Introduce yourselves and your goals!



  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Im looking to lose at least 50 more pounds. I have a long way to go :(

    Just think of it as an awesome transformation :)
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Haha, I'm not a surgery person (and neither is my significant other!!). Whatever I get from working out and eating well is what I'm stuck with; no surgeries.

    I'm right there with surgery, just have to work on it.
  • AmberMahfouz
    AmberMahfouz Posts: 316

    My name is Amber. I am 5'3" and my ultimate goal is to lose about 30 lbs, but right now I am focusing on about 10 lbs. I want to be comfortable on my cruise in August also I want to get a whole new wardrobe that really describes ME instead of just wearing "garage sale" clothes that fit at the time. I want my husband to lose his mind every time he sees me. And I want to look like the gorgeous 23 year old that I feel like! I want people to look at me and say "Wow, she must work out!"

    Also, I love making friends on here so feel free to add me!

    P.S. - I used to absolutely LOVE Bright Eyes <3
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Hi, I'm Gina and I'm a 45 year old stay at home mom to three boys.

    My boys are 11, 10 (well, a month from today he'll be 10) and 3.

    It is very loud in my house, with three active boys.

    I currently weigh 317ish. I'd like to get to 200 and then decide where to go from there. In the past, 200 has been about a size 16/18, which would be wonderful for me.

    Anyway, I'm slogging away. I've managed about 30 pounds since January, which is OK, but not great.

    What is great is that I've finally made exercise a habit and do five days a week at the gym. Now, I have to find a lego free place in my home (we have millions of the things and between them and Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends, it is hard to find a clear space of floor) to add at-home workouts to my time at the gym.

    What isn't so great is that I have a hard time getting a handle on eating.

    Of course, right after I started to diet, my husband lost his job and he's been looking ever since and finding that there isn't a lot out there for a 50 year old guy, even with years of experience and a very stable job history. He's finally found something and will be leaving home for 3 weeks at a time for his job.

    Chaos is my dietary enemy. If I'm in my regular routine, I'm able to stay on track. Add in stress and schedule disruptions and it all goes to you-know-what.

    So, wish me luck and I'll do the same to you! Looks like most of you have a MUCH better handle in this thing than I do!
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335

    My name is Amber. I am 5'3" and my ultimate goal is to lose about 30 lbs, but right now I am focusing on about 10 lbs. I want to be comfortable on my cruise in August also I want to get a whole new wardrobe that really describes ME instead of just wearing "garage sale" clothes that fit at the time. I want my husband to lose his mind every time he sees me. And I want to look like the gorgeous 23 year old that I feel like! I want people to look at me and say "Wow, she must work out!"

    Also, I love making friends on here so feel free to add me!

    P.S. - I used to absolutely LOVE Bright Eyes <3

    A cruise is the perfect goal for weight loss! And if he didn't already lose his mind when he saw you than you guys wouldn't be married :wink: :bigsmile:

    And as for the bright eyes thing, do you mean me or actual light colored eyes lol :laugh:
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Hi, I'm Gina and I'm a 45 year old stay at home mom to three boys.

    My boys are 11, 10 (well, a month from today he'll be 10) and 3.

    It is very loud in my house, with three active boys.

    I currently weigh 317ish. I'd like to get to 200 and then decide where to go from there. In the past, 200 has been about a size 16/18, which would be wonderful for me.

    Anyway, I'm slogging away. I've managed about 30 pounds since January, which is OK, but not great.

    What is great is that I've finally made exercise a habit and do five days a week at the gym. Now, I have to find a lego free place in my home (we have millions of the things and between them and Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends, it is hard to find a clear space of floor) to add at-home workouts to my time at the gym.

    What isn't so great is that I have a hard time getting a handle on eating.

    Of course, right after I started to diet, my husband lost his job and he's been looking ever since and finding that there isn't a lot out there for a 50 year old guy, even with years of experience and a very stable job history. He's finally found something and will be leaving home for 3 weeks at a time for his job.

    Chaos is my dietary enemy. If I'm in my regular routine, I'm able to stay on track. Add in stress and schedule disruptions and it all goes to you-know-what.

    So, wish me luck and I'll do the same to you! Looks like most of you have a MUCH better handle in this thing than I do!

    Good luck with your journey! Do you exercise with your kids?
  • gprice201
    gprice201 Posts: 11
    Hello my name is Gabby and I am looking to lose a few pounds of body fat and then gain some muscle. I want to be toned! I grew up in PA, but I attend the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. Right now I am doing a public health internship in Philadelphia that focuses on improving participants' levels of physical activity and healthy eating habits. I figured if I am helping others improve their health, why not improve my own!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member

    Good luck with your journey! Do you exercise with your kids?

    Not so much. We walk and go to the pool together, but my real exercise time is in the gym. It is my precious alone time!

    Also, you cannot do a plank or pushups with a 3 year old on your least I can't! :)
  • MarthajhGifford
    Hi, I am Martha, and I have got to get some of this weight off. 4 years ago, I lost 83 lbs. but due to a thyroid problem, and then being diagnoised with thyroid cancer I gained about 40 lbs back. I now am thyroid and cancer free and medications are leveled so the weight loss journey begins. I want to lose at least 30 to 35 lbs, and would love to have it off by Christmas. I have a closet full of clothes that keep begging me to wear them, so I want to make them and me happy again and wear them!
  • AmberMahfouz
    AmberMahfouz Posts: 316
    Hi, I am Martha, and I have got to get some of this weight off. 4 years ago, I lost 83 lbs. but due to a thyroid problem, and then being diagnoised with thyroid cancer I gained about 40 lbs back. I now am thyroid and cancer free and medications are leveled so the weight loss journey begins. I want to lose at least 30 to 35 lbs, and would love to have it off by Christmas. I have a closet full of clothes that keep begging me to wear them, so I want to make them and me happy again and wear them!

    Martha, I also have no thyroid any longer, but I promise it can be done! I feel like because us "thryoid-less" people have to work harder at losing weight, we should be more proud when we do!!
  • Btmartin54
    Btmartin54 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I'm Gina and I'm a 45 year old stay at home mom to three boys.

    My boys are 11, 10 (well, a month from today he'll be 10) and 3.

    It is very loud in my house, with three active boys.

    I currently weigh 317ish. I'd like to get to 200 and then decide where to go from there. In the past, 200 has been about a size 16/18, which would be wonderful for me.

    Anyway, I'm slogging away. I've managed about 30 pounds since January, which is OK, but not great.

    What is great is that I've finally made exercise a habit and do five days a week at the gym. Now, I have to find a lego free place in my home (we have millions of the things and between them and Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends, it is hard to find a clear space of floor) to add at-home workouts to my time at the gym.

    What isn't so great is that I have a hard time getting a handle on eating.

    Of course, right after I started to diet, my husband lost his job and he's been looking ever since and finding that there isn't a lot out there for a 50 year old guy, even with years of experience and a very stable job history. He's finally found something and will be leaving home for 3 weeks at a time for his job.

    Chaos is my dietary enemy. If I'm in my regular routine, I'm able to stay on track. Add in stress and schedule disruptions and it all goes to you-know-what.

    So, wish me luck and I'll do the same to you! Looks like most of you have a MUCH better handle in this thing than I do!

    I can relate...I have two rambunctious boys...9 and 8 and space is also limited. My husband is away so finding the time to exercise can be a challenge.

    You're doing great! A 30lbs loss is awsome, it brings you that much closer to your goal. Creating new healthy habits (exercising daily) is a wonderful start. It often takes a while to develop new eating habits, but you'll get there!!! Good luck on your journey!!!:smile:
  • MarthajhGifford
    I believe you are right, it can be done. However, it will be hard work and a huge challenge, but I am determined. I need to get my diet eating habits well established before school starts again. I am a special education teacher, and it can be a very stressful job at times, but the rewards are far greater.
    I have moved my favorite outfit in my smaller clothes, to the front of the closet so I see it everytime I open the closet door. Hopefully that will be strongly motivating for me to strive even harder to reach my goal!
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Hey everyone :) My name is Leah and I am a 30 year old mommy of 2....I have never been what you would call "heavy" but I have always been unhealthy.... I ate stuff that was not good for my body and hardly ever exercised. My goals are to change my habits.... eat well, execise and really just get more fit. I have been doing it now for 2 months and I can tell you this... I have really gained some nice muscle and I love the way I feel after drinking water instead of pop :) Its crazy what a change in your food can do for you :)

    Im glad to be a part of this group :)
  • ManuelaGou
    ManuelaGou Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am Manuela and I'm 176lbs. Stay at home mom 2 kids. My son is 4 and my daughter is 2 years old.
    My goal is losing between 50-60 pounds. I will love to lose 30 lbs before Christmas. I need support...:smile:
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member
    Hi everyone. I am Kalyn. I am 21 and in college. I began my journey in early June of this year. I am currently 206 pounds (13 pounds down) and i want to be 160 (~60 pounds). i would love to lose 40 of these pounds before Halloween. the remaining 20 pounds before march because i know the last few pounds take a long time. after that i will focus on toning. i am hoping i can stick with this because i have always been chubby so i started yoyo dieting at a very young age.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Hi all. My name is Christina. As you can tell, I'm hispanic so Mexican food is a staple in my house and got me to where I am today. My lowest post pregnancy weight was 170 and highest 280. I'm currently at 236 and want to get down to atleast 150 (I'm 5'3"). I always seem to struggle within the first 2 months of losing weight so any tips or words of encouragement will help. What I always hear, is.. "You have such a pretty face..." So, my goal is to get a pretty body to go with that pretty face but without having to deprive myself cuz that will just make me quit and I don't want that. :(
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Hello my name is Gabby and I am looking to lose a few pounds of body fat and then gain some muscle. I want to be toned! I grew up in PA, but I attend the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. Right now I am doing a public health internship in Philadelphia that focuses on improving participants' levels of physical activity and healthy eating habits. I figured if I am helping others improve their health, why not improve my own!

    What a great idea! And that's what I'm trying to do too, I need to gain some muscle mass and loss some of that fatty mass!
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335

    Good luck with your journey! Do you exercise with your kids?

    Not so much. We walk and go to the pool together, but my real exercise time is in the gym. It is my precious alone time!

    Also, you cannot do a plank or pushups with a 3 year old on your least I can't! :)

    That's great to hear that you use your alone time to better yourself. And having a 3 year old on your back would be considered resistance, right? :tongue:
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Hi, I am Martha, and I have got to get some of this weight off. 4 years ago, I lost 83 lbs. but due to a thyroid problem, and then being diagnoised with thyroid cancer I gained about 40 lbs back. I now am thyroid and cancer free and medications are leveled so the weight loss journey begins. I want to lose at least 30 to 35 lbs, and would love to have it off by Christmas. I have a closet full of clothes that keep begging me to wear them, so I want to make them and me happy again and wear them!

    Amazing to hear that you're cancer free and now trying to get healthier! :happy:
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    I believe you are right, it can be done. However, it will be hard work and a huge challenge, but I am determined. I need to get my diet eating habits well established before school starts again. I am a special education teacher, and it can be a very stressful job at times, but the rewards are far greater.
    I have moved my favorite outfit in my smaller clothes, to the front of the closet so I see it everytime I open the closet door. Hopefully that will be strongly motivating for me to strive even harder to reach my goal!

    Great idea! I wish I could do that, but my clothes either fit or they're too big :huh: