Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter Monday, Aug 27th



  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I am getting on here before my day really starts. I thank each of you for your kind words and thoughts. I am trying really hard to get all of this messy house organized this weekend so I can get back on track. I even went to the grocery store yesterday and restocked! That was a necessary thing :)

    Update on Stepson is appt Wednesday with Mito specialist here and on Thursday consult and schedule his spleenectomy. While removing his spleen they will also be taking out a few lymph nodes as now they are going to check for lymphoma. These last tests at Mayo have determined a lot of these things. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. It is an eight week recovery from this surgery and he is not one to sit still long. Oops, better keep Michel (his wife) in them too cause she will have to put up with him more than any of us!

    TA- I understand about rural nothingness..Hopefully things will clear up soon.

    Kobie/Cheryl- Things are ok really I am just frustrated by the amount of CRAP that Rick and I have accumulated over the years and with Cassie, quitting and starting a new job in the same week we moved them it hasn't been the most pleasant thing for any of us. I think maybe I had higher expectations of when this all would be done than I should have.

    Snoozie- Thank you for being my biggest Cheerleader and for understanding. You make my day with your posts

    MeRobi- Sons have a way of doing some crazy things. I remember when mine grew a foot over the summer and though he was big enough to punch me. I had to look up at him but I told him "go ahead hit me, you will knock me down and it will hurt, but YOU have to go to sleep sometime and when you do I will be there" never again did he pull that crap. You are in my prayers during this difficult time.

    I know there are others that I have missed but I have got to get busy before everyone gets up. If I don't then I won't get anything done I think is important.

    Have a wonderful day my Ladies..(I love that TA) and thanks again for just listening.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I'm back - safe and sound...had a blast!

    Even saw dolphins in the ocean! Wow!...

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    cbmc= Dolphins are a wonderful thing. I love them and even have a tattoo on my shoulder of one. It's the first I ever had and it has a lot of meaning. I also have one on my right foot that is the body of a lady bug (good luck) and the wings of a butterfly. My daughter has the same one except in a different color. The lady bug is for all of the cancer victims we love and the butterfly wings are for all that we know that survived. I am so glad you enjoyed your time away
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    welcome back cb! glad you had such a good time!

    T2: just saw the thread you started for newbies - what a great idea!! I see we have a couple of new members... welcome ladies.. lovely to have you with us... you can catch up on each weeks threads from the MMH group site (they're all dated) if you want .. or just jump in now and feel free to post at will or just lurk for a little way to see if ya like us LOL... i'll be starting a new thread for tomorrow after this..

    I have to say now that I'm back at work.. i would just like to APPLAUD every single one of you who have ANYONE else to take care of (family wise) and you still manage to log and post... I had been on vacation for so long that it was pretty easy for me.. and i only have ME to look after! So i'd just like to tilt my hat to all of ya....

    Very tired tonite, I had logged in what I had planned to take for lunch.. but in the end ended up changing it so I had to go delete it all ... thought it would be a time saver but alas... best laid plans LOL... oh well..

    and.. i'd just like to say.. I had a COMPLETE mentlepause moment today.. i probably shouldnt share it.. but i swear.. i got showered for work and put on undergarments, then put on my jeans and threw a shirt in the dryer to de wrinkle it a bit.. so i was running around with just my squeaky bra on top (remember I live alone.. no one to see me cept the dust bunnies lol..and yes the blinds were closed!) so I packed up my lunch then went and dried my hair and what not... blah blah..put all my stuff in my lunch bag, slipped my sandals on, grabbed my purse and keys, and headed for the door - flipped the lock, yanked it open..
    and yup.. realized i had totally forgotten to go put my shirt on!!!! Thankfully as I'm in a condo, there was no one in the hallway... but I could NOT believe I almost walked out shirtless.... lord love a duck....

    I'm blaming menopause!!!!!!!!! :embarassed:

    Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.....and is clothed appropriately :laugh:

    I'm off to start a new thread for Monday!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Just came to log those last snacks of the day :grumble: Didn't do bad but have been in snack mood today. Food food didn't taste good and I choose to not make myself eat lunch since I have learned even if I do I end up still eating what I want for snacking usually anyway. I stayed within my numbers though so I am happy with that.

    Oh Snoozie I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed out loud on this one. I really thought I was the only one that did such crazy things and now I have a Hatter sister that does the same. I so needed that.

    Praying for all our stragglers, you are all in my thoughts may your storms soon past.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    OMG Snoozie, I have done that so many times it's not funny. I make it all the way downstairs and open the basement door, feel the sunshine on my skin and think WTH...lmao thank you so much for sharing!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: thanks Tonya!! I feel much better knowing I'm not alone :laugh: :laugh: