FoxyMcDeadlifts is hungry :(



  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Yeah thats right, a 5k is 3.1 miles, but since we work in miles here, i only run 5k on race days. A good min per mile calculator if you dont have a app is here:
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    what race you got on? Tri?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Nothing at the moment, im just starting to think about race season after the cut, i may try a sneaky half next week, although i havent trained for it.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member

    Bench 20,60,70,80x5 90x3, 95x2, tried 100kg but failed. Gonna get it next week then reset bench and probably MP with it

    Bench 5x10@60kg

    Rows 3x8@75kg

    chins 3x8

    Weighted Press ups 7,6,5 w/25kg


    Deads: 80,100,120,135,145,145,145,145 x5

    Deads 5x10 @85

    Front Squats 3x8@75kg

    Shrugs 3x8@130kg

    Saturday i did a 5k, my first one in ages, i do parkrun, which i highly recommend if theres one near you, they're a free weekly 5k. Anyway, i ran it in 23:05. Its a decent time, but room for improvement

    Today: Feeling good about yesterday, i ran 9 miles in 1h 22:50something. 9:19 per mile. I wanted to do a longer run to see if im fit enough and if my foot could handle my hometown half marathon which is in two weeks. If i can enter still, i think i will now.

    Weight: 76.5kg dry.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Nice time for the run :smile:

    How do you do weighted pressups? backpack with weight or one of those legit ones?

    Also, serious weight for those shrugs. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but I've seen some people doing it with zero momentum and others do it sort of like an attempted high pull with a knee bend and then pull.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I get someone to stick a 20 or 25 on my back and do press ups! I asked my gym to buy one of those body vests but they said no :(

    Havent done shrugs in awhile, i used to trap bar them, i felt for the weight, i was only half shrugging, so i probably want to drop that down a bit, but i only did them because i got my press days confused and didnt want to row two days in a row!

    I've seen both done, i prefer not to use leg drive
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Monday: Squats 60,80,100,120,120,120,120
    Chins 4x8 bodyweight 2 sets chins, 2 sets pull ups
    Lunges 3x8@65

    My calfs felt a bit mashed from yesterdays run, so i decided to not do GHRs and also, no cardio today. As my foots feeling better im getting pretty ambitious, i may go for a trial run with a running club tomorrow, but i'll probably just do a 10k on my own. I have three weeks left of my build up before 1RM testing, im not sure if this coincides with the end of my cut or not, but i hope so!
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Good luck with the run, hope your foot still feels ok. I am going to run half marathon distance this weekend just for fun.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member

    I did a lunchtime run, of 4 miles at 8:10 per mile. Just trying to ease back into things, anyway, for some stupid reason, i talked myself into trying to max out again on the bench tonight, and i unsurprisingly failed again, although i got a lot closer. I shouldnt even be maxing out on a deficit, let alone spur of the moment after a run. Im going to have one more go next week, where i will do no cardio, and make sure i have a 2k lunch before hand, if i miss it again, im resetting and concentrating on form. I really hate bench, we all have one lift we suck at. For me, its Bench.


    Bench: 20,60x5,85x3,90,95, two attempts at 100. I very almost got the first one, but if a spot touches the bar, its a failure, and i needed a little tap to lock out :(
    Bench 5x10@60kg
    Rows 3x8@80kg
    Dips@15kg 8,7,6 - Havent been doing dips, so not surprised to see some losses here

    All today has done, is made me annoyed at myself for not commiting to this max out. I WILL MAX OUT NEXT WEEK. and then deload, and then reset. Im kind of looking forward to this build up ending and trying to move onto a progressive programme that will grow my god damn bench, I've made great Squat and Dead gains in the last 4 months, just no bench gains whatsoever :(

    Starlight, do you race or do you just run for fun?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Yesterday, i did a nice 30 mins on the elliptical, doing a gradient thingy. I found a bum and calves mode!

    Today i went to the gym and did a sort of pick n mix with a mate

    Decline bench 70x10,75x8,80x3, 60x8, 60x8
    Weighted press ups @20kg 8,8,7
    Kroc rows 3x8 @ 42.5kg
    Weighted chins @5kg 8,8,7

    So minor burn out on the chins and press ups, i definately expected a few more reps at 80kg, but i did some pretty heavy bench tuesday, and i am cutting!

    Weight yesterday was 76.3kg, didnt weigh myself today as i got up super early to hit the gym. Went to the sauna this evening to just relax, but no ChrisDavey mode yoga. In terms of cutting, i think im getting pretty close to where i want to be, i started my bulk at 73kg, so if i wind up around 75.5 then thats a gain of around 2.5kg of decent mass. Im looking forward to to going back to maintenance and training harder, im looking forward to a deload as well!

    No decent photos, heres one from my potato phone


    Apologies for not still having
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    disappointed no yoga :tongue:

    Looking lean buddy! Only a few weeks to go :smile:

    BTW have you ever had a body composition scan? (DEXA or bodpod) I got one in Sep 2011 where I was apparently 77kg and 7.2%BF (was about a month of cutting after fail bulk). Going to get one on Tuesday before RFL and then one more at the end of the cut.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    No, we have some bf thing in our gym, but its never been my #1 priority anyway, i used to say i was 9% bf because Raz told me i was! Will try and do marine measurements soon!
  • Looking good man!!!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    You are looking fantastic. keep it up. I hate that burn out feeling when on a cut. I liked being able to lift heavier when I was eating 3,000 calories. lol.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    You've got to expect a bit of burn out when you're in deficit, so long as it only interferes with assistance work, thats fine as well!


    Deadlifts 60,100,120,135x3,150,150,150x4,150x4 This has gone up from triples last time i pulled this weight (about 9 weeks ago) Im also trying a gap of 15kg between the final warm up set and work sets.
    Deadlifts 5x10@85kg
    Front Squats 3x8@75kg
    Rows 3x8 @ 80kg
    Press: 20kg,30kg,35kg x 8

    Nice workout today, threw in some light pressing becuase its really been neglected on my cut. Really pleased with the deadlifts on a deficit as well

    This mornings weight was 75.3kg. Which presents me with a bit of a dilemma. I started my bulk at 73kg, i went up to about 81kg from the period of May - August when we started the challenge, im worried cutting more will eat into my delicious gains. Believe it or not, this is my first cut/bulk cycle ever. Whats everyones opinions on this? Should i go to maintenance? Should i eat closer to maintenance (say 2700, my maintenance is about 3k) Or should i just lean out since i only have two weeks left? I've definately been leaner than this, but its a pretty good place, and i want to be strong

    Also, on a random, looking for these sorta numbers post cut

    weight: 75kg
    Bench: 100kg (1.33 BW)
    Squat: 150kg (2 BW)
    Deadlift 180kg (2.4 BW)

    When you're a wee man, your ratios are more important than your numbers, i have one of the better power to weight ratios in my gym, although i still have a way to go to catch the 80kg bro with the 160kg bench, or my 65kg training partner with the 200kg DL. But thats why i train with them!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Did two 5ks this weekend, not races, just running. First one 24 minutes at 7:46 p/m i think. second one in 22:46 at 7:21pm. second one was killer and shows how far i've slipped. Still, it'll be fun to rebuild the base.

    I recalculated my figures based on new weight and upping activity level to 1.65 as im reaching the business end of my build up and will look to start spring training next week as i gear up for spring racing

    Figures were

    "Mifflin-St Jeor
    (FOR MEN)" BMR 1,751
    Maintenance 2,890
    Cut (@ 15%) 2,456
    Build (@ 15%) 3,323

    Katch-McArdle BMR 1,899
    Maintenance 3,134
    Cut (@ 15%) 2,664
    Build (@ 15%) 3,604

    Will eat somewhere between cut and maintenance so probably in the 2800ish, maybe eat a bit more on deads and squat days, i'll expect a minor weight gain from increased carbs, but it wont really mean anything. midweek and weekends i may eat around 2500ish still, its gonna be a lot more intuitive now because i've pretty much put my shift in and want new maxes now, so my focus will shift back to performance over weightloss (not been a real performance drop for me so far, but the weights havent been too heavy)

    Spring training link for anyone interested. Its about improving speed before comitting to a full marathon plan, i will use this then probably jump into a half marathon plan or whatever plan suits whatever races i commit too
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member

    Squats 65,85,105,115x1,125,125,125
    Squats 5x10@87.5
    Chins 3x8 bw
    Lunges 3x8@70kg


    Cardio: ran 3 miles in 23 minutes

    Bench: 20,40,45,50,55,60,65,70
    Incline db press 5x10@27.5kg
    Rows 3x8@80kg
    Weighted Press ups 8,8,6 @ 20kg

    At the end of my session a mate came in, and asked me if i wanted to do some cleans, so i did, with the occasional jerk thrown in as well
    Cleans: 20,50,52.5,55,57.5,65 all by five, then singles at 70kg with a jerk and 75kg but i couldnt jerk it. I havent got a great clean, its something i need to work on, my triple extension gets a bit wonky at high weights. But it is a exercise i want to do more, and it actually fits into bench day quite nicely
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    quality workout! Especially those cleans.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I have work to do, my triple extension isnt great at high weights, but i didnt feel broken form wise for it. Im definately gonna do more of them

    Yesterday i had a rest day, i walked my dogs, and that was it!


    Did morning training with my curl bro mate. He's 60kg but can bench 105kg, and he doesnt look big at all!? Its my personal mission to get him squatting and deadlifting.

    OHP:20,30,40,50x3,50x3,55x1,50x2 Was just playing around as not much pressing recently, could maybe press one plate now, but not 100% Will maybe try post cut
    DB press: 20x 10, 20x10, 17.5 x8 Probably exhausted by Tuesdays cleans, maybe exhausted by cut. But nevermind!
    Upright rows 3x8@40kg
    Kroc Rows 3x8 @ 42.5
    Skullcrushers 3x8@30kg

    I said i was going to join my local running club tonight, but i was feeling a bit anti social, so i did 4.5 miles on my own. i think in 35 mins, 7:48 pm.

    Tomorrow, im going on a first aid course, then to the gym at lunch and do a massive deadlift session, then im going to perform some "cardio" while i watch four tet! Im seriously debating a all you can eat chinese buffet tomorrow.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Oh, and weight has been 76-77kg last few days. Proof that cutting doesnt work!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Im in the final few weeks of my build up now, which is a awkward time to finish your cut. Feeling hungry, missing out reps on assistance. Im getting my core work done though which is what matters. I've also come down with a cold. Great

    Friday: Did a first aid course in the morning, then did some fasted deadlifts around 2pm
    Deadlifts: 65,105,125,145x1, then three triples at 155kg - Thats 2x Bodyweight. If i make 75kg (havent weighed myself in a while) Then 2.5x BW will be 187.5kg. Im uncertain if i can hit that before the end of the year, but im going to try
    Deadlifts: 5x10@85kg
    Front Squats: 3x8 @ 75kg
    RDLs: 3x8@85kg - I never feel like i do these right.

    After this i hit a massive 3 Plate... Chinese buffet, and then went to Bristol for a all night cardio session in a nightclub

    Saturday was a "rest day" and Sunday i ran 3 miles at 8:30pm. no idea where my weights at, probably still around 76kg. I think this is the last week?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I've come down with man flu, for those of you not aware there are two distinct flus now, and its been proven by science "man flu" (cold) and serious flu!

    Anyway, i must have the man flu version because im moving some serious frickin weight! Everything for 5 unless specified

    Squats:70,90,110,120,130 x3, 130, 130. I listened to my partner for reps, i wanted the fourth rep on the first set, but he told me to walk it in, i was leaning forward a bit, my old biggest squat was a 135 triple, so im pretty pleased with this, especially since im ill
    Squats 3x10@85kg
    Chins3x8 w/ 10kg


    Bench:20,40,50,60,70 for 5 then triples at 80,85,90
    Powercleans 20,40,50,60,65 then a triple at 70 Around about 70kgs form goes. I need to find the right time and place for cleans, next build up, im debating making them a core lift instead of OHP.
    Decline db chest: 5x10@25kg
    Rows 3 x 8 @80kg
    Chins bw 8,8,6

    did minimal sessions because theres no point over training, also no cardio and increased calories, since i want to get better. For me, this cut is realistically over now, im right at the end of my build up AND im ill, so i want to be eating maintenance minimum and i want to set some new PBs over the next couple of weeks, but i may eat at a slight deficit on some days. Im starting to eye up the next build up and doing a lot of running over christmas, if possible, i'd like to bulk, but it might be a bit too much food. See how it goes

    Weight today was 76.3kg. My lowest weight was 75.3kg in the cut, i think thats a pretty decent gain/loss. Pre bulk i was 73kg and post i was 81kg.
  • yummy_
    yummy_ Posts: 248 Member
    great loss stats!!
    and i can't believe you're doing all that work whilst suffering from Man Cold!!

    are you going to start building back up your calories slowly, or just dive back toward maintenance numbers?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    quality session for a sick *kitten*! Wow!

    So if you are finished cut, time to update with stats/pics?
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Maybe you should get man flu more often! I don't think it is man flu as in my experience that involves lying around being useless, whining and demanding food and drinks, not going to the gym!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Since getting fit, i've noticed i shake off illness a lot quicker, and im pleased to report, i feel more or less better today. As such, i will probably maintain the cut for the run in. I've also cut down on accessory and done not a lot of cardio while im ill as the numbers are my priority. Although i do have a race beginning of December that i really need to start training for!

    But i will look to calorie cycle and deload my upper body work whilst i push hard in the squat and deadlift for the final push, then i'll just jump straight to maintenance. I think most people scale up because they're worried about the spike in weight, which realistically is just glycogen/a increase in food in your belly. I dont give a **** about that

    Yesterday: Went to a spin class, probably did about 45 mins on the bike, also did some fluff before, few cleans with my mate, weighted push ups, few chins

    Todays training (Fasted AM)

    OHP: 20,30,40,50,55x1
    dips 3x8 w/20kg
    Close grip bench 3x8@50kg
    Kroc Rows 3x8@45kg
    Shrugs 3x8@130kg

    I have a upper body bro who keeps making me do stuff not on my plan. I dont think thats a bad set of exercises to do, its just a bit erratic!

    No cardio, as i have a deadlifting dillema for tomorrow and i want to be fresh whatever i chose to do. I need to either train fasted in the AM, get up early, eat and train in the AM or do a Wendler style im not doing jack today lunch time deadlift session (basically just do the core lift and get the hell out, no accessory) INDJT seems most appealing, as im cutting, and got a cold and if i just did worksets and could squeeze in some front squats i'd be a happy bunny.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    sounds like things are cruising along for you pretty well there, foxy. sucks that you got manflu, but you worked through it well.
    what race have you signed for? and your running is epically fast- god, i'm jealous! takes me about 30 mins to do a 5k (and that's at my fastest possible speed!). usually takes me 35 when i'm just going!
  • On your close grip bench press how close do your put your grip?

    I find too close and it hurts my wrists like hell but too far i seem to just strain shoulders.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I've signed up for this:
    Did it last year, absolutely fell in love, have raced two grims now, will do two more this year. Contemplating their duathlon, and maybe even the one in kent this year

    Moose you want to widen your group. Thats too much pressure on your RCs which is the classic bench injury

    Been a bit busy and all over the place recently, no cardio, and starting to feel a bit fried from all the work. Am running a deficit still, didnt log on the weekend but suspect a deficit still. Will eat a deficit this week except a small load for deadlifts. Next week will have big spikes as i look to set new pbs

    Trainings on the fly at the moment


    Deadlifts: 75, 115,135,155 by five. Three triples at 160kg
    Front squats 3x8@80kg

    Monday: Wendler im not doing **** style training
    Squats 80,100,125. Then three triples at 135kg. This is equal to my pb.

    Bench: 20,40,50,60,70 by 5, a triple at 80, a double at 90kg.
    Rows: 3x8@80kg
    Dips 3x8@20kg.

    Have to say, im really looking forward to a deload and maintenance. Im gonna probably eat around 4000kcals for the PB days. I dont give a ****, i want records.

    Weighed in at 75.6kg on saturday.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    quality training there mate :smile:
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