5 things I'm grateful for Today are ........



  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    1. Finding the OE group on MFP
    2. My treadmill (and the fan placed nearby)
    3. My wonderful supportive and nurturing husband
    4. MFP
    5. My health
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. my dog had a seizure tonight and he is all right now (it was pretty scary)
    2. my husband started a diet yesterday so I have a live in diet buddy
    3. my polar watch
    4. my fiber now bars
    5. hot coffee
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    How frightening for your dog and you, glad alls ok.

    1. Having a day off, its 29 degrees and I'm off for lunch at the sailing club sitting by the river.
    2. Although work has gone quiet, I know its HPs doing and trust all will be ok.
    3. My husband has now filled the foundations with concrete and we can start building the extension as of tomorrow!:happy:
    4. Having great girlfriends I can have a laugh with.
    5. Have enough money to last to the end of the month when its pay day again :smile:
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    1. Grateful for air conditioning.
    2. Grateful that I have remembered to surrender for two days in a row,
    3. Grateful that I resisted temptation last night for a snack.
    4. Grateful for my treadmill.
    5. Grateful my etsy business has picked up.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks Gilleeman :) He is back to his old self tonight

    1. That my dog is back to his old self tonight.
    2. All the neat things my blackberry does, and that my company i work for pays for mine. They even let me use it for personal use
    3. health insurance
    4. television
    5. horror movies
  • :smile: grateful for a new day life and the chance to breath dance laugh greatful for everything in my life oh how I love this roof over my head... :heart: :drinker:
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    1. Six days of abstinence
    2. My sponsor
    3. My hubby talking me in to exercising with him
    4. My floor heater – it’s freezing in my building
    5. My mom who is helping me with my family geneaology project

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    my grateful things would be
    1. God
    2. My Children
    3. My Grandkids
    4. My Family
    5. Being alive to make a difference in peoples lives.
  • 1. OA
    2. Family
    3. Friends
    4. My Dog
    5. HP ( not necessarily in this order)
  • amarien74
    amarien74 Posts: 2 Member
    1. getting to the gym
    2. on day 3 of abstinence from sugar
    3. back on mfp after having baby recently
    4. amazing husband
    5.finding this board on mfp!
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member

    --I am grateful that I have 2 jobs that I enjoy, and which leave me lots of free time in my schedule.

    --I am grateful that I am traveling Nevada in 2 weeks for an event I've wanted to attend for YEARS!

    --I am grateful that I am abstinent from overeating and trigger foods, and that this abstinence is taking weight off my body.

    --I am grateful that, for today, I am doing my best to be honest with myself and others.

    --I am grateful for my talents and interests that keep my busy and make life interesting.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    ok i have to write something in this post because i feel like crap today

    1. the weather is nice
    2. i have a job and working right now
    3. my hair looks kind of nice today
    4. i had a good night sleep last night
    5. hmmmm... i can't think of anything more..
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    1) That i didnt get the job i just applied for and therefore have more time to exercise.
    2) That I have such a wonderful, sweet nurturing hubby who loves me thick or thin
    3)That my pants I wore to my interview are lose on me now.
    4) for MFP family
    5) My treadmill.
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    1. Talking to my sponsor this morning
    2. OA friends to meet at lunchtime
    3. An appointment at the vets for the dog later to help his poorly ear
    4. Abstinence for today
    5. My lovely family
  • grateful for.. 7 days down no overeating.. grateful for God helping my fight this flesh grateful I woke up this morning to a new sunrise.. grateful for my chruch family.. grateful for my family:heart:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Today I am grateful for:

    1. Abstinence so far - its 6.20 pm and I feel satisfied with my last meal and not overeaten.
    2. Courage to stop calorie counting - just for today - and enjoying the freedom that comes with that.
    3. Doing a job I love and making good money.
    4 . Being asked to help out at a Clinic on Friday and be paid well for doing it.
    5. The willingness to go to any lengths to keep abstinent between now and bedtime.
  • wilmawm
    wilmawm Posts: 81 Member
    Today I'm grateful for:

    1. Staying abstinent today.
    2. Having an amazingly easy time with chemo; no nausea so far!
    3. OA podcasts.
    4. Walking into an OA meeting 16 months ago; my program is FAR from perfect but I'm in a MUCH better place physically, emptionally, and spiritually to deal with breast cancer than I was 16 months ago.
    5. Learning it's okay to ask for help!
  • T

  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you for reminding me to do a gratitude list:)

    Having a cup of tea with my eldest son and his girlfriend after work at their house
    Taking the dog for a walk in the sunshine and feeling good
    Cooking dinner and having some quiet time to myself in the kitchen
    Learning to crochet and getting the hang of it a little bit more!
    Having the leak in the bathroom repaired this morning
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    Sleeping well last night, I needed it to face today's zoo of a day
    My family
    My health
    My gym buddy who motivates me
    That I'll come home to a clean house!