7-28-2012 Menopausal Mad Hatters Weekend Chatter



  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    TA: WE mad hatters are yummy and comforting!!!! And you already have us .. AND we're calorie free!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    This is so true and so much more healthier !!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good day my dear group !!!

    First Bis a big GOOD LUCK as Snoozie said we are all there supporting ya. We have our mock cocktails !!!

    Lisa good to see you and so glad to hear a positive family reunion result. Your point that he has changed is something I need to remember. We so often continue to see people as they were rather than in the present. I agree going into this without expectations is best. I have always understood the connection btw my food relationship and my childhood but until recently could never break those chains that bind. We are doing the Olympics also !!! Hmmm as for your question I think yes !!!

    Everyone have a wonderful day and be good to yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    185... let's just hope the scale continues it's downward spiral to 160... lol...:laugh:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Good Morning Hatters,

    First and foremost, GOOD LUCK today BIS! I know you can do it and I am beside Snoozie in the Hatters cheering section.

    Now, how is my day.....I got up and attempted to make the coffee. We have had a grind-n-brew for years, you pour the beans in add water and go. 5 or 10 minutes later you have wonderful fresh coffee. Love it :love:
    Well, that changed about 2 weeks ago when the heating plate crapped out. So, not wanting to spend money before vacation I pulled out our trusty plastic $8 coffee pot out of the camping supplies. Now, I grind the coffee in the gnb and make it in the ol' reliable one. Except for this morning, I ground the beans and added water but forgot to add the grinds. I came back to a pot of hot water! No big deal right? I got the grinds added them to put the water back in and left. Came back to coffee and grinds all over the cabinet. The spring to let the coffee out wasn't seated just right,,,ugggg. So had to wash everything with sprayer hose, regrind the beans and add water again. I promise this is the BEST cup of coffee ever! Wonder how many calories I burned telling myself what a dumbass I am:bigsmile:

  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Boy can you all keep someone motivated. It was raining hard this AM & this along with some rather disapointing news I heard about the race had me almost wigg out on it this AM. I heard yesterdays race was a disaster at the finish line. No water, 2 hour wait for the bus back to the car, lots of people with heat stroke general disorganization with 11,000 runners plus all the spectators. The state and local police had to step in & take over. Then I also heard out of my $50 entrance fee only $1 went to the charity. It seens the race was put on by a for profit that does this around the country. This all put a very bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing. My last (and first race) was for the church down the street, the hospitality group from the chuch treated us to a breakfast and lots of donated items were given away. It was a small race of about 300 people & I had a blast.

    I watched the weather this AM & knew you all were on the side lines watching for me so I decided to do it anyway. Since I live a 10 minute walk from the finish line transportation was not an issue for me. My BF dropped me at the start line & made it back to my house before they closed the roads while I waited in the pouring rain for the start of the race. The rain stopped just as the race started & I was in the 2nd wave of 1000 runners. Now with that big a crowd & a color drop every K (where they would spray you with a different color of this corn starch based color) it was impossible to run to much. I probably ran about 1/2 of the total distance, but I finished strong & heard you all cheering for me. Would I do it again...no. I have decided I will do more charity runs, but stick to the smaller ones & know ahead of time what % really goes to the charity.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Boy can you all keep someone motivated. It was raining hard this AM & this along with some rather disapointing news I heard about the race had me almost wigg out on it this AM. I heard yesterdays race was a disaster at the finish line. No water, 2 hour wait for the bus back to the car, lots of people with heat stroke general disorganization with 11,000 runners plus all the spectators. The state and local police had to step in & take over. Then I also heard out of my $50 entrance fee only $1 went to the charity. It seens the race was put on by a for profit that does this around the country. This all put a very bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing. My last (and first race) was for the church down the street, the hospitality group from the chuch treated us to a breakfast and lots of donated items were given away. It was a small race of about 300 people & I had a blast.

    I watched the weather this AM & knew you all were on the side lines watching for me so I decided to do it anyway. Since I live a 10 minute walk from the finish line transportation was not an issue for me. My BF dropped me at the start line & made it back to my house before they closed the roads while I waited in the pouring rain for the start of the race. The rain stopped just as the race started & I was in the 2nd wave of 1000 runners. Now with that big a crowd & a color drop every K (where they would spray you with a different color of this corn starch based color) it was impossible to run to much. I probably ran about 1/2 of the total distance, but I finished strong & heard you all cheering for me. Would I do it again...no. I have decided I will do more charity runs, but stick to the smaller ones & know ahead of time what % really goes to the charity.

    Good job Bisland....:flowerforyou: at least you ran....
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MAKE US PROUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am sure not having to fight traffic or worry about transportation helped motivate also.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I tried to edit my pic, but had do not know why It came out like this. :sad:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good Morning Hatters,

    First and foremost, GOOD LUCK today BIS! I know you can do it and I am beside Snoozie in the Hatters cheering section.

    Now, how is my day.....I got up and attempted to make the coffee. We have had a grind-n-brew for years, you pour the beans in add water and go. 5 or 10 minutes later you have wonderful fresh coffee. Love it :love:
    Well, that changed about 2 weeks ago when the heating plate crapped out. So, not wanting to spend money before vacation I pulled out our trusty plastic $8 coffee pot out of the camping supplies. Now, I grind the coffee in the gnb and make it in the ol' reliable one. Except for this morning, I ground the beans and added water but forgot to add the grinds. I came back to a pot of hot water! No big deal right? I got the grinds added them to put the water back in and left. Came back to coffee and grinds all over the cabinet. The spring to let the coffee out wasn't seated just right,,,ugggg. So had to wash everything with sprayer hose, regrind the beans and add water again. I promise this is the BEST cup of coffee ever! Wonder how many calories I burned telling myself what a dumbass I am:bigsmile:

    Oh my gosh I am sure it was the best cup ever, but I just had to laugh since this sounds like so much like my life !!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: BIS!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    YOU DID IT!!!!!

    WOOOO HOOOOOOO.. PARTY IN THE MAD HATTERS ROOM!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THE PIC!! (ok.. I'll stop yelling now.. but omg Bis.. we're SO PROUD of you.. especially since I'm sure both the news about the for profit and the weather would have been enough to make me turn tail and run back to bed.... but YOU did it!!! WOOO HOOOO!!! And don't think about having run for the other peeps.. celebrate YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT..!! you set a goal and REACHED IT!! *** WAVING POM POMS *****

    We're so proud of you Bis.. !! You inspired me on my walk this morning I was thinking about you and wondering if maybe... I might try one down the road when I can get a couple of months of daily walking under my belt (or slogging!) I would never ever have even let that thought cross my mind until you told us what you were doing.. so huge huge congratulations! LOVE THE PIC!! A CL appletini toast to Bis!! Well done! :drinker: :drinker:
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Thank you head cheer leader Snooozie & crew. I kept hearing you in my head cheering me on. Persiverance works 7 months ago I would have said you are all crazy to think I could do this. I started jogging just 30 seconds at a time & slowly built up to 30 minutes of slogging. I would still say I slog & not jog, but I have never had a cramp or any kind of injury. I used a podcast I found that was set to music & told me when to run & when to walk along with lots of motivational stuff along with it. If I can do it believe me anyone can.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Bis, wow that's all I can say is WOW! Congrats on a great race in tough circumstances, even more congrats on the progress in fitness that the race represents to all of us who want to follow in your footsteps, whether our goal is to race or improve our tennis game.
    Snoozie, love reading your posts especially knowing that you are doing this half blind!
    I can't relate to the coffee story because I have never even tasted coffee, I don't like the way it smells. That is a factoid about me that always amazes people.
    I played tennis in the afternoon sun with my daughter and it left me a little sick I knew I should have more than a fruit salad for dinner, but my stomach isn't up for it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hon - how perfectly you phrased your congrats to bis... i loved it and nodded away as I read it...:bigsmile:

    Aaack on not feeling well tonite tho... please drink lots and lots and maybe a cool shower would help if it was due to the afternoon heat induced.. ? please take care of yourself and hope you feel better before bed! LOL @ the coffee.. I have a friend like that too.. and any kind of flavoured coffee or creamers give me the heebie jeebies.. or iced coffee? gak!! I promise never to brew a pot here in the Mad Hatters room tho!! :o)

    Just waiting to hit the sack til the drops are done.. trying to figure out how im going to do this at 430am tomorrow.. 5 drops 10 min apart... and wait til the blurry goes? Umm... i think I might put 3 in at home, and leave the last 2 til I get to work and am sitting at my desk LOL! Nite nite Hatters... and T2 if you get a chance to pop in? Missed yapping at ya and seeing how you're doing today; hope you managed some R&R time and werent working!!

    I'll start a new day for tomorrow when I git up... with my coffee LOL...
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Wayyyyy to go Bis!!!!!!!!
    I have thought about doing a 5 k with my daughter. But not there yet.

    Thanks Snoozie for being the head cheerleader for all of us on everything. What are the drops you are talking about? just curious.

    I love the coffee story that sounds like something that would happen to me.

    It sounds like every one had a good day.

    Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Bis, it'a a huge IPOU moment. thank you for being such an inspiration. I will have coffee all around for those that want it and tea or lemonade for those that don't:bigsmile: