect me. Today is my first day of EMTWL so I'm going to take the scale out of the bathroom and put it away. I'll see what happens in 4 weeks. :laugh:
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    day 4 for me!! the scale isnt even IN MY HOUSE so i have no outlet for temptation. so far so good. like everyone else im scared of gaining weight but........

    i dont want to eat less!!

    its hard letting go of a set "weight" in your head though. some how i became a daily weigher.