Starting New Rules of Lifting tomorrow!!



  • Emilit_uk
    Emilit_uk Posts: 87
    I just started at the begining of the week, I'll friend you if that's OK? I was scared of the weight room too, but I read over the moves untiil I was confident i knew what I was doing, then walked in there with my head held high like I owned it!

    Only done 2 workouts but I love it already!
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    I've added everyone! thank you all so much for the advice and encouragement! any new friends are welcome.
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    I am almost at the end of stage 1. So far so good! I started at every 3 days and now do it every 2 days. Was sore the first 2-3 times when the movements were new to my body.
    We have a woman room so there was no need to be intimidated by guys... but now, I lift more than the available weight in the woman room, so on occasion I need to go out in the main area of the gym. So far no big deal...
    I would NOT recommend gloves. Actually it is better without since you want to train your finger muscle to hold the grip too. Apart from the deadlift, I never felt any sort of pain in my hand. As for the clipboard... well if you have a smart phone, there are tons of apps, where you can log you weight training and that have a stop watch or you can just give your brain a workout too and just try to remember... 5 exercises isn't so hard... wait in phase 2, one of them has 9! Good luck. Add me if you want!

    I do have an Android phone do you know of any apps in particular? I have Liftbig but that geared more towards StrongLifts. I don't have gloves at the moment so we'll see how i do then maybe get some later!

    Tonight after work..It's ON!! :laugh:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Bumping so you can tell us all about it!! :heart:
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    Tonight is the night! wednesday night i was super tired for some reason but today i am energized and excited to lift right after work!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Do you alternate these exercises or do you do 15 squats...wait 60 15 squats....OR is it like a circuit and you do squats, rest, then do another Does that make sense?
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Do you alternate these exercises or do you do 15 squats...wait 60 15 squats....OR is it like a circuit and you do squats, rest, then do another Does that make sense?

    They are split up into exercise A, B, C. Some alternate moves and others don't. For example squats are workouts A. You do a set of 15, rest 60 secs, do another 15. Then....move to section Workout B. This consists of Push ups and seated rows. So you do 15 push ups, rest 60 secs, 15 rows, rest, 15 push ups, rest, 15 rows. It indicates which workouts have alternating sets.
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I'm half way through Stage 2 and love, love, love it. I lift 3 x a week and took a rest week after stage 1. I did not have gloves and have developed several rather manly looking callouses... I now use straps to protect my hands.

    Quite honestly I can't believe how much my muscles have changed. I'll post picts when I have a significant 'after' photo :)
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Do you alternate these exercises or do you do 15 squats...wait 60 15 squats....OR is it like a circuit and you do squats, rest, then do another Does that make sense?

    They are split up into exercise A, B, C. Some alternate moves and others don't. For example squats are workouts A. You do a set of 15, rest 60 secs, do another 15. Then....move to section Workout B. This consists of Push ups and seated rows. So you do 15 push ups, rest 60 secs, 15 rows, rest, 15 push ups, rest, 15 rows. It indicates which workouts have alternating sets.

    ssgtwifey, what activity level are you set on? do you do both NROFLW and cardio? I'm currently resetting and in the 5-6 hour of activity level but don't know how to keep that if I'm doing NROFLW...
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    here's my first workout rundown...

    I started off a little slow because I wasn't sure which machine to use for the squats and there was a meat head on it. So I started with the seated row which I did more weight than I thought I could.

    The only excercise I had trouble with was the prone jacknife...I don't have the best balance so I might be doing those at home lol

    I'm definitely feeling sore today in my thighs and all over but I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout!
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    What weight are you lifting if you don't mind me asking - I have some weights at home as I can't afford the gym so wondered if I have heavy enough weights.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Get ready for people to tell you
    "watch out you dont want to bulk up and become a she-hulk" and then get ready to tell them to stick it where the sun dont shine while you widdle away the inches and build your strength and become awesome!!

    I love new rules.. just started on stage 2 today. Stage 1 was great!

    i highly reccomend using the online docs.. they are much easier to understand than the logs and things in the book.

    Add me if you like and join the NROL4W group on here!
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    Get ready for people to tell you
    "watch out you dont want to bulk up and become a she-hulk" and then get ready to tell them to stick it where the sun dont shine while you widdle away the inches and build your strength and become awesome!!

    I love new rules.. just started on stage 2 today. Stage 1 was great!

    i highly reccomend using the online docs.. they are much easier to understand than the logs and things in the book.

    Add me if you like and join the NROL4W group on here!

    Funny you say that about being called a boyfriend has already made comments about how he's afraid I might hurt him. I think he's a little intimidated by me lifting but I'm still gonna do it. I told him if he's intimitated he should pick up some weights and quit doing all cardio....he doesn't want to do weights until he loses more weight.

    So I will be doing my thing by lifting and I have a feelling by the end of stage 1 he'll see my changes and be picking up the weights!

    Sorry for the little vent, he's very supportive otherwise though so don't get me wrong. He's just gotta learn like we all did that all cardio will not get you to goal. :)

    I actually printed off the online docs as well as put them in my phone but I think I like the pen and paper better

    I added you too! I love having new NROL4W and EM2WL friends!!
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    I am almost at the end of stage 1. So far so good! I started at every 3 days and now do it every 2 days. Was sore the first 2-3 times when the movements were new to my body.
    We have a woman room so there was no need to be intimidated by guys... but now, I lift more than the available weight in the woman room, so on occasion I need to go out in the main area of the gym. So far no big deal...
    I would NOT recommend gloves. Actually it is better without since you want to train your finger muscle to hold the grip too. Apart from the deadlift, I never felt any sort of pain in my hand. As for the clipboard... well if you have a smart phone, there are tons of apps, where you can log you weight training and that have a stop watch or you can just give your brain a workout too and just try to remember... 5 exercises isn't so hard... wait in phase 2, one of them has 9! Good luck. Add me if you want!

    I do have an Android phone do you know of any apps in particular? I have Liftbig but that geared more towards StrongLifts. I don't have gloves at the moment so we'll see how i do then maybe get some later!

    Tonight after work..It's ON!! :laugh:

    There is a great ap that I use for HIIT workouts that I'm sure you could use for timing your rest periods...I believe it's just called HIIT Interval trainer or something like has a picture of a guy in a type of runner stance. Good luck with starting NROLFW...I've heard great things about it and want to give it a try, but still have to get some weights so I can do it at home...
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    I am almost at the end of stage 1. So far so good! I started at every 3 days and now do it every 2 days. Was sore the first 2-3 times when the movements were new to my body.
    We have a woman room so there was no need to be intimidated by guys... but now, I lift more than the available weight in the woman room, so on occasion I need to go out in the main area of the gym. So far no big deal...
    I would NOT recommend gloves. Actually it is better without since you want to train your finger muscle to hold the grip too. Apart from the deadlift, I never felt any sort of pain in my hand. As for the clipboard... well if you have a smart phone, there are tons of apps, where you can log you weight training and that have a stop watch or you can just give your brain a workout too and just try to remember... 5 exercises isn't so hard... wait in phase 2, one of them has 9! Good luck. Add me if you want!

    I do have an Android phone do you know of any apps in particular? I have Liftbig but that geared more towards StrongLifts. I don't have gloves at the moment so we'll see how i do then maybe get some later!

    Tonight after work..It's ON!! :laugh:

    There is a great ap that I use for HIIT workouts that I'm sure you could use for timing your rest periods...I believe it's just called HIIT Interval trainer or something like has a picture of a guy in a type of runner stance. Good luck with starting NROLFW...I've heard great things about it and want to give it a try, but still have to get some weights so I can do it at home...

    Thanks! i found the app you're talking about i might be adding some HIIT on my off days from NROL4W :)
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Man, I wish there was New Rules for lifting at home!!!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Lots of people modify it for at home workouts..

    its doable if you have some weights.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Lots of people modify it for at home workouts..

    its doable if you have some weights.

    Well, I was thinking of getting the book this weekend. I still have to finish my first round of P90X. (I'm sure I'll be doing it again). But I love having alternatives. I'll get the book and read it, finish P90X and see if I want to start modifying New Rules for home. I'll probably have to get some more weights, though.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 575 Member
    I'm totally modifying and starting tonight at home. I can't bring myself to do it in the gym. I just can't.
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    What weights do you suggest for at home - I've adjustable dumbells and bar but not sure if the weights are enough?