how much weight have you gained



  • Andrea3030
    Andrea3030 Posts: 161
    You all are seriously amazing! I've gained more at 22 weeks than most of you in your last trimester!

    Rosy003- good luck!!! This is my third too and I fully expect to go to 40 weeks, my second came at 40w1d but she came in 2.5 hours....I'm scared this one will be even faster!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    @igottaworkout - Thank you. I'm working hard at it!

    @Andrea3030 - My third child came really fast. I only made it to the delivery suite 20 minutes before he arrived. Probably 3 to 4 hours of proper labour. However, my fourth child was about 5 hours of labour again - from first contraction to delivery. I was worried that the more kids I had the quicker they would come and rushed to the hospital that time, but that wasn't the case thank goodness!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    @rosy I wish you good luck too! Wow 40 weeks, you can pop any second now :) How exciting!! It would be great if you could do a post baby weigh-in post, I'm interested what other people loose with birth. Last birth I lost 17lb but I had a huge 9'6" baby so I don't know what to expect, this one is definitely smaller as he keeps flipping all around in there and the last one was 'stuck' in the same position for the last few months :)
  • Andrea3030
    Andrea3030 Posts: 161
    "@Andrea3030 - My third child came really fast. I only made it to the delivery suite 20 minutes before he arrived. Probably 3 to 4 hours of proper labour. However, my fourth child was about 5 hours of labour again - from first contraction to delivery. I was worried that the more kids I had the quicker they would come and rushed to the hospital that time, but that wasn't the case thank goodness!"

    Thank you that makes me feel better! I know it sounds silly but I'm a huge wimp and I'm scared of not getting an epidural lol.

    Igottaworkout- I gain a ton of weight, 50 with my first and 40 with my second...with both I lost 20 lbs giving birth and in the week or so after. My babies not large, only 5'14 and 7 even. Then the next twenty takes about 8-12 months to come off, I breastfeed but I think it makes me retain weight instead of the opposite.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I know what you mean Andrea, I actually usually gain more weight when breastfeeding and it's really hard to get it off while I am still feeding. I hope it won't take too long though :)
  • goldieloxj
    goldieloxj Posts: 4 Member
    week 13: +.6 lbs
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    well ladies - super bummed out. I'm 38 weeks and have gained 35 pounds, 3 of those in one week and I don't even know how that happens - hoping it's just extra blood/baby/fluid. I know it doesn't matter as long as baby is healthy and it isn't a huge amount but before getting pregnant I had lost 42 pounds (172 down to 130) and I am feeling so bummed out that I have to do that all over again. I really hope that a lot of the weight just drops off when breastfeeding and then I've only got 20 or so pounds to work on with toning and stuff.. but just annoyed at myself that I let this happen (and I'm not really sure how it happened!). I'm all belly, so at least there's that. But super proud of all of you!
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Vettle- don't be bummed! Just the fact that you kept track of your gain during pregnancy puts you in a MUCH better position to lose it after baby arrives! And you will instantly lose some of that weight when you deliver! You've gained blood and fluid and a human in there. :)
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    wednesday weigh in :)
    35 weeks

    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI, recommended gain: 25lb.
    eating 1800 calories (when I don't go over) walking 20-30 minutes a day (when I am not too lazy!)
    cumulative gain:

    13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs
    14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs
    15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs
    16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs
    18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs
    21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs
    22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs
    23 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs
    30 weeks: + 16 lbs
    31 weeks: + 16.5 lbs
    32 weeks: + 19.5 lbs (holy moly! big jump this week!!)
    33 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    34 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    35 weeks: + 19.5 lbs

    well, it is a little weird to be maintaining for three weeks in a row. it kind of makes sense since I had that big gain week 32. I will probably just run it by my midwife though, just for peace of mind. I am pretty sure she will say it is no big deal - she is pretty low key about weight gain in general. headed on a road trip today to visit my mom - last trip before baby!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight 159
    10 weeks 161 +2lbs
    14 weeks 163 +4lb
    17 weeks 165 +5lbs
    21 weeks 169 +10lbs
    25 weeks 175 +16

    Holy crap! Stop eating everything!! LOL (we had a growth spurt)

    26 weeks 175 +16
    27 weeks 175 +16
    28 weeks 175 +16
    29 weeks 176 +17
    30 weeks 177 +18
    31 weeks 178 +19
    32 weeks 179 +20
    33 weeks 180 +21
    34 weeks 181 +22
    35 weeks 183 +24
    36 weeks 183 +24
    37weeks 4 days 184 +25
    38 weeks 4 days 187 +28
    WHAT THE HELL BODY???? Ughhhhhh Hoping its water. 3lbs in ONE week :( Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    39 weeks 4 days 188 +29

    Let's hope this is the last weigh in! Due date Saturday BUT I have been at 2cm for about 3 weeks. I'll be happy to stay under 30lbs. Come on baby. Mommy is ready.... only if you are though :love:
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight 159
    10 weeks 161 +2lbs
    14 weeks 163 +4lb
    17 weeks 165 +5lbs
    21 weeks 169 +10lbs
    25 weeks 175 +16

    Holy crap! Stop eating everything!! LOL (we had a growth spurt)

    26 weeks 175 +16
    27 weeks 175 +16
    28 weeks 175 +16
    29 weeks 176 +17
    30 weeks 177 +18
    31 weeks 178 +19
    32 weeks 179 +20
    33 weeks 180 +21
    34 weeks 181 +22
    35 weeks 183 +24
    36 weeks 183 +24
    37weeks 4 days 184 +25
    38 weeks 4 days 187 +28
    WHAT THE HELL BODY???? Ughhhhhh Hoping its water. 3lbs in ONE week :( Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    39 weeks 4 days 188 +29

    Let's hope this is the last weigh in! Due date Saturday BUT I have been at 2cm for about 3 weeks. I'll be happy to stay under 30lbs. Come on baby. Mommy is ready.... only if you are though :love:

    Yay, you could have the baby any second now!! I'm so excited for you :) Good luck!!!
  • roxyj0mar
    roxyj0mar Posts: 18 Member
    15 weeks today.
    Starting weight 138 lbs.
    8 weeks 136 (-2)
    12 weeks 133 (-5)
    14 weeks 133 (-5)
    15 weeks 135 (-3)
    Growth spurt, I guess, I'm finally showing a little. I haven't changed my diet or exercise, but I'm up 2 lbs. from last week.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Week 6: -1
    Week 7: -1
    Week 8: -1
    Week 9: -1
    Week 10: -2
    Week 11: -2
    Week 12: -2
    Week 13: -4
    Week 14: -3
    Week 15: -3
    Week 16: -1
    Week 17: -1
    Week 18: -1
    Week 19: +1
    Week 20: +1
    Week 21: +1
    Week 22: +1
    Week 23: +2.5
    Week 24: +5
    Week 25: +6
    Week 26: +8
    Week 27: +8
    Week 28: +9
    Week 29: +10
    Week 30: Away on Holiday
    Week 31: +13
    Week 32: +14
    Week 33: +15
    Week 34: +16
    Week 35: +16
    Week 36: +17

    Nice and steady, with another pound gained. Heading into the last month with zero energy. Just need to get through my massive to do list and then baby is welcome to come. :)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Jeez...after reading all of your wonderful weight gain numbers I am feeling pretty crappy. I am 12 weeks tomorrow and I have already gained 5 lbs! Plus, I was overweight to start with so my goal was to gain only 15 pounds. I think I have gained so much because I have been so sick and eating crappy processed food (or even fast food, gasp!) has been the only thing that makes me feel better. Luckily, my all day sickness has started to ease up so I will be passing on the pop tarts and getting my butt off the couch for some exercise!
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Jeez...after reading all of your wonderful weight gain numbers I am feeling pretty crappy. I am 12 weeks tomorrow and I have already gained 5 lbs! Plus, I was overweight to start with so my goal was to gain only 15 pounds. I think I have gained so much because I have been so sick and eating crappy processed food (or even fast food, gasp!) has been the only thing that makes me feel better. Luckily, my all day sickness has started to ease up so I will be passing on the pop tarts and getting my butt off the couch for some exercise!

    Don't feel bad - you are not the only one! I too have felt awful and eaten really badly as it was the only thing that helped me... At week 14 I had gained 14lb! I'm not at week 16 and it seems to have settled, in fact last weigh in my weight gain was at 13lb so I'm hoping I'll even out for a bit before putting any more on!

    Last pregnancy I only put 25lb on in total and was over weight to start (I was just in the normal range when I became pregnant) and I didn't watch what I ate at all!
  • Andrea3030
    Andrea3030 Posts: 161
    Both of you aren't alone! I like to come to this thread to torture (ER...motivate:)) myself. I am 22 weeks and already up 17 lbs...I started off BMI 25 so I only wanted to gain 20....pretty sure that isn't going to happen. Truthfully at this point I will be happy to keep it at 40 like I did with my second.
  • amykff
    amykff Posts: 80 Member
    hi all :) im 19 weeks on first baby and have gained 6lbs so far so happy enough with that!! i was hoping to on put 20 max so hopefully i might pull it off....maybe :ohwell: ....good luck to you all x
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member

    Well so much for keeping myself on track, I proceeded to not check back in here for two months...oops.

    Starting weight: 156

    Week 5: +0
    Week 6: +0
    Week 7: +0
    Week 8: -1
    Week 9: -1
    Week 10: -1
    Week 11: -2
    Week 12: -2
    Week 13: -1
    Week 14: -1
    Week 15: -0.25
    Week 16: 0
    Week 17: 0
    Week 18: 0
    Week 19: 0
    Week 20: 0
    Week 21: +1, 157
    Week 22: +2, 159
    Week 23: +2, 161
    Week 24: +2, 163

    I did increase my cals by 200 a day and I've gone over some days but 2lbs a week seems so high...ugh. The thing is, I'm starving all the time right now - just absolutely starving - so I'm thinking baby just needs me to gain weight right now, but 7lbs in a month and 6lbs in 3 weeks is mucking with me. I hate that it bothers me so much, but it really does.

    Starting weight: 156

    Week 5: +0
    Week 6: +0
    Week 7: +0
    Week 8: -1
    Week 9: -1
    Week 10: -1
    Week 11: -2
    Week 12: -2
    Week 13: -1
    Week 14: -1
    Week 15: -0.25
    Week 16: 0
    Week 17: 0
    Week 18: 0
    Week 19: 0
    Week 20: 0
    Week 21: +1, 157
    Week 22: +2, 159
    Week 23: +2, 161
    Week 24: +2, 163
    Week 25: +2, 165

    If I gain 2lbs a week for the rest of pregnancy I am going to weigh 195 when this is done, higher than my starting weight on MFP..
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    Due: October 11th, pregnancy #2
    Stats: 29, 5'3", medium-boned; 1,500-1,600+ cal./day

    Starting weight (4w6d), 2/7/13: 120.8 lbs.
    13w0d, 4/5/13: 122.4 lbs., +1.6 lbs.
    14w0d, 4/12/13: 121.2 lbs., +.4 lbs.
    15w0d, 4/19/13: 122.6 lbs., +1.8 lbs.
    16w0d, 4/26/13: 120.8 lbs., +/- 0 lbs.
    17w0d, 5/3/13: 124.6 lbs., +3.8 lbs.
    18w0d, 5/10/13: 123.4 lbs., +2.6 lbs.
    19w0d, 5/17/13: 123 lbs., +2.2 lbs.
    20w0d, 5/24/13: 123.8 lbs., +3 lbs.
    21w0d, 5/31/13: 124.2 lbs., +3.4 lbs.
    22w0d, 6/7/13: 125.4 lbs., +4.6 lbs.
    23w0d, 6/14/13: 126.2 lbs., +5.4 lbs.
    24w0d, 6/21/13: 124.8 lbs., +4 lbs.

    Recent attempts to increase my fiber intake (and thus decrease constipation) may be working too well...
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    I'm 28 weeks now and up 10 lbs. I have been holding steady at 10 for the past month. I had my check up yesterday and my midwife didn't say a word about the lack of wt gain so I'm just going to keep going with my current eating plan. My belly seems to be growing by leaps and bounds these days!!!