Fast Food Be Gone! - Conversation Thread - 2012



  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's getting better each day! I've been walking slowly around the house without the brace to get some exercise in! I can't wait to go on for a walk soon! =)

    I didn't do all so well in July but I hope to do better in August! =)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello peeps!!!

    Here is the link for August challenge. You will notice I changed the format a little. i did this so if we are not able to check in daily it should be a little easier this way once you get the hang of it. Let me know if you have any questions.

    I know many of us fell off in July me included but I am ready for August. I did pretty good but with mutiple groups and stuff going on I am not able to check on daily like I was in the beginning. Hope this new format works for you.

    Keep up the good work and have a good August!!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Check out this very interesting article:

    What are your thoughts and opinions on this matter. I totally agree with it and can attest to it personally on so many levels because as many of you know I am very consistent with my exercise but the bottom line is until I decrease my intake with food it is all in vain.

    Have a wonderful day and keep thinking positive thoughts!!! Hugs!
  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    I have to agree with the article. I think exercise is great for your health, but unless you're making some changes in your diet too it alone is not going to make you lose weight. I could have done an hour of Zumba every day before I started this journey, but I wouldn't have really lost anything because I still wouldn't have been burning more than I consumed. I may have toned up and felt better, but I don't think I would have lost any weight.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Greetings all xo

    Love the way you set up the new format for August!! :bigsmile: FF Monster..:laugh: :grumble: :wink:

    Haven't had time to check out the article yet but looking forward to when I can, glad you shared.

    So glad to see some of the old gang back on here again this Month, this commitment really does help me A LOT! When I'm thinking of a FF binge or even just a meal I thinkk of this group and all of you.:wink::tongue:

    Wishing you all well in your goals each day:flowerforyou:
    xo Hearts
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I went to my friend's bachelorette party and boy was it a lot of fun! lol

    I was waiting for August to come up and now I see it! I'm liking the new format so far Mollie!

    Mollie: I just read the article and I have to agree as well. What you eat matters! I want to do better this month. So far, I had two days of FF and my goal is to have no more than 6 days w/ FF! I am determined!

    I was looking at some recipes on MFP and I came across this topic on overnight oats. Have you guys ever made these? I went on and decided to try the banana peanut butter oatmeal. I had all of the ingredients on hand except for the Chia seeds so I just went to my local farmer's market and bought a packet. I'll let you guys know how it tastes tomorrow!
  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    How did the overnight oats turn out, meea? I've never had them but I'd like to try them.

    On Tuesday I went to the old Frostop drive-in and had a pizzaburger. I don't know if it's technically fast food since they make everything to order and you have to get out of your car, but I'm counting it anyway. How's everyone else doing this month?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Love the way you set up the new format for August!! :bigsmile: FF Monster..:laugh: :grumble: :wink:

    xo Hearts
    Glad you like it. We have to get use to it. It works for another thread I am in and it helps when we don't have time to check in daily. We miss you!! Have a good weekend!! I had to go back and see what article I posted. Yes that was a good article.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Meea, How were the oats? I am not a big oatmeal fan. I can only eat the instant ones by Quaker with Brown sugar and maple. Even then I force myself to eat because I know they are healthy. I like this flavor.

    I too am determine not to have anymore fast food this month. Like Heart said this group helps since FF used to be a crutch for me.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    How did the overnight oats turn out, meea? I've never had them but I'd like to try them.

    On Tuesday I went to the old Frostop drive-in and had a pizzaburger. I don't know if it's technically fast food since they make everything to order and you have to get out of your car, but I'm counting it anyway. How's everyone else doing this month?
    Hi Kathy, oh I think a burger with the name pizzaburger definitely qualifies as FF....:laugh:
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    I ended up buying some chia seeds at my local farmer's marker and made two different recipes from the website. One was with banana and peanut butter and the other was with raspberries, jam, and vanilla extract. Both of them were really good! I've been eating the overnight oats at least two times a week and I feel great cuz I know it's really good for you!

    I'm at 5 days of FF this month and my goal is no more than 6 days with FF. I'm gonna try very hard to stay under 6!

    Two more weeks to go! We got this! =)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Thinking of you, sadly no time to chat but will jump back on asap! xo
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday!! :flowerforyou:

    I am reading Geneen Roth book now, Take Back Your Life and it is very good. This is the 2nd book of hers I have read. She writes about how to stop emotional eating. Just wanted to share a bit of the basis or foundation of her books. Have an awesome weekend!:heart:

    Geneen Roth's Eating Guidelines

    1. Eat when you are hungry. (Truly hungry, body hungry not mind hungry)

    2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car.

    3.Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, television, newspaper, books, intense or anxiety producing conversation and music.

    4. Eat only what your body wants. (Big difference from what your MIND wants!)

    5. Eat until you are satisfied. (This is different than full).

    6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.

    7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Happy Friday!! :flowerforyou:

    I am reading Geneen Roth book now, Take Back Your Life and it is very good. This is the 2nd book of hers I have read. She writes about how to stop emotional eating. Just wanted to share a bit of the basis or foundation of her books. Have an awesome weekend!:heart:

    Geneen Roth's Eating Guidelines

    1. Eat when you are hungry. (Truly hungry, body hungry not mind hungry)

    2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car.

    3.Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, television, newspaper, books, intense or anxiety producing conversation and music.

    4. Eat only what your body wants. (Big difference from what your MIND wants!)

    5. Eat until you are satisfied. (This is different than full).

    6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.

    7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.

    Thanks Mollie, sitting here at the library so I'll note the title and see if it's on the shelf. :)
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! How's everyone weekend going so far? I'm doing pretty good so far with no FF. I'm having a major sweet tooth recently so I have been buying a bunch of fruit to munch on instead of candy. I still need to try those 90 calories brownies! lol

    Mollie: Thanks for the guidelines! I always love everything you post!

    We can do this!!! We got a week left in August!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    ahh...Sep. will be far better for me, looking forward to making a clean start to a brand new month in the a.m. I have no plans to pick up anything tonight..:laugh: just meant glad tomorrow begins a new month for us.

    FF cost way too much money and I spent all mine on fixing my computer. Hm... keeping up with all you wonderful MFP FF Peeps or FF and no MFP Peeps??? Easy! You all!!:smooched:

    Enjoy the Holiday weekend gang... xo
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I know many of us strugged in August. Let's move on to September!

    Here is the link for the September challenge:
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Thanks for posting up September's challenge Mollie!

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I went to a baseball game yesterday with my mom and brother and it was so much fun! I knew yesterday would be my FF day. I just couldn't resist the hot dog and fries and it's not that often I go to a baseball game so mind as well enjoy it! =)

    Today, I did better and had no FF! I made some kale chips out of curiosity and I must say, they were actually ok! I'm planning to make them again in the future because kale is supposed to be really good for you!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi Meea!! I am doing good so far this month. I agree on making baseball day a FF day. What is a baseball game without an all american HOT DOG!!

    I am on a mission for the next 4 months so I am going to have to remain very balanced when it comes to FF. My goal is to see 50 pounds on my MFP ticker by 2013. I never like to restrict anything 100 percent because that only cause binges for me but I will shoot for my 25 days no FF!

    Have a good week!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday!! Well I am going to Costco's tonight and I can't decide if I want to get hot dog or pass. decisions, decisions. I am doing so good this month and I have a wedding tomorrow and they are not usually too bad either for me, so do I splurge and have my treat and I would still be in the green too.

    Hope you alll are doing swell! Have a good weekend!
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