90 days in a row----challenge



  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Bone-tired--but my body IS changing. 2 MILES--380 cal----60 MINUTES. O resistance---my ankles thanked me profusely
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    I'm just getting over a sprained ankle... I can relate. It's been 5 wks and I'm still having some discomfort, I had know idea how long it can take to heal.. Go for you for pushing through!
  • Brandiberry77
    Brandiberry77 Posts: 49 Member
    check in, day 4 of 90. 30min setting 4. I am feeling it today. I am not exhausted or even sore but my speed is a bit slower on the machine. I was doing 62 and now I am more like 58. Fine with me but it will be interesting see what happens. Hopefully the body adjusts.
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    I am feeling it! my thighs are killing me, not so much going up steps, but going down is a different story... Good luck on day 5
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 272 Member
    Just found this. Would like to join?
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Are ya kidding? YOU'RE IN!! :flowerforyou: Friending you! We are glad to have join us!

    A note to anyone wanting to join---You can come in at ANY time.

    It's theoretically a 90 consecutive day challenge---but here a few disclaimers

    1. You can start your day count whenever you come in! So --you are always on time --when you join! It does not have to be the same day as someone who is on day 3.

    2. Sometimes it just is not possible to exercise EVERY DAY....Some times---you have to put in a REST day or an emergency comes up---or the home machine breaks down---or etc. But if you can keep a consecutive day count---groovy!!!!

    3.This challenge is not to make you feel bad--if you miss a day or two or whatever. Just resume your count from the day you left off. So if you were on Day 10 and missed the next day---and resumed three days later you would just go to Day 11--it's still 11 days on the ellip!

    4.You can always keep track of the days off and at the end of the 90 days ---if you want! You can do the remaining days---like a make up

    5. 10 minutes on the ellip for 90 days straight is EVERY bit is valid as 65 minutes on ellip for 90 days running . The idea is to get on the ellip every day---not to push for endurance. Or if you have a day where you have put in a lot of work on the ellip--like 60 minutes--but the next day--- do 5 minutes on the ellip---THAT COUNTS!

    6. We can end the first round of the challenge November 30.

    7. .As Brandiberry77 says--Fit can be fun!
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    Day 5! I'm loving this!! I made it to the gym a little earlier. I did 40 min on elliptical 2.39 miles 268 calories gone. Stationary bike 15 min3.75 miles 119 calories.. :smile:
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 272 Member
    Are ya kidding? YOU'RE IN!! :flowerforyou: Friending you! We are glad to have join us!

    A note to anyone wanting to join---You can come in at ANY time.

    It's theoretically a 90 consecutive day challenge---but here a few disclaimers

    1. You can start your day count whenever you come in! So --you are always on time --when you join! It does not have to be the same day as someone who is on day 3.

    2. Sometimes it just is not possible to exercise EVERY DAY....Some times---you have to put in a REST day or an emergency comes up---or the home machine breaks down---or etc. But if you can keep a consecutive day count---groovy!!!!

    3.This challenge is not to make you feel bad--if you miss a day or two or whatever. Just resume your count from the day you left off. So if you were on Day 10 and missed the next day---and resumed three days later you would just go to Day 11--it's still 11 days on the ellip!

    4.You can always keep track of the days off and at the end of the 90 days ---if you want! You can do the remaining days---like a make up

    5. 10 minutes on the ellip for 90 days straight is EVERY bit is valid as 65 minutes on ellip for 90 days running . The idea is to get on the ellip every day---not to push for endurance. Or if you have a day where you have put in a lot of work on the ellip--like 60 minutes--but the next day--- do 5 minutes on the ellip---THAT COUNTS!

    6. We can end the first round of the challenge November 30.

    7. .As Brandiberry77 says--Fit can be fun!

    Just finished my elliptical workout. Feel great. :smile:

    Time: 6:06
    Speed: 8-10
    Distance: 1.01
    Calories burned: 51.3

    I go by what my elliptical say, not by MFP. There is a BIG difference. Tis is just what I needed to get me moving on the elliptical. I've had it for awhile and only have used it a couple of times. :bigsmile:
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    Nice job alleykat69! I also go by what my elliptical states, there is a big difference with it and MFP.. Glad you joined the challenge!
  • Brandiberry77
    Brandiberry77 Posts: 49 Member
    Check - in day 5. Friday so I did setting 3 twice. Distance about 3400. I am still a bit slower but planning to do light on Saturday & Sunday so maybe Monday I can kick the speed back up? We live on a slope so no matter where you walk here you are either going up or down hill at a pretty good angle. I walked out to my garden not bothered by it at all! Heart didn't even pick up....nice.

    Way to go gals! It is wonderful motivation to see others going along side me. So glad I found this thread.
  • Ilene36
    Ilene36 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks. I took a break on day 4. I did 20minutes. I don' know how to find the distance. I have a Nordictrack from Sears. I love this machine. Then, I did 25 minutes of Stepping Aerobics.
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    nice job! I am loving this challenge and like you, I'm glad I found it... I don't know about you but I have problems on the weekends... Enjoy!
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Hello Elliptical Challengers---I agree--with Brandiberry77--WAY TO GO! We are on a roll!!!

    I did my Day 7--- Friday the 24--but got locked in the gym so I could not record until after midnight--AND my escape:drinker:
    20 minutes
    138 cal
    .78 miles


    Ilene--it's great you love your machine---that makes a difference~
    Welcome Alleycat~ and I love the challenge too, diztimetoshine.

    I can tell you---if you all were not doing it,too---I would have slacked off and let it go.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Day 5! I'm loving this!! I made it to the gym a little earlier. I did 40 min on elliptical 2.39 miles 268 calories gone. Stationary bike 15 min3.75 miles 119 calories.. :smile:

    Great workout! That must feel VERY satisfying
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    day 6 check in: 60 minutes 3.65 miles and burned off 405 calories... I am feeling so good! I had no problem getting to the 45 min mark, but I have to admit I struggled through the last 15... I did have to chuckle; the gym owner was there, he told me he was going to have to give me a prize for making it there 6 days in a row... Can't wait to see the expression on in face when I go walking in tomorrow morning.... Enjoy your Saturday, ladies
  • Brandiberry77
    Brandiberry77 Posts: 49 Member
    Check -in day 6, quick 20min. I am hoping to take the kids, dogs and the hubby out for a walk ;) We'll see.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Day 8!!!

    75 minutes---468--calories----2.63 miles ---

    @diz---That gave me a chuckle~~:laugh: Just wait--indeed~
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 272 Member
    Day 3

    Time: 10
    Speed: 9-12
    Distance: 1.68
    Calories: 84.7

    Oh that felt good! :bigsmile:
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 272 Member
    Hello Elliptical Challengers---I agree--with Brandiberry77--WAY TO GO! We are on a roll!!!

    I did my Day 7--- Friday the 24--but got locked in the gym so I could not record until after midnight--AND my escape:drinker:
    20 minutes
    138 cal
    .78 miles


    Ilene--it's great you love your machine---that makes a difference~
    Welcome Alleycat~ and I love the challenge too, diztimetoshine.

    I can tell you---if you all were not doing it,too---I would have slacked off and let it go.

    Same here. I've had mine for about a month now and only used it a few times. So sad. :sad: This is want I needed to get me motivated. :smile:
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    I have to admit... I didn't make it to the gym today :cry: I got up, had a monster headache and realized that if I didn't get the laundry done that no one would have cloths for work. I did clean the house and took periodic walks with the dogs. I'll be back at it tomorrow :smile: