Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
Good morning Mad Hatters!!! Hope everyone has a great day today!

Just wanted to share a wee thought for the day if I may...

I know we’re all at different stages of our individual journey toward losing weight and getting active; but I just wanted to say I can’t tell you how much each of you have inspired me in such a short time… those just beginning like me (whether it’s the first or 400th time we’re trying!) and those who have already accomplished so much, and yet are ready and willing to lend their support while they continue their own trek.

Geographically we may be countries and oceans apart, but being able to reach out to someone who understands what its like to be a woman, to be one of our own, in that moment when you just need a little help.. or a laugh to help you shrug off the blues..or just that little bit of encouragement you need right at that one moment…. Is definitely a gift, and I just wanted you all to know I appreciate every one of you!

I was thinking about a lot of things earlier.. (my brain hurts now lol) but there is one thing I’d like to put out there.

Time2’s post from this morning really made me think.. She said:

Hi, Mad Hatters!! I know you all had a great day, yesterday. No matter how bad we think we might have done, we are still doing great things.

Wise words. :smile:

Yesterday it seems a lot of us had less than perfect days eating wise (including myself).. but when I started thinking about it, I realized we tend to say “had a bad day” or “screwed up my day” or whatever.. just because we ate something.. or two things.. that were not great choices…. But ...none of us messed up our WHOLE day.. even if we ate a 2L tub of ice cream, or an entire bag of potato chips… or ½ a bag in the morning and polished off the rest in the nite (I didn’t do that tonight, but I have done it before lol so I’m using that example)

We may have messed up MOMENTS of our day… or several moments if we had several bad choices…lol.. . But we also have to remember… we each did something GOOD in our day too!! :happy:

None of us spent an entire day messing up everything in our world… .. as one of the hatters said, maybe you helped a friend or a family member out, or caught up on the laundry or you took the stairs instead of an elevator, or you spent time reading a book to your daughter… or walked the dog for some exercise.. every single one of us did SOMETHING good today, either for ourselves or someone else…so instead of beating ourselves up and saying we had a bad DAY, instead of just making one bad choice, which as we women are SO prone to do…

maybe in here…just amongst ourselves.. we can feel comfortable enough to be honest with each other to share when we make a bad choice, but also be comfortable enough to be able to say to everyone “k.. I’m not thrilled that I made a bad choice today, but …hey, I scrubbed the tub out and burned off a few calories, and no matter what, I know that tomorrow I’ll try to make better choices, because I’m worth it. I really am.". ..

Because all of us.. really are worth it! :heart:


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Lovely thoughts Snoozie :heart:

    I've now been on MFP since last October and I can honestly say it has changed the way I eat...yes I still succumb to temptation (yes I was the one who ate the tub of ice cream yesterday:blushing: ) but I never say "oh well I've broken the diet so now I'll just give up" any more.... as you say we have all done something good everyday and that's what I now focus on....so some days I lash out but then it pushes me to do more exercise....I am fitter now than I have been in years and that's only come about because I finally "get" the relation between calories vs calories out...I'm a bit of a slow learner, its only taken me 52 years!!:laugh:

    So today IPOM (I love this!)....I took my dog for a big hike this morning...8.3km and I ran about a third of it cross country....and I've eaten well....so yesterday has gone and I've moved on....

    Have a lovely day mad hatters :flowerforyou:
  • PearlGrey
    PearlGrey Posts: 23 Member
    Well done for the walk/run Lisa :-) I survived my exercise class last night. I've changed my profile settings to make it visible to Friends - did not realise it was on "private" so you can now see pics of other half and the pets. Wishing everyone a great day.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Love the morning inspiratin Snoozie, a great motivational thought for the day as I head out on my moring slog (slow run). You guys have motivated me to open my diary. I do not know why, but to this point had kept it private. Maybe because I saw some negativity among some of the threads on the site, but you folks seem to understand & not be judgmental. Well have a good day all. I will not have a chance to check back in untill tonight.:blushing:
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Well said Pearl and Lisa!!:flowerforyou: I can't tell you how many times I have blown the entire day or even the entire week over "blowing" it just one time during the day ! Just this week I ate a cinnamon roll for breakfast "because it kept calling my name" lol,and I almost said":well, screw it, there goes my day", but got up the courage to count it on MFP and found out it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and certainly wasn't worth losing one more week heading in the right direction!! AND I WOULDN'T HAVE FOUND ALL OF YOU HATTERS!!!! Now that would've been a sad sad thing!! So I too am inspired by you all and I feel I am learning better habits thru our sharing of successes and "bumps in the road"!! :love: Yesterday's walk was great with Arthur and Jessie, however it did not improve Arthur's (he's the naughty Boston Terror 1 year old) as he grabbed my favorite cheater reading glasses and took them thru his little trap door out to the yard and crunched them!! "Good thing he's so darn cute" I keep hearing he will be around 3 years old before he calms down!!! Have a great day ladies!!:happy: Lorie
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning all you early risers! Off for a bike ride with a friend (the ONLY reason I'm up so insanely early!) Thanks for the inspiration Snooozie! On my phone, so I can't look back at the posts, but I think it was Lisa? Me too! One bad day is just that...a bad day, not a "lifestyle choice" anymore. I did gain a lulls of pounds from my insanity eating, but this morning one of them is already gone, and I'll keep plugging away at the other. (Note to self: Much easier to lose 2 than 48! A slip does not a fall make!).

    Will check in later, after my ride to Atlantic City (hoping I can talk my friend into stopping for a Starbucks and some people watching!)
  • Brendanow
    Brendanow Posts: 9 Member
    What a great way to start the day with all this positive energy - thank you everyone and have a lovely day - B:happy:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey, Snooozie, It's official!! : ) LOL You get to write the morning Starts, I'll fill in for you, when you can't .( I didn't get any hits on my Wednesday start.) Great words Snooozie!! We should start listing all the good things we do for ourselves and focus less on what we do wrong! Everyone have a fabulous day!! Remember ....You deserve it!! G
  • 6swolcott
    6swolcott Posts: 38 Member
    love it snoozie, thanks for sharing such positive encouraging thoughts, my prednisone got upped this week so I have been eating some bad choices, but it doesnt make me a bad person. I have tried to teach my girls, in everything look for the good .... so I ate a cupcake it tasted good and you know what I moved a little harder yesterday and had a wonderful day with my granddaughter. Focus on how far we have come, on what we have accomplished instead of how far we have to go or what we still have to do doint that forces our stinking thinking to get right. For me this battle is more about my thoughts and why I eat then what I eat. So for today, I am going to work on putting a mental dam up every time I amtempted to remind myself negatively and instead I am going to quote: I am worth this journey. I have value. I can and will accomplish...... (insert whatever here) Have a great day all.
  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member
    Wonderful positive energy today. Need it since I am so not feeling it today. My knee is a little sore and feel a little bloated. Blah!

    Today, it seems like we are going to get a little break from the high temps! Means the humidity should make up for it , LOL. But my big plans are helped out. Taking all the kids to a local farm and gonig to pick fresh veggies, fruit and flowers to brighten everything up. :bigsmile:
    I have done it right with the last three and they love their veggies but prefer them all either fresh or frozen. So after getting them, going to head home to prepare them to be frozen. Great way to stock up. Only concern I have is I agreed to eat at the Mennonite restaurant there, total soul food. Gonna be hard to stay on any plan.

    Positive side, should get lots of exercise between picking and chasing five year olds in a field, right? :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Good morning Madhats...

    Great inspiration to start my day. It is Thursday, the day after I usually bail for the week. I'm happy to say I made it through Wednesday...just barely though. I did end up having some gourmet popcorn with an unidentified point count...I just guessed. I also caught myself eating withough a thought of writing it down... but I did sit down later and try to remember everything. It's a big step for me. Now hopefully I will make it through the weekend.

    I think it helped that I didn't end up going to Olive Garden on Tuesday. When I have a party or dinner out it sresses me and usually blow it and then give up for the week and start again on Monday. I have a party on Saturday so hopefully I can behave a little.

    Hope everyone has a great day :)
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning Mad Hatters!
    Going to be another hot day here, wish it was about ten degrees cooler.
    Just finished a two mile ( with intervals) indoor Leslie Sansone walk, in air conditioned comfort,- wow, it was hard!!! Used to do five miles with no trouble, didn't realize how out of shape I'd gotten. Oh well, two miles is great, and a really good start on a new day.
    I absolutely love all the positive, forgiving energy from this group, makes you want to try harder.
    If anyone is interested in the laughter yoga, there's tons of videos on you tube, some better than others. I was first introduced to it when I was a Red Hatter...you know, the old ladies with the purple clothes and red hats.....so this is a great progression for me, from red hatter to mad hatter...how appropriate, LOL. At one of the gatherings they had a guest laughter yoga instructor, it was such a fun time. She told us how we could do it at home ( although it's more fun in a group, cause you feed off the other laughter). Just stand in front of a mirror and start with hee hee hee,ha ha ha, ho ho ho- saying it over and over, faster and faster, till you actually ARE laughing. It's actually so crazy it works!
    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters!!

    Will log and post AFTER I eat, but went out for my walk as soon as I got up today - IPOM!

    Coerced a goose from the lake to walk along with me... but the little bugger started to out pace me.. so I hadda shove him back in :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member

    1960Lisa I just had a quick read of your post.. Noooo it wasn't you I meant, I was me with the ice cream!! (Notice I said it was a 2L (which is about 2 quarts worth) container? I was drawing on my own past... stumbles.. SO SORRY but I swear I didn't mean you!:sad:
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    :flowerforyou: What a way to start my moring out with all this wonderful advice. I may not write alot on these post. But I read each and every one of the mad hatters post. You ladies have inspired me so much. I too could of eaten a tub of icecream and then thought Oh I blew I'll have another! Well it was 15 days before I took another bite of icecream (which is huge for me) Then I only took I cup and that lasted me for 4 days! I know now that I can do this journey, Thanks to all the mad hatters for all the encourgement you give. I must run for now, keep up the great work all of you. I know we can do this together.

    bye for now. Day off . Freezing corn this a.m.

    Today is a new day!:wink:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    ( IPOM ) .... Okay, somebody tell me what this says? I am dense. I know I'll feel foolish, when I find out!
  • fattofit20
    fattofit20 Posts: 86
    You are awesome Snoozie! I find it refreshing to hear positive words for a job well done (even when we mess up) than to hear all the negatives. After all, we're all here to support each other and not tear someone down for eating a donut. (like I did last night) I appreciate you more than you know. I appreciate all my new found friends!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    :bigsmile: @ Time 2!!

    Don't feel bad, MeRobi didn't rat me out, but I had to message her to ask what a NSV was LOL..

    The IPOM is just an acronym for an "I'm Proud Of Me" statement LOL.. from my post a few days ago:

    " I don't know about the rst of you but I find oftentimes as women, we are brutally hard on ourselves and far more critical of ourselves if we hit a bump ni the road, then we would ever be on our friends or family... we seem to be our own worst enemies at times, we'll forgive everyone else for anything, but god help us if we slip on a diet, or don't seem to have enough time for everyone who wants a piece of us.. we tend to get down on ourselves so easily (in my humle opinion anyway.. )

    so.. for me.. I've decided every day, I'm going to claim an IPOM!

    An "I'm Proud Of Me" (IPOM) to celebrate one small accomplishment that I'm proud of every day. I'll learn from my mistakes, and look for advice and encouragement from the hatters when I'm struggling.. but by god I'm gonna say yay me at least once a day, because we all deserve to be proud of ourselves every day.. so I hope the rest of you will claim an IPOM and celebrate any and every success too!

    MY IPOM - I didn't blow off my walk, and even added 10 minutes to my goal... YAY ME!!!

    (That's where it originated lol)
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    I P O M ! ! ! Whish I could change the font size on that !!

    Good Morning Friends!

    I don't know if this is possible, but I weighed myself this morning because I was curious as to how much weight I gained after going out to dinner with friends last night. I lost 2 lbs!! ?? I was careful and didn't eat my entire meal, I cut it in half and took half home for lunch or dinner today. I only had one pices of bread, a side salad with Vinaigrette on the side (I dipped my fork in it the the salad for every other bite) and didn't have dessert. So really I didn't change my eating habbits anyway.

    I wasn't going to walk today but now I think I am!!

    Now I know you are all going to be proud of me and I do appreciate it. But I have to keep reminding myself that this is a special week and I'm only working 2 nights, who knows what my sechedule will be like next week and how exhausted I'll be from work.

    Another perk about the walking thing, besides losing the weight, I'm getting a fabulous tan! :glasses:

    Well of to get dressed and out and into the heat.

    Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    ( IPOM ) .... Okay, somebody tell me what this says? I am dense. I know I'll feel foolish, when I find out!

    IPOM = I'm Proud Of Myself.

    I've been posting - IPOU = I'm Proud Of You - on others people's posts.

    Have a great day