Hello....nice to meet you!



  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hi laced! Glad you made it, my friend! :smile:
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    I'm Laura. I'm 31, not married, and no kids. I've decided to get fit because this something I want to do for myself. I put everyone else in my life first and myself last. I've done the shred in the past and quit, but this time around I'm determined to finish.
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I'm Bre, I'm 19 and I'm about to start my third year of university here in England in September :smile: I started the shred almost a week ago with a friend of mine and I've seen great results so far, hopefully I'll keep improving :drinker:
  • goldencat01
    goldencat01 Posts: 13 Member
    HI :) My name is Krystal and I love this website! I am new to it, but not new to the shred. I did it and got second place in the biggest loser contest at work. I lost 13 lbs and lover 10 inches all over my body! It is hard, but so rewarding and I love that its only 20 minutes per day. YAY go us!!!
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello everyone ! I'm Danielle, 42 years old, married for 9 years and have an amazing 3 yo little girl. I am pretty much wanting to live a healthy life-style for her, since I want to make sure I do everything I possibly can to be around for her for a very long time to come. My biggest fear is that something would happen to me, and she have to grow up without a Mom.... :( I also want her to learn how to live a healthy life - which will be hard in the midst of all our "fast/junk food" world of today...

    Anyways - I have lived in South Florida now for 5 years, and have a long commute to work (1 hour each way), a sedentary job (pretty much in front of a computer all day) and my husband works nights and weekends. It is very difficult to manage my everyday life, and add a healthy cooking and exercise to the midst of it - BUT I HAVE TO ! :happy:

    I had joined MFP in July last year, and lost 30 Lbs in 3 months with mostly diet and a little exercise. We had an amazing group that also did 30DS together, but I lasted only till Day 13 before my everyday life took a better toll on me..... Since then I have gotten pregnant, had a miscarriage, and pretty much gained back all the 30 Lbs I had lost.... :(

    So, needless to say I am extremely excited to do this again ! And REALLY hoping I will be able to stick to it for this time around...

    If anyone is interested, I had started Blogging about my 30DS experience from last October, and even though I only blogged up to Day 5, it is pretty amusing to read back and see what was happening at that time.... Got a few chuckles myself..... Maybe you guys can see what it will be like for you first timers !

    Go check it out : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/daniellesb1

    Good luck to us ! :heart:
  • nailtechbec
    nailtechbec Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, I'm a little late to the party but I started yesterday with 30 day shred and I've done it today too! Shoulders are a bit sore but I'm kicking some 30ds *kitten* one day at a time. My name's Becca, I'm 31 have 2 kids aged 9 and 2, I get married in 10 months and I'm too big for my dress which I bought before I became pregnant with my youngest and I WILL fit in it !! Good luck everyone x x