how much weight have you gained



  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Up 37 lbs at 38 weeks!

    That is fantastic hon! You're doing so well!

    Thanks girl! More than I've wanted to gain but I'm confident I'll get it off :)

    You'll totally get it off!!

    I'm about where you're at: 35 pounds @ 36 weeks.

    On the PP weight-loss front, I was thinking that one cool thing about having a baby in December, is that you've got months to work it off before you have to strut about in skimpy summer wear.

    My goal is to be back to pre-pregnancy weight by June (150), and at 160 by April when we head to California to visit some family. I'm not sure what the state of my PP belly will be then, but it would be awesome to be able to wear a bikini at the pool.

    Thanks pretty!!! That's so true!!!!! I too was 150 prepregnancy..and june seems like a good amout of time. You and I really need to push each other since now we have the same goal ;-)

    I started out at 150lbs pre-pregnancy too, I'm due Dec 13th, I definitely will need motivation for getting back in shape, but I REALLY want to, in fact I'd like to get down to 140lbs.

    I 150 seems to be a very common number. That was my first mini goal before getting pregnant. I was 165 when I found out. Hoping after the baby I can actually get to 150 by Oct :) then my next goal will be 130s. haven't seen that since 2006. lol

    I tried for the longest time to get to 135. I actually made it my "goal weight" at Weight Watchers. The lowest I ever got was 142 last October, and that lasted for all of a month before going back up to 150. I dunno...I chose 135 because it's the low end of the "normal" spectrum for my height, and the overachiever in me thinks of it as an A+ goal. Realistically, though, I feel like I have to let go of it and accept 150 as something I can maintain without eating my own hand off.

    That said, I will admit there is a tiny little part of me that wonders if I actually could hit 135 post-pregnancy. It's highly unlikely, but you hear those stories about women weighing less after giving birth/because of breastfeeding, etc...and I'm like, "Well, we'll see." But I'm not going to drive myself crazy getting there.

    PS: Sorry for long ramble about 135 vs. 150 here. Just something I think about a lot! :-)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I tried for the longest time to get to 135. I actually made it my "goal weight" at Weight Watchers. The lowest I ever got was 142 last October, and that lasted for all of a month before going back up to 150. I dunno...I chose 135 because it's the low end of the "normal" spectrum for my height, and the overachiever in me thinks of it as an A+ goal. Realistically, though, I feel like I have to let go of it and accept 150 as something I can maintain without eating my own hand off.

    That said, I will admit there is a tiny little part of me that wonders if I actually could hit 135 post-pregnancy. It's highly unlikely, but you hear those stories about women weighing less after giving birth/because of breastfeeding, etc...and I'm like, "Well, we'll see." But I'm not going to drive myself crazy getting there.

    PS: Sorry for long ramble about 135 vs. 150 here. Just something I think about a lot! :-)

    My "ultimate goal weight" has always been 135 (I'm 5'7"). I'm not quite sure where that number came from. The lowest adult weight I ever hit was a few years ago on Nutrisystem, when I hit 152. With MFP, my lowest weight was 153.8, but that was on my current scale, so perhaps on my current scale I'd have been under 150 a few years back. I also worked out a lot on MFP, and I guarantee I have a lot more muscle. I know I ended up physically smaller and with a better shape than my previous, lighter weight.

    Anyway, it seems like the low 150s are a barrier I just can't break through; I think I'd pee my pants if I hit the 140s! I think I can do better this time with lean muscle mass, even if I don't weigh less. So my postpartum goal weight will be 150ish, and anything past that is gravy, but I'd like to have more muscle/less fat. I plan to give myself a month or so to settle in with the new baby and work out what I need to do to lose weight, still be able to breastfeed/pump, and actually have energy and time to work out, so I'm giving myself until next Christmas to be close to, if not at, goal (7 months postpartum). I don't plan on having more kids, so I can take my time and not spend time freaking out about how I'm doing all this work only to undo it all by having another baby (which is idiotic, I know).

    Edited to fix quotes.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Up 37 lbs at 38 weeks!

    That is fantastic hon! You're doing so well!

    Thanks girl! More than I've wanted to gain but I'm confident I'll get it off :)

    You'll totally get it off!!

    I'm about where you're at: 35 pounds @ 36 weeks.

    On the PP weight-loss front, I was thinking that one cool thing about having a baby in December, is that you've got months to work it off before you have to strut about in skimpy summer wear.

    My goal is to be back to pre-pregnancy weight by June (150), and at 160 by April when we head to California to visit some family. I'm not sure what the state of my PP belly will be then, but it would be awesome to be able to wear a bikini at the pool.

    Thanks pretty!!! That's so true!!!!! I too was 150 prepregnancy..and june seems like a good amout of time. You and I really need to push each other since now we have the same goal ;-)

    I started out at 150lbs pre-pregnancy too, I'm due Dec 13th, I definitely will need motivation for getting back in shape, but I REALLY want to, in fact I'd like to get down to 140lbs.

    I 150 seems to be a very common number. That was my first mini goal before getting pregnant. I was 165 when I found out. Hoping after the baby I can actually get to 150 by Oct :) then my next goal will be 130s. haven't seen that since 2006. lol

    I tried for the longest time to get to 135. I actually made it my "goal weight" at Weight Watchers. The lowest I ever got was 142 last October, and that lasted for all of a month before going back up to 150. I dunno...I chose 135 because it's the low end of the "normal" spectrum for my height, and the overachiever in me thinks of it as an A+ goal. Realistically, though, I feel like I have to let go of it and accept 150 as something I can maintain without eating my own hand off.

    That said, I will admit there is a tiny little part of me that wonders if I actually could hit 135 post-pregnancy. It's highly unlikely, but you hear those stories about women weighing less after giving birth/because of breastfeeding, etc...and I'm like, "Well, we'll see." But I'm not going to drive myself crazy getting there.

    PS: Sorry for long ramble about 135 vs. 150 here. Just something I think about a lot! :-)

    I hear ya. BEfore getting pregnant with my daughter, my weight was 146. I had got up to 193-195 with her and I set my goal to 150. By the time she was 1 I weighed 139. I decided I wanted to keep going and not stop while I was on a roll. LOL. I got down to 123-124 by the time she was 1yr and 3months. I was able to maintain that weight up until I got pregnant with #2 this past spring (she had just turned 2yrs) For me, maintaining was a whole lot harder than losing the weight. I was NEVER in my life 123, I was always between 138-140. I worked super hard. Exercise 5-6days a week, always stayed with-in points (I was on Weight Watchers as well. :)) Once I was maintaining I switched to calorie counting cause it gave me more flexibility and had my calories set to 1500-1600, still exercised 5-6days a week and ate back all my calories. Like I said, I never in my life was in the lower 120s, but I was able to get there after having a kid. Go figure. LOL.

    edit** oh my height is 5'5 btw.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Up 37 lbs at 38 weeks!

    That is fantastic hon! You're doing so well!

    Thanks girl! More than I've wanted to gain but I'm confident I'll get it off :)

    You'll totally get it off!!

    I'm about where you're at: 35 pounds @ 36 weeks.

    On the PP weight-loss front, I was thinking that one cool thing about having a baby in December, is that you've got months to work it off before you have to strut about in skimpy summer wear.

    My goal is to be back to pre-pregnancy weight by June (150), and at 160 by April when we head to California to visit some family. I'm not sure what the state of my PP belly will be then, but it would be awesome to be able to wear a bikini at the pool.

    Thanks pretty!!! That's so true!!!!! I too was 150 prepregnancy..and june seems like a good amout of time. You and I really need to push each other since now we have the same goal ;-)

    I started out at 150lbs pre-pregnancy too, I'm due Dec 13th, I definitely will need motivation for getting back in shape, but I REALLY want to, in fact I'd like to get down to 140lbs.

    I 150 seems to be a very common number. That was my first mini goal before getting pregnant. I was 165 when I found out. Hoping after the baby I can actually get to 150 by Oct :) then my next goal will be 130s. haven't seen that since 2006. lol

    I tried for the longest time to get to 135. I actually made it my "goal weight" at Weight Watchers. The lowest I ever got was 142 last October, and that lasted for all of a month before going back up to 150. I dunno...I chose 135 because it's the low end of the "normal" spectrum for my height, and the overachiever in me thinks of it as an A+ goal. Realistically, though, I feel like I have to let go of it and accept 150 as something I can maintain without eating my own hand off.

    That said, I will admit there is a tiny little part of me that wonders if I actually could hit 135 post-pregnancy. It's highly unlikely, but you hear those stories about women weighing less after giving birth/because of breastfeeding, etc...and I'm like, "Well, we'll see." But I'm not going to drive myself crazy getting there.

    PS: Sorry for long ramble about 135 vs. 150 here. Just something I think about a lot! :-)

    I hear ya. BEfore getting pregnant with my daughter, my weight was 146. I had got up to 193-195 with her and I set my goal to 150. By the time she was 1 I weighed 139. I decided I wanted to keep going and not stop while I was on a roll. LOL. I got down to 123-124 by the time she was 1yr and 3months. I was able to maintain that weight up until I got pregnant with #2 this past spring (she had just turned 2yrs) For me, maintaining was a whole lot harder than losing the weight. I was NEVER in my life 123, I was always between 138-140. I worked super hard. Exercise 5-6days a week, always stayed with-in points (I was on Weight Watchers as well. :)) Once I was maintaining I switched to calorie counting cause it gave me more flexibility and had my calories set to 1500-1600, still exercised 5-6days a week and ate back all my calories. Like I said, I never in my life was in the lower 120s, but I was able to get there after having a kid. Go figure. LOL.

    edit** oh my height is 5'5 btw.

    You are my inspiration and my role model. lol. as for am 5'5 too. I was between 137-142 before getting married. I was about 155 when I got pregnant w my 1st. and i've been stuck @165 after both kids. hopefully w starting MFP from the beginning after #3 is born, I can get down to 130s.
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Week 19- up 8.8 pounds (averages out to 0.46 pounds per week)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Up 37 lbs at 38 weeks!

    That is fantastic hon! You're doing so well!

    Thanks girl! More than I've wanted to gain but I'm confident I'll get it off :)

    You'll totally get it off!!

    I'm about where you're at: 35 pounds @ 36 weeks.

    On the PP weight-loss front, I was thinking that one cool thing about having a baby in December, is that you've got months to work it off before you have to strut about in skimpy summer wear.

    My goal is to be back to pre-pregnancy weight by June (150), and at 160 by April when we head to California to visit some family. I'm not sure what the state of my PP belly will be then, but it would be awesome to be able to wear a bikini at the pool.

    Thanks pretty!!! That's so true!!!!! I too was 150 prepregnancy..and june seems like a good amout of time. You and I really need to push each other since now we have the same goal ;-)

    I started out at 150lbs pre-pregnancy too, I'm due Dec 13th, I definitely will need motivation for getting back in shape, but I REALLY want to, in fact I'd like to get down to 140lbs.

    Well awesome!!!! We definitely need to be here for each other to stay motivated! I'd love to be in the 140's or lower!! 130-135 is my UGW
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Up 37 lbs at 38 weeks!

    That is fantastic hon! You're doing so well!

    Thanks girl! More than I've wanted to gain but I'm confident I'll get it off :)

    You'll totally get it off!!

    I'm about where you're at: 35 pounds @ 36 weeks.

    On the PP weight-loss front, I was thinking that one cool thing about having a baby in December, is that you've got months to work it off before you have to strut about in skimpy summer wear.

    My goal is to be back to pre-pregnancy weight by June (150), and at 160 by April when we head to California to visit some family. I'm not sure what the state of my PP belly will be then, but it would be awesome to be able to wear a bikini at the pool.

    Thanks pretty!!! That's so true!!!!! I too was 150 prepregnancy..and june seems like a good amout of time. You and I really need to push each other since now we have the same goal ;-)

    I started out at 150lbs pre-pregnancy too, I'm due Dec 13th, I definitely will need motivation for getting back in shape, but I REALLY want to, in fact I'd like to get down to 140lbs.

    I 150 seems to be a very common number. That was my first mini goal before getting pregnant. I was 165 when I found out. Hoping after the baby I can actually get to 150 by Oct :) then my next goal will be 130s. haven't seen that since 2006. lol

    I tried for the longest time to get to 135. I actually made it my "goal weight" at Weight Watchers. The lowest I ever got was 142 last October, and that lasted for all of a month before going back up to 150. I dunno...I chose 135 because it's the low end of the "normal" spectrum for my height, and the overachiever in me thinks of it as an A+ goal. Realistically, though, I feel like I have to let go of it and accept 150 as something I can maintain without eating my own hand off.

    That said, I will admit there is a tiny little part of me that wonders if I actually could hit 135 post-pregnancy. It's highly unlikely, but you hear those stories about women weighing less after giving birth/because of breastfeeding, etc...and I'm like, "Well, we'll see." But I'm not going to drive myself crazy getting there.

    PS: Sorry for long ramble about 135 vs. 150 here. Just something I think about a lot! :-)

    135 was my next and UGW and wanted to be there by the one year mark but after slacking off so much and getting preggo I'd only made it to 150 (which was my next goal so no complaining here)

    So funny bc for you 135 is the low end of the normal range and for my height (5'1") its the high end. I set this goal to finally be in the "normal" range instead of being considered "overweight"...I know the bmi chart is just numbers but it stays in my mind lol
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Up 37 lbs at 38 weeks!

    That is fantastic hon! You're doing so well!

    Thanks girl! More than I've wanted to gain but I'm confident I'll get it off :)

    You'll totally get it off!!

    I'm about where you're at: 35 pounds @ 36 weeks.

    On the PP weight-loss front, I was thinking that one cool thing about having a baby in December, is that you've got months to work it off before you have to strut about in skimpy summer wear.

    My goal is to be back to pre-pregnancy weight by June (150), and at 160 by April when we head to California to visit some family. I'm not sure what the state of my PP belly will be then, but it would be awesome to be able to wear a bikini at the pool.

    Thanks pretty!!! That's so true!!!!! I too was 150 prepregnancy..and june seems like a good amout of time. You and I really need to push each other since now we have the same goal ;-)

    I started out at 150lbs pre-pregnancy too, I'm due Dec 13th, I definitely will need motivation for getting back in shape, but I REALLY want to, in fact I'd like to get down to 140lbs.

    I 150 seems to be a very common number. That was my first mini goal before getting pregnant. I was 165 when I found out. Hoping after the baby I can actually get to 150 by Oct :) then my next goal will be 130s. haven't seen that since 2006. lol

    I tried for the longest time to get to 135. I actually made it my "goal weight" at Weight Watchers. The lowest I ever got was 142 last October, and that lasted for all of a month before going back up to 150. I dunno...I chose 135 because it's the low end of the "normal" spectrum for my height, and the overachiever in me thinks of it as an A+ goal. Realistically, though, I feel like I have to let go of it and accept 150 as something I can maintain without eating my own hand off.

    That said, I will admit there is a tiny little part of me that wonders if I actually could hit 135 post-pregnancy. It's highly unlikely, but you hear those stories about women weighing less after giving birth/because of breastfeeding, etc...and I'm like, "Well, we'll see." But I'm not going to drive myself crazy getting there.

    PS: Sorry for long ramble about 135 vs. 150 here. Just something I think about a lot! :-)

    135 was my next and UGW and wanted to be there by the one year mark but after slacking off so much and getting preggo I'd only made it to 150 (which was my next goal so no complaining here)

    So funny bc for you 135 is the low end of the normal range and for my height (5'1") its the high end. I set this goal to finally be in the "normal" range instead of being considered "overweight"...I know the bmi chart is just numbers but it stays in my mind lol

    Oops, so sorry. I am so sleep deprived, that I just looked at this and realized I meant to say I never made it to goal weight at 135 with Weight Watchers. Still, that was pretty obvious, I think, from the rest of what I said. :-)

    Coco, you are totally my inspiration with your story.

    Rebecca, you give me hope that I can go back to wearing a bikini even if I never do make it to 135!

    Mrs. Carter and MellyNat, we are gonna keep on it!

    PS: Can I just say how much I love everyone in this pregnancy group. I feel like this is the most active and supportive group on MFP...even more supportive than the weekly Weight Watcher meetings I attended (face to face) before getting pregnant. Love y'all!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Jenny, I couldn't agree more! I love all you awesome ladies in this group! :)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Officially up 55lbs at 36 weeks
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Officially up 55lbs at 36 weeks

    Not bad! Seems like it's slowed some? But I wouldn't worry about it either way! With Colton being a big boy you'll lose a bunch when you deliver! Not to mention you're a beast when it comes to working out so you got this!!!!!!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't see any reason why 135 would be impossible! That's my post-pregnancy goal at some point.. I'm due early Feb so maybe by summertime? I don't know, I have no idea how labour and physical recovery will go. Hopefully easy peasy so I can get back to working out. Been on pelvic rest since 12 weeks..
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Up 35 lbs at 30.5 weeks. BLAAAAAH
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Just had my updated 28 week appointment, and I'm up 20 lbs in 28 weeks. I seem to be gaining about 1 lb per week now.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Officially up 55lbs at 36 weeks

    Not bad! Seems like it's slowed some? But I wouldn't worry about it either way! With Colton being a big boy you'll lose a bunch when you deliver! Not to mention you're a beast when it comes to working out so you got this!!!!!!!!

    ya actually its a 1.5lb gain since Last monday. So it may have slowed down, and i pigged out all weekend! I honestly and at the point where i dont even care about the weight. I figure i will have gained a total of 60-65 so i am setting myself up for that. I am hoping the majority comes off in the first few months and if i have 20 that i need to lose extra i know how it needs to be done.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Officially up 55lbs at 36 weeks

    Not bad! Seems like it's slowed some? But I wouldn't worry about it either way! With Colton being a big boy you'll lose a bunch when you deliver! Not to mention you're a beast when it comes to working out so you got this!!!!!!!!

    ya actually its a 1.5lb gain since Last monday. So it may have slowed down, and i pigged out all weekend! I honestly and at the point where i dont even care about the weight. I figure i will have gained a total of 60-65 so i am setting myself up for that. I am hoping the majority comes off in the first few months and if i have 20 that i need to lose extra i know how it needs to be done.

    I'm hoping the same thing! But I must say I'm looking forward to those 3-4 weeks off exercise to spend with my baby! I'm just not looking forward to having to start a routine over again lol
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Officially up 55lbs at 36 weeks

    Not bad! Seems like it's slowed some? But I wouldn't worry about it either way! With Colton being a big boy you'll lose a bunch when you deliver! Not to mention you're a beast when it comes to working out so you got this!!!!!!!!

    ya actually its a 1.5lb gain since Last monday. So it may have slowed down, and i pigged out all weekend! I honestly and at the point where i dont even care about the weight. I figure i will have gained a total of 60-65 so i am setting myself up for that. I am hoping the majority comes off in the first few months and if i have 20 that i need to lose extra i know how it needs to be done.

    I'm hoping the same thing! But I must say I'm looking forward to those 3-4 weeks off exercise to spend with my baby! I'm just not looking forward to having to start a routine over again lol

    Hahaha i was thinking the same thing. i could never get myself to even take a whole week off exercise so i think those 3-4 weeks will be good for us to rest our bodies ( even though i know full well that we wont really be resting). Do you have a plan set for how you will get back into a workout routine? I plan on just starting out about 30-45 minutes a day till i get my strength up
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    As of this morning's doctor appt, I'm up 21 lbs at 28 weeks.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Officially up 55lbs at 36 weeks

    Not bad! Seems like it's slowed some? But I wouldn't worry about it either way! With Colton being a big boy you'll lose a bunch when you deliver! Not to mention you're a beast when it comes to working out so you got this!!!!!!!!

    ya actually its a 1.5lb gain since Last monday. So it may have slowed down, and i pigged out all weekend! I honestly and at the point where i dont even care about the weight. I figure i will have gained a total of 60-65 so i am setting myself up for that. I am hoping the majority comes off in the first few months and if i have 20 that i need to lose extra i know how it needs to be done.

    I'm hoping the same thing! But I must say I'm looking forward to those 3-4 weeks off exercise to spend with my baby! I'm just not looking forward to having to start a routine over again lol

    Hahaha i was thinking the same thing. i could never get myself to even take a whole week off exercise so i think those 3-4 weeks will be good for us to rest our bodies ( even though i know full well that we wont really be resting). Do you have a plan set for how you will get back into a workout routine? I plan on just starting out about 30-45 minutes a day till i get my strength up

    Not quite lol I am dreading the thought of starting it again I haven't thought much about it. Everything from this point on is unknown so I don't really know what to expect or how tired I will be, etc. I will start out doing 15-20 minutes if that's what it takes to start a routine back up bc I will lose this weight!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I'm 12 weeks and have lost 2 lbs...hoping not to gain more than 20 lbs this pregnancy...I need to get on eating right and getting back to my normal exercise schedule!