week one, no loss, need advice please



  • LaJaunaF
    LaJaunaF Posts: 112 Member
    Hello everyone! I have just completed my first week of LC. I have been staying between 20-30, and some days under 20 carbs. I do weight training, running, Insanity and Turbofire for my workouts. I have been doing my best to stay true. I feel good, no ill side effects,. I looked at myself in the mirrior yesterday (and maybe I imagined it), but it looked like my waist was a bit smaller. I got on the scale this morning all excited, and found out that I have lost nothing. Exactly the same weight as wehn I stood a the scale a week ago.

    I am not going to stop, just wondering if this is normal. Does it sometimes take a bit longer? My hubby said "at least you didn't gain any" which actually didn't help. Thank you in advance everyone!

    Since you are doing such high intensity exercise, you might want to take your measurements to gauge your progress. It is a much more accurate way to track your body then a scale which can only tell you the combined weight of your total body make up = bone, water, muscle and fat plus all your internal organs! The tape measure will tell you how your body is morphing into a healthier shape! You are shrinking but your numbers are not coming down, because, basically, an equal weight of fat compared to muscle weight isn't the same volume! Fat is fluffy and muscle mass is dense and weight more per square inch of mass! I hope that comes out right and you can see what I am talking about!
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i think that what you eat during those 20 g days makes a huge difference. i for one cut out all breads rice pasta, cookies and sweets and am sticking to 20 grams veggie carbs , meats cheeses and fats. im making sure my fat count is bigger than everything esle. according to atkins that is more important. since june 26 i've lost 2 lbs. and no withdrawals (since i worked my way out of sugar a while back and slowly lowered my carbs until i got to 20 carbs (eating breads and even rice) but then i dropped that and started atkins induction cutting them all out. so far so good.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'd say cut out the Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Tortilla Plus - Large Burrito, 1 tortilla and any other 'breadlike' products.

    a josephs flax pita might be okay, but really when you're on 'induction' you should stick to only the accepted foods.

    also, since you do not have much to lose, it will take longer.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    cut out any fruits, nuts and breads even if they say low carb at least for the first 2 weeks of induction. what program are you following?