FoxyMcDeadlifts is hungry :(



  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    Epic workouts Foxy! I get to go to the gym today FINALLY! exams and assignments have smashed me for 9 days straight! Hows the food consumption going?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    In my rush, i forgot i did a load of Rows on Thursdays as well, 3x8@80kg.

    Foods good, i dont find cutting too hard due to fasting for a year and just eating two huge meals. This morning, i weighed in at 79.5kg again, but inspite of that, im looking more cut, i also ate a post festival sodium bomb of greasy KFC, sugary crap and a Mcflurry, and have dosed myself heavily on coffee this morning. Gonna hopefully get into a 4 day lifting regime now (been three days so far) and more cardio.

    Oddly, no photos at all from the festival, no one brought a camera, i might take a progress picture tonight in the fox suit for you though. :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    haha nice!

    That's some strong rowing too.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Im the worst logger ever, sorry!

    I've not been weighing myself, i've not done any cardio this week either. But i am eating at a deficit and doing cardio!

    Anyway! Monday was mostly spent travelling back from the Isle of Wight, with a pretty epic walk back to the car, and that was about it!

    Tuesday, I went for a nice long walk with my dogs then did some squatting!

    Squats: 20,50,70,90,110,110,110,110 all by 5. The first set, first rep, i came up and almost fell over! Guess i still had some festival in me ;)
    Squats 5x10@80kg
    Lunges 3x8@65kg

    Wednesday: Decided to bench, shoulders felt good and i didnt do a Press day on Tuesday so why not? All went smoothly!

    Bench:20,57.5,67.5,77.5,87.5 all by 5, then 3x3@ 92.5. The third rep was a battle all three sets, but i feel quite good about hitting a 100kg Press soon! Which i think would make me intermediate on all three lifts now? Chris?
    Decline DB press 5x8@30kg
    Chins just in between sets, did about 7 sets of 5
    Row 6@80kg then 2x8@75kg

    Yesterday i just slept because i felt horrible, but i took a picture and actually remembered to weigh myself! Was coming in at 78kg So i've more or less lost about 2kgs in three weeks, which is good. No measurements yet, maybe on the weekend

    Today: Deads: 75,95,115,130,140,140,140,140 all for 5
    Deads: 5x10@85kg
    Front Squats 3x8@75kg

    Also did about 10 mins of cardio to warm down. Walked to the gym from work everyday except Tuesday which i had off.

    Next week im going to increase volume, and also cardio again as lifes a bit more normal again. Im torn between basically splitting my shoulder day amongst three days a week, or having a straight shoulder day. I think after this cut and build up i will switch routines to Madcow.

    In terms of food, im not going to do the porn you guys do because my cooking is lame. Im a simple creature and do IF, i eat two meals a day.

    Meal one: Pork, Rice and Pasta, Kale or Spinach

    Meal two: Oats, Yoghurt, then some actual meal. I eat a lot of cake and **** too, i can fit it in and stay lean, and i believe taste should be on your criteria of food selection preferences.

    My Macros atm tend to be about cals 2300ish with a split of 200ish c and P and around 70 f

    Oh, and heres a progress picture from the other night. I do like to take all my pictures in the garden normally for no lighting effects, but its getting dark real early here

  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    NIce progress, can def see you look leaner. What cardio will you do?
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    lookie at you, mr foxy! you're looking increasingly buff! the definition is becoming more evident- i noticed you're getting those lines (dunno what they're called, but they're at your waist and my hubby has them and they turn into a belly). good work, sir.

    which festy did you go to?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    The ones by your waist are your obliques. I went to Bestival on the Isle Of Wight. It was huge, so there was loads of walking and then the dancing as well!

    Cardio wise, im a injured runner. So i always want to run, but im super cautious about my feet, so if they niggle i go to the gym and spin or x-trail otherwise i run. Will hopefully run today.

    Dry weight as of Saturday 15 was 76.5kg. Thank you very much, not taking Creatine for a week!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Good progress mate :smile:

    The intermediate levels are 1rm of squat 140kg, bench 100kg & DL 180kg.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Saturday i tried to run, but i wasnt really feeling it, so just did one mile, then turned home. I tried again on Sunday and managed to get 3 miles out at about 8 mins per mile.

    Squats, 20,55,75,95,115,115,115,115 all by 5
    Squats 5x10@85kg
    Chins 3x8 bodyweight
    Also did some Glute Ham Raises! I did them in a lat pulldown machine onto a Bosu ball, they're killer 3x8

    I ran at lunch, 3 miles at 7:30 per mile! This is my old training pace, im really happy to hit this
    Press: 20,35,45 x 5. Then 3x5@50kg
    Weighted chins 3x8@10kg 2x5@7.5kg
    Kroc Rows 3x8@40kg

    Today im resting, my weight this morning was 77kg. Gonna take measurements and photos soon!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Good workouts Foxy :smile:

    Can you double check my maths. 3mile run = 4.8km. Done in total of 22m30secs? If so, that's quick!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Yeah thats right, a 5k is 3.1 miles, but since we work in miles here, i only run 5k on race days. A good min per mile calculator if you dont have a app is here:
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    what race you got on? Tri?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Nothing at the moment, im just starting to think about race season after the cut, i may try a sneaky half next week, although i havent trained for it.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member

    Bench 20,60,70,80x5 90x3, 95x2, tried 100kg but failed. Gonna get it next week then reset bench and probably MP with it

    Bench 5x10@60kg

    Rows 3x8@75kg

    chins 3x8

    Weighted Press ups 7,6,5 w/25kg


    Deads: 80,100,120,135,145,145,145,145 x5

    Deads 5x10 @85

    Front Squats 3x8@75kg

    Shrugs 3x8@130kg

    Saturday i did a 5k, my first one in ages, i do parkrun, which i highly recommend if theres one near you, they're a free weekly 5k. Anyway, i ran it in 23:05. Its a decent time, but room for improvement

    Today: Feeling good about yesterday, i ran 9 miles in 1h 22:50something. 9:19 per mile. I wanted to do a longer run to see if im fit enough and if my foot could handle my hometown half marathon which is in two weeks. If i can enter still, i think i will now.

    Weight: 76.5kg dry.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Nice time for the run :smile:

    How do you do weighted pressups? backpack with weight or one of those legit ones?

    Also, serious weight for those shrugs. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but I've seen some people doing it with zero momentum and others do it sort of like an attempted high pull with a knee bend and then pull.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I get someone to stick a 20 or 25 on my back and do press ups! I asked my gym to buy one of those body vests but they said no :(

    Havent done shrugs in awhile, i used to trap bar them, i felt for the weight, i was only half shrugging, so i probably want to drop that down a bit, but i only did them because i got my press days confused and didnt want to row two days in a row!

    I've seen both done, i prefer not to use leg drive
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Monday: Squats 60,80,100,120,120,120,120
    Chins 4x8 bodyweight 2 sets chins, 2 sets pull ups
    Lunges 3x8@65

    My calfs felt a bit mashed from yesterdays run, so i decided to not do GHRs and also, no cardio today. As my foots feeling better im getting pretty ambitious, i may go for a trial run with a running club tomorrow, but i'll probably just do a 10k on my own. I have three weeks left of my build up before 1RM testing, im not sure if this coincides with the end of my cut or not, but i hope so!
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Good luck with the run, hope your foot still feels ok. I am going to run half marathon distance this weekend just for fun.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member

    I did a lunchtime run, of 4 miles at 8:10 per mile. Just trying to ease back into things, anyway, for some stupid reason, i talked myself into trying to max out again on the bench tonight, and i unsurprisingly failed again, although i got a lot closer. I shouldnt even be maxing out on a deficit, let alone spur of the moment after a run. Im going to have one more go next week, where i will do no cardio, and make sure i have a 2k lunch before hand, if i miss it again, im resetting and concentrating on form. I really hate bench, we all have one lift we suck at. For me, its Bench.


    Bench: 20,60x5,85x3,90,95, two attempts at 100. I very almost got the first one, but if a spot touches the bar, its a failure, and i needed a little tap to lock out :(
    Bench 5x10@60kg
    Rows 3x8@80kg
    Dips@15kg 8,7,6 - Havent been doing dips, so not surprised to see some losses here

    All today has done, is made me annoyed at myself for not commiting to this max out. I WILL MAX OUT NEXT WEEK. and then deload, and then reset. Im kind of looking forward to this build up ending and trying to move onto a progressive programme that will grow my god damn bench, I've made great Squat and Dead gains in the last 4 months, just no bench gains whatsoever :(

    Starlight, do you race or do you just run for fun?
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Yesterday, i did a nice 30 mins on the elliptical, doing a gradient thingy. I found a bum and calves mode!

    Today i went to the gym and did a sort of pick n mix with a mate

    Decline bench 70x10,75x8,80x3, 60x8, 60x8
    Weighted press ups @20kg 8,8,7
    Kroc rows 3x8 @ 42.5kg
    Weighted chins @5kg 8,8,7

    So minor burn out on the chins and press ups, i definately expected a few more reps at 80kg, but i did some pretty heavy bench tuesday, and i am cutting!

    Weight yesterday was 76.3kg, didnt weigh myself today as i got up super early to hit the gym. Went to the sauna this evening to just relax, but no ChrisDavey mode yoga. In terms of cutting, i think im getting pretty close to where i want to be, i started my bulk at 73kg, so if i wind up around 75.5 then thats a gain of around 2.5kg of decent mass. Im looking forward to to going back to maintenance and training harder, im looking forward to a deload as well!

    No decent photos, heres one from my potato phone


    Apologies for not still having