Reset regrets?



  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    You are asking for help and that is wonderful! I do think that if you preplanned your meals you will have better success. Take one meal at a time, then one day at a time. I think you need to stop doing the quick calories and actually go in and log each food individually. Take that time for yourself and really look at your macros. Also, with so many carbs your body is hanging onto water. Instead of 3 bagels for breakfast, how about just one bagel with a scramble of cup egg whites, 1 turkey sausage or veggie sausage and an orange? I'm obese, and I am new to this too, but I hope I'm letting you know that I support you :) I make my scrambles to last a couple meals to make cleaning easier, etc. The things I listed are regarding a lifestyle change because once you get to your cut, that number should be filling and sustainable. The goal of EMWL seems to me to be "Eat more of the right foods and weigh less"...... At least that is what I am doing and I am so full....I used to eat when overly tired/happy/bored. I'm past that because I am eating 500 calories every 4 hours, plus an extra 300 thrown in where I can. Best wishes!
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    You are asking for help and that is wonderful! I do think that if you preplanned your meals you will have better success. Take one meal at a time, then one day at a time. I think you need to stop doing the quick calories and actually go in and log each food individually. Take that time for yourself and really look at your macros. Also, with so many carbs your body is hanging onto water. Instead of 3 bagels for breakfast, how about just one bagel with a scramble of cup egg whites, 1 turkey sausage or veggie sausage and an orange? I'm obese, and I am new to this too, but I hope I'm letting you know that I support you :) I make my scrambles to last a couple meals to make cleaning easier, etc. The things I listed are regarding a lifestyle change because once you get to your cut, that number should be filling and sustainable. The goal of EMWL seems to me to be "Eat more of the right foods and weigh less"...... At least that is what I am doing and I am so full....I used to eat when overly tired/happy/bored. I'm past that because I am eating 500 calories every 4 hours, plus an extra 300 thrown in where I can. Best wishes!

    A lot of good points made there. :)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Like others have already said, you need to work on getting rid of the packaged stuff. Getting rid of the diuretics. Once you increase your fibre intake and your water, then your bowels should even out and you wont need that stuff:)

    I agree with another PP who said make smaller changes. 3 bagels for breaksfast can be cut down to one and pair it with come fruit or a yogurt or eggs.
    Also, eating fresh doesnt mean you have to be spending a ton of money. It is actually cheaper to buy fruits and veg if you watch your prices, than it is by buying the prepackage meals or canned stuff. If you can, invest in a slow cooker/crockpot so you can mkae meals and freeze them. Buy in bulk, buy with a friend to help split the costs if you need. Frozen fruit and veggies are just as good as fresh.. and can be a lot cheaper.

    It can take a while to get things in groove so take it one day at a time, one meal at a time:)
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    The site that I use and was recommended by ANewLucia was this one....It is a great calculator to get your TDEE is:

    Also, I ran your numbers for both levels of exercise: BMR=1754 (Just make sure you eat at least your BMR or higher)

    Light exercise: TDEE = 2412

    Moderate Exercise: TDEE= 2719

    Maybe eat a little between these two if you are worried...Around 2550 or so???
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    You guys are wonderful. Thank you so much for all the tips and encouragement. Also thank you for checking out my diary - which I was super embarrassed about opening to the public!! I do not have an Aldi's or anything like that near me, haha, but I'm wishing now that I did!!!! I *am* going to check out the local farmers markets this weekend, though. :) I already have a plan for food next week! And I grilled some onions last night ... omg. Amazing. Sometimes I forget just how good REAL food can taste.

    I will clean up my meals (damn you, Banquet! lol), work on that sodium, leave the diuretics behind, make sure I'm hitting my activity level and keep with this reset for three more weeks. I did not hit my calorie goal last night and I noticed some of the bloat was gone this morning, so this gives me lots and lots of hope for when I start my cut!