How you did this week



  • yallcallmedeb
    Bad workout today :( My husband convinced me to go to Taco Bell with him last night for dinner. I wasn't able to do my run last night (ran 0.5 miles and almost died) so I tried again today. I managed to run for 20 minutes but that was all that I could do. I guess that the lesson learned here is DO NOT EAT JUNK!!!! Hopefully, I will do better on Wednesday.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    yallcallmedeb, I don't know what you had at Taco Bell. I have gone and eaten something from their low calorie menu and been ok. The reason for not being able to do as much today could have been from something else. There are days when we just can't do as well as we do on others. But, you got out there and did your best and that is all you can do. Keep up the running....and yeah, probably delete most of the junk food too! :wink:
  • zabbyvinny
    zabbyvinny Posts: 55
    have just finished my second week on walk, jog, run over 5K and shaved 6 mins off last week. Was tougher though but I think that was because it was hotter :tongue:
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Wow. Six minutes quicker. That's wonderful. The heat and humidity does make a difference. You're doing great. Keep it up!
  • yallcallmedeb
    I finally had a decent workout today! I did my C25K W8D1 and ran for 28 minutes. I also did some intervals afterwards, running 6 MPH for a minute and walking 1-2 minutes for 5 intervals.
  • yallcallmedeb
    I did my first road run today. Up until now, I have been running on the track or on the treadmill. It was definitely more challenging in some ways and easier in others. I found that I had a hard time keeping to a slow enough pace and even the small hills on my route were hard for me. I had to walk more than ever so I extended my running time to make up for it. It was easier in that I didn't get so bored and, of course, the small down hills were a joy! The weather wasn't great. I was sweating (dripping) before I even started. Temperature was supposedly only around 70 but humidity was close to 80%.

    I also did my second run in 2 days! Do you run every day or every other day or what is your schedule?
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    I finally completed Week 1, Day 3 yesterday. I did W1 Days 1 and 2, then had a gap, and decided to start over. Yesterday was my first day running indoors with good ac -- boy, was it every easier! Or maybe I'm getting more fit -- I just know that for the first time, the run portions were really easy -- woo hoo!
  • yallcallmedeb
    I finally completed Week 1, Day 3 yesterday. I did W1 Days 1 and 2, then had a gap, and decided to start over. Yesterday was my first day running indoors with good ac -- boy, was it every easier! Or maybe I'm getting more fit -- I just know that for the first time, the run portions were really easy -- woo hoo!

    I found that I LOVED day 3s up until Week 5. For the 1st 4 weeks, I could definitely see a huge improvement by day 3. Starting in week 5, day 3 is not the same and/or is a long run and I'm not feeling the accomplishment like I did the 1st few weeks. But....I'm running for 28 minutes straight now, so I guess that is a rather big accomplishment, huh?

    I'm off to my second road (well, actually this time it will be a paved trail) run this morning in an hour or so!

    And......drum roll please......I am going to do my first race next Wednesday night!!!! I know nothing about the trail that it is on and I've never run as late as 7 p.m. but I'm going to do it. I found out yesterday that my hairdresser is walking it so now I'm encouraged to go out and do it. This is a summer series of 8 runs each Wed. evening at 4-5 different locations. The runs range from 3 - 5 miles, increasing each run.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Good for you yallcallmedeb. You are doing awesome!!! Running 28 minutes without stopping is amazing. I'm working toward 30 minutes, outdoors.

    And, congratulations on signing up for your first race. You'll be surprised how great you do and will probably be motivated to do more. Be sure to let us know how how you do!

    Keep up the great work!
  • yallcallmedeb
    I'm able to do the 28 minutes running inside. Outside, the longest that I have done is 20 minutes I think. I have started doing road/trail running and I'm not even getting in 5 minutes solid on those! LOL Yet, my overall pace is 13 to 13.5 minute miles so I seem to be running faster than I do inside and not walking too long in between intervals. Today, I managed one short sprint at a pace quicker than 4 minute mile!!!! That was so cool; I felt so strong and powerful. I was thinking that maybe I hit 8 MPH but according to RunDouble, I was twice as fast as that!!!! I can't get over it. I'm thinking about going to the track tomorrow and official do some intervals. I feel that I would do better with my time if it wasn't so hot and humid. I'm dealing with upper 70s and 80% humidity when I go out in the morning. Kind of best road run was later in the day (had to wait for babysitter) and the heat was higher but humidity lower.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    You're doing so great! I run on the road all the time now, unless it is raining or something. It is a lot tougher and I can't pace myself either. I ran 30 min straight on the treadmill, but am now just up to 9 minutes on the road. I'm getting there though.

    And a 4 min mile pace. Wow!! You SHOULD be very proud of yourself.

    Keep up the good, no great, work! :flowerforyou:
  • yallcallmedeb
    I did two C25K workouts! LOL I finally ran all of the 5K on my first workout, using W9D2 distance version. Then, after walking my cooldown, I decided that I really didn't want to walk the entire way back, so I loaded W1D1 timed version and ran intervals! I'm tired! But this is the 1st time that I ran 5K outside and did not walk for a second! I seem to do better on a lighter breakfast and higher temperature with lower humidity. My speed for the 5K was 4.77 MPH. During my warmup, I started mentally chanting the cadence to my walking (1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4) and tried to match it when I started running. I repeated the cadence throughout quite a bit of my jog. One time, a runner passed me and I found that I could not look at the horizon until he got out of site because I was speeding up in response to his pace. I wanted to keep it real slow so that I could finish without stopping.

    Someone had recommended You enter in your mile run time and it will match you up with songs with a beat per minute aligned to your jog time. I love it!

    According to Runner's World, every 5 degrees over 60F can decrease your mile speed 20-30 seconds! That's a lot! I'd be thrilled to take 60-90 seconds off of my mile time!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    yallcallmedeb, You are doing great!!!! I'm hoping to run the 5K I'm doing in a couple of weeks without stopping to walk. If I do, that will be the first time. Today, I ran 10 minutes and walked one minute 3 that means I ran 30 min and walked 2. Surely, in another 2 weeks I can eliminate those 2 minute walks. Of course, I'll have to run more than 30 minutes for the 5K. I'll see, but that is my goal. I drove over the course a couple of weeks ago and there is one fairly steep hill and a couple of longer slopping hills. These are what kills me. But, today I ran a very hilly course up and down my road and was proud that I actually ran from the bottom of the hill and all the way up my driveway, which is almost all hill too. That was about .3 miles of pure hill, and fairly steep at that. Now, I was about dead when I got to the top, but I kept on running slowly and got my breath back. I think I can conquer those hills on the race course!

    For the week, I've done well. I only did 2 days of my programmed running, but on the other day I did fartleks on the treadmill. Still, I logged 8.3 miles. I'll take that.
  • yallcallmedeb
    Isn't it amazing what us "middle-aged" gals can accomplish?!!

    Great job on the hills! I got my butt kicked by a tiny hill and haven't even thought about trying a real hill yet! I did notice that my rail trail has me going up the equivalent of 3 flights of stairs but it is so gradual that it's totally not noticeable!
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    Don't laugh if I tell you i jogged for 15 mins over my 40 minute lunch time walk!!! That's the first out in public, well I say public no one was around.

    30 mins later on my return journey it hailed and rained on me and the only thing that is dry is my knickers and that is unconfirmed lol!

    Go me with the red face and soggy tousers to sit in for the next two hours at my desk!

    NSV i had to tighten my HRM belt by 4 inches, I don't know if that was to do with my new sports bra pulling everything in and up.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Please, let me laugh! :laugh: (about the rain and being wet for hours afterwards)

    You did great though. Sorry about the rain and hail...esp the hail. Hope it was small and you were able to find a little shelter. At least everyone at work knew you were out getting your exercise! :wink: Maybe check the weather report before your next outing.:wink:

    Tightening up your HRM belt by 4 inches..... that's great! Keep up the good work.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I had to dry off my trousers under the hand dryer in the ladies. The weather has been awful here, so I had to take my chance between showers. There was no shelter, but I did try to run for cover. :bigsmile:

    My cheeks were glowing, I'm happy I earned 295 calories for being out 41 mins yeah!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    I forgot to post over the weekend how my week went. I did manage to run twice and did well....on hills. Instead of running the third day, I was in a tennis tournament for 2 days and played 5 matches in the heat and humidity. I can feel it this morning and need to get out there and run early. We'll soon see how it goes today. I have a 5K race on Saturday this week, so I'm planning to run today and Wed and rest only...until then. Wish me luck.
  • yallcallmedeb
    Alimac92 - you made me laugh! Great attitude!

    You're doing great, quilteryoyo!

    I did my first race last Wed. and it kicked my butt. Lesson to be learned: check out what you are getting into before you do it! LOL Turns out that this was more of a mountain race than any kind of normal 5K! My fitbit shows that I did the equivalent of 27 flights of stairs during my run. I was not able to run all of it but I got a 40:13 for a course that allegedly is just under 3 miles. I'm going to continue this series even though I am WAY out of my league, so the next race is this Wed. I heard a lot of the participants talking about doing this marathon and that marathon and a bunch of them pre-ran the course before the race! Definitely way above my level!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    You're doing great. Stick with it, you'll get there. If you are going to do this series, you may want to find some hills to run during your normal workouts. I asked the question on a thread about how you get better/faster at running hills. The overwhelming answer is, you guessed it, run hills. :laugh: You should be proud of yourself for finishing!

    And, I know I've told you this before, but don't you just "hate" those people who pre-run the course as a warm up!

    Keep it up! You're awesome! :flowerforyou: