Self conscious in the gym doing NROLFW!



  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Oh and one other thing I have seen at every gym I have ever been to.

    The free weights area is a very social environment for the most part. People rest 30-60 seconds between reps, so they chat it up with each other.

    I admit there probably are creeps out there, but its hard not to check out someone in the free weights area. Guys do it to guys, girls do it to guys, girls do it to girls, and guys do it to girls.

    It is pretty social, although I try not to engage. It annoys me when the guys try to extend the conversation beyond my 60 sec rest. I'm there to work out damnit!! LOL. I think I'm a 'Ms. Business' type of personality at the gym.
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I too have been self concious about this. Luckily my husband has all the equipment in the "Man Cave" so I am able to to it at home for the time being. I am still working on stage 1. Glad to read some of the responses here tho as I would eventually like to go to the gym.
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    I guess I have been very lucky at my gym. I started "working out like a boy" last year and had my husband teach me his routines so that made me less self-concious.

    Then, our manager at the gym was impressed when I was doing bicep curls at 25 pounds (on my third set of 3 sets of 3 week) and he said "Carrie, I love the fact that you just walk right into the free weight area. I wish other women did the same".

    I hit the gym early in the morning and work out with a group of regulars so I just hop in with the guys. They tease me about using the 90# hand weights and I tell them to leave my girly hand weights alone.

    So long story short - act like you own it until you do :drinker: :glasses:
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Well I survived today with other guys working out in my area. I felt totally cool as a cucumber. And I did kind of feel like a badass doing my deadlifts! And I felt it pretty good in my back. Felt great!

    On the lunges with NROL are you supposed to do 15 reps for each leg, then another 15 each leg? I just did 15 walking lunges. ????
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Oh and one other thing I have seen at every gym I have ever been to.

    The free weights area is a very social environment for the most part. People rest 30-60 seconds between reps, so they chat it up with each other.

    I admit there probably are creeps out there, but its hard not to check out someone in the free weights area. Guys do it to guys, girls do it to guys, girls do it to girls, and guys do it to girls.

    It is pretty social, although I try not to engage. It annoys me when the guys try to extend the conversation beyond my 60 sec rest. I'm there to work out damnit!! LOL. I think I'm a 'Ms. Business' type of personality at the gym.

    Well if they do that then they are just hitting on you :p
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    Well I survived today with other guys working out in my area. I felt totally cool as a cucumber. And I did kind of feel like a badass doing my deadlifts! And I felt it pretty good in my back. Felt great!

    On the lunges with NROL are you supposed to do 15 reps for each leg, then another 15 each leg? I just did 15 walking lunges. ????

    It's 15 lunges of each leg, and my understanding (and how I do them) is they are static lunges. So I step forward with my right leg, lunge, step back, then step forward with my left leg, lunge, then step back and that is 1, repeat til you get to 15. Static lunges are so much harder than walking lunges!! I HATE lunges, but I've improved!
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    Well I survived today with other guys working out in my area. I felt totally cool as a cucumber. And I did kind of feel like a badass doing my deadlifts! And I felt it pretty good in my back. Felt great!

    On the lunges with NROL are you supposed to do 15 reps for each leg, then another 15 each leg? I just did 15 walking lunges. ????

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's 15 each leg so really 30 total? The book says, "repeat with your opposite leg forward, and continue to alternate until you've done all the repetitions on each leg."

    I feel a little pressure at the gym because I go at 3:30pm when all the highschool boys and, for some reason, the female body builders go and do free weights. I know they are staring at my little weights that are making me sweat like a pig but oh well!!! Especially the deadlifts. I've never done anything but Romanian deadlifts and the regular ones are killing my wrists!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    @ rubybeach: LOVE your profile picture. that's so awesome & beautiful!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Well I survived today with other guys working out in my area. I felt totally cool as a cucumber. And I did kind of feel like a badass doing my deadlifts! And I felt it pretty good in my back. Felt great!

    On the lunges with NROL are you supposed to do 15 reps for each leg, then another 15 each leg? I just did 15 walking lunges. ????

    It's 15 lunges of each leg, and my understanding (and how I do them) is they are static lunges. So I step forward with my right leg, lunge, step back, then step forward with my left leg, lunge, then step back and that is 1, repeat til you get to 15. Static lunges are so much harder than walking lunges!! I HATE lunges, but I've improved!

    That makes sense! Looks like I owe myself a few more lunges! Makes sense, so 2 is 1 basically. Thanks!
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    Oops glad I read this. I've been doing half of the lunges I should have.
  • ox45
    ox45 Posts: 90 Member
    You just need to work on changing your mindset. Don't go in thinking "Oh my, I'm the only girl in the free weight section!". Go in thinking "Hell Yeah, I'm the only girl in the free weight section!!!" I have nothing but respect when I see a woman throwing up more weight than the guys in muscle shirts next to them.
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    I did the first workout today and it went surprisingly well. I brought my book, re-read each exercise and description before doing the set, ignored everyone around me and just did it. I was pretty happy with myself for not shying away :)
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    someone linked this for the workout schedule if anybody needs it
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I am a 4'11'' femal doing free weight....yep let just say that I do not blend in.

    They look , they emjoy, I feel badass. ...and I even moan and grunt.

    This is me! Not only am I 4'10.5", but I'm also old...ok, 53, but still considerably older than the college kids who tend to be around. I refuse to be intimidated by anyone. I OWN that gym! :wink:
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I did the first workout today and it went surprisingly well. I brought my book, re-read each exercise and description before doing the set, ignored everyone around me and just did it. I was pretty happy with myself for not shying away :)

    That is WONDERFUL!
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    You just need to work on changing your mindset. Don't go in thinking "Oh my, I'm the only girl in the free weight section!". Go in thinking "Hell Yeah, I'm the only girl in the free weight section!!!" I have nothing but respect when I see a woman throwing up more weight than the guys in muscle shirts next to them.

    I am going to repeat this mantra over and over again before I go in by myself for the first time. I need to toughen up!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I did the first workout today and it went surprisingly well. I brought my book, re-read each exercise and description before doing the set, ignored everyone around me and just did it. I was pretty happy with myself for not shying away :)

    GOOD JOB!!! Glad you enjoyed it too!!!
  • justjen0117
    And even if you're not throwing up more weight than the guys, you'll earn respect there. Especially when they realize your form is as good (if not better) as theirs.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Very good points! I just went in there with my head held high yesterday and owned it.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    "Oh my, I'm the only girl in the free weight section!". Go in thinking "Hell Yeah, I'm the only girl in the free weight section!!!"

    Changing to this mindset is the perfect it will make most guys self conscious so you can turn the tables on them :p