How much is too much???



  • krypt71
    krypt71 Posts: 6 Member
    When I first started losing weight I gradually dropped the carbs. I learned about pre-diabetes and insulin resistance because of some issues my son was going through, but believed all the bad reports about Atkins. Went from the standard 300 per day to 100 and lost 25 pounds or so. Then started stalling out and bouncing around and decided to go lower and dropped to half that and lost more before stalling again. Went on Atkins induction, and it is hard cutting down to less than 20 carbs a day. But lost 11 pounds in a week and got motivated. There was a carb withdrawal when I first started. Headache, nausea, sometimes sluggishness--might be your body starting to change over to burning fat for energy instead of the sugar/insulin.

    By all means do what feels good to you. From experience I think it's okay to gradually step down--just a slower weight loss process. I've seen folks drop in months what it's taken me 2 years to do. But on the flip side, I also think going slower and doing a weight regimen leaves less loose skin to deal with.

    I have less than 20 to go now, and am back on induction and I feel SOOO much better on induction these days. Eat too many carbs and I feel like crap. Before low carb I was plagued by heartburn 4-5 days a week. The bad kind where I was up all night feeling like someone had me in a bear hug. Have not had it one single time in the past year.

    I also don't believe there is anything wrong with being in ketosis if you have no other health issues. I feel much more energetic now...I think it's all a matter of listening to your body--we're all different--and taking it at your own pace. When you feel like your stuck etc., you'll make adjustments to get the momentum back.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    From what I have read (spoiler alert: not that much), I have learned the following:

    Less than 50 carbs per day = ketosis (generally not advised)

    you need to do some more reading if you think ketosis is bad. =]
  • mahlerosa
    I to was confused...but this article helped me: