FoxyMcDeadlifts is hungry :(






Current weight: 81kg, never taken measurements, maybe I should?

Training a bastardization of 5/3/1 with BBB assistance, try and do half a hour of cardio per day

Hopeful to lose about 5kg, and get down to about 75kg. was 73kg pre bulk


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'd definitely take measurements mate. Can really help to determine progress gained and lost during cutting and bulking IMO.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Do you guys measure flexed or unflexed?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    all unflexed for me except bicep. I take both measurements for that one.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Im a busy little bee at the moment, but i will try and take measurements and a side picture tomorrow!

    Just thought i'd quickly detail routine

    Squats (strength)
    Squats (volume)
    Chins (unweighted)

    Bench (strength)
    Bench (Volume)
    Dips (weighted)

    Weds Rest

    OHP (Strength)
    OHP (Volume)
    Kroc Rows
    Weighted Chins
    Upright Rows


    Deads (strength)
    Deads (volume)
    Front Squat

    Cardio when and where, Im naturally a runner but im carrying a foot injury, so im doing swimming,elliptical, spin, whatever really. Also, just trying to increase general walking, walking to the gym, walks at work etc. Conveiniently have a lot of concerts during my cut where i'll be sure to be dancing all night and increasing my deficit
  • moosejuice16
    Nice routine man!

    Hows the first few days been>?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    that's a great looking routine mate
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Minimalism. I get as many reps as people who do 8 different types of curls, but i've tried to hit each bodypart without too many redundant excercises. Obviously, there will always be carry over with compounds.

    So far its been ok, need to hammer out a proper routine and diet, Im used to deficits so i dont get hungry aside from the mornings, and i've been fasting a year so i can get over said pangs. As and when my routine gets too demanding i will probably move over to a 3 day split
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Added a side on! Theres still the slightest hint of abs, in mirrors i can still see my four pack, but it doesnt come up on camera atm. This week for cardio i've done Dancing at Notting Hill on sunday, and thats it this week.... Will do some cardio over the weekend but not bothered, have been walking around a lot more, and will be walking to the gym 4x a week, which is 30 mins. there and back. Doing a 3 day split this week due to the bank holiday and business, been a bit of a slippery start, including 2 Bacon XL double cheeseburgers and a lot of Gin, but im in cutting mode now.


    Height: 180/5'10
    32" Waist
    36" Chest
    13" unflexed/14.5" flexed Biceps
    24.5" Thighs (Both legs)
    15" Calfs (Both legs)
    Neck: 15
    Forearm: 11

    BF% : 13%

    Pretty pleased with all those stats, 13% sounds about right imo

    I am delightfully symmetrical. Also, i dont know where to measure from, so i dunno how correct they are
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Thought i'd just detail what i've been doing this week training wise. I've just begun a new deadlift and squat phase, i'm near the end of a OHP and Bench phase. I did 3 days training this week as i was busy tuesday.


    Squats 20kg x 10, 40kg x 5 60kg x 5 80kg x 5 100kg x 5 100kg x 5 100kg x 5 100kg x 5
    Plate Squat: We squat on 15kg plates, high bar, and hold the squat at the bottom until we're told to drive. This replicates being stuck in the hole and out of position, like when you 1RM 77.5kg x 5

    Squat: 5x10 @ 77.5kg
    Lunges 3x8@60kg
    Wide grip Chins 3 x8


    Bench: 20x10 52.5x5, 62.5x5,72.5x5 82.5x3 87.5x5 87.5x4,87.5x3 - dropping to triples next week, but may not bench at all because i have a shoulder niggle
    Rows 3x8@80kg
    Incline db bench: 30kgx 8,9,8,8,5 after this my shoulder didnt feel great, so i did a few weighted dips and then some weighted chins but decided to just go home

    Thursday: Half hour spin, about 300 calories burnt


    Deadlifts: 65kgx5, 105kgx5, 130kgx5 130kgx5 130kgx5 130kgx5
    Shrugs 110x5
    SLDL 3x8@80kg
    Front Squats: 3x8 @ 70kg

    Also walking from work to the gym and back - 30 mins walking every day.

    tomorrow im going to do park run, a free weekly 5k, then sunday i'll do some cardio, dunno what yet...
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Nice training mate :smile: Love the no fluff attitude.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Right, So i weighed in at the weekend at 77.9kg, down from 80kg starting. So its pretty good progress, but i think a large part of that is the 100-150g daily carbs i've cut out, that was a dry weight.

    Saturday, i went for my first run in awhile, i did 4 miles at 8:43 per mile. Felt good but foot was a bit tender today, i skipped cardio yesterday and was gonna do some today, but i ended up doing some shoulder press instead.

    Todays workout

    Squats all for 5 reps 20,45,65,85,105,105,105,105
    Squats 5x10@ 80kg
    Barbell Lunges 3x8@65kg
    Weighted Chin ups 3x8@10kg
    Press 20,30,40,525x 5,4,3

    Mashed in half of shoulder day as im going to a festival this week so its another 3x a week training week. Pretty lax about cardio as well since i'll spend 4 days dancing.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    great workout :smile:

    And so much for a slow start to you're cut.

    I still think it's odd that you use kgs and miles :laugh:
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    You know how it goes, its mostly carbs, and the day after im 78 im back up to 80kg. Workload is good though, all the extra walking goes a long way, you dont need to slave awaydoing cardio on lifting days if you're just a bit mobile.

    Dont you use kg and miles? Scales in UK are in Stones, which no one understands and bumper plates dont come in stones, so it was easier to convert to kg. Everything in UK is miles, i dont like KM so much
  • moosejuice16
    Foxy. 14 pounds = 1 stone. problem?

    1kg= 2.2lbs?

    Nice start so far though man.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    we are 100% metric. Kg & km's :smile: I know speed/distance conversions from drag racing days & kg/lbs from fitness days so it's all good.

    But yeah, I have no idea on stones!
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    Right, So i weighed in at the weekend at 77.9kg, down from 80kg starting. So its pretty good progress, but i think a large part of that is the 100-150g daily carbs i've cut out, that was a dry weight.
    Dude, we are nearly the same weight, the same height. You definately have more mass than I do, judging from your pictures and your measurments, probably 10-12 more lbs of muscle than Ive got?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I know stones Moosey! Its just the rest of the world that doesnt. Im sure theres a formula you could use to work it out Nick, but im too retarded/lazy to figure it out!

    We just dont deal in kms here, all our signposts are in miles, all races are in miles (except 5k and 10k)
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Im going to a festival this weekend, so i thought i'd just log what i've done and am doing tomorrow now

    Tuesday: Went in for some cardio, but got coaxed into a powerclean/abs session by some guys

    Cleans: 1x5 20kg, 1x5 35kg, 1x5 50kg, 3x5 60kg
    Some Russian twists, Hanging Leg Raises and Dragon Flags - I wouldnt normally do this, i just got talked into it
    Spinning: 20 mins


    Bench: All for 5 20, 55,65,75,85x5 shoulder got a bit niggly here, so i just did some chins then cut and run
    Chins 8 8x2.5,8x5,7x7.5, 6x10

    tomorrow: Quick AM workout before the ferry

    Deads 70,90,110,135,135,135,135
    Deads: 5x10@80
    Front Squats: 3x8@72.5kg

    Weekend im going to a festival, fair amount of drinking, an awful lot of cardio, and i'll eat whats there. In England, Festival food is quite healthy and good, so i'll be eating risotto balls, stir fry, Peri Peri chicken, maybe even a roast, i'll see whats there. Im also busting out the fox suit. Have a nice weekend!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Enjoy the fest, great progress around ;)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Good workouts. Love the dragon flags :smile:

    Need festival pics! Have fun mate.

    I'm off to do a costume'd up mud run this weekend so if you put a pic up I will too haha. Rest assured, mine is ridiculous.