Clean eating - what does it mean to YOU! (new)



  • Kszczesniak6
    Kszczesniak6 Posts: 5 Member
    For me, clean eating means taking all the processed foods out for my diet and eating a bounty of natural food that mother earth has provided for us. I really need to get better at eating this way, though, because life has gotten in the way and I have been leaning towards quick fix meals and snacks.
  • treehugger215
    treehugger215 Posts: 97 Member
    Making health AND ethical choices :) Knowing where my food comes from, visiting the garden it was made in, and supporting local businesses.

    To me it means every ingredient that is going into my body is nutritious. That is more important to me then the calories!!
  • nalena1
    nalena1 Posts: 2 Member
    So I really dont know what clean eating is but from the looks of it, clean eating is fruit or veggies frozen or raw not canned, non-processesd foods are not clean eating. Hopefully since I joined this group I will learn more about clean eating.
  • Rbrannon64
    Closest to nature as possible, and for me, I would like to know what is in my food and hopefully where it came from! Too many ingredients than I steer clear!!
  • Djbond24
    To me clean eating is avoiding over processed foods, but most importantly it means avoiding any and all GMO ingredients. Genetically modified corn, soy, sugar from sugar beets, and canola are the main culprits in our American diet. I eat as clean as i can, and I know when my husband go out to eat we probably consume gmo's but I don't ever bring them into my house. I also avoid unclean meat. I am fortunate enough to have grandparents who raise grass fed beef, and I get my hormone/antibiotic free chicken and fish at the grocery store. I only eat meat that lived a happy life while on this earth. I also avoid dairy products unless it is a special occasion. That is what eating clean means to me!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Clean eating, to me, means eating only fruit, veg, meat, because if eating clean to me meant eating wholegrains and dairy too then I'd eat 100% clean every single day. I feel healthier in myself when I stick to a strict diet.
  • jackihf3
    jackihf3 Posts: 8 Member
    Minimally processed foods. I do enjoy dairy (milk, cheese and yogurt) and try to limit meat to once or twice a week at most. I avoid white foods and added sugars. Sodium becomes a non-issue for the most part since most Americans get the majority of their sodium from processed foods.
  • caseythelab
    caseythelab Posts: 25 Member
    I like the 'bar code less' definition! However, we've got some dangerously excellent bakeries near my house, so I have to avoid those too!
    Here's a link to an article on which foods are most important to buy organic, you're right, it can be hard to afford as much organic produce as we'd like. I try to shop more frequently and buy in smaller quantities, the food you throw away is the most expensive of all!
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    I've been sticking to clean eating for a few months now. Clean eating to me means staying away from processed foods, and eat more fresh and organic foods, whole grains. I try to keep my sugar, sodium, and carb intake low. I try to make healthy alternatives to foods choices from my fav restaurants and fast food places.
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    To me eating clean means fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, antibiotic/steroid free quality cuts of meat, little or (ideally no) prepackaged foods. Using simple herbs to season instead of heavy sauces or excessive salt on everything. Some people's idea excludes grains but I enjoy having around two servings of steamed organic grains like oatmeal, quinoa or black rice in a day.

    I do not eat 100% clean yet, but it's what I am working towards.
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    My mom was a bit of a hippie; she made yogurt and ground whole grains to bake bread, and she used butter instead of margerine. She wouldn't let us eat cereal for breakfast except rarely, if it was on clearance or something-- and it was plain cheerios. No sodas, no fast foods, no American cheese. Literally ONE slice of lunch meat on a sandwich. Fresh ground peanut butter instead of Jif.

    She also made cakes and cookies sometimes.

    But seeing as I maintain a healthy weight when I eat the sorts of things I grew up with, I consider healthy food "anything mom would make if it wasn't Christmas or someone's birthday" :laugh:
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    Not relying on prepackaged convenience foods, and relying on fresh ingredients. I'm still pretty new to eating clean, and so far 2/3 of my days have been clean eats. I can usually make it from breakfast until I get home, where my parents rely a bit too much on convenience foods. I'm trying to be a good example, and offer to cook when I have time on weekends, though. Rome wasn't built in a day and small changes add up to a lot.
  • celial1105
    celial1105 Posts: 18 Member
    Love this discussion!

    My definition of clean eating: Eating whole, natural foods as much as you can. When you can't, reading the nutritional labels to understand WHAT you're putting into your body. My goal is to be able to identify as many natural/whole ingredients as possible. If there are too many incomprehensible ingredients, I TRY not to eat it.

    Emphasis on try. Not perfect and never will be. It's about fueling your body with the best foods that YOU have available.
  • doxeposse
    doxeposse Posts: 17 Member
    My definition is pretty easy: If it doesn't grow, don't eat it! Plants and animals grow...processed food does not.
  • DaniAni19
    DaniAni19 Posts: 91 Member
    Clean eating to me is sticking to whole foods. I don't buy processed or packaged food. I still think some minimally processed food with only a few ingredients is ok, for example, raw almond butter. Basically just being able to read each ingredient and identify it as "real food" and not chemicals.
  • DaniAni19
    DaniAni19 Posts: 91 Member
    I heard this rule once, only eat food that's been shot, picked, plucked, or milked. I'm a vegetarian so I don't shoot my food though. haha
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Bumping this thread back to the top because I found it so refreshing to have lots of different opinions and not one argument.

    I was considering asking on the main board what people generally thought clean eating was (I might still do it just to see what happens - bit of a *kitten* stirrer at heart).

    But from what I can gather clean eating is simply eating real food and avoiding mass produced factory non-foods.
  • missie_515513
    missie_515513 Posts: 20 Member
    I try to avoid processed foods however I am slightly confused over processed natural foods. Things like nakd bars - they claim to be made from natural ingredients which they are but are they ok when eating clean or organic shop brought soups again they seem to be ok ingredients wise but is that classed as eating clean because it is pre-packaged???
  • RosegoldSQUID
    For me it's eating lean meats, lots of veggies, some fruit, nuts, seeds, and whole grains (but not gluten). I want to eat gluten-free and dairy-free mainly whole foods that are unprocessed or processed at home.

    My sanity cheats include drinking store-bought almond milk when I'm too lazy to make it from scratch. Also drinking red wine when I go to social events so I don't have to totally miss out.