New Recruits Starting Stage 1



  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    I have the book and I have read it and I even made copies of the workouts but I am really so confused. I am looking at stage 1 workout A. am I supposed to do a and then pick b1 or b2 and then c1 or c2 or what ??? Because Workout A exercise A is just squats.. Pardon me I just am kinda confused.
  • areber07
    areber07 Posts: 38 Member
    I have the book and I have read it and I even made copies of the workouts but I am really so confused. I am looking at stage 1 workout A. am I supposed to do a and then pick b1 or b2 and then c1 or c2 or what ??? Because Workout A exercise A is just squats.. Pardon me I just am kinda confused.

    Yes, you will do both sets of A then you will do 1 set B1 then B2 do second set of B1 then B2 then do first set of C1,C2 then second set of C1,C2. Hope this helps!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Looking forward to Workout B tonight! I'm still a little sore from Tuesdays workout but it's the "good" kind of sore!

    How is everyone doing?
  • missingsocks
    missingsocks Posts: 24 Member
    Today was my first day. I felt so dumb! I had to carry the book with me because I forgot to copy the relevant pages... and there were so many guys in that part of the gym (and this super awesome chick that I hope to be like one day). I really wish I had a friend to work out with AT the gym... But I am determined to keep pushing through it.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi all! Today was my 4th workout in stage 1. I feel good and I feel stronger and I'm not AS intimidated by the weight room like I had been(still a little). I'm still not sure I'm doing deadlifts right. I have watched videos on youtube, but I still feel awkward doing them. I did read someone earlier post about feeling it in your hamstrings; I will keep that in mind. I am loving lifting weights though and can't wait to discuss the day to day stuff.

    Deadlifts. I lifted 30 lbs today. I feel like I should and probably can lift more. What's everyone else lifting? I've always been pretty muscular (under the fat) and strong, especially my upper body. But this exercise for some reason intimidates me! So I used the smaller 25lb Olympic bar last week and added 5 lbs today. I might switch to the 45lb Olympic bar on Friday. Maybe.

    The only issue I had today was with lunges. I was using 15lb barbells and my right knee started to hurt really bad. It had hurt a few days ago and then the pain went away. So I need to be careful (I'm 41, ie., no spring chicken). On the second set today, I did it without weights. Also how much can one expect to hold 6 weeks from now doing these lunges? I can't imagine upping this weight by too much more...?
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    For all those confused about the workouts (a, b, 1, 2, etc.), there are 16 total workouts in stage 1. Each workout has 5 exercises. So it takes me 25-30 minutes to complete each time (plus 15 min warmiup on elliptical).

    Sample Week doing MWF
    Monday - Workout A, Workout 1
    Wednesday - Workout B, Workout 1
    Friday - Workout A, Workout 2

    Monday - Workout B, Workout 2 <<--- I AM HERE :)
    Wednesday - Workout A, Workout 3 (start reducing reps to 12)
    Friday - Workout B, Workout 3 (start reducing reps to 12)

    Within each workout, there are 5 excercises. Do them in order. If something is labeled A1, A2, you do both of them, but just alternate the exercise. Example: do squats with barbell, then seated row, then do pushups, then do seated row, then do pushups...

    Hope this helps someone. Cuz I literally read those pages in the book about a zillion times to figure it out.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    First workout for me today - I hurt - I am dreading the DOMS - I WILL be there on Wednesday :)
  • areber07
    areber07 Posts: 38 Member

    I too find the deadlifts very awkward. Wasnt sure i was doing them right? I watched a few videos on youtube and I was doing them right. Lunges are a going to be difficult for me. I know that I wasnt able to do them with 15lb dumbells correctly last time so I will do with only BW and see what I can get to as the weeks pass. I will be doing my second B workout and look forward too it!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    morning all

    I am just new, not quite at the ready to start stage, bought the book so need to get swotting up on what to do / where to start etc.

    currently I only have my lil set of dumbells but hoping that the gym at work opens soon so I can use the weights there, mainly free weights.

    I'm not a complete stranger to lifiting, way back in my 20's I used to go to a 'proper' weights gym, big huge muscular guys who were fantastic & I loved it. If the work gym doesnt work out I might pop back to the ^^ gym and see if I can re-join there, I'm sure I'll get over feeling like a numpty once I get started.

    Anyhoo just thought I'd say hi, I'll keep reading the stickies and the threads for inspiration and advise and I apologise in advance if I dont join in too much, I dont get a lot of spare time to chat as I've recently started a college degree (part time) alongside my fulltime job and I am a keen runner so I'm forever struggling with time management.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Hi everyone! Week 2, Day 2 today, so Stage A. Which I prefer. I love squats! I'm upping my weights today. I started out smaller b/c I was a bit nervous and not used to using bar bells. But every single day, I increase my weights. Today, my goals are:

    Squats - 75
    Weighted Steps - 35
    Bent-over rows (I don't have the cable) - ummmm...I think I'm on 55? I can't remember. No. 60, and I'm not increasing this one yet. If I remember correctly.

    That's it...then push-ups and the prone jackknives.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Good job. 75 squats, impressive.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Half way through now - feeling pretty impressed with myself as I had never even been in a gym before starting this and it was VERY scary LOL

    Don't have an oly bar or a seated row machine, but do have mini bars in incremental weights and plenty of dumbells......

    I started at ridiculously low weight, so only just starting to find my limit now really. Currently at:

    Squats: 35kg/77lb
    Push-ups: just about managing 10 a floor level
    Bent over row: 12kg/26lb
    Step up: 4 risers at 12kg/26lb
    Prone jackknifes: Managed two sets of 12 for the first time today:)

    Dead lift: 35kg/77lb (love these)
    D/B shoulder press: 8kg/17lb (this is HARD!)
    Lat pull down:30kg/66lb
    Lunge: 9kg/19lb
    Swiss ball crunch: this seems pretty easy whatever I do - still playing with it. Currently holding 7kg D/B over head
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I just started stage 1 a couple of weeks ago. I was doing the 30 day shred as well but soon got very bored with it. The lifting is much more fun for me (and challenging). My next workout will be tomorrow, I'll be doing B3. I've been increasing weights slightly each time I do a workout.

    I know this is against the rules but does anyone ever lift two days in a row? Sometimes I just crave it, but have managed to fight the urge and take a "rest" day after each workout (but I'll do some other exercise).
  • malspaugh
    So I sarted on Thursday and I thought I would hate it. Just like every other workout program, I would be bored and not want to get up and do it. Well once I finished Stage 1 Workout A I was like, "Woo hoo! I wanna do that again!" But I waited and followed the plan. Workout B was yesterday and all I can say is when I got up to go to work tonight ...MY BUTT HURTS! I feel like I am literally working my butt off! LOL
  • Methinksabout
    Just bought the book and planning on starting this weekend, have an appointment for joining the gym this Thursday and am fairly nervous about going there. Have never done weight training before and all these different names confuse the hell out of me :blushing: Am sure I will manage in the end - somehow. :bigsmile:

    Will let youknow how I get one - whether you like it or not :laugh:
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    hiya...i completed my first workout A on monday and shall be doing my first workout B tomorrow, really looking forward to it, wanted to do it today lol....

    its so nice to have a supportive group here :happy:
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Somehow I lost this thread. But just wanted to say "yay" for all the Stage 1-ers. And guess who is loving deadlifts now? Yup, that'd be me. I'm up to 65lbs! My knee pain comes and goes -- mainly when doing squats. Doc says its just inflammed and to take Alleve and rest it. I TRY. :) I'm getting addicted to lifting! But I will be careful tomorrow. I'm on Workout A6 -- my 4th week. woo!

    All my soreness from the first week had gone away until last Friday when I pushed myself harder than usual. I'm sore all over again. But a good sore.

    As much as I LOVE this program, I never want to do it 2 days in a row. I seriously need the rest days. (I've been going 3 days/week for 4 weeks.) And I plan on taking a full week off after Stage 1 in the hopes my knee fully recovers. I always come back stronger/harder after the weekend, so I know the rest is a good thing.

    Does anyone else use the workout bench for step ups? I'm short and it really gives me a good workout. Just wondering...
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I just did the second workout.. LOVING IT! I am a little insecure about deadlifts, but you guys are helping. Anyone have tips about squats? I get my thighs almost parallel to the floor and then I feel like I'm going to fall over... if I try to go down anymore, it's leaning forward which is not good. Help??
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    Just finished the A2 workout today. I haven't tried squatting with an olympic barbell yet - I've just been doing it with kettlebells so far. I'm a little scared to try as I feel like having the extra weight on my shoulders will throw off my balance and form. Did anyone have problems with that?
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Good job. 75 squats, impressive.

    Thanks! I'm up to 90 now! My squats dead lifts, not as much.

    I'm on week 4, day 2 today. So 1A. Which is my favorite of the two.