It's Time for a Revolution!



  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Good luck on handling that challenge! You won't regret having fit them in.
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    Just did WO 5 and I LOVED it! I was scared and it was tough, but what a GREAT workout! My arms are jello right now. THANKS, JILLIAN!!!
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    I tried to put before and after pix but they are not turning out nicely. I will work on this more later.
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    Halfway through week six. It is tough but not impossible. Burpees hurt my right shoulder so I have to be careful with those and sometimes just finish it up with jumping jacks if it is too painful. I have not missed one day yet! I wish that my results were a bit more dramatic but I know I am stronger. Hopefully the last half of the program will have more noticable results.
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    WO7 was pretty tough for me but I know it will get the results I am looking for so I will stick with it. I enjoyed WO8 and did a better job on the burpees last night. I have not lost ONE POUND since I started this, but took pictures before and halfway through and I am really excited about the results. Another six weeks of this and I will be lookin' good!
  • everpeak
    everpeak Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you so much for your posts, Innerautumn. I'm in Week 2 of BR, and following your results with the program gives me great inspiration!
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    Just finished phase 2 - THANK GOD!!! It was tough and I am not an expert at all of it, but I did it! I am stronger and have much more muscle than before I started. I have not lost one single pound since I started this program but I have gone from a size 8 to a size 4 - WITHOUT LOSING A POUND!!!! I can't believe how muscular my arms and shoulders are getting. I think pretty soon my arms will look like Jillian's and I am not even kidding! It is amazing and I am excited to see what results phase 3 will bring!
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    That is fantastic! I was never an expert before moving on to a new level! I'm glad you posted your loss of inches to help those that are discouraged about not loding pounds.

    You are doing great!
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    Haven't posted for a while but I am still at it. I am starting week 10. Just did WO9 tonight and it was tough. I think it is kind of like childbirth - you forget how bad it was immediately after it is over. I can't even think of what moves were so awful but I know some were! I only have to do it one more time though! That really motivates me to keep going. I only have to do each video (except for cardio) four times. I can do that! I am starting to wonder what I will do when I am done. Start it over? I still have more work to do before I get the body I want!
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    "You can do the pigeon squats if you believe" - I must not have believed it enough becuase after two weeks I am still falling over! Maybe I will master them in round 2 of JMBR!
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    New goals (hopefully will be reached in round 2 of JMBR) -
    Hallow man/boat pose with good form
    Pigeon Squats without tipping over
    Hold a solid Half moon
    Rock and Roll crunches with no arms to get up off the floor
    Dive Bombers with really good form
    Touch my nose on my knees during cool-down
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome! I am going into week 5 tomorrow and let me tell you workout 3 and 4 are SO much harder than 1 and 2! Just be ready!!!

    Totally agree with this! And somewhere, she must have gotten the impression I've suddenly gained coordination!
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Keep hammering it's going to be so worth it!
  • Johlawrence
    Johlawrence Posts: 236 Member
    I am so glad to see your posts! I was doing BR and fininshed week 6 and quit (2 weeks ago) because the scale was not moving. UGHHH! Now I wish I had stuck with it. I guess I will start back tomorrow. I think I'll probably do a week of 3 and 4 before starting back with a week or two of 5 and 6. Any thoughts?

    Again, THANK YOU for your post about not losing pounds. That is EXACTLY the reason I quit.
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    I think you should be able to get back into it if you only missed a couple weeks. Since I started phase 3, I have lost three pounds. I feel like I am working really hard for that little bit of weight loss. It is so important to look at the overall picture. It is NOT about the scale! I am in a size 4!!! That is so incredible! Who cares what the scale says? My new goals - lose belly fat and improve flexibility. My favorite motivational quote "Shut up! Work hard! Be patient!" I tell myself this almost daily. Get back at it and you will see results!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    So I am starting JMBR this week and I am really excited I am curious to see what I am supposed to buy for my first week or recipes am planning to go shopping tomorrow anybody have any suggestions? What's the best work outs i can do to prep?
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    Best way to prep...I'd say practice push-ups and work on cardio. The first week you do two workouts a day. That will get you in shape fast. As far as the diet, I did not follow the meal plan. The book says it is 1200 calories a day so that is what I stuck with. I am a picky eater and it has stuff like squid in it. Not for me!
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    I have officially done ALL of the DVDs. There is no more unknown and that feels great! I have added "wheel push-ups" to my bucket list. Those were tough. I really enjoyed the ab workouts in 11 and 12. My quads were already sore from yesterday and I know tomorrow they will be really unhappy with me! My daughter told me I am really "slimming down". So good to hear! This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I deserve it and i am so glad I did not give up on me!
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    Size 4!!! This is great!!! I am mostly interested in changing my body over the number on the scale!!! I would like to loose the last 10 lbs but if my body changed and I went to a size 4 I would be even happier than loosing even 1 lb!!!
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    It is amazing - everywhere I go people tell me how thin I look. I am not looking for frumpy, baggy clothes to hide my body. I am looking for clothes that show it off! I am CONSTANTLY rubbing my shoulders and bicepts because I cannot believe how muscular they are. I made myself a sticker chart when I began my revolution. I wrote the name of each workout on a label and made a large calendar to put them on. Each time I do a workout, I get a sticker on my chart (I teach first grade and I guess I think like a 6 year-old!) I only have three stickers left that say "Cardio 3". I realized tonight that it is really almost over and it makes me a little sad. I have made HUGE progress. I do not look like Anita yet, but I think if I do this program a few more times, I just might!