What are your starting stats?



  • schma100
    schma100 Posts: 9
    @bp kendrick - Im glad you're here with us - its the lil things i need to get over and snap my stinkin' thinkin' out of my head - or personal embarrasing moments like when I put on a pair of skivies - i used to just bend over and pull'em up - now i find that i have to turn my leg to the right a little to see - no more - its an embarrassing post but its my post. its an action i have to share so that i can get real - i ate my feelings with butter and sugar and now i have you all to watch me re adjust my daily inventory and i can share my daily liabilities (what to watch for) and my daily assets (what to strive for). Today this program is my asset for a pretty life.
  • MisanthropeKitty
    Weight 200 lbs
    Waist 39.0 in
    Hips 48.0 in
    Thigh 25.0 in
    Upper Arm 14.0 in

    I guess I can't edit anymore but I wanted to add that my chest is 48 in
  • amita35
    amita35 Posts: 2
    I wanted to add mine too.
    Weight 161
    Waist :
    hips :
    thigh :
    arm :
    I will add the measuremnts today. I really ned to loose at least 30lb
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    NOt meaning to sound harsh chick but are you allowed to excserise so exstensivly when preganant?

    As long as it's something I was familiar with doing pre-pregnancy, it shouldn't be a problem. I like to say I'm pregnant, not disabled ;) But anyway I am modifying a lot of the moves. I'm replacing most of the jumping with light jogging in place, and instead of the ab work on your back, I just do planks or abdominal squeezes while sitting up. I've had a complication-free pregnancy so I'm not worried but of course if I notice anything going wrong I won't do it anymore.
  • paperstars
    paperstars Posts: 76 Member
    Weight: 132lbs
    Neck: 11in
    Waist: 27in
    Hips: 37in
    Hmm, not sure why I can't edit, but I wanted to add:
    Upper arms: 11in
    Thighs: 21.5in