Introduce yourselves and your goals!



  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Hi! I'm Kate and I'm looking to lose a total of 81 pounds total. I've been working out for six weeks and joined MFP two weeks ago. I want to be healthy overall!

    How much progress have you made in the 6 weeks so far?
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    My name is Gidget and my goal is to lose about 150 lbs total. I gained a lot of my weight after I lost my job in 2006, then my Dad died in 2007. I was in a deep depression and I almost became one of those people who never leave the house. I finally got it together and now I am trying to get my body back that I had when I was working (around 200 lbs). I really want to get smaller than I was then, but I would be happy just to get back there.

    Great to hear that you're trying to improve yourself! Stress tends to put on weight, but I've heard that when you're happy you gain weight too? :huh:
  • GidgetW
    GidgetW Posts: 23
    My name is Gidget and my goal is to lose about 150 lbs total. I gained a lot of my weight after I lost my job in 2006, then my Dad died in 2007. I was in a deep depression and I almost became one of those people who never leave the house. I finally got it together and now I am trying to get my body back that I had when I was working (around 200 lbs). I really want to get smaller than I was then, but I would be happy just to get back there.

    Great to hear that you're trying to improve yourself! Stress tends to put on weight, but I've heard that when you're happy you gain weight too? :huh:

    Yes I have heard that also. I remember after my husband and I got together we both gained some weight. But nothing like now. That's ok cause we workout together now.
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    My name is Gidget and my goal is to lose about 150 lbs total. I gained a lot of my weight after I lost my job in 2006, then my Dad died in 2007. I was in a deep depression and I almost became one of those people who never leave the house. I finally got it together and now I am trying to get my body back that I had when I was working (around 200 lbs). I really want to get smaller than I was then, but I would be happy just to get back there.

    Great to hear that you're trying to improve yourself! Stress tends to put on weight, but I've heard that when you're happy you gain weight too? :huh:

    Yes I have heard that also. I remember after my husband and I got together we both gained some weight. But nothing like now. That's ok cause we workout together now.

    That's great to hear, I hope he's good with supporting you and himself through this new journey!
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    Hello everyone apparently I was a bad boy:laugh: and my friend bright eyes started these private threads so I don't get kicked out of MFP. yah I am a first time offender. :cry: I really don't think I'm sexy although my wife says I am and apparently I am because at least 13 ladies out of 1 million MFP women agree said they would do me. Oh but we were chatting about Free love and hooking up with every one

    Thank you stroke stroke stroke :bigsmile:

    My name is Brian and I want to get in shape! I need to loose weight and show off my muscles. I'm kind of short 5'8"and kind of round 204lbs. but that is beginning to change. Originally I was thinking like 175-180 but two and half months later i'm not so sure. I like working out and getting STRONGER. logging my food and exercise is fun, but interacting with all the ppl is even better.
  • cri77erbug
    Hi my name is Cynthia I am a mother to a 4 year old and 7 month old twins, my goals oh boy where to start, I have about 100 pounds to lose to be at my ideal weight. I had a horrible childhood and just now told my husband about everything I think that's part of the reason I'm not losing weight. I'm just eating because I'm depressed and think about stuff a lot. My other goal is to accept my self now and be happy because I'm scared that if I don't I will never be happy at any weight.
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Hello everyone apparently I was a bad boy:laugh: and my friend bright eyes started these private threads so I don't get kicked out of MFP. yah I am a first time offender. :cry: I really don't think I'm sexy although my wife says I am and apparently I am because at least 13 ladies out of 1 million MFP women agree said they would do me. Oh but we were chatting about Free love and hooking up with every one

    Thank you stroke stroke stroke :bigsmile:

    My name is Brian and I want to get in shape! I need to loose weight and show off my muscles. I'm kind of short 5'8"and kind of round 204lbs. but that is beginning to change. Originally I was thinking like 175-180 but two and half months later i'm not so sure. I like working out and getting STRONGER. logging my food and exercise is fun, but interacting with all the ppl is even better.

    Bright Eyes to the rescue I guess :wink: and you can't complain about being short! I'm 5'4". And interacting with people on here is the best part I think because they're so supportive and sometimes fun to talk to.
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Hi my name is Cynthia I am a mother to a 4 year old and 7 month old twins, my goals oh boy where to start, I have about 100 pounds to lose to be at my ideal weight. I had a horrible childhood and just now told my husband about everything I think that's part of the reason I'm not losing weight. I'm just eating because I'm depressed and think about stuff a lot. My other goal is to accept my self now and be happy because I'm scared that if I don't I will never be happy at any weight.

    Have you thought about getting a hobby to help take your mind off things? Or how about doing some fun activities with your kids that include exercise (with the 4 year old anyway). I had a horrible childhood when it came to my weight, I was always teased about it. Freshman year of high school I was known as the "chica grande" in my Spanish class, and I wasn't the fattest one either! :ohwell: and you will be happy with your weight eventually, you just need to find that comfort zone where you look in the mirror and say to yourself "I'm proud of the way I look", and all of us have that same goal, so we're with you every step of the way
  • cri77erbug
    I have a hard time liking things about my body, my husband hates the fact that I'm constantly criticizing every thing about myself. I plan to start walking or jogging and riding my bike I'm just lacking in motivation for some reason.
    Hi my name is Cynthia I am a mother to a 4 year old and 7 month old twins, my goals oh boy where to start, I have about 100 pounds to lose to be at my ideal weight. I had a horrible childhood and just now told my husband about everything I think that's part of the reason I'm not losing weight. I'm just eating because I'm depressed and think about stuff a lot. My other goal is to accept my self now and be happy because I'm scared that if I don't I will never be happy at any weight.

    Have you thought about getting a hobby to help take your mind off things? Or how about doing some fun activities with your kids that include exercise (with the 4 year old anyway). I had a horrible childhood when it came to my weight, I was always teased about it. Freshman year of high school I was known as the "chica grande" in my Spanish class, and I wasn't the fattest one either! :ohwell: and you will be happy with your weight eventually, you just need to find that comfort zone where you look in the mirror and say to yourself "I'm proud of the way I look", and all of us have that same goal, so we're with you every step of the way
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm Dan. I've been working out 3 years. My goal is look like a god. Yes, a god. I've put on 70lbs since I started lifting, 50 more to go. Umm, that's about it. If anyone needs weightlifting tips, I am always open. Just dont ask for diet advice because I live on cheeseburgers, junk food, and sugar :)
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    I'm Dan. I've been working out 3 years. My goal is look like a god. Yes, a god. I've put on 70lbs since I started lifting, 50 more to go. Umm, that's about it. If anyone needs weightlifting tips, I am always open. Just dont ask for diet advice because I live on cheeseburgers, junk food, and sugar :)

    How come you don't eat a healthier diet? And when you say another 50 pounds, you mean in muscle correct?
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    @ Cynthia, people have critizied me about me wanting to lose weight "because I look fine I don't need to lose anymore weight" and etc. Its tough to gain the motivation at first, but once you start working out and eating right your body is going to start loving every minute of it and want more of it. Just take steps for now and you should be well on your way soon
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm Dan. I've been working out 3 years. My goal is look like a god. Yes, a god. I've put on 70lbs since I started lifting, 50 more to go. Umm, that's about it. If anyone needs weightlifting tips, I am always open. Just dont ask for diet advice because I live on cheeseburgers, junk food, and sugar :)

    How come you don't eat a healthier diet? And when you say another 50 pounds, you mean in muscle correct?

    Yeah, lean mass. So realistically another 70lbs to maintain my current bf%.

    I just dont like eating healthy. I can barely eat enough as it is, I pick the highest calorie foods I can every day. I do watch some of what I eat, like I eat grass fed beef, free range eggs etc etc. As i get closer to my goal I'll clean it up a bit.
  • Btmartin54
    Btmartin54 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all!!!

    I'm Theresa. I'm 5'11" and weight about 178lbs. Well, I wanted to have an amazing body and be in great shape before my husband comes home...he's in Kuwait now. I wanted to lose 20-25lbs, but I'm having a hard time keeping off the 5lbs lost during the last two months. I'll have a loss of 1-2lbs a week and then gain 1-2 another week. So overall, I've only lost 1.5lbs. I'm losing inches which from what I've been told is good, but very frustrating when the scale doesn't reflect it! Now, I would be happy if I'm able to lose 15 pounds during the next 8 months. Hopefully, the "I'm sexy and I know it feeling" will be one I share too. :-)
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Hi all!!!

    I'm Theresa. I'm 5'11" and weight about 178lbs. Well, I wanted to have an amazing body and be in great shape before my husband comes home...he's in Kuwait now. I wanted to lose 20-25lbs, but I'm having a hard time keeping off the 5lbs lost during the last two months. I'll have a loss of 1-2lbs a week and then gain 1-2 another week. So overall, I've only lost 1.5lbs. I'm losing inches which from what I've been told is good, but very frustrating when the scal doesn't reflect it! Now, I would be happy if I'm able to lose 15 pounds during the next 8 months. Hopefully, the "I'm sexy and I know feeling" will be one I share too. :-)

    The reason why you are seeing much of a difference in the scale is because a pound of muscle equals a pound of fat, only with muscle its 3 x smaller than fat, hence the losing inches not the actual weight
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    I'm Dan. I've been working out 3 years. My goal is look like a god. Yes, a god. I've put on 70lbs since I started lifting, 50 more to go. Umm, that's about it. If anyone needs weightlifting tips, I am always open. Just dont ask for diet advice because I live on cheeseburgers, junk food, and sugar :)

    How come you don't eat a healthier diet? And when you say another 50 pounds, you mean in muscle correct?

    Yeah, lean mass. So realistically another 70lbs to maintain my current bf%.

    I just dont like eating healthy. I can barely eat enough as it is, I pick the highest calorie foods I can every day. I do watch some of what I eat, like I eat grass fed beef, free range eggs etc etc. As i get closer to my goal I'll clean it up a bit.

    I wish I could eat like you lol but then I wouldn't get anywhere. But you're already buff enough, don't you think another 50 lbs is pushing it a bit? Even for the "god" look?
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Maybe. It's just a goal. I'd be fine sitting at 235 lbs 8% bf, which is like 40-50 some lbs total added. But I have a different goal than most people...I know girls dont like that pro bodybuilder look...but I do.
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Maybe. It's just a goal. I'd be fine sitting at 235 lbs 8% bf, which is like 40-50 some lbs total added. But I have a different goal than most people...I know girls dont like that pro bodybuilder look...but I do.

    Well I don't mind bodies of body builders, but for me there's a line when it comes to getting that buff. But hey its your body, and I hope you have fun getting that next 50 lbs, sounds like it might take a while though
  • Btmartin54
    Btmartin54 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for the response! I'll just have to be patient and hopefully my little ticker will start to move. :smile:
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Thanks for the response! I'll just have to be patient and hopefully my little ticker will start to move. :smile:

    Welcome :smile: but for me the scale doesn't matter. What matters is your measurements and the inches you are losing. You be surprised on how many people will guess your weight wrong because you look skinnier than you really are because of your muscles