Fast Food Be Gone! - Conversation Thread - 2012

IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
Please share any accomplishments you had this month regarding eliminating fast foods from your diet. Sharing help us to realize we are not alone. I have actually had some success in eliminating fast foods from my diet but I can always do better. So no matter where you are in your battle with fast foods please share your failures and accomplishments. Support is here if you need it.


  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    I had a grilled chicken sandwich from Wendy's last night. I was in town until 6:30, there was a storm on it's way, and it was WAY too hot to even think about cooking. I wish this heat would break because it's making this hard. I want to eat out every night because my kitchen gets soooo hot when I try to cook and it's 100 degrees outside. :grumble:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I had a grilled chicken sandwich from Wendy's last night. I was in town until 6:30, there was a storm on it's way, and it was WAY too hot to even think about cooking. I wish this heat would break because it's making this hard. I want to eat out every night because my kitchen gets soooo hot when I try to cook and it's 100 degrees outside. :grumble:

    Kat, I hear you girl!! But we have so many options. I have been making egg beater omlets in evening and lean cuisines are coming in handy with a salad or veggie on the side. I think we are in for a scorcher of a summer.
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    I feel you too Kat! My husband and I went out for dinner due to the hot weather and we were feeling lazy. I got some fish tacos from Rubio's but I got the healthy version so I'm happy with that! Looks like you got something healthy from Wendy's too! Grilled chicken is healthier than the crispy chicken!

    Tomorrow is the 4th of July! I'm going to a bbq so I'm going to try really hard and get myself one plate again and eat lots of veggies/fruits.

    Hope you all have a fun and safe 4th! =)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I had my Popeyes special yesterday and It was very good. I fit it in my points. You learn something new all the times. I learned that corn on the cob had more points than the mash potatoes with gravy. How that is I have no idea but it is interesting for sure.

    Enjoy your day!
  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    We took the bigger kids at the day care to McDonald's for a field trip yesterday since it's been too hot for them to play outside. I didn't order anything for lunch but went back to work and ate what I brought instead. :happy: One of the employees and I did split a leftover cookie from McDonald's and I brought back a sweet and sour packet to use with my chicken. I'm not counting that as fast food though. :wink:

    Good luck at the cookout Meea! And that's great that you can fit Popeye's into your day Mollie!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good job Kat at McDonald's!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hey Girls,
    Popping in to say hello... sorry I'm been absent... flu/computer stuff, ya know, life.. sigh

    I had popped on and left a message when we started out our new month but not sure what happened so want you all to know you're on my mind xo
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    @ Mollie: I can't believe corn on the cob has more points than mashed potatoes w/ gravy! Good to know! =)

    @ Kat: Great job for not getting anything from McDonalds! =)

    @ Hearts: Hi! Hopefully your computer will get fixed soon! We miss you!

    So I didn't do so well yesterday at the bbq. I had two plates plus dessert! =( I'm counting yesterday as FF (ate cheeseburger, carne asada, and corned beef and cabbage to name a few). Oh well, today is a new day and it's back to eating healthy!

    Hope you all had a great 4th of July! =)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    12 Ways to Stop Overeating
    Here are 12 tips to help you regain control of your eating habits.
    Article By: Megan Gressor

    You've done it by the book for a while. Watched your diet, made healthy choices, exercised every day. Then suddenly you're undoing all your hard work by saying, "I might as well give up. I'll never lose weight!"

    "All-or-nothing" thinking doesn't help. People who overeat often feel out of control and disgusted with themselves. It becomes a vicious cycle, leading to low self-esteem and even more eating.

    To regain control of your eating habits, ask yourself why you overeat. Is it your way of coping with stressful events? Has gorging on "forbidden" treats become a substitute for other pleasures lacking in your life? Do you use food to soothe, distract or reward yourself?

    Breaking It Down
    Once you've identified trigger factors, work out other ways to address them. Don't beat yourself up with every little lapse. Instead, focus on positive things you can do to replace or avoid overeating. Pay attention to how you feel when you eat certain foods; you'll start to notice patterns emerging (eating after a family argument, for example, or when you're bored, lonely or disappointed). Consider alternative ways to lift your mood when the urge threatens. Perhaps call a friend, go for a walk or see a movie.

    Breaking the Habit
    Here are some tips for winning the battle:

    1.Take it slow. Crash dieting is more likely to end in losing control than a slow, steady loss of a pound or two each week.

    2.Don't cheat yourself! Eat a sensible amount of food each day.

    3.Allow occasional treats. If you don't totally cut out "forbidden" foods (such as those donuts that you love), you're more likely to stay on track, because deprivation often leads to overeating. Opt for low-fat versions of favorite foods.

    4.Reward yourself for every win — how about a bath or a walk just to enjoy a sunset rather than a reward consisting of junk food.

    5.Plan ahead to stay in control. Facing a big test or other ordeal that you fear will send you straight to the cookie jar? Try to keep healthy snacks around to nibble on instead, and exercise to offset your munching — and calm you down, too!

    6.Share your feelings — sad, bad or otherwise — with family or friends.

    7.Seek support from others trying to lose weight — family, friends or online buddies. They're there to help, and want to see you succeed.

    8.Look to calming alternatives if stress is your trigger. Anything from deep breathing to yoga to arts and crafts could help. And don't forget: Exercise is a great tranquillizer. (It also reduces your appetite!)

    9.Count to ten. Is overeating your way of coping with anger? Consider other ways of dealing with negative emotions, such as learning assertiveness techniques.

    10.Find other ways to fill the void. If you typically overeat when you're looking for emotional nourishment; stop. Feed your spirit by caring for yourself as well as you can during times when you feel unloved, under-appreciated or unworthy. Be your own biggest fan and try to focus on your successes, not to the occasional lapse.

    11.Be patient and forgiving of yourself. Long-established complex habits won't change overnight.

    12.Avoid all-or-nothing thinking, such as "I've already blown my weight loss plan, I might as well finish off the box." Accept that you may go off the rails from time to time. So you've lost six pounds and regained three? It's important to congratulate yourself for the pounds that you lost. You're doing a great job!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    So I didn't do so well yesterday at the bbq. I had two plates plus dessert! =( I'm counting yesterday as FF (ate cheeseburger, carne asada, and corned beef and cabbage to name a few). Oh well, today is a new day and it's back to eating healthy!

    Hope you all had a great 4th of July! =)

    One day is just one day!! Good job on moving forward! Have a good week Meea!
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    So I didn't do so well yesterday at the bbq. I had two plates plus dessert! =( I'm counting yesterday as FF (ate cheeseburger, carne asada, and corned beef and cabbage to name a few). Oh well, today is a new day and it's back to eating healthy!

    Hope you all had a great 4th of July! =)

    One day is just one day!! Good job on moving forward! Have a good week Meea!

    Thanks Mollie and thanks for the article! Very informative!!! =)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Hump day all!!

    Last night at Costcos I brought a big thing of salad - mixed greens. I am doing so good getting in those veggies I feel I will eat it before it spoils. In the past I rarely eat these tubs of salad before they spoil. Some days I am getting in 4 veggies. For me that is great.

    On WW most veggies are zero points so that is inspiring me to get more of those babies in too. Another thing I did that I am very proud of at Costcos. I did not buy anything but a diet coke from their food court! YAY!! No hot dogs, no yougarts, no pizza, etc. I have not did that in a while. I had my diet coke and 2 babybel light cheeses in the car on the way home and was very satisfied with that. I love those babies too :)

    And I did not even think about Popeyes Chicken Special yesterday :) I always make sure I have my delicious broiled chicken on Tuesdays so I do not feel deprived. It was soo good too. I had the last pcs for lunch today.

    Everyone is doing great!! Keep it going and have a wonderful day all and remember:
    "Change is not a bolt of lightning that arrives with a zap. It is a bridge built brick by brick, every day, with sweat and humility and slips. It is hard work, and slow work, but it can be thrilling to watch it take shape." — Sarah Hepola
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Happy Hump day all!!

    Last night at Costcos I brought a big thing of salad - mixed greens. I am doing so good getting in those veggies I feel I will eat it before it spoils. In the past I rarely eat these tubs of salad before they spoil. Some days I am getting in 4 veggies. For me that is great.

    On WW most veggies are zero points so that is inspiring me to get more of those babies in too. Another thing I did that I am very proud of at Costcos. I did not buy anything but a diet coke from their food court! YAY!! No hot dogs, no yougarts, no pizza, etc. I have not did that in a while. I had my diet coke and 2 babybel light cheeses in the car on the way home and was very satisfied with that. I love those babies too :)

    And I did not even think about Popeyes Chicken Special yesterday :) I always make sure I have my delicious broiled chicken on Tuesdays so I do not feel deprived. It was soo good too. I had the last pcs for lunch today.

    Everyone is doing great!! Keep it going and have a wonderful day all and remember:
    "Change is not a bolt of lightning that arrives with a zap. It is a bridge built brick by brick, every day, with sweat and humility and slips. It is hard work, and slow work, but it can be thrilling to watch it take shape." — Sarah Hepola

    Great willpower Mollie!!! I haven't had Costco food in a while as well! When I go now, I usually just pass on the food court and go get food somewhere else! I'm getting better at making good choices and I like that!

    Keep it up everyone! =)
  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    Congrats on the victory at Costco, Mollie! I stole a chicken nugget and 6 or 7 fries out of my daughter's McDonald's bag a couple of days ago. I'm counting it as fast food.

    I'm going to the Forecastle Festival on Saturday, so I'll have to count that day as ff too. There is no re-entry if I want to leave, so I'll be eating supper from one of the food vendors. I'll also be having lunch on Saturday with a group of friends, barhopping after the shows, and having brunch again on Sunday morning before heading home. I HAVE to be good every day to make up for the damage I'm gonna do this weekend! :laugh:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Sounds like you have an action packed weekend planned Kat!! Have fun!
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Have fun this weekend Kat and to everyone else as well!

    Today, I didn't bring a lunch so I went with my coworkers to Panda Express and I got myself a Panda Bowl with 1/2 mixed veggies and 1/2 chow mein with string bean chicken breast and it was only 440 calories! I would usually get all chow mein with orange chicken but those are way too many calories! I do miss my orange chicken but I'm happy with my string bean chicken breast. =)

    My friend bought a deal on Groupon where we get to ride in a limo and go wine tasting! So my husband and I will be joining in on the fun on Sunday with our friends and I'm gonna try my best to make healthy choices! If not, one day won't hurt me!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    So how is everyone doing so far this month?
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Hey Kat! I'm hanging in there. I sprained my ankle last Saturday while going on a hike with some friends. So I've been resting until my ankle gets better. Can't work out either. =( Sucks because I can't eat as much!

    I had some FF this past week cuz I can't cook and my husband has been busy with work. We ordered Chinese food to go and had pizza. Trying to get back into eating healthy again. I gotten better at eating less now to make up for not working out. Trying to drink lots of water too.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hope your ankle gets better soon Meea!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Here's to a brand new month with August right around the corner! Great month Everyone!!:happy:

    Mai, glad to hear your ankle is on the mend!:heart:
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