How many calories do you girls eat??

sicchi Posts: 189 Member
Hi i'm Rachael, just joined the group. I am 5'5 and 67kg (147.5 lb) 27 yrs old and have really struggled all my life trying to lift those last 10-15 to feel like 'a better me'. MFP has told me to eat 1380 cal a day, but then after working out my BMR on another site it is suggested that i eat more like 1580. If you go under you BMR your metabolism slows down causing this 'starvation mode' everyone refers to. Has anyone with figures close to mine had success and with what amount of calories? i am curious to what works for those of us on the high end of our BMI (mine is 24ish). it seems like alot of people on this site have more than 30 lbs to lose (some 100's!) and their advice, with no offence, means nothing to me. Would love to hear from you smaller ladies!


  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 196 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 130lbs. MFP wants me to be at 1200. I have custom set my net goal at my BMR which is 1400, so I don't go under that, and eat back my exercise calories. It's based on the 'Eat More To Weigh Less' groups thoeries but they eat more all the time and don't eat back their exercise cals as they factor it in to their calculations. My exercise is still far too sporadic and irregular, and I'm inactive all day (desk job) so I modified it a bit. Most days I eat between 1500 and 1800 calories.

    Since going from 1200 to this new way, I have been losing much more weight and more consistantly. On 1200 I'd lose on average 1/2lb per week but it was more like lose 1.5lb one week and nothing for the next two weeks in reality. Despite eating more food, and MFP telling me I won't lose as much, I am now losing just over a lb per week on average - go figure!

    My BMI when I started was at just over 25, it's now 22.6 and I have noticed a bit of a slow down recently, but I guess that's to be expected as I get closer to where I want to be.

    I would definately eat more than your BMR, and try to eat more than that. It's scary upping your calories but it was worth it for me.

    Take a look at the 'Eat More To Lose Weight' group. They have loads of advice and success stories on there.
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    I'm 64, 5'6" and currently around 140 lbs. which was my original goal (from 154 lbs. to start). My BMR has gone from just under 1300 calories down to about 1200 as I have lost weight, but MFP has set my daily allotment at 1200 all along. I usually eat anywhere from 1200 to 1300 calories a day, whether I engage in formal exercise or not, though some days I am where I don't have access to MFP so I know I probably go over that some days. I just make sure I am active every day.

    With all of the social activities and disruptions of my usual schedule this summer, I am okay with just maintaining what I have lost, but eventually I would like to lose another 5 lbs. which will take some effort as my BMR will be going below 1200. Eating back my exercise calories doesn't work well for me. Basically eating less and exercising more is the only thing that works, and I have learned to be more patient since the weight loss has slowed as I get closer to where I would like to be. I focus more on a healthier lifestyle, get plenty of exercise, and watch what I eat. If I concentrate on that, the weight loss seems to slowly take care of itself.

    I basically don't believe in the starvation mode thing. I have plenty of fat left to fuel my body, I eat a healthy, balanced diet, and my doctor monitors everything on a regular basis. However, everyone is different and what works for some does not always work for others. Good luck in your journey. I'm sure you will succeed with all the great tools and support MFP has to offer.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I'm 5'5", SW 146 lbs CW 123 lbs, GW 120 lbs.
    My daily goal is 1250 and I eat back cals burned with my Heart Rate Monitor. My BMR is about 150 calories faster than the average for my weight and height.

    I have been losing 1 lb per week consistently since I started (except on vacation weekends :wink: )

    just for the record, starvation mode is mostly a myth perpetuated by the fear mongers on the boards. You have to eat like half your BMR for months to go into true starvation mode.

    Also, MFP reccomends noone eat below 1200 cals, but most of us thinner (in healthy range) shorter females need to have a goal (as in, NET, after exercise) under 1200 or very close to it to lose weight at a moderate pace. MFP is not designed for vanity weight loss, and more for very overweight people looking to lose weight. Those with less weight to lose have less wiggle room with calorie intake. most people on here get really confused about the difference between netting and goaling your calories (intake 1250 calories, burning 200 in exercise, your NET is 1050).
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Keep in mind that MFP calculates assuming no exercise, when you exercise you get to eat more. Other sites usually figure your anticipated exercise into your daily goal. So, in reality your total calories would be close. In other words, unless you do no exercise you will not be averaging 1380 per day after you eat back the calories you've burned off. I was set at 1350 but averaged closer to 1500 working out just three days per week.
  • ashleyxxxo
    ashleyxxxo Posts: 41 Member
    I just started this whole MFP thing too. I am 5'6" and 130 pounds. It has me calculated at 1350 a day. So far it seems about right. I never feel like I am starving. It is perfect for my portion control, and it helps me realize how much I can eat. I try to go high protein meals which also keep my full longer. When I am hungry, I snack on some high protein snacks like almonds, 0% fat greek yogurt, or low/non fat cotttage cheese.

    this has worked for me so far! Good luck!
  • jessica3197
    jessica3197 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5'7 and currently 138 pounds. I eat around 1,200 calories a day, give or take. And so far it has been working for me!
  • I am 130lbs, 5'5 and I eat 1300 cals + exercise cals, and its working slowly but surely. I only want to lose about 10 more lbs anyway
  • BeGorg
    BeGorg Posts: 2
    I think I'm about 110lbs, and MFP recommended 1200, but I set it to 1000. I find that I usually eat a healthy amount of food between 600-900cals & can't really manage more than that, unless I stuff myself and get super full.. I eat slow and get full pretty quickly, plus I only really 'work out' properly about twice a week.. Seems to work for me (: I think anything between 1000-1300 should be ideal.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    24 years old, 5'9", CW 152, SW 165. I'm at 1550/day with one 24 hour fast a week (intermittent fasting). It keeps my net weekly cals at around 1350- 1400/day.

    Grrrl 600-900 calories is rough on your body. I'm sure you've gotten the lecture about starvation mode and eating back your exercise cals, but just stay healthy. Food also feeds your brain and other organs (like your skin!)
  • ali117
    ali117 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm 5ft6 weigh 67kgs. I eat 1300 cal per day I exercise 3 - 4 times per week. I don't eat back my exercise cals. I
    Eat about every 3 hours. I have a lot of fresh homemade salads, vegetables etc which help to keeps. Al intake in meals down. I also enjoy a protein shake mixed with water about 3pm when I get my sugar cravings. I think having a
    Low cal diet is fine as long as you have 6 small meals per day to keep your metabolism going.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm 5'5 and I weigh 137. MFP has me at 1200, probably because I have a desk job so I'm sedentary. With the exception of loving wine, I don't find 1200 to be difficult and when I exercise I usually eat back a portion of those calories.
  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5'6" currently hovering around 145 and wanting to get down to 120-110.
    I'm supposed to be eating 1200 calories a day but usually struggle to get that high.
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 134 lbs. I don't eat below 1200, and I aim to eat 1400-1500. I have MFP set at 1400. Sometimes I eat exercise calories, sometimes I don't. (I exercise 5-6 days a week.) I eat when I'm hungry, and I don't stress if I have a 1700 eating day here and there. Usually at least a couple of days a week I have trouble meeting 1200 -- typically on days when I am eating really clean. I also don't worry a whole lot about my "net." I'd never even heard of that before MFP. (If I eat 1400 and do my typical exercise, burning 300, I net 1100. I don't stress about not netting 1200 if I feel good and full.) I focus more on how many calories I'm eating and how I feel. I've been losing about 0.75-1 lb per week doing this.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hi i'm Rachael, just joined the group. I am 5'5 and 67kg (147.5 lb) 27 yrs old and have really struggled all my life trying to lift those last 10-15 to feel like 'a better me'. MFP has told me to eat 1380 cal a day, but then after working out my BMR on another site it is suggested that i eat more like 1580. If you go under you BMR your metabolism slows down causing this 'starvation mode' everyone refers to. Has anyone with figures close to mine had success and with what amount of calories? i am curious to what works for those of us on the high end of our BMI (mine is 24ish). it seems like alot of people on this site have more than 30 lbs to lose (some 100's!) and their advice, with no offence, means nothing to me. Would love to hear from you smaller ladies!

    I'm pretty on the dot with the 30 pounds to lose :P

    CW (I just stepped off the scale wearing clothes before breakfast): 119 lbs
    MFP: Recommends me 1200
    BMR: 1350
    NET without exercise: 1650
    TDEE with exercise: Usually 2200 for the week
    Max: probably about 4000
    Lowest net in a while: somewhere over 1350
    Activity level: Sedentary->Active

    I started on 1200, starved, hair got brittle, lost my nails that were long my while life, got sick real easily. Lost a pound a week but it wasn't worth it.

    Started researching energy expenditure and the like. Since I was sedentary for most of my weight loss and didn't have much weight to lose, I just started to NET my goal sedentary TDEE (1650). I find that if you're a fiddler knee tapping sedentary person you'll burn more then the sedentary value. If I did any walking at all (be it walk from my car to the classroom) it would be timed and logged and I'd eat half the calories that mfp recommends (since they're grossly overestimated for most, ask someone with a hrm). Food was weighed. Lost a pound a week and it was worth it.

    I was close to goal and I started exercising (long hikes mostly, plan on doing 30k next week). That brought me up to about 2500 some days and some days I had my binges over 3500 calories. I still lost a pound a week. My weekly value on average tended to be about 2200. I got to goal eating about that. Most days I eat over 1700 but this week's been horrible and I've been a bit under (my goal weight is 120).
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Hi i'm Rachael, just joined the group. I am 5'5 and 67kg (147.5 lb) 27 yrs old and have really struggled all my life trying to lift those last 10-15 to feel like 'a better me'. MFP has told me to eat 1380 cal a day, but then after working out my BMR on another site it is suggested that i eat more like 1580. If you go under you BMR your metabolism slows down causing this 'starvation mode' everyone refers to. Has anyone with figures close to mine had success and with what amount of calories? i am curious to what works for those of us on the high end of our BMI (mine is 24ish). it seems like alot of people on this site have more than 30 lbs to lose (some 100's!) and their advice, with no offence, means nothing to me. Would love to hear from you smaller ladies!

    The 1580 probably includes assumed exercise calories. MFP has you input exercise calories as you earn them.
  • I am 5'5 and weight about 130-132lbs, aiming to a weight of anywhere in between 115-120lbs. MFP first set up my daily calorie goal at 1200cals or something like that. I arranged it to 1600cals and I try not to eat all of my calories earned to create a bigger calorie deficit! I'm still wondering if I should eat more!
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I'm 37, almost 5'3", currently weigh 104, and am trying to maintain with a net calorie goal of 1550. I just upped it, because at 1400 I was still losing.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    5'11 126 lbs. On a typical day I eat 1400-1800 but it is way lower for the past few weeks because I'm struggling with the hot and humid weather. Starting next week I need to aim for 130-140 grams of protein since I'll start resistance training finally but I will have a hard time unless I plan it well.

    My BMR is around 1400 with TDEE of 1700~ at sedentary.
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm 5'4.5, 120 pounds and I'm eating 1300-1400 net calories to maintain right now. I'm slowing bumping the amount up to around 1900 though.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    I'm 5'3 and eat anywhere between 1200-2000 cals a day. All depends on how active I was all day. Some days I'm not hungry and other days I'm super hungry. I listen to my body
  • curiousxx
    curiousxx Posts: 2
    I'm 19, will be 20 come this December. 5' 3" and about 110 lbs. According to MFP and a couple of health calculators I've used, I'm SUPPOSED to be eating roughly 1700 calories per day. But I feel like I under eat A LOT. So far today, I've eaten 470 calories, minus 165 from exercise. I've never actually used MFP for an entire day (I've been slacking with keeping up with my account) so I can only roughly guestimate, but I feel like I eat about 1000-1200 calories a day. I'll have to check back in after the day is through to see though. Hope that helps a little though. (:
  • linzee2207
    linzee2207 Posts: 28 Member
    I am 5'4 ~130 lbs, MFP has me eating 1200 cals a day, which I struggle to do because I just love fast food/junk food. If I wasnt counting calories I would guess that I eat around 1700 a day maintaining my 130 lbs
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for all the info guys!! Yeah at 147 lbs I am a little bit bigger than you guys seem to be, but I gained weight through diets (atkins esp) . I have set my calories to 1500 but exercise daily and don't re-eat those calories. I think I will just save them for my 'cheat' day. I have been reading up on how it is good for your body to have a large amount of calories in one go once a week/fornight/month, whatever you prefer, to not only let you get those cravings out of the way, but to trick your metabolism so it stays burning lots of calories, and doesn't slow down with the constant calorie deficit. Anyone do this?
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    1200-1500 depending on my activity level and how hungry I am.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Thanks for all the info guys!! Yeah at 147 lbs I am a little bit bigger than you guys seem to be, but I gained weight through diets (atkins esp) . I have set my calories to 1500 but exercise daily and don't re-eat those calories. I think I will just save them for my 'cheat' day. I have been reading up on how it is good for your body to have a large amount of calories in one go once a week/fornight/month, whatever you prefer, to not only let you get those cravings out of the way, but to trick your metabolism so it stays burning lots of calories, and doesn't slow down with the constant calorie deficit. Anyone do this?

    Once in a week or month is not really my thing. Ever since I was a teenager, you know how those ages are for most girls, I was aware of my body and even at my most tomboy times I did the "Gosh, I ate too much today, I'll eat less tomorrow." And I did. So I guess on average, I always zigzaged. Never had "I put on too much weight" times until this year. Lack of exercise is another thing, though. Bad eating habits take a lot of muscles away and leaves you with jiggly skinny fat.
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    oh how interesting...... yes I got a HRM, and I'm not sure how accurate it is but on a treadmill it said I was burning say, 300 cal but my HRM said more like 115. So i have given up on eating back calories, cause I just can't work it out. I figure I exercise most days, so 1500 cal a day should be plenty of food for me to get through the day and exercise, but enough to shed some weight. I have psychological issues with my eating. If I 'earn' calories, I feel deprived if I don't and tend to blow it if I go just a little past my cal limit. I just give up. I need the room to breathe and knowing that what I put into my workouts is honest and not just a reason to eat more is better for me.
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for all the info guys!! Yeah at 147 lbs I am a little bit bigger than you guys seem to be, but I gained weight through diets (atkins esp) . I have set my calories to 1500 but exercise daily and don't re-eat those calories. I think I will just save them for my 'cheat' day. I have been reading up on how it is good for your body to have a large amount of calories in one go once a week/fornight/month, whatever you prefer, to not only let you get those cravings out of the way, but to trick your metabolism so it stays burning lots of calories, and doesn't slow down with the constant calorie deficit. Anyone do this?

    Once in a week or month is not really my thing. Ever since I was a teenager, you know how those ages are for most girls, I was aware of my body and even at my most tomboy times I did the "Gosh, I ate too much today, I'll eat less tomorrow." And I did. So I guess on average, I always zigzaged. Never had "I put on too much weight" times until this year. Lack of exercise is another thing, though. Bad eating habits take a lot of muscles away and leaves you with jiggly skinny fat.

    Yeah, I exercise daily almost and have toned up ALOT underneath my "flab" lol (I am doing 30 day shred + cardio)... I do the "I'll eat less tomorrow" thing also after a big day. I just hate feeling deprived, so I figure if I eat what I want 1 day a week for 1 meal (like friday dinner for example) it might do me good so I have something to look forward to and to put certain food cravings to rest (pizza and pasta). I did it friday and naturally sat ate less, and really craved good food. Had 3 apples, prawns, clean bread with some honey (i make that myself) and grapefruit. Oh and lots and lots of water..... (i had a few beers friday too, I'll admit it). But we shall see what the scales say!
  • CaliBird
    CaliBird Posts: 10
    Im 5 foot 2 and weight 151 Myfitnesspal but me at 1200 cals a day and i usually eat that much but my net worth is much lower. Honestly just eat till you feel full and make sure to drink water before you eat and start with the lower calorie items on your plate first. That's what I do whenever I'm dieting.
  • lacaro1
    lacaro1 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for all the info guys!! Yeah at 147 lbs I am a little bit bigger than you guys seem to be, but I gained weight through diets (atkins esp) . I have set my calories to 1500 but exercise daily and don't re-eat those calories. I think I will just save them for my 'cheat' day. I have been reading up on how it is good for your body to have a large amount of calories in one go once a week/fornight/month, whatever you prefer, to not only let you get those cravings out of the way, but to trick your metabolism so it stays burning lots of calories, and doesn't slow down with the constant calorie deficit. Anyone do this?

    My sister (who is studying performance diagnostics at university) said that her profs recommend a lower amount of calories for four days and up this amount every fourth or fifth to not more than 300 -400 additional calories! So yes, this is a way to trick your metabolism, but to splurge on thousands of calories at this specific day is not target-aiming!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    probably around 1800. I don't do low calorie diets anymore, I've lost weight in the past by intuitive eating. I'm 5'7", if that helps for perspective.