
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning Mad Hatters!!! Hope everyone has a great day today!

    Just wanted to share a wee thought for the day if I may...

    I know we’re all at different stages of our individual journey toward losing weight and getting active; but I just wanted to say I can’t tell you how much each of you have inspired me in such a short time… those just beginning like me (whether it’s the first or 400th time we’re trying!) and those who have already accomplished so much, and yet are ready and willing to lend their support while they continue their own trek.

    Geographically we may be countries and oceans apart, but being able to reach out to someone who understands what its like to be a woman, to be one of our own, in that moment when you just need a little help.. or a laugh to help you shrug off the blues..or just that little bit of encouragement you need right at that one moment…. Is definitely a gift, and I just wanted you all to know I appreciate every one of you!

    I was thinking about a lot of things earlier.. (my brain hurts now lol) but there is one thing I’d like to put out there.

    Time2’s post from this morning really made me think.. She said:

    Hi, Mad Hatters!! I know you all had a great day, yesterday. No matter how bad we think we might have done, we are still doing great things.

    Wise words. :smile:

    Yesterday it seems a lot of us had less than perfect days eating wise (including myself).. but when I started thinking about it, I realized we tend to say “had a bad day” or “screwed up my day” or whatever.. just because we ate something.. or two things.. that were not great choices…. But ...none of us messed up our WHOLE day.. even if we ate a 2L tub of ice cream, or an entire bag of potato chips… or ½ a bag in the morning and polished off the rest in the nite (I didn’t do that tonight, but I have done it before lol so I’m using that example)

    We may have messed up MOMENTS of our day… or several moments if we had several bad choices…lol.. . But we also have to remember… we each did something GOOD in our day too!! :happy:

    None of us spent an entire day messing up everything in our world… .. as one of the hatters said, maybe you helped a friend or a family member out, or caught up on the laundry or you took the stairs instead of an elevator, or you spent time reading a book to your daughter… or walked the dog for some exercise.. every single one of us did SOMETHING good today, either for ourselves or someone else…so instead of beating ourselves up and saying we had a bad DAY, instead of just making one bad choice, which as we women are SO prone to do…

    maybe in here…just amongst ourselves.. we can feel comfortable enough to be honest with each other to share when we make a bad choice, but also be comfortable enough to be able to say to everyone “k.. I’m not thrilled that I made a bad choice today, but …hey, I scrubbed the tub out and burned off a few calories, and no matter what, I know that tomorrow I’ll try to make better choices, because I’m worth it. I really am.". ..

    Because all of us.. really are worth it! :heart:
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning all you early risers! Off for a bike ride with a friend (the ONLY reason I'm up so insanely early!) Thanks for the inspiration Snooozie! On my phone, so I can't look back at the posts, but I think it was Lisa? Me too! One bad day is just that...a bad day, not a "lifestyle choice" anymore. I did gain a lulls of pounds from my insanity eating, but this morning one of them is already gone, and I'll keep plugging away at the other. (Note to self: Much easier to lose 2 than 48! A slip does not a fall make!).

    Will check in later, after my ride to Atlantic City (hoping I can talk my friend into stopping for a Starbucks and some people watching!)

    I love people watching on the boardwalk. I'm always amazed at what people will wear in public! :wink: Have fun and wiggle your toes in the sand for me, I so miss it !!
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning Mad Hatters!!! Hope everyone has a great day today!

    Just wanted to share a wee thought for the day if I may...

    I know we’re all at different stages of our individual journey toward losing weight and getting active; but I just wanted to say I can’t tell you how much each of you have inspired me in such a short time… those just beginning like me (whether it’s the first or 400th time we’re trying!) and those who have already accomplished so much, and yet are ready and willing to lend their support while they continue their own trek.

    Geographically we may be countries and oceans apart, but being able to reach out to someone who understands what its like to be a woman, to be one of our own, in that moment when you just need a little help.. or a laugh to help you shrug off the blues..or just that little bit of encouragement you need right at that one moment…. Is definitely a gift, and I just wanted you all to know I appreciate every one of you!

    I was thinking about a lot of things earlier.. (my brain hurts now lol) but there is one thing I’d like to put out there.

    Time2’s post from this morning really made me think.. She said:

    Hi, Mad Hatters!! I know you all had a great day, yesterday. No matter how bad we think we might have done, we are still doing great things.

    Wise words. :smile:

    Yesterday it seems a lot of us had less than perfect days eating wise (including myself).. but when I started thinking about it, I realized we tend to say “had a bad day” or “screwed up my day” or whatever.. just because we ate something.. or two things.. that were not great choices…. But ...none of us messed up our WHOLE day.. even if we ate a 2L tub of ice cream, or an entire bag of potato chips… or ½ a bag in the morning and polished off the rest in the nite (I didn’t do that tonight, but I have done it before lol so I’m using that example)

    We may have messed up MOMENTS of our day… or several moments if we had several bad choices…lol.. . But we also have to remember… we each did something GOOD in our day too!! :happy:

    None of us spent an entire day messing up everything in our world… .. as one of the hatters said, maybe you helped a friend or a family member out, or caught up on the laundry or you took the stairs instead of an elevator, or you spent time reading a book to your daughter… or walked the dog for some exercise.. every single one of us did SOMETHING good today, either for ourselves or someone else…so instead of beating ourselves up and saying we had a bad DAY, instead of just making one bad choice, which as we women are SO prone to do…

    maybe in here…just amongst ourselves.. we can feel comfortable enough to be honest with each other to share when we make a bad choice, but also be comfortable enough to be able to say to everyone “k.. I’m not thrilled that I made a bad choice today, but …hey, I scrubbed the tub out and burned off a few calories, and no matter what, I know that tomorrow I’ll try to make better choices, because I’m worth it. I really am.". ..

    Because all of us.. really are worth it! :heart:

    Snoozie~ You made me cry....You are truly awesome!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Phew.. all logged in so far, and claiming an IPOM to start my day:

    Got my butt out the door as soon as I got up this morning instead of chilling with my coffee…!

    grabbed a small Tim’s (who the heck knew they even MADE a small size??) to take with me as there’s NO way I could go without my morning fix.. was just enough to get me started and then picked up my treat of an XL on the way home instead.. And although I couldn’t keep up a brisk pace the whole time this morning, I added a few minutes from yesterday.. so


    “small change” goal for today:
    up my water intake by at least one glass (yup.. haven’t got there yet!)

    I reset my weight because my scales are off at home compared to the doctors.. I like hers better cause Im about 4lbs less on hers LOL.. but its too hard to do the math difference tracking wise.. so I’m going to stick with my own scales since they’ll still go down (hopefully!!!) the same amount. And I’m just looking for DOWN ha!!

    Anyway.. this morning I WAS down 2lbs.. which I’m pretty happy about.. but I know from previous experience that usually happens at the start lol.. and it’s about long term changes this time around, so while I’m definitely doing the happy dance over the number drop, I’m honestly more happy that I’m have a couple of good days, making better choices and sticking with getting in some kind of movement every day..

    Altho quite frankly.. if mother nature doesn’t kick in with some other kind of “movement” soon.. she and I are gonna have words!! (Hmmm. TMI maybe??))

    Gotta catch up on the doings of all the Hatters – be back in a few!
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Good Morning all my fabulous friends~ The love, support and positive energy here is beyond my expectations. It just makes me want to push harder...tonight will be my 4th Zumba class this week and it has really kicked my butt after missing a week and half due to vacation. I know I am making great progress and listening to all of your struggles gives me that much more motivation.

    Go KILL everything you tackle today! Thanks for being here!!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    1960 Lisa: Loved your post, perfectly said!! NOT giving up on myself because of a slip is something I have to work on, because I’m prone to doing just that – so appreciate the reminder!! LOL @ the slow learner.. me too!!!

    Pearl: so glad to hear you survived and are still with us!! I didn’t know about the diary private thing either til I read Fishbarn’s note – so I opened up mine as well; the good, the bad and the ugly LOL. :bigsmile:

    Bisland: SLOG?? OMG I LOVE IT!! It HAD to be a woman who came up with that lovely word!! I didn’t manage a slog this morning as my knee protested last night; it was fine this morning but I decided to keep at the walking for a while yet before venturing into a slog again.. love it tho!!

    Lorielou: well said yourself, woman!! You hit the nail on the head.. sorry about Arthur eating your glasses.. once upon a time years ago my basset hound decided to eat 2 panfuls of shortbread cookies cooling on the counter (how a one foot high hound managed to get up there we still don’t know).. but on the plus side, you could always turn down the thermostat and plead the fact that you couldn’t see how low you set it to hubby?? LOL!

    Merobi … you rock!! Hope you managed to talk your friend into Starbucks lol.. way to go on getting out that early too, and congrats on losing that pound!! Woo hoo!

    Brenda – you too!

    T2.. I think you’re having a menopause moment my friend… lol… we all posted on your Wednesday start up page LOLOL!!! :laugh:

    6wolcott: Awesome!! That’s exactly it… just a bump in the road.. and god knows.. at this stage.. we ALL know there are gonna be lots of bumps.. life happens…so you were smart enough to enjoy a small treat and realize it was just that…and not beat yourself up!! Good on ya you are a shining example to all of us!

    Merci: Way to go focusing on the positive – you rock!! That’s a perfect example ofr all of us too… cant even imagine how many calories you burn off doing all that pickin so rock on!! I think you’re gonna be able to make the best choice you can at the Mennonite place; let us know!!

    Kupcake: good to see ya!! And omg congrats on getting thru the Wednesday barrier!! I remember you saying that it was something you struggled with. So congrats!!!! I had to guess at some calories for my lunch the other day too as I couldn’t find any reference online for it… but you logged it all and that’s a huge thing I know… so yay you!!

    Charip: WELL DONE!! It can be so frustrating I know to think heck I used to be able to do (fill in the blank)… but the great thing is, you know you’ve done it before, so you now you’ll be able to do it again.. yee haw!

    Adiane: thanks for sharing! And huge congrats on getting past the “blew it” head game and into the “nope just enjoyed a small treat for what it was and moved on” mode!!! Yay you!

    Tinabug: I agree completely….. and am glad you can share your donut moment with us without fear! It takes so little for women to get down on ourselves.. one comment can set me off sometimes!! So its great we can come together and encourage each other to remember how awesome we all are – and a small slip will never take away that fact!

    Flip!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR IPOM.. way to GOOOOOOOO! :happy: :happy: :happy:
    And even more congrats on feeling so good, you decided to go for a walk!! Well done!!

    I share your fears about keeping in track once I’m back to work Saturday; its been a big help being on vacation to start this, but I know my weakness is being prepared and putting the work into having good food made up and ready.. but.. I’ve decided I’m only going to worry about one day at a time.. if I start dreading what’s gonna happen next week I’ll just psych myself out… but refuse to go there this time.. so hang in and we’ll help ya out much as we can if things get tough next week!!

    And love the IPOU TOO lol

    Abbezen: (handing you a kleenex) YIKES!! Didn’t mean to do that.. unless they were happy tears??? In which case you should know crying burns calories too LOL.. Hugs! And kick *kitten* at that Zumba class today LOL.. get a few extra moves in for the rest of us if you can please?? :bigsmile:

    And thanks to all the Mad Hatters for the kinds words on my post… but it was Time2’s words that inspired me - so take a bow T2!!!

    Righto.. have to get cracking at my chores; need to stock up on good healthy food, and the house work and laundry I've managed to avoid so far.. plus I think my butt has gone numb for sitting here for so long!! Have a great day Mad Hatters. can't wait to catch up later!!

  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: IPOU!!!
    Phew.. all logged in so far, and claiming an IPOM to start my day:

    Got my butt out the door as soon as I got up this morning instead of chilling with my coffee…!

    grabbed a small Tim’s (who the heck knew they even MADE a small size??) to take with me as there’s NO way I could go without my morning fix.. was just enough to get me started and then picked up my treat of an XL on the way home instead.. And although I couldn’t keep up a brisk pace the whole time this morning, I added a few minutes from yesterday.. so


    “small change” goal for today:
    up my water intake by at least one glass (yup.. haven’t got there yet!)

    I reset my weight because my scales are off at home compared to the doctors.. I like hers better cause Im about 4lbs less on hers LOL.. but its too hard to do the math difference tracking wise.. so I’m going to stick with my own scales since they’ll still go down (hopefully!!!) the same amount. And I’m just looking for DOWN ha!!

    Anyway.. this morning I WAS down 2lbs.. which I’m pretty happy about.. but I know from previous experience that usually happens at the start lol.. and it’s about long term changes this time around, so while I’m definitely doing the happy dance over the number drop, I’m honestly more happy that I’m have a couple of good days, making better choices and sticking with getting in some kind of movement every day..

    Altho quite frankly.. if mother nature doesn’t kick in with some other kind of “movement” soon.. she and I are gonna have words!! (Hmmm. TMI maybe??))

    Gotta catch up on the doings of all the Hatters – be back in a few!
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Just got back from my walk - took me longer 35min instead of 30 but that's ok at least I did it- I wasn't going to. I know why it took me longer, 1/2 way throguh I heard my body SCREAMING at me - " YOU MEAN WE ARE DOING THIS E V E R Y D A Y !! :noway: " My calfs and ankles were protesting too, I'm guessing it's because of all the weight they have to carry, but they will get used to it and be greatful when I get lighter. :tongue:

    Now I'm going to have the breakfast I missed because I slept in. I'll try to touch back later ~~:smile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    IPOM Flip flop.... way to push yourself and do it even though you didnt want to!

    My calves hurt this morning too, and also why my pace wasn't as fast as I would have liked, but I'm ok with it cause I did it too.. ty for the ipou!!

    Did you scream back at your legs?? or put in earplugs :tongue:
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 104 Member
    Love all these posts! Especially the IPOM!
    My IPOM of the day is: I walked 3 miles!! I sitting here with an icepack on my knee now but I did it!
    Thanks for all the laughs you guys are the best! :flowerforyou:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    omg 3 miles!!!! :bigsmile:

    way to go Mazie!!!!! (feel bad you have to use an ice pack.... but could I borrow it when yo'ure done?? the hot flashes are back.. :laugh:

    Huge IPO-U!!!!:heart:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Thanks so much Snoozie for points out the wise of words of Time 2 and your thoughts which expanded the thoughts so much deeper. So many times we get caught up in our defeats rather than rejoicing in our victories. Yesterday started dark but in the end I did not let those clouds of of darkness defeat my exercise plan:happy: for the first time in I can't remember how many years.

    Lisa enjoying walking the country side is one of my goals and your post gave me additional inspiration that it will one day truly become a reality.

    Pearly wishing you a wonderful day. Love the smile you are wearing in you profile picture.

    Bisland I totally relate to some of the negativity of thread and judgement of others. I am honored that you feel comfortable enough with our group to share.

    Lorie congrats on not letting just one cinnamon roll treat you into believe it had ruined your entire day and all your hard work. This is again another reminder of how very true Snoozie'w word are.

    Brenda I hope all the post help you as much as they have me.

    Time2 I totally agree that its a great idea that Snooozie give us something wonderful to wake up to each morning.

    6swolcott I have been on that path for 10 years but only recently have began to understand parts even on a small scale, but it has helped on this current journey. I wish the same for you and much success.

    Mercinursi I also have knew troubles from time to time and fluid only makes it worse. You may know this already but just in case, be sure that if you eat 1 mg of sodium to eat btw 2 - 3 of potassium. This will help eliminate the bloating. I also have a bum ankle from an incident of my youth that fluid is not a friend of, so both of these reason I track both sodium and potassium daily and I can say that is has really helped how this old body feels. We planted our first garden this year (after moving from Seattle to Louisiana a couple of summer ago). There just is no comparison btw fresh and store bought . We are enjoying it so much to the point it will most likely be two times as big next year !!! We had to purchase an additional deep freeze for our little garden :laugh:

    Kupcake congrats on making it through Wednesday and not caving !!! Just keep reminding yourself one moment in time is the entire day. Start fresh after and don't beat yourself over the head with guilt !!!

    Charip we have been blessed here in Louisiana with a small break in the heat but I totally relate. I purchased a treadmill just for that reason. Btw the heat and humidity I just am not in the shape to do daily outside walking just yet. That is a goal for this fall.

    Sooozie good deal getting that walk in early. Be victorious in yesterday's battles and coming out on top has boosted my motivation today. I have already completed one of my daily exercise routines while increasing it by 10 minutes. Congrats on the lose !!!

    Adianeschu putting that corn up will be a workout in its self. I put up 400 ears this year myself, 200 on the cob and 200 cut off the cob. Talk about feeling the burn the next day that was part of push to get this exercise routine established. Try and enjoy your day.

    Tinabug wishing you wonderful and strong day.

    Flipflop planning and following through is a great NSV congrats and the scale results are great both are reason to be proud.

    Abbezen wishing you a wonderful and strong day.

    Now time to log lunch and get some walking done.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Menopause moment strikes again..

    I stopped at a grocery store near where I was; just got home and realized.. I forgot the bag with my bananas and celery in it!! In my defense..I just assumed they put everything in one bag since there were only a pkg of razors and salad dressing bottle (which i also dropped on my foot)... but.. on the other hand.. i've been home at least an hour.. and just realized it.

    You wudda thought the cashier would have yelled at me as I wasn't moving very fast when I left...GRRRRRR
    Too far to go back for em.. sigh.... mentlepause.. aint it grand... :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    TA: re your post of "Yesterday started dark but in the end I did not let those clouds of of darkness defeat my exercise plan for the first time in I can't remember how many years"

    How awesome do you feel right now??? That is amazing.. truly... a great achievement!!! I am SO doing the happy dance for you (altho if you could see me dance...it might not relfect my joy for you being able to overcome the downer and come out the other side!

    Big big hugs and a HUGE IPO-U!!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    My fellow Mad Hatters….

    Wow, you guys are busy early in the mornings!!! I have been so swamped at work that this I the first time I’ve been able to log on and say “good morning” and its already afternoon and there are 2 plus pages already. Thank you all for the well wishes on my “menopausal night-mares”. Just me being cranky like Snooze said. This too shall pass… I pray my afternoon slows down a bit so I can get a hold of my spinning head. However if it doesn’t, it’s been fun… Keeps me out of trouble that way! I will log on later when I have a chance. I just wanted to at least say hello….
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hello Mad Hatters!! ,
    I agree with Leslye, Looks like everyone’s been busy .

    I ‘m glad to see Leslye, that you are feeling a bit better. My heart broke when I read your feed this morning.
    I admire those of you that read the posts and answer back to all. I have trouble just remembering one at a time.

    Thanks for the info on IPOM….I kept trying, but never could get it.
    I have done GREAT today!! I am proud of myself! ( Snooozie made me say it!! ) ...something about a broke arm, if I didn't...LOL

    I'm working on my water.... Snooozie? How is your water drinking going? 6 glasses?..8 glasses? Really?? your going for 10 glasses!! just kidding. I'd probably see you float by my house if you drank that many.

    Awesome day today with everyone that show lbs lost! I'm proud for you!
    Awesome day today for those of us working towards our lbs lost to come.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    TA: re your post of "Yesterday started dark but in the end I did not let those clouds of of darkness defeat my exercise plan for the first time in I can't remember how many years"

    How awesome do you feel right now??? That is amazing.. truly... a great achievement!!! I am SO doing the happy dance for you (altho if you could see me dance...it might not relfect my joy for you being able to overcome the downer and come out the other side!

    Big big hugs and a HUGE IPO-U!!

    Thanks so much and yes it has really helped renew my motivation, just glad it happened before I fell off the wagon :laugh:
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    IPOM! I passed the chocolate chip cookies and just smelled the chocolates in the Whittmans box that was brought in by the patients families. I also picked the chocolates....."s".....that I would have eaten if I didn't care how many calories they were.....BUT I CARE! So I ate a yogurt when I got home. I have to muster up some energy for tonights 2 hour workout.....I will decide after the first hour if I will do 2. What I do know is that I always have more energy when I am done. I need the scale to start dropping again as I have been at a standstill for a little while. I love all you guys. This feels like home. Keep up the good work and the positive thoughts. You are not alone! Linda PS. IPOU all!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Good day ladies, Just joined up and wanted to say hello. I'm melting here in Edmonton, Ab. Yep it really does get that hot up and here and its NOT hot flashes.(not right now anyway). So anyway 52 here, mom to none except my 2 pitbulls, Kinda married (living in sin) with a man who turns 40 tomorrow. Yes ladies thats right, I am a cradle robber HeHeHe although I think the term now is Jaguar. Anyway always open to adding new peeps to my friends list. I was recently told that I am too old to say "peeps". Rubbish I say!
    Have a great day/night whatever for wherever you are, Deb
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I'm really loving this mad hatters group...thanks for starting it up snoozie and T2.... but I find it hard to comment on everyone's posts (I'd be here all day sitting on my a@$% not getting anything done or burning any calories so I can eat more)...but I just want you all to know I'm reading and enjoying them all....nice to have a daily laugh..... I love the new thread every day...making it sooo much easier...I have been on a couple of groups and forums in the past but they can get so cumbersome to wade through...

    My goals for today...to drink water....and a 5km run tonight...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: