Clean Eating Friends???



  • Dorinaz
    Dorinaz Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, I have been eating clean for about 5 months.... LOVE it. Love the Tosca books and resources. I have lost 48lbs so far and just picked up Tosca's Last 10 book.... Clean Eating stripped.... thinking of doing her 28 day challenge. My diary is wide open and i would love to add some like minded friends for support .... or even to do the challenge with???? feel free to add me.....
  • CheneyATX
    I used to use Weight Watchers successfully but as soon as I stopped attending the meetings I would gain everything back and then some. Now that I've been on MFP for a couple of months I am realizing that I didn't change my eating habits on weight watchers. I just replaced high calorie processed foods with low calorie processed foods which made it really easy to start packing on the pounds when I stopped the program. I have really changed my eating habits in the last couple of months towards a cleaner diet but I would love to kick it up a notch and learn better how to make clean eating an everyday lifestyle choice. I love all the ideas in here and I will add you guys to get a support group and food ideas.
  • lucysmommy
    starting monday - looking for new clean eating friends - x
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I just joined this group and am looking for clean eating friends. For me, I grow a lot of my own food in the summer and I follow a lot of Tosca Reno's guidelines, although I am not 100 percent strict. I am looking for some other clean eating friends. I find it so difficult to explain or navigate my dietary plan when eating out or eating with others. People think I'm crazy! I'd like some others who eat like I do to compare diaries and strategies with.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I've been in this group for awhile but haven't been a strictly clean eater - more of a desire to be one! I'm going to order the Tosca Reno book today since so many of you have recommended it. I just watched Knives Over Forks last night, and I think it was the final kick in the butt I needed to go clean. I'd love to be friends with any of you!
  • couponaddic
    This is something I have been wanting to do for so long in my house. I feel like it would be so much better for my son to grow up that way. Now I know a place to look to start! Thank you! Good luck on your weight loss.

  • mariababes27
    I am a clean eater as well (for the most part) 90/10 rule applies to me.

    If anyone out there is a clean eater / dairy free, feel free to add me!

    (I only eat eggs)
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I downloaded a couple of Tosca's books yesterday but was disappointed to see how much meat, eggs and dairy she includes in her recipes. After watching Forks Over Knives, I feel like I've had a religious experience! I really want to eat clean and eliminate animal foods entirely. It's a challenge finding recipes without meat, cheese, milk, eggs, wheat, and process sugar, though!
  • fingersandface
    I am trying to eat clean 95% of the time too. I have non-clean meals, sometimes days... but I am REALLY trying to get away from that. Progressively I have gotten much better at this (I used to eat 85% packaged/processed foods!)

    I definitely need motivation too so I will add you. I only have about 5 friends on here and none of them log in daily :( I decided that I need to start logging EVERY day, even if I go over my goal intake. Good luck!
  • amandask66
    amandask66 Posts: 38 Member
    I downloaded a couple of Tosca's books yesterday but was disappointed to see how much meat, eggs and dairy she includes in her recipes. After watching Forks Over Knives, I feel like I've had a religious experience! I really want to eat clean and eliminate animal foods entirely. It's a challenge finding recipes without meat, cheese, milk, eggs, wheat, and process sugar, though!

    Tosca has a Eat Clean Vegetarian book. It does include some fish recipes so it's not totally vegetarian but there are some good recipes in it.
  • lleelloo
    lleelloo Posts: 32 Member
    Really trying to eat clean and cut sugar and starch out of my diet. Means I have to rely on meat a lot more to fill me up, so anyone else trying to get creative with their meals out there, feel free to send your tips my way :p
  • LKD87
    LKD87 Posts: 21
    Clean eating has absolutely changed my life... So much more energy and I rarely feel that 3:00pm crash anymore! I'll never go back.... except maybe for a cupcake here and there ;)
  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! That is amazing! I try my best to eat clean. I never eat junk food and stay away from white flour, refined sugar, etc. I follow Tosca Reno's Eating CLean guide. I'd like to be your friend!

    I bought Tosca Reno but haven't read it yet, The thing that always gets me about clean eating is every plan wants you to eat so much fish and I hate fish...
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    I'm a clean eater as well. Haven't heard of this program that you're doing but it sounds great. My philosophy is "if your Grandma wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it." I try and eat organic as much as possible and cook everything from scratch. Add me as friend if you like!
    This is what I'm trying to focus on right now!
  • Mickeyriv
    Mickeyriv Posts: 30 Member
    RIGHT?!? Why is the whole "lifestyle" concept so difficult for most people!?! It's not a "diet". Sigh.
  • khagberg87
    khagberg87 Posts: 10 Member
    Congratulations! I am just starting clean eating again after a few months of eating crap. Hoping to stick with it! It's tough for me because my husband is a picky eater.
  • nicolelynn10
    I've been looking into clean eating for a while now. If you could give me any helpful info. for me to start on it would be much appreciated. Friends always help when starting a new journey.
  • ainesis777
  • Patster67
    Patster67 Posts: 10 Member
    Also looking for clean eating friends, please add me!
  • Aquarii
    Aquarii Posts: 71 Member
    I just joined MFP on 11/21 and am looking for any critiques on my diet (11/21 and 11/22 are not pretty, though since then I have been eating pretty clean). Feel free to add me as well!

    Eating as clean as possible, while losing weight/fat and maintaining as much muscle possible until ~140 lbs, is my goal.