

  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    This may be a dumb question but what is IPOM?
    Today I tried something different. I actually planned my meals to stay in my calorie range. Worked well but I find myself obsessing over food all day. When I think of something to eat I look up the calories and then decide if I will want it and when to have it.
    Drank all my water and also find a way to get more fiber and fill my tummy. One of my waters I add medimucil to it. The fiber is good for my (you know) and it really filled me up for a while.

    I love reading all these posts. I think I'm gonna like it here.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    IPOM was started by Snooozie, and it stands for "I'm Proud of Me". If you look back in the posts, you can see her explanation, which is fabulous :)
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    After all the complaining about my husband...tonight he came home with a portable (it has wheels!) air conditioner for our bedroom!! Right now that baby is plugged in and set at 68 degrees! I guess this way, he can set the temperature for the central A/C at a tropical 76, but still keep me from killing him (sounds like a win-win to me!)
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    Thank you merobi. Keep cool!
    IPOM coz I've been doing well with my food all week. Hope it shows on the scale come Monday. Just need to work more on my fats. I'm always a little over.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good evening my fellow hatters, I am new to this whole chat thing so look out cause I could really screw it up.

    I hope all of you had a great day. I did participate in the water challenge today for a total of 16 (8oz) glasses. Now before you throw things at me know that I have an aversion to soda and hate sweet tea. Other than coffee that is about the only thing you can get here in the south except for adult beverages. I do have an affinity for tequila, however they frown if you partake at work. So my solution is to drink all my water in the 8 hours or more that I am at work. The other factor is, if I drink much water after 7pm I am up all night peeing.

    Today was a great day for me in the work department. I really dislike my job although I like every single person I work with save one. The "Bimbo: as i refer to her had a job interview today so she was out most of the day!

    I am so enjoying all of your posts and hope that I can at least contribute something to make you all laugh as much as you have made me laugh.

    I am almost 47, married for the 3rd time(they say it is the charm). I have 2 grown children and my husband has 2 as well. He (we) also have 5 grandchildren. I am waiting on my son and daughter to have a few but they are slow starters. I have been over weight (good German genes) most of my life and if you didn't clean your plate at my house as a child then there was no dessert. In 1997 I was 231lbs and lost down to 145. Then in 2003 I guess I went a little haywire and menopause set in. I just didn't care what happened or what I looked like. I stayed home and cooked and cleaned so what did it matter. I have since ballooned to :blushing: 280 lbs. A friend told me about MFP in December of 2011 and I logged in but didn't really do anything with it until January. Over the past months I have been able to lose 38lbs. I still eat anything I want, just less of it. I still have more than my share of cocktails, just less than before. I am so much more aware of what I put in my mouth and try to make better choices every day. I have good weeks and bad weeks but everyday I try is a great day an IPOM moment if you will.

    Thanks for letting me share a little of me and I can't wait to lmao every day, it does burn calories!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    OMG Tony 16 c of water thats awsome, I had a hard time getting 10c in today. Will set a goal of 12c for tomorrow.

    Linda to increase your fiber how about adding some ground flax seed to your diet. Ground flax helps lower choleterol, is high in Lignans (natures cancer protector) and Omega 3's. I add a couple of tablespoons to my diet every day. You can sprinkle it on your cereal, yogurt, or I put some in my AM breakfast shake. It has no taste & tons of nutritional benifits.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    OMG Tony 16 c of water thats awsome, I had a hard time getting 10c in today. Will set a goal of 12c for tomorrow.

    Linda to increase your fiber how about adding some ground flax seed to your diet. Ground flax helps lower choleterol, is high in Lignans (natures cancer protector) and Omega 3's. I add a couple of tablespoons to my diet every day. You can sprinkle it on your cereal, yogurt, or I put some in my AM breakfast shake. It has no taste & tons of nutritional benifits.

    I forgot to mention helps with menopausal symptoms & a host of other health benifits.
  • Huntress52
    Huntress52 Posts: 12
    Hello gals!, Well for over a year I have been eating healthy..haha. yes good food choices but didnt realize the amount of calories i was consuming. So with that in mind I'm very happy to have found this My fitness pal site. I have been in menapause for 1 and half year now and that is when wt. gain started. I am at my heavyest and lowest.I have 2 pair of jeans that fit and am wearing a pair of my husbands shorts, I dress in baggy t- shirts. I refuse to buy bigger clothes.. I bought a complete dvd set of Zumba 3 months ago and havent had the energy to even try it. I run all day long from working 2 jobs, taking care of home and family, farm critters and garden. I know I have to excerise but I dont know where to start. I dont have the stamina for a gym work out nor the time. Any ideas for low impact short bursts that I can do through the day that wont take more then 10 mins. at a time? My wt. and self imaginge is causing some depression . This is not me! I have tried good food choices, vitamins, herbs and I get zero results :(.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning HAtters!!

    Running SO late... first day back to work after vacation SUCKS lol... but had to pop in to wish everyone a fantastic weekend!! I had to throw some quick calorie add in for my dinner last night; ate out and didn't have time this morning to break it all down.. I'm really hoping I overestimated the numbers LOL.. but... did learn one thing.. ate more than I should have, or wanted to .. because it was there... and actually felt all yucky and bloaty after a week of eating less each meal.. very uncomfortable!! Gonna bottle that feeling so I can remember it!! Really can say.. for the first time in a long time, I did not enjoy eating so much... I just didnt realize I was cleaning the plate while I ws doing it.. so altho a little ticked at myself, I'm not bummed out cause it was a learning experience.. and I KNOW I'm making progress.. so it's all good!

    Don't have time to start a new page, we may have to just keep to this one til a new start monday morning?? But wherever we all are, am thinking of all of you today and loving the support encouragement and giggles.. I feel pretty good about this... being the last time I'm gonna have to lose this weight!!

    Rock on and let's hear about the IPOMS!!
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    OMG Tony 16 c of water thats awsome, I had a hard time getting 10c in today. Will set a goal of 12c for tomorrow.

    Linda to increase your fiber how about adding some ground flax seed to your diet. Ground flax helps lower choleterol, is high in Lignans (natures cancer protector) and Omega 3's. I add a couple of tablespoons to my diet every day. You can sprinkle it on your cereal, yogurt, or I put some in my AM breakfast shake. It has no taste & tons of nutritional benifits.
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    thanks BISLAND for the Flax seed idea. I was actually just talking to my hubby about getting some. A trip to the local health food store is planned for today. I like getting organic natural food and it's easier at a place that has all o
    I'm finding myself looking forward to weighing myself on Monday. I've been good all week and hope it pays off. Weigh in on Mondays is best for me because it keeps me in check all weekend (hopefully). Have a great day all and I'll be back after my grandson goes home at the end of the day.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Good morning ladies! My goal for today is to drink more water. I just measured my thermal cup that I thought was 2c, but find it is really only 1 1/2. My goal for today is at least 10c of water.. Anyone want to join me and make it a challenge for the day?

    hey there - i went to target and bought 3 refillable water bottles from thermos for $10 each - 24 oz each - easier to drink 3 and really have 9 in you....
    and dishwasher safe... best feature... refill at night for the next day....from the fridge....then the water becomes free to boot!

    Great idea. I found a container that will work & will start using it today.