Please introduce yourselves to the group here



  • Hi my name is Joan. I struggled with my weight since my last pregnancy and then turning 40 and now the menopause thing and I turn 50 in 3 weeks. I'm married and I really need help keeping on the band wagon. I would love to have some people to talk to who are going through the same issues. I know the best thing I can do is keep positive so I'm ready to get started
  • Hi! I'm Rachael, I have 3 children and I've never lost the baby weight. Making positive strides, need help when I hit those plateaus and rough days! :D Dont get a lot of support from my partner, always bringing the wrong foods home and sabotaging my efforts, argh! Lol, I <3 MFP it's already helped me start moving, cant wait to make some new friends
  • Susieanna
    Susieanna Posts: 6 Member
    Hellooooo all! My name is Suze and I am 23 yrs old, Australian, and sick of being overweight! I love health and fitness and actually work helping other women reach their health and fitness goals (plus I'm studying Nursing). I am doing this to remain accountable because I have a very bad habit of falling off the wagon and taking a week or so of bad eating before I get back on again!! My biggest problem is not staying in the "zone". If I eat even one thing that I didn't plan or shouldn't be eating it is enough for me to throw it all in and go "all out"!! If your story sounds similar and you want a buddy to whinge and cry along with, then add me! I have roughly 55 pounds to lose and I need all the help I can get! :happy:
  • My name is Lindsay, I'm 31 years old and mother to a 3 1/2 year old. I have my ups and downs, was so proud of myself in March because I had lost about 30lbs...and now I've gained almost all of it back. I do ok until something rocks the boat and I fall overboard, my ex has a lot to do with that. I work full-time as a 911 dispatcher and part-time as an EMT, so I don't have a whole lot of time to workout...this also has an effect on my diet. I eat what's quick and easy most of the time. I need a lot of help keeping motivated and moving in the right direction.
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Hello, I'm Jane. I am 43 ( 44 on saturday) and have been overweight my whole adult life. I started on MFP on January 1st and started adding friends in March when I realised that I was actually going to stick to this! :drinker:
    I have IBS which is pretty much under control and don't eat vegetables - I spent my whole childhood being told off for not eating veg which is why I have my diary closed now, I'm here to give and receive support, not to judge or be judged:happy:
    I have a 5 year old son with autism, and need to be fitter to keep up with him.

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm from Northern Ireland (or as we say over here 'Norn Iron') and joined a week ago after finding MFP online. I've been overweight most of my life (I'm 29 now) and I don't want to let my life slip me by anymore. It's been an eye opener about calories and fitness and seeing so many wonderful success stories in the forums! This is a total life change for me, I'm working out, walking and eating healthy and already I feel so much better. I've lost 5lb and 4.5 inches overall so far, but I'm looking forward to losing a lot more!

    Being motivated is a huge part of losing weight, and having good, supportive friends on MFP is essential. Looking forward to undertaking this challenge with you all.


    Hi Grace,

    What part of Northern Ireland are you from. I am a Tyrone lass myself!

    County Antrim, great to meet another gal from Ireland!
  • skydiamonds67
    skydiamonds67 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I'm Erika and I've been on MFP since January 10th, 2012. I've been overweight my whole life, and have gone on many diets in the past. Something really clicked this winter, and I became very determined to lose for good. MFP is such a great support group, and I'm sure I wouldn't have made it past the first two weeks if it weren't for this site. I started at 360 lbs, and am now down to 313 lbs. However, I've hit a really bad plateau/slump recently, and could use some support to get back on track. I do good for a few days, and then the next few days I go back to my old eating habits. I don't want this to be another failed diet! Hopefully we can help each other to succeed!
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    hii! I'm christina and I am 21. I dont have any kids and I'm not married but I do have a boyfriend who I love very much and will one day marry :P Ive been chubby since I was. in kindergarden. I want to lose about 65 more pounds, I've lost 12 so far :] my ultimate goal weight, as of now, is 160. But i'm thinking of changing it once I get there, depending on how I look and feel. anyone who needs support or motivation feel free to request me :] I like receiving it back as well! we can do this :]
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi, my name is Faye, I'm 32, I've been doing really well on MFP since November, recently I'm getting a bit disheartened and disinterested, slipping up in places, lacking in motivation and exercise. I can't give up though, I NEED to do this. I'm actually a lot more positive than this post sounds lol. Feel free to add me :laugh:
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    hi, i'm eff. i'm 22, and i've never been at a healthy weight, even as a child. my goal is to lose a little under 40 lb. i've been on mfp since summer of last year, but i keep slipping up because i have really bad binging tendencies. i don't want to use food as fuel. i want to enjoy it, as it's intended, without going about it unhealthily.
  • Hi,

    My name is Nichole and im still quite new to this mfp thing but slowly getting the hang of it. I'm 18 years old. I'm just here to lose some weight i suddenly gained due to a medicine's side effect and my metabolism finally catching up with me. I never have been able to feel full my whole life, but i was always able to keep myself in check. Until this past year, I gave up completely and gained weight i didnt want. I hope to rid of it and be as healthy as i can be!!!
  • Parrotman72
    Parrotman72 Posts: 5 Member
    40 year old Polish/Italian. heaviest weight 366 lbs. goal weight 220lbs. current weight 276.2
    Looked in the mirror the other day, and felt good. Things are changing!!! :happy:
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome everyone!
  • manderthegreat
    manderthegreat Posts: 30 Member
    Hi y'all. My names Amanda and I live in the great state of Kentucky! I'm 32 and I'm a single mom a an amazing 8 year old. A couple of months ago I went to the doctor and ended up in the hospital because I had stroke level blood pressure...230/ this time I weighed 378 pounds and the doctor told me that if I didn't lose weight and get my health under control then I would not live to see my daughter grow up...BIG WAKE UP CALL!! As soon as I got out of the hospital I made a vow to change my life and start this journey. I'm 6'1 and always told myself that I carried my weight well and that it was no big no one carries that much weight well!!! I've been doing MFP for 63 days and I've lost 44 lbs. I've had ups and downs but I'm totally committed and I know that this time I will succeed! I love all my wonderful supportive friends and I would love to have more! I wish everyone the best of luck!!!
  • lika50
    lika50 Posts: 140 Member
    Hello! My name is Lisa and I've been on this site for a little over two months. Why am I deciding to lose weight now? Well, I guess, why not now? I'm tired of these 100 plus pounds holding me back from the life I want to live. My husband and I moved to the beautiful Pacific Northwest a little over five years ago, and since arriving in this wonderland we've discovered so many fun, active things to do - hiking, camping, kayaking, snow shoeing, skiing, etc. An active lifestyle, what could be better, right? Well, it's hard to do those things when you're 100 plus pounds overweight. I've grown sick of huffing and puffing alongside my fit husband while we trek up a mountain, and refusing to kayak because I'm scared I won't fit in the boat.

    I've always been a fairly active person - softball and swimming up through high school, kicked along to Tae Bo DVDs sparadically for the last ten years... But my two obstacles are these: inconsistency and stress eating. Ugh.

    However, within the last few months, I've come a long way regarding those issues. I bought a Vitamix and now enjoy buying colorful fruits and veggies at the store and mixing them up for a snack/light dinner. I've discovered that a red bell pepper tastes better than a bag of greasy potato chips. And I'm getting better at the exercising sparadically thing... I'm shooting for at least forty-five minutes of exercise a day for at least five out of seven days a week.

    I'm getting better. I'm getting stronger. This is a lifestyle change, and I plan on making the most of it... :)
  • rubytOU
    rubytOU Posts: 154 Member
    Hello all:

    37yo, married with 1 son that just turned three on Monday the 2nd and is so stinkin sweet all i want to do is squeeze him. Been on my weight loss journey since October when i joined a local training gym called Get In Shape For Women. It's been wonderful. They have been teaching me how to eat properly, strength train and intensify my cardio. I've lost inches, lbs and increased my 5K and 10K speeds like crazy. Plus, all my clothes fit again! Whoop! :)

    Running in the Women's Mud Run on Saturday in Hampton, NH with a few friends. Pretty psyched! BYOB! :)
  • Becca0301
    Becca0301 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone.I'm Becca,I'm 34 from Ohio.I'm a wife and mother of 4.I've been a big girl for a long time and I want to change that but I've never been very good at losing weight.I have made a lil progress but lately I've fallen off track.I've been here on MFP since this feb.Hoping to get back on track starting tomorrow.Feel free to add me if you like,I could use all the help I can get! : )
  • neveah5
    neveah5 Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm fairly new to MFP. 28 year old mother of 9 and 7 year old rugrats. I hit my all time high of 232 just a few weeks ago and have dropped 12lbs to date. I have a serious food addiction. I go through spurts where I will go for walks daily but always fizzle out. I have no support group. Im ashamed of my lack of self control. I have been a stay at home mom for about 3 years. I was on medication that aided in my 70lb weight gain in the 3 years since I stopped working. I never had to worry about my weight in school because I played sports and never went above 120. So as my metabolism has slowed with age it is harder for me to lose weight. My short term goal is to get below 200. My long term goal is to see 140 again. 120 would be great but I'm a German girl with big bones and I feel good at 140. My blood pressure has been high for a while and my cholesterol is up. I do tend to take appetite
    Suppressants such as stackers and just came across "Ace" capsules. They help me with my extreme lack of motivation and emotional eating. Don't take them everyday though because they make me a bit shaky.

    I would love to have some friends on here who feel my pain and who need support as well.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Hey folks!

    I am 29 and got serious about MFP in April 2012. I am 5ft 9in and started at 247. I am now 224 and my goal weight is 160 although that may change depending on how I feel when I hit it. I recently quit smoking on June 29th and I try to exercise at least 5 days a week. I usually do a fitness boot camp, body pump, racquetball and right now I am on week 3 of C25K. This week as a personal challenge to myself I am trying to get in 10 hours of exercise. So far so good =)
  • Holly1019
    Holly1019 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, My name is Holly. I am a 40 year old married mother of one. (19 year old daughter) Like many of you here I have been overweight all of my life. Can not remember even a time when I was younger that I have ever been small..... or even medium. MFP so far has really helped me. I began exercising a few years back when at my highest I was about 325-330lbs. I would go on "diets" and always give up. The most I ever lost was about 100lbs. Then the numbers started going back up.

    I started MFP a few months ago when my Dr. told me about the site. I really think all of them amazing people on here are helping, and writing down the food I eat is doin wonders.

    I am always here for support if anyone is looking for friends.
    Wishing you all the best of luck on your journeys!!
  • hi my name is Monica, I'm 21 & my sophomore year of college is where all the weight gain and unhealthy eating habits came from. I'm currently trying to lose weight and so far my efforts have proven good : ) & I'm pretty much just trying to live a healthier lifestyle & become a more healthier me : ) & good luck on everyone's weight loss efforts ...
  • larabell69
    larabell69 Posts: 61
    Hi, My name is Larabell, I live in Mid Missouri, 43, and ready to make life changes in how I eat to be more healthy and lose the unwanted lbs! I found this site and thought it was great way to get motivated with the support of others! Im happy to be part of this group and look fowared to all of our great success.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    welcome all nice to get to know you
  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member
    hey guys, i am amber, 26 years old mom of 5 kiddos aging from 17 to 4, i am also a nurse working in a nursing home/rehab center. I am married to a wondeful man for many moons now.

    I having weight loss issue, i had done well, lost way over 50 pounds and feeling great, getting compliments, feeling in shape (i have over a 100 to loss total)..... then i stopped for a moment, moment turned into weeks, then months, meanwhile i gained back over 40 pounds !!!! i am disgusted with myself and feeling awful.... got depressed about it, letting all that hard work go down the drain, so i am JUST restarting my journey.....i saw a picture my husband accidently took at a birthday party , i was in a was AWFUL...... i have to do something but i am an addict, addicted to foods....mainly junk and fast food. I have dietary issues being that there are many foods i hate, i have tried to make myself eat but cannot..... i also am a soda craver.... i am doing pretty good with dropped the soda but the food has me down.

    thanks for having me in the group, i can use all the motivation i can get right now n help getting out of this slump.....

    i am starting with drinking 0 calories, cut back on fast food, stop junk food, cut back on the bad foods i eat and try to eat more protiens and fruits (hate veggies)....i am taking the steps at work and started today using my gym membership.....i didnt realize until today how out of shape i have gotten again......

  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi I am Melanie fron Yorkshire UK. Like many of us on here I have been overweight most of my life. I was the chubby kid at school, the jolly happy one that pretended everything was happy and wonderful.
    When I was 18 to 20 I hovered between a size 16-18 (UK SIZE). At 22 I became pregnant and was happy, a few days after our wedding when I was 20 weeks, my daughter decided to enter the world. I got to spend a precious few moments with my baby but she will always be in my heart. My husband and I had moved to a different city so I had no friends or family around to help me get through this difficult time. My GP (doctor) was useless and offered no help whatsoever, I did end up putting in a complaint to the Medical Board about them. My husband threw himself into his work and when he was around didnt understand why I just couldnt move on. Food became my friend. I ate anything and everything. The only time I left the house was to buy more food. After about a year and a dress size of 24 we moved back to my home city. We tried for another baby, but it just wasnt happening. After seeking help I was told to lose weight and they would help. I got myself down to a size 18, then after second month of treatment fell pregnant and now have a very beautiful 10 year. (I am 37).
    Last year was a really crap year. My husband emailed me to say our marriage was over and he was with the "love of his life" his first girlfriend from school.....I must thank Facebook. My mum had 2 seperate cancer scares, then my gran had a stroke and died a few months later. While all this was going on I had to move house as my husband refused to pay the mortgage.
    There is a happy ending if you have gotten this far. My daughter and I now live in a beautiful house, in a fantastic area. We are happy with each other and getting on the best we can.
    The kick up the backside I gave myself, was deciding I want to be in Perth Oz for my 40th. There will be 8 of us going I have fantastic friends, and I dont want to be sat on the beech in a tent of a dress when everyone else is in bikinis.
    I found the app for the site 2 weeks ago and havent looked back. This isnt a diet, its a lifestyle for me now. So far I have lost 11lbs, and gained several blisters thanks to all the walking I am doing. I am going to start the 30 day Shred looks hard but the results I have seen on here are amazing. My start weight was actually higher than what I put in when I signed up as I was guessing. My goal is 140lbs or dress size 14 (never been a 14).
    Sorry if I bored you, I promise I wont do it again.
  • yenyarooiam
    yenyarooiam Posts: 21 Member
    Two years ago I was hurt at work Two back surgery later Suffering from depression and severe pain daily I finally got on some antidepresents which have helped with my depression I see a pain mgt dr for my pain which help mt pain somewhat tolerable
    Last week I got a wake up call at my pain mgt dr office when they weighed me I gained 25lbs woooo budie I knew I had gained some wight but not that much anyway he said once again I needed to lose some weight it would help with my pain
    So I knew my sister used apps to help her so i started serching and here I am
    On my way to a happier heathier me One day at a time
    And could use all the support I can get
  • tish326
    tish326 Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry, just realized that I should have done this here, lol

    Hi everyone!!!
    I am a newly married again, mother of 4 girls. My true struggle with my wieght came after I lost my youngest daughter, Dafni, due to a babysitters mistake. I ended up hitting rock bottom, I lost everything, custody of my other 3 daughters, my home, some friends too. I don't blame the friends, some just don't know how to deal when a person loses so much in a day. Ended up losing my job as well.
    I turned to food and cigerates, bad choices, but I also didn't know how to deal with my situation. I slowly came to the point where I was living for my girls, and taking care of them. About a year and 2 months ago, after trying to work things out with my then husband, who had always been abusive, it turning physical and me finally realizing that not only did I deserve to be treated better by others, I deserved to love myself again. That was a loooong road. That road is what ended 1 yr and 2 months ago. That is when I finally decided that I was truely a good person, and if I had the strength to leave him and lose my home and car and job again, and start all over. That I could love myself compleatly again and do what is right for me.

    I went to a friends wedding, caught the bouquet, broke up with a lazy guy who expected me to take care of him, and 2 weeks later went on a date, that lasted 15 hours, with my now husband. The first man ever in my life to treat me like I mattered, and truely love me for me, no matter what shape or bad habits. Thanks to his encouragement, I started going to the gym again...I had forgoten how awesome it felt to work out, I also started to eat better again too. In November, we moved into our home, and thankfully he loves my cooking and I started using my fitness pal again.
    I am slowly losing wieght, go to the gym when I can, play just dance with my girls when I can't, finally have a life again.
    I am truely blessed.

    Oh, and I am in the process of kicking the butts too!
  • alliesmom20
    alliesmom20 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Angela. I am 27 years old I have a wonderful husband and great daughter. I have noticed since we got married I have gained weight continually over these 6 years. My husband tried dieting together and I gave up when he lost over 20lbs and I had barely lost 10lbs. He tried to be helpful but I was discouraging. Then I joined weight watchers a couple of years ago with my mom and she was competitive more than supportive so again I gave up. I got on mfp a while back and was doing great but I work long hours and it's hard to cook when I get off work and pick up my daughter from the sitter and don't get home til after 8pm so it's easy to pick up fast food and once I start that in a week it spirals out of control.
  • nataliexxxx
    nataliexxxx Posts: 262
    Hiya I'm Natalie I'm 18 my starting weight was 200lbs I am now 168.5lbs and I want to be around 130/140lbs :) I am 5 foot 6 and I come on here every day so feel free to add me:)
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    My name is Lauren and I'm 22, living in Kansas City. (Yes, the BBQ IS as good as they say..)
    I have a very Irish lifestyle meaning, beer. Lots of it.
    The party girl lifestyle is fun but boy has it packed the pounds on.
    All during middle school, high school and early college I also was bulimic.
    When I graduated high school, I was down to 170. I could fit into practically whatever I wanted to!
    This summer, four years later, after getting my act together with other things, I managed to let my body go.
    Looking at the number 240 on the scale, the new health issues, the (tight) size 20 jeans, and the fact that I have my 5 year reunion in May, I don't want to bring an extra 100 pounds with me.