Please introduce yourselves to the group here



  • nikoncakes
    Hi I am 41 and I am 36 pounds into my 125 weightloss goal. Loosing it one pound at a time. I live near Dallas Texas.
  • kfm6
    kfm6 Posts: 146 Member

    I am Kevin. I am starting a program this week to lose 50 pounds and get in shape. I hope to do it with a combination of exercise and diet changes. The diet part will be the toughest for me. Hopefully tracking what I eat and tracking my workouts will keep me on track this time. Any support is appreciated.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Hello. Sorry to respond so late to this. I just figured out how to view groups and their forums.

    My name is Nic. I'm 23 years old. I have been overweight most of my life, and it got worse when I hurt my knee and have to stop competing in sports. I have been trying everything and just came to the conclusion that I can't do diets anymore. This has to be a lifestyle change. More recently, my boyfriend of almost seven years has decided to join me on the decision to be serious and lose weight.

    Most of my life I have dealt with emotional eating. A little less then a month ago I was diagnosed with depressants and put on anti-depressants. Things have been better since then, and getting more better every day.

    Currently I'm super excited to start Monday on this 6 week program from push ups, squats, sit ups, and dips. I will also be starting the C25K on the same day.

    I look forward to seeing what this journey has to bring me.
  • cindylouhou
    Hello all! I'm new to MFP and joined as a recommendation from my sister. I am 46 (soon to be 47) and am desperate to find the encouragement from others in this weight loss struggle and be an encourager for those in need. I have approximately 30lbs to lose and it is so difficult at this age. I am not motivated to exercise. I binge eat. I eat all day out of boredom. UGH! I used to be athletic until I moved back to Texas. My whole life and lifestyle changed (most for the better), but the athletic side of me shriveled up an died. I want to run again. I want to cycle again.

    I no longer have children at home. I have 4 precious grand children that don't live close. My husband is the most amazing man to ever walk on this planet (except Jesus Christ, of course!).

    I have high blood pressure and am on two meds now. I am just too young to be in this shape and predicament!

    Friend me if you like. I welcome the support.
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    I feel like I've done this already multiple times but I'm to lazy to look
    Hello my names Amberjade. I'm 25 (26 in like two weeks) I've got like 150 some odd more pounds to lose and I"ve lost my train of though now so Yup
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I'm Catherine, 18, living with my mum and dad in Yorkshire.
    A lot of stuff has hit me quite hard this year. I decided to stop talking to one of my best friends after she started treating me like dirt, which I'm not gonna lie is one of the hardest things I've ever done.
    Coming to terms with the fact I might have BED (Binge Eating Disorder)
    and dealing with an unsupportive mum who doesn't attempt to understand what I'm going to and often just says I'm silly or stupid and leaves that as the 'be all and end all' .. so yeah, looking to prove them all wrong and not have to rely on people for happiness anymore.
  • chefdezzie
    chefdezzie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 years old and I'm on a path to lose roughly 100 pounds...scary but totally possible! I've been working out daily for at least 1 hour and plan on succeeding the diet and exercise route. I'm making this a lifestyle change so no fad diets for me! Good luck to everyone out there!! :)
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Alana, I have been on MFP since June---really working the program for the past 2 months. I have always been overweight---I probably always will be to some extent. I LOVE to eat, and my favorite foods are SO SO bad!
    I quit smoking almost 3 years ago (yay, right) and I PACKED on the tonnage----getting to my all time high of 360. I have been successful in the past with WW---right up till I quit smoking I had lost 75 pounds, and was feeling pretty good.

    So here I am --ready willing and able to take it back off again. I do not have a specific goal, I would LOVE to lose 2 pounds a week, but that has never been realistic for me.

    I try to eat 1500 a day, regardless of exercise. MFP say 1830, but I think that if my body feels like 'starvation' it will chew up some of the fat I have stockpiled!

    I turn 50 this month---I am getting married next month. So a busy, stressful, happy end of the year.

    I am open to some new friends
    I LOVE to look at your food journal and exercise----I like the inspirations I find.

    Keep up the good work!

  • jujumf
    hi i'm julie and i just signed up for myfitnesspal today. i want to lose between 20 and 30 lbs. My weakness is junk food, icecream, chips, cookies, etc. i have problems with my feet so i cant walk like i used to and have gained alot of weight, i'm 47 yrs old and need to smarten up. i would love to have some support from others who are trying to lose weight also.i work full time and am married with two teenagers. i need to get motivated and start reaching for my goal.
  • Megan8720
    HI I'm Megan 25 years old i need to lose about 66 pounds, i have quit every plan i start and i cant anymore. i have a 5 year old little boy who needs his mommy and i need to be healthy . I work a desk job m-f full time and when i get home i feel so tired and depressed i have no energy to play with my son and find that i i'm very quick to argue with my boyfriend now (we live together) i feel like i'm ruining everything good in my life because i am so unhappy with my self and i need help i want to do this and not give up this time.

    Please help me with this any support would be greatly appreciated

    thank you
  • tamio9
    tamio9 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone..
    My name is Tami I live in Phx Az I am almost 39 yrs old . I am the mother of 2 daughters , 1 is 20 and married and has moved to CO with her husband who is in the army and the other is 17 and a Sr in high school... Those 3 things have put me in a BIG funk and I have gained the 50 pounds I lost 5 yrs ago back and I want it back off! I live with my wonderful boyfriend of 6 yrs but he is a couch potato that has turned me into one!! :)
    I am also a teacher for high school kids with behavior issues, so I sit ALOT!!!

    I need alot of motivation and I am also willing to give it to others !!
  • ewilder22
    Hey everyone. I'm Elisabeth, I'm 28, female, originally from Nor Cali but live and work overseas. I'm sick of not liking what I see when I look in the mirror so...about a year ago I started working out and eating right. Frustratingly, I haven't lost a pound or inch but I have seen my mood and energy get though it is discouraging, I'm still doing it.
  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    You are moving in the right direction! It can be startling when we start measuring what we eat, just how much we are consuming. But don't fret! There is support here.
  • elaineanne1
    elaineanne1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I cannot remember if I have introduced myself or not so just in case here it is again. I am 55 and a carer for my husband who has mental health problems.
    I have lost a about 14 pounds in the last year but the last few weeks have been a real struggle and I put 4 pounds back on, I have no computer at the moment which means it is not easy to track my food(I know I could do the old fashioned way with pen and paper but not feeeling to good myself) but I am trying to stay withn limits and I have not brought any treats and I am eating plenty of fruit. I comfort eat when feeling low and if anyone has any advice I would be grateful.
    I try to keep busy doing crafts, housework and walking, I am also a vegetarian.
  • tpsweets
    Hi, I did MFP last year with just counting calories with some success but my problem is not being serious. I am flirting with the 200lb mark and I do not like that. I don't like how my clothes are getting tighter. For some reason I just can't seem to get serious. I guess because no one around me has been serious about helping me. It is lonely on your own and easy to slip into old habits when no one is around to make you accountable. I need friends to help motivate me to push myself because I find I do not push myself enough. I would love to be a buddy and work together with people to meet our weight loss goals. Any support would greatly appreciated. Looking forward to meeting you all.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    welcome everyone and congrats on doing so well
  • JasminaH89
    JasminaH89 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm Jasmina and I been trying to lose weight since I had my son. The only problem is that my son is now 3 years old and the weight is still here. I am on a mission to lose this weight and eat healthy.

    I don't mind if anyone adds me because I could definitely use the support.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    Heyy! Im Lacey and I just joined the site and looking for new weight loss buddies :)
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    hello, everyone-I am Sherry, brand new to the group. I'm 41, have two girls, live in Virginia, glad to be here!
  • elaineanne1
    elaineanne1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone

    I am a carer for my husband who has mental health problems, I had an hysterectomy about 8 years ago and since then the weight has piled on, before that I did lose 30 pounds with WW. I do get very stressed when I can turn to food especially in the evenings.
    I do a fair bit of exercise as I walk everywhere and I go to the gym and aqua jog at least once a week.