Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

Please introduce yourselves to the group here



  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    Hello! My name is Nichole. I'm a 35yr old single mother of 2. I joined this group back in March of 2012 after a friend told me about it. I was addicted and found I was having the best results by being here. The support, motivation, and inspiration are amazing. When I first joined I came here with hypothyroid (that will never change), high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and had recently lost a baby and was suffering the most serious bout with depression I had ever endured. I was motivated and stayed on the wagon, but as we all know..things can happen...and things did. It's been 6mo since I was here last and I am determined to finally...once and for all...take control of my life. When I first joined, my goal was to lose 120 lbs. I have since gained back 4 of the 15lbs I lost, but I am thankful that's all I gained. Weight has always been a struggle for me and with my hypothyroid it's still not going to be easy but I've learned it's not impossible. I'm ready for a new beginning!
  • Hi all I'm Jodee I'm new to the group I live in Queensland australia and need motivation I'm going on a South Pacific cruise on Sunday 20th it's for my 50th birthday and a new start I hope xx
  • PatriciaToney
    PatriciaToney Posts: 13 Member
    Good Morning, my name is Tricia and I just found MFP today and decided to give it a try. Today I am 5"7" weighed in at 200 pounds. In 2007 I weighed 125 pounds and since then have gone through a lot of marital problems and life changes that have ballooned me to this weight. I have decided to take my life back no matter what! I thought this would be a nice place to make some new friends to help support me.
  • PatriciaToney
    PatriciaToney Posts: 13 Member
    Darn I wanted to take your lead in my post. Great job and thank you.
  • mdrnqt
    mdrnqt Posts: 23 Member
    Hi my name is Michelle & I have been on Myfitnesspal for about 2 years. I had a lot of success initially and lost 64 lbs. but I have gained some back and am unhappy with my decisions. I know what I am doing wrong....too much snacking at night....and I need to find the support to stop that! I am looking forward to meeting some kindred spirits & supporting each other! Thanks! Michelle
  • skinnime_bree
    skinnime_bree Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, just wanted to say Hey to everyone. I am not new to MFP, but I am starting to track again. I have committed myself 110% this time around. I will not stop until I am satisfied. I am here to support all that want and need it. I love the motivation and support in return as well. I dont mind anyone adding me.

    I am also on Instagram for anyone who would like to follow me on there as well. (@ohsoobree)
    <3 _BRee
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Hi I'm Summer and pretty new to mfp! I'm turning 20 this year, 5'8 and currently near the 150lb mark.
    I am addicted to food and struggle with severe binge eating and night eating. Recently had a long period of crazy binging and hence the weight gain. Looking to get back to around the 125lb mark and hopefully eventually get down to 120lb.
    Not following any specific plan, just trying to eat very healthy and exercise plenty!
    Trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle while indulging a little~ I can never do low-carb (sadly) so i try to stick to low fat.

    Can do with all the support I can get (and lots to give too! :) ) so add me up as a friend if you feel like we could help each other ouot in this journey!

    Lucky stars to everyone working towards a better self :)
  • luna16belle
    luna16belle Posts: 47 Member

    I'm Lauren, a 20 y.o. girlie from the SW England. Over the past 18 months my weight really has gone up, and I am reaching the point where I can't stand to look at my body in the mirror, where I feel I look ugly in all my clothes and don't want my boyfriend of almost 5 years touching me.
    All of these things have destroyed a large chunk of my self esteem (not that it was high to begin with!) and is affecting my relationship too.

    I've tried to tell him it's about the weight, not him, but as I have "dabbled" with ED behaviours in the past he doesn't like to talk about weight etc with me in case it "triggers" me off and sparks off that obsession again.

    But because I feel miserable, I eat, then I gain weight - which makes me feel miserable!! Round and round we go... I tend to binge eat at night time, because it's when I am alone and feel my worst.

    CW - 162lb
    LW - 124lb

    GW1 - (1st April: my 21st birthday) 150lb
    GW2 - (10th June) 140lb
  • collinshc
    collinshc Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Charles, pushing 40 and struggling to get myself healthy so I can keep up with my 9 year old daughter! I want to begin to feel more positive about myself and my appearance. My diet attempts have been discouraging but I am not going to give up!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Carol and I just joined this site a couple days ago because my sister suggested it to me. So far, I love it! I've been on other diet tracker sites and this appears to be the one that I like the most. I live with my boyfriend of 9 years and his motivational level for activity is nearly nonexistant. He's not a bad guy, but every time I try and diet, he wants bad foods and walking is the equivilant of me doing his laundry; just don't wanna do it! Sometimes I get so fed up and make snarky statements like "unless you like me being fat and not skinny the way you met me, sure we can have that crap!". Ya, I know, not great but it makes him realize that I'm serious and not happy with where I'm at physically. I'm 165lbs and just 3 years ago I was 115Lbs. I was 110lbs when my boyfriend met me, so the large jump to 165Lbs over these last 3 years has been difficult for me to overcome. I wanted to join this group because I am one of those people that does need motivation, support, and encouragement. I went from being athletic to extremely sedentary once I moved in with my boyfriend. Not something I'm proud of at all. I love being a part of a support system and I hope that I can do the same for everyone else in this group! :happy:
  • MrsYoungIII
    MrsYoungIII Posts: 41 Member
    Hi my name is Jess. I'm a 30yr old stay at home mom of 2 girls, 2yr and 7yr. I've been overweight for a very long time time and have tried at different points in my life to lose the weight. Now that my oldest daughter is getting older I don't want to lose weight just to make me feel good about myself but to also teach my daughters to be healthy. I am a role model and if I can't get myself to a healthy weight, eat healthy and exercise then I don't feel like I can expect them too. Being that everyone in my little family (my daughters and husband) are all skinny I feel very out of place. I don't have many pictures of myself holding either of my daughters when they were really little because I felt it made me look even fatter. I need to raise my self esteem and be a good role model for my daughters and I'm looking for friends to help support me in that. I'm also looking to help support other ppl as they reach for their goal.
  • kee414
    kee414 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am Katie, and this is my first weight loss journey. I am a former athlete, and this situation has been in the making for a while. I am only about a week in and already struggling, and I am looking for buddies in a similiar state for motivation and support. I have 30 pounds to lose and cannot wait to do it!
  • Hello, my name is Rochelle and I'm back on my weight loss due to health concerns; have to take "water pills" to bring down my BP and get rid of the water weight plus I do not want it to get any further; e.g., sugar diabetes, etc. I'm about to turn 50yo next Mon., 11/25. Currently, I'm pushing towards being in the gym 6/days/wk; on a 1200 cal/day diet and I've lost 9lbs. already. October 23, my weight check-in was 285; now, I'm 276. My goal is to lose 85lbs so I'm eating healthier and exercising more.
  • Andrea4Action
    Andrea4Action Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all!

    I am Andrea, a 19 year old from New York. I have been struggling with weight issues for a decent amount of my life. I have always found excuses for it here and there and I have tried many times to lose weight. I have been successful before but after a while I would have an off day or get into a funk and just give up to start all over. Last week my God Daughter told her mother that she didn't want me to go to heaven. She has no clue the health issues that I have going on, but it broke my heart to think that since I haven't really taken control and responsibility that I might not have as many years as I would want with her. I am now ready to take full control and lose weight so I can be here for her as long as she needs me!! I know I will need motivation and sometimes just someone to make me realize that an off day is okay!! Feel free to add me!! I will do the same for you.
  • Portlandmom
    Portlandmom Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I am 46 and 197 trying to get down to 130. I have been switchiing up my workout routine and recently decided to track more on this app because I think it will help me with my weight loss goal
  • Hi!

    I'm 24 and have previously lost 75 pounds but I am now up 100. :( I'm in law school and I stress eat and make excuses to not exercise. I could use some support.
    Any suggestions or helpful/inspirational hints would help!

    I just started so we'll see how this goes.
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Lindsay. I'm 19, 185 lbs and looking to lose about 60 lbs. I've been big my whole life but after high school, I stopped doing cheerleading (I did it since I was 5) and started working full time at a pizza/italian place that is way too generous with their food to the workers there (I.e. hello 20lb weight gain!).

    I've tried getting back into working out but I suffer from back and knee issues that have discouraged me. Hopefully joining this community will help me stay motivated and on track!

    I look forward to hearing from all of you and reading your posts! :)

  • clreyes22
    clreyes22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm CL and am a 24 year old chronic yo-yoer when it comes to weight. I was down about twenty pounds a year ago and have since gained all that weight back....again. I have a hard time keeping myself accountable since I live alone I feel like there's no one there to 'judge' me so I'll just binge on food as much as I want. Recently I've realized I've hit rock bottom again and am starting this life changer again. Hopefully I can keep the good habits this time. I know exactly what I need to do just need some motivation to get there and who knows maybe I'll go past my goal! I look forward to reading all of your posts and being an active part of this group. Friend me if you share similar goals :)
  • waterlibby
    waterlibby Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I am now 40 (gasp!),a wife for almost 19 years now, and a mother to 2 boys, 16 and 7 years of age.
    I have been carrying more than 100 pounds of extra weight on my body for almost 12 years now.
    I have had some health issues gladly lend a hand to my weight gain, but I have developed some down right awful, unhealthy habits along the way.

    I need to make a choice here. Scratch that- I HAVE MADE A CHOICE. My choice is to live a healthy life and enjoy it!

    I want to be healthy and happy. I want to run with my boys!
    I want to fit in to ALL of the roller coaster seats!
    I would LOVE to be able to shop in a regular store!

    Always looking for friends and support.
    Also a member of TOPS.

  • thedjnoble
    thedjnoble Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Rudy B. I recently turned 40 and decided I need to get control of my health and weight. I've lost in the past just to gain it back. What I'm doing this time is take my time so its not really a goal weight I'm trying to achieve but a habit or style of living. Hope that makes sense. Hope to meet and make friends to share this experience with on here. Please feel free to add me as a friend.