A fitbit helps a LOT..My tale..



  • If there is just no way of obtaining a fitbit at the present, I am still safe to trust online calculators, right?

    lol, I'm in the same boat... but am really excited that this works for when I can get my own fitbit
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Nice to hear your story and very encouraging. Well done on maintaining that loss, that is the really difficult part!! You would never have thought that you could eat so much and still lose weight, one of the many advantages of having a busy active life,
  • Am I right in thinking that the fitbit will tell me how many calories I burn all day? I have a pedometer which tells me when I do "proper" walking, but if I wore the fitbit all day would it tell me how many calories I have burnt off during the whole day doing normal ordinary things (cooking, cleaning, changing the sheets etc.)

    I'm struggling to loose weight as my exercise is a bit irregular due to circumstances but I wonder if I underestimate my daily calories. Would this help.

    It's a lot of money if it only tracks cardio exercise etc.

    Thanks :)
  • fuzzyslipperz
    fuzzyslipperz Posts: 49 Member
    Am I right in thinking that the fitbit will tell me how many calories I burn all day? I have a pedometer which tells me when I do "proper" walking, but if I wore the fitbit all day would it tell me how many calories I have burnt off during the whole day doing normal ordinary things (cooking, cleaning, changing the sheets etc.)

    I'm struggling to loose weight as my exercise is a bit irregular due to circumstances but I wonder if I underestimate my daily calories. Would this help.

    It's a lot of money if it only tracks cardio exercise etc.

    Thanks :)

    No, it's designed to be worn 24/7. I think it overestimates a bit, but if not I guess I need more food LOL.
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    If there is just no way of obtaining a fitbit at the present, I am still safe to trust online calculators, right?

    Yes mine is very accurate to the Scooby figures which I was pleased about.
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    Am I right in thinking that the fitbit will tell me how many calories I burn all day? I have a pedometer which tells me when I do "proper" walking, but if I wore the fitbit all day would it tell me how many calories I have burnt off during the whole day doing normal ordinary things (cooking, cleaning, changing the sheets etc.)

    I'm struggling to loose weight as my exercise is a bit irregular due to circumstances but I wonder if I underestimate my daily calories. Would this help.

    It's a lot of money if it only tracks cardio exercise etc.

    Thanks :)

    I wear it all day - and it calculates everything - on your account online you can see when you've been very active or not - and the times tie in to when I do exercise, or sit around watching tv.

    If you do weights or mat exercises you can add the burn from your HRM and it will add those in.

    It shows on the fitbit the no of steps you take, the stairs you climb, your current activity level and daily calories burnt so far. It then syncs online when you're by your computer and you can then see all the history on your online account (the free one - I've not paid for the extras).
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    That's great that you're having success with the Fitbit. I keep swaying between wanting one and not wanting one!

    I don't want one in case my TDEE is less that Scooby gives me and I have to deal with the fact that in general I'm lazy :0

    It also sounds a bit confusing to set up with MFP. If using a HRM for workouts do you pause the Fitbit for that period of time?

    On the other hand I'd like one because I like numbers and would like to see mine in case my TDEE is higher :)
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Okay, i'm sold. Just ordered a fitbit and a HRM.

    I will figure this fat loss thing out ;)

    Exactly why I got one!

    I have a HRM too, does anyone will a Fitbit use it for HIIT or running? I'm thinking I should use the HRM on those.

    Thanks for the updates :):flowerforyou:

    And BTW, yesterday, which was a pretty lazy day with the exception of a 35 minute brisk walk was 2058 calories burned. I love all this data and numbers :love:
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story with us!! I have had my fitbit for a few weeks now and I LOVE IT!! I didn't realize how many calories that I really burn each day...I know why I wasn't losing any weight (at least I think this is part of it) but I wasn't eating enough still...My fitbit tells me I burn anywhere from 2400-2800 cals/day which is a bit more than I had figured so now I am adjusting my numbers to go with this. It's so great to hear that you are doing it this way and it is working for you - that makes me feel more confident in using mine in the same way!! :happy:
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    When I got my fitbit I tested it by wearing my HRM for 24 hours and the results were very similar which gave me confidence that it was accurate enough for me. This also tied in with what Scooby was telling me too :)
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If there is just no way of obtaining a fitbit at the present, I am still safe to trust online calculators, right?

    lol, I'm in the same boat... but am really excited that this works for when I can get my own fitbit

    For walking level yes. Notice MFP has no description of incline though.

    If you are walking flat or incline, or slow jogging, this is exactly what FitBit would be using to estimate calorie burn too. Except it has to figure out your pace by motion. If going on a treadmill, you know pace and incline already.


    And the thing here is - if you see what your avg HR is for a certain calorie burn, then that applies no matter what you are doing.

    So say the avgHR is 140 walking 4mph at 5% incline. And you burn 250 calories in 30 min.

    If you do Zumba with same avg HR, that is also your calorie burn there.

    Of course, you need means to record your HR from time to time to get an avg.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    When I got my fitbit I tested it by wearing my HRM for 24 hours and the results were very similar which gave me confidence that it was accurate enough for me. This also tied in with what Scooby was telling me too :)

    Than that means it was wrong. Why?

    Because a HRM (except certain Garmins) is only valid for calorie burns during steady-state aerobic exercise, between about 90 - 160 bpm.
    Daily activity below that is inflated badly.
    Weight lifting and HIIT which is NOT aerobic but anaerobic is also inflated.

    Polar funded study at link here.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Exactly why I got one!

    I have a HRM too, does anyone will a Fitbit use it for HIIT or running? I'm thinking I should use the HRM on those.

    Thanks for the updates :):flowerforyou:

    And BTW, yesterday, which was a pretty lazy day with the exception of a 35 minute brisk walk was 2058 calories burned. I love all this data and numbers :love:

    Your HRM for HIIT is going to be wrong and inflated. It thinks you got that high HR aerobically, and you did not. Therefore the calorie estimate is off too.

    Probably 1/2 what is reported. And since you are getting up near your HRmax, if that stat is wrong, like too low for what yours really is, really inflated too.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Seriously? I only do weights and HIIT, which was what I was going to use the HRM for estimating.

    Honestly, sometimes I wish I could just eat sensibly, lose weight and forget the numbers game.. lol
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Exactly why I got one!

    I have a HRM too, does anyone will a Fitbit use it for HIIT or running? I'm thinking I should use the HRM on those.

    Thanks for the updates :):flowerforyou:

    And BTW, yesterday, which was a pretty lazy day with the exception of a 35 minute brisk walk was 2058 calories burned. I love all this data and numbers :love:

    Your HRM for HIIT is going to be wrong and inflated. It thinks you got that high HR aerobically, and you did not. Therefore the calorie estimate is off too.

    Probably 1/2 what is reported. And since you are getting up near your HRmax, if that stat is wrong, like too low for what yours really is, really inflated too.

    HeyBales, thanks for the input.......definitely will take that into consideration :flowerforyou:
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Seriously? I only do weights and HIIT, which was what I was going to use the HRM for estimating.

    Honestly, sometimes I wish I could just eat sensibly, lose weight and forget the numbers game.. lol

    +1 sometimes I feel like I'm spinning in circles.........

    I've been using the HRM for weights and HIIT too......
  • I've been reading the reviews on amazon for the fitbit.

    Seems like a problem people are having is that it monitors when you are driving from the motion of the car and bumps etc.

    Does anyone have this problem with theirs?

    It's such a lot of money for me so I need to be really sure its going to work!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    I've been reading the reviews on amazon for the fitbit.

    Seems like a problem people are having is that it monitors when you are driving from the motion of the car and bumps etc.

    Does anyone have this problem with theirs?

    It's such a lot of money for me so I need to be really sure its going to work!

    I read about this problem as well....... When I drove yesterday, it was NOT a problem. I only drive once a week, so I'll let you know if that changes.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member

    I don't want one in case my TDEE is less that Scooby gives me and I have to deal with the fact that in general I'm lazy :0

    I was concerned about this too as I couldn't really get my head round that Scooby was telling me my TDEE was around 2800. I figured I really couldn't be that active! But I got my fitbit around 2 months ago and was amazed to find that it was actually pretty spot on and my daily burns vary from around 2500 to 3100, averaging at around 2800. This was really reassuring for me and gave me the confidence to know that upping my calories that far was the way to go. It's also nice to know that the Scooby calculator is pretty accurate so if you don't want to spend the money on getting a fitbit you can trust Scooby.

    That being said I love my fitbit and wouldn't be without it now :)