Stuff no one tells you...



  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    before you get pregnant...


    - Morning sickness doesn't always happen in the morning.
    - You will not see your girly bits for a long time, but everyone who ever worked in the maternity ward of the hospital will!
    - Your boobs will rival Dolly Pardon shortly.

    I once read the "confessions" of a L&D nurse, and she was saying that they are grossed out when women come in all ungroomed down there. I am NOT about to get my hoo-ha waxed, sorry, and unless you're shaving me, you'll just have to deal with it! A lady can only do so much with a sharp object and a sensitive part of her body blindly. Mirrors don't help much, either.

    LOL! Same here. I normally keep that area nice and tidy, but I can't even shave my legs on my own now. They can deal with it.

    Question: Do you know...If you don't come in waxed, do they shave you? This is largely going to determine whether or not I make an appointment to get waxed soon-ish. The idea of someone coming near that area with a razor is TERRIFYING to me.

    They don't shave you.

    But I imagine if you roll in with some serious jungle action - they might tame it back ... Like for stretching,tearing,stitching purposes. But I think it would have to be a really epic bush for that to happen.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    before you get pregnant...


    - Morning sickness doesn't always happen in the morning.
    - You will not see your girly bits for a long time, but everyone who ever worked in the maternity ward of the hospital will!
    - Your boobs will rival Dolly Pardon shortly.

    I once read the "confessions" of a L&D nurse, and she was saying that they are grossed out when women come in all ungroomed down there. I am NOT about to get my hoo-ha waxed, sorry, and unless you're shaving me, you'll just have to deal with it! A lady can only do so much with a sharp object and a sensitive part of her body blindly. Mirrors don't help much, either.

    LOL! Same here. I normally keep that area nice and tidy, but I can't even shave my legs on my own now. They can deal with it.

    Question: Do you know...If you don't come in waxed, do they shave you? This is largely going to determine whether or not I make an appointment to get waxed soon-ish. The idea of someone coming near that area with a razor is TERRIFYING to me.

    I think it varies!!!!!! Recently a couple girlfriends and I were talking and they were saying their doctors had mentioned something about making sure to shave or trim (not sure which) or else they would do it for them! Haha no way I'd let them go near me in that way! Lol
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    before you get pregnant...


    - Morning sickness doesn't always happen in the morning.
    - You will not see your girly bits for a long time, but everyone who ever worked in the maternity ward of the hospital will!
    - Your boobs will rival Dolly Pardon shortly.

    I once read the "confessions" of a L&D nurse, and she was saying that they are grossed out when women come in all ungroomed down there. I am NOT about to get my hoo-ha waxed, sorry, and unless you're shaving me, you'll just have to deal with it! A lady can only do so much with a sharp object and a sensitive part of her body blindly. Mirrors don't help much, either.

    LOL! Same here. I normally keep that area nice and tidy, but I can't even shave my legs on my own now. They can deal with it.

    Question: Do you know...If you don't come in waxed, do they shave you? This is largely going to determine whether or not I make an appointment to get waxed soon-ish. The idea of someone coming near that area with a razor is TERRIFYING to me.

    They don't shave you.

    But I imagine if you roll in with some serious jungle action - they might tame it back ... Like for stretching,tearing,stitching purposes. But I think it would have to be a really epic bush for that to happen.

    Lol. Ok, good to know.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    -That it's REALLY hard to put on shoes in the third trimester.

    I gave up and bought slip-on shoes.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    But I imagine if you roll in with some serious jungle action - they might tame it back ... Like for stretching,tearing,stitching purposes. But I think it would have to be a really epic bush for that to happen.

    LMAO @ epic jungle bush....
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I think it varies!!!!!! Recently a couple girlfriends and I were talking and they were saying their doctors had mentioned something about making sure to shave or trim (not sure which) or else they would do it for them! Haha no way I'd let them go near me in that way! Lol

    If my midwife comes near my vagina with a razor while I'm giving birth, I will kick her.
  • aprilkida
    aprilkida Posts: 117 Member
    That you could get stuck with an epidural needle 13 times, including feeling it jam against your vertebra, and once they finally "get it in", it still doesn't work! Which is why this time I will be going au naturale in a birthing center instead, since I know what it feels like anyway!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I think it varies!!!!!! Recently a couple girlfriends and I were talking and they were saying their doctors had mentioned something about making sure to shave or trim (not sure which) or else they would do it for them! Haha no way I'd let them go near me in that way! Lol

    If my midwife comes near my vagina with a razor while I'm giving birth, I will kick her.

    NO JOKE!!!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member

    Question: Do you know...If you don't come in waxed, do they shave you? This is largely going to determine whether or not I make an appointment to get waxed soon-ish. The idea of someone coming near that area with a razor is TERRIFYING to me.
    No they don't! When I was preggo with my son, I attended prenatal class offered my hospital, and this question was explicitly asked, and the l&d nurse said NO. She said it doesn't matter and they don't care. Some women go there with full bush, others go with Brazilian, but t doesn't matter either way. I went to give birth with barely trimmed with my previous aby, and there was no mention about it. I never had a wax down there, and i am not going to do that at 9 month preggo. I usually shave there , but in the 3rd trimester that is mission impossible.
    However, it is very location specific. I am originally from eastern Europe, and I know back there they shave you and give you enema. In Canada , they do not do either of those , at least nt in this province.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    That you could get stuck with an epidural needle 13 times, including feeling it jam against your vertebra, and once they finally "get it in", it still doesn't work! Which is why this time I will be going au naturale in a birthing center instead, since I know what it feels like anyway!

    Wow, I would think that after maybe the second attempt, they would get someone else. Clearly that person had no idea what they were doing.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    Question: Do you know...If you don't come in waxed, do they shave you? This is largely going to determine whether or not I make an appointment to get waxed soon-ish. The idea of someone coming near that area with a razor is TERRIFYING to me.
    No they don't! When I was preggo with my son, I attended prenatal class offered my hospital, and this question was explicitly asked, and the l&d nurse said NO. She said it doesn't matter and they don't care. Some women go there with full bush, others go with Brazilian, but t doesn't matter either way. I went to give birth with barely trimmed with my previous aby, and there was no mention about it. I never had a wax down there, and i am not going to do that at 9 month preggo. I usually shave there , but in the 3rd trimester that is mission impossible.
    However, it is very location specific. I am originally from eastern Europe, and I know back there they shave you and give you enema. In Canada , they do not do either of those , at least nt in this province.

    They did not shave me at the hospital. I don't think they cared. Honestly, I couldn't see it, and I don't like the idea of waxing down there, sorry!

    Here's the article I was referencing before. Notice the comments and how people rip the "confessing" nurse a new one over the pubic hair comment:
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member

    Question: Do you know...If you don't come in waxed, do they shave you? This is largely going to determine whether or not I make an appointment to get waxed soon-ish. The idea of someone coming near that area with a razor is TERRIFYING to me.
    No they don't! When I was preggo with my son, I attended prenatal class offered my hospital, and this question was explicitly asked, and the l&d nurse said NO. She said it doesn't matter and they don't care. Some women go there with full bush, others go with Brazilian, but t doesn't matter either way. I went to give birth with barely trimmed with my previous aby, and there was no mention about it. I never had a wax down there, and i am not going to do that at 9 month preggo. I usually shave there , but in the 3rd trimester that is mission impossible.
    However, it is very location specific. I am originally from eastern Europe, and I know back there they shave you and give you enema. In Canada , they do not do either of those , at least nt in this province.

    Meh. I should probably make the darn appointment. I will seriously freak out if someone puts a razor near my hoo-ha. The last time I got waxed was at 6 months, and I think the pregnancy hormones makes everything hurt a million times worse than normal. Honestly, it felt like the baby was gonna come out screaming. The upside to all this is that I wouldn't mind if that were to happen now... :-)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    How about when you bleed afterwards, it's NOT like having your period for a month. It's way messier, plus you aren't allowed to use tampons.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Make sure that you ladies are doing your kegels! It will really help with the urinary incontinence! The one thing that I tell women is that if you are going to get stretch marks, there isn't much that you can do. Some women are just predisposed. You can buy every cream and potion to rub on your belly and drink tons of water, and it won't help. Some women get them, and some don't. It is just the luck of the draw. I wish that someone had told me that after I spend tons of money on different creams only to have angry, red stretch mark all over my belly.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    How about when you bleed afterwards, it's NOT like having your period for a month. It's way messier, plus you aren't allowed to use tampons.

    um.... yikes! first timer here -- can you elaborate? :huh:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    That "checking your cervix" is more like getting fisted by your doctor or midwife.
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    As far as the bleeding goes, it is really heavy and you can pass thick clots. Also, all of those mom's with other kids know the smell. It is hard to explain, but the best I can explain it is "earthy". Be sure to not bring good panties with you to the hospital as they can get dirty with old blood and take some extra thick pads from the hospital home with you.

    As far as checking your cervix, it feels even worse when you are in labor.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    That "checking your cervix" is more like getting fisted by your doctor or midwife.


    It's even worse when they want to stick their hands in there and you're having a contraction. My legs slammed closed like a bear trap. Get away!
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    That "checking your cervix" is more like getting fisted by your doctor or midwife.

    Holy crap! Just had mine checked for the first time last week. This is exactly what I thought. And it really confirmed for me why I want an epidural. If just the checking part hurt that much, well...I don't even want to imagine.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Oh wait, another one:

    Your stretch marks might not appear until after you deliver. Say what?!?!?