5 things I'm grateful for Today are ........



  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. Sleeping with my favorite quilt
    2. Cops
    3. That the mother deer came to get its baby that she left in the back yard
    4. 13 pounds lost and 3 weeks of abstinence
    5. That I get payed tomorrow
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. Good recommendations on Facebook for my Business
    2. Finishing my final exam and passing :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
    3. Time for last minute revision, inbetween clients.
    4. Journalling to my HP this morning and asking for guidance for my day.
    5. Sitting here tired, happy and not wanting to binge :happy:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. It is 6 am on this sunday morning, and I'm wide awake with my stomach rumbling. A sign for me I was abstinent yesterday. :love:

    2. Went to a wedding reception last night, and felt confident in what I was wearing because I felt good in myself.

    3. I didn't get jealous of younger, slimmer women, I felt as good as they looked.

    4. Allowing my husband to continue sleeping, and not feeling the need wake him because I'm a wake.

    5. A spare day to get the garden cleared. The rain lately has made everything grow twice the size.

    6. Husband suggested we go out to eat tonight to give me a rest from cooking! I love that man :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • sheismith
    sheismith Posts: 111 Member
    Today I am grateful for....

    1. My family
    2. Wonderful fitness friends
    3. My home
    4. The willingness to exercise
    5. My relationship with Spirit.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    1. My husband for getting up and doing the dishes. I love him so much.

    2. Myself for allowing me a day off from chores and not to beat myself up about the state of the house.

    3. The hug that my 13 year old just gave me out of the blue! Aren't those amazing!!

    4. That I have somewhere to go today. I love socializing.

    5. That we went to a movie spontaneously last night and had a good time for the most part (children acted up a bit, but I saw a movie!) With young children it isn't always something you can easily do!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. The compulsion being lifted for another day.
    2. A busy week business wise.
    3. The foundations partly dug for our new extension.
    4. No rain so could dig.
    5. A relaxing evening.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    1. Waiting until I got home to eat instead of eating in the car b/c I felt hunger.

    2. Abstaining from apologizing for spending money on myself when i arrived home to my partner.

    3. A mother and sister that I have a blast with.

    4. Eating within my calories.

    5. Having legs, arms, and eyes.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    VeganChic can identify with your no. (2).

    1. Waking up hungry, a sign of an abstinent day yesterday.
    2. For not blaming myself for one of my clients bad moods yesterday. Just asking HP to remove those feelings I could feel worked.
    3. Not rising to my husbands bad mood. I know its because he's physically tired from all the digging :)
    4. Making time for literature and writing my gratitudes.
    5. Seeing my son want to make healthier choices with his food because he wants to up his training in Martial Arts.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. For over one month of abstinence from compulsive overeating
    2. For 15 pound weight loss
    3. For the meetings i will go to today to try to fix the problems at work
    4. For this board that reminds me to use the OA philosophy in dealing with my compulsiveness, not only with what I put in my mouth but what i allow to come out of it.
    5. That I figured out what feeling makes me eat, guilt. I may find out that other feelings cause it too, but by paying attention to what i'm feeling when i want to binge this was the big one. Also figured out that by not binging I'm feeling the feelings enough to remember what is causing it.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. In regards to our meetings, we didn't fix the problems yet at work, but the plan to fix the problems seems doable.
    2. I had someone say something about me (behind my back) that was very hurtful and I didn't eat over it. Instead I used the 12 steps to deal with it.
    3. I'm beginning to grasp the meaning of the 12 steps and how it can help if you use them. see above.
    4. I had a really good night with my husband last night. I really appreciated his presence.
    5. It is 245am, I couldn't sleep because I was worrying about life's little messes. Instead of laying in bed worrying i came on here to put my thoughts into words and share.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Nursechery well done for accepting and changing (I know thats also another forum also).

    Today I'm grateful for:

    1. Not getting impatient with my Mother when I met up with her.
    2. Not allowing hers or my step-fathers negativity about 'life', bring me down, or allowing their mood to become my mood.
    3. 3 clients booked in today.
    4. To have quiet time also today, to read OA and pray to my HP.
    5. To miss the flash flood we just had in our area. The UK is flooding dreadfully at the moment. I heard on the radio that our area was experiencing flash flooding, and vehicles breaking down because the drains couldn't cope with the excess water. When I returned home the roads were relatively ok.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks Gilleeman :) I hope you are safe from the flash floods
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Thank you :wink:

    1. My husband sending me a loving text on his way to work. (I really feel like I'm neglecting him at the moment due to busyiness, I pray to change this).:heart:

    2. A quiet house for 2 hours before my first client.

    3. The sun shining (albeit for a few hours, then forecast more rain!)

    4. Financial security (for today).

    5. My little dog who adores me and never wants to leave my side :heart:
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. After multiple meetings at work I got the area I wanted and more.
    2. having a great job in this market
    3. my sister, she called me last night and my phone didn't ring so i didn't find out until this morning. I'll call her after work today.
    4. my washing machine and dryer, i always seem to have something that needs to be washed at the last minute
    5. that it has been a little less humid and hot last couple days
  • GuruRas
    GuruRas Posts: 17 Member
    1. having food in the fridge that's on my plan, healthy and easy to prep
    2. being home and having a home
    3. feeling full but not stuffed
    4. the steps and the tools: they free me from compulsive eating
    5. everyone on this Group

  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. That we got our electricity back on by 1am this morning
    2. That the house didn't get too hot
    3. That my mom lives right across the yard from me so i was able to check on her easily. Same with my son who lives within walking distance from me. The electricity went out for blocks and we all lost it last night. Nice to be reminded of my gratefulness for electricity and the other utilities. And having the willingness to let God choose the results without worrying.
    4. That I was able to use the 12 steps to help me with a particular situation, see the truth and work on fixing the part of the problem I can fix, me.
    5. Having the steps to work on my relationship with my higher power
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. That I got my hair cut yesterday
    2. I got to spend time with my son yesterday
    3. I got to spend time with my mom yesterday
    4. mfp
    5. That when I'm feeling a bad feeling, like sad, it doesn't stay very long.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. To have a free evening to relax and have a long soak.
    2. No rain forecast tomorrow.
    3. Time to look round the shops leisurely this afternoon, and not racing around like I usually have to.
    4. My husband home safe after working nights. Hes a fireman
    5. My family around me and all staying at home tonight.
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    1. That I stayed within my calorie goal
    2. That I was able to stay home today
    3. that the day was beautiful so that I could hang the laundry to dry
    4. that I got to sleep in
    5. that I am able to have a relaxing evening
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. I've been abstinent for 52 days staying within my mfp calories zone and eating healthy
    2. I love love love the territory i ended up with at work.
    3. my clothes are lose on me, not so tight
    4. that i lost 18 pounds
    5. that i live in a state with such beautiful scenery when driving (I'm a home care nurse)