Sarah gets smaller



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    that's awesome!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Beginning; 157.2
    Week 1: 154.8
    Week 2: 150.2
    Week 3: 157.2

    I was confused about the massive weight drop in a short time, and now it explains itself. I think it was partially a fluke, and partially me being lame and eating a little over maintenance every day for the past week. That is no way to lose weight!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Keep at it!!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Do you just take one weekly measurement, or do you keep a eye on things more regularly?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    During the week I kind of look at the scale, sometimes midday, sometimes fully clothed, so I have an idea. I didn't the second week (the 4.6lb loss) and it was probably just a fluke day that I can't compare to any others. I don't often weigh in daily anymore because it is a pain to get dressed, go to scale, get undressed, get dressed again now that we have a roommate. When it was just me and my guy I didn't have that issue.

    I'm really focused on making this week better.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Personally, i go to the bathroom first thing just in a towel and take my measurements, i dont log them, but it helps me keep perspective. If yesterday was my weigh in, i weighed 77.7kg in the morning (ate a lot the night before) This morning, for doing cardio and eating less, im 76.3kg, my leanest weigh in to date. Spot point weigh ins arent representetive, and you should really be using the mirror as your primary measurement device IMO.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Beginning; 157.2
    Week 1: 154.8
    Week 2: 150.2
    Week 3: 157.2
    Week 4: 153.2

    Feel good about this week. Told myself no more candy bars and much less sugar in general. I still eat items with added sugar, but I am trying very hard to severely limit them.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    well done!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Beginning; 157.2
    Week 1: 154.8
    Week 2: 150.2
    Week 3: 157.2
    Week 4: 153.2
    Week 5: 155.4

    A gain, but still better than 157 so I'm not too worried.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Another gain this week. I had no self control.

    I'm going to continue to update this for the remaining 8 weeks, then start anew. But the rest of these 8 weeks, from tomorrow's weigh in on, will be awesome.

    That is all I am allowing.

    (tomorrow's weigh in will be rather nasty, though, as the scale this afternoon showed 161) :indifferent:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Beginning; 157.2
    Week 1: 154.8
    Week 2: 150.2
    Week 3: 157.2
    Week 4: 153.2
    Week 5: 155.4
    Week 6: 161.0

    Another gain

    I began p90 yesterday on hopes to up my activity level
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    End of 8 weeks has shown that my dedication wavered too much and I gained weight.

    Realizing that it will take at least a YEAR to lose this weight I've regained, I am disheartened. At least I still 'look small', as people in my life tell me. But my heartburn has returned and my clothes aren't fitting. I actually had to go to the store and buy some bigger sizes because I'm flabby.

    Next October I want to be feeling great and well in the middle of my normal weight range, 20% body fat please!! So here I go again, making another dedication to myself.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    If you have a sense of scale, you know what you have to do! Taking a long term approach isnt a bad thing!