First time low carber seeks support :)



  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Unfortunately based on their nutrition information, that pasta is just as much fail as Dreamfields. First ingredient is Semolina Wheat Flour, which is the same as most conventional pastas. Add into that the additional wheat gluten they add, cornstarch, and soy flour, any low carber would do well to stay away from it.

    We'll probably all (those of us committed to a lifelong low carb eating) just have to resign ourselves to a life without regular pasta, or only a very occasional indulgence since every attempt I've ever seen at something that isn't flour based tastes horrible.

    Honestly speaking - I dont miss the pasta... Granted, Im cooking it for my husband which is never a problem. Ill grab two pieces to taste-test for al-dente and I dont even get a craving at all when I taste-test for doneness.

    I love a heaping pile of "noodles" made from zucchini and summer squash... for my noodle fix!

    I agree. My wife still says that there is no replacement for regular pasta, but I think she tends to get hung up on things that she can't have rather than realizing that it's not that good to begin with. She's highly gluten intolerant though, so there's no going back for her now.

    I don't miss bread or pasta in the least. With few exceptions the smell of baking bread (local store that I shop at has a SubWay inside) actually makes me a bit sick to my stomach now!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    I don't miss bread or pasta in the least. With few exceptions the smell of baking bread (local store that I shop at has a SubWay inside) actually makes me a bit sick to my stomach now!

    MAJOR GAG!!!!! I cant handle it...... you can definitely tell the oven also needs a good cleaning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!