
I would love to learn a little bit more about each of you - i.e., "the basics", what originally brought you to MFP, if you've ever tried 30 DS, if you're gonna take pics, etc.

I'll start :) I'm a 35 year old single mom. I've been successful with weight loss before - but have NEVER reached my goal weight :( My mom introduced me to MFP - and I have fallen in love. Some could say I'm an addict. I've never tried 30 DS - but have dusted off the DVD a few times. Looking forward to changing that. Definitely going to take some pics - especially since I understand weight loss can be slow while doing this. I do plan on doing cardio as well - into week 5 of a training for a 15 K on Oct 20 - so I'm going to be a busy little girl these next few weeks. Hopefully the two will complement each other well.


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i'm also 35, will be 36 on the 24th. I am married and have a soon to be 6 year old. I have done 30ds once before and ripped in 30 as well. This is my 2nd time doing 30ds and i started it back in aug but just completed my 18th day today... can we say summer stuff got in the way. Well i am not giving up i will complete the 30 days no matter how long it takes! I started mfp back last Nov with a 20 lb weight loss goal. I have 2 more lbs to go and i need to tone more. then maintenance will happen and we will see how that goes..... i also am addicted to mfp and my scale to keep me in check. I have never had to lose weight ever in my life before, so i was a complete newbie learning all this and boy is there a lot to learn. my goal doing 30ds is to shave off a few inches and i will be very happy.
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 32 year old wife and mother to 3 boys (6, 4, and 7 months). Ever since I had my first son, I've always been within 10 lbs of my pregnancy starting weight. Over the years, my weight has slowly crept up until I got to be 20 lbs more than my pre pregnancy weight. I've never actually had to try to lose weight, so it was a struggle at first. I finally started to work on getting rid of the weight and then got pregnant with my youngest. Weight loss was put on hold. When I was cleared to start exercising again, the motivation wasn't quite there. I finally started making a true effort a few months ago and started the C25K program. I have completed that and have my first 5K next Sunday. I usually run 10-15 miles a week. We will be buying a treadmill soon, so I'll still be able to run once winter hits!

    I'm 10 lbs from my GW and 15 lbs from my UGW. I've lost almost 25 lbs already. I have done 30DS many, many times (I might actually have L1 memorized), but have never completed it. Day 21 was as far as I've gotten. I'll be willing to do measurements and pics if they can stay in this group only! Lol!
  • Cassandram333
    Cassandram333 Posts: 36 Member

    my name's Cass, I'm 23 years old. i started 30 day shred to see what sort of results i can acheive with it.

    i am basing my goals around anything other than numbers. so my goal for the next 30 days is to eat healthy and finish the 30 day shred. i have taken measurements and pretty excited to take my before photos,
  • I'm 36, married, and have a six and a half year old son. I joined MFP a year ago at 183lbs and am currently 138lbs (although I think its more now- bad week!) My ticker says my start weight is 191lbs, but I added the 8lbs I lost the 2 months before I joined MFP. I've done the 30DS before and lost a good few inches! I "only" have 9lbs to go (or more!) before I get to my goal of 129lbs and am hoping doing the Shred will get me there! ;D
  • Hi!
    My name is Lauren and I'm also 23. I just had my first son April 22 so I'm FINALLY getting around to working off some of that baby weight! What attracted me to 30DS was the short length of both the timeframe and the exercises themselves. MFP came into the picture when I was researching 30DS results and liked the idea of support and having a well organized way of tracking everything.
    Along with 30DS I plan to do my 20 min yoga routine that I have set on wii fit plus as a "warm up" and possibly some walking everyday with my little man :)

    I don't care as much about weight as I do about inches. I'd like to lose 10 lbs but I know that won't happen in 30 days so really I'd just love to fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes more comfortably. I can wear 2/3 pair of jeans but it's a pretty snug fit! And I'm definitely hoping to bring my chest down a few inches... things got out of control up there and I was only breastfeeding for 2 months. Being 5' even, I'm looking pretty disproportionate these days lol

    Good luck everyone!
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    I'm Helen, 26, married. Today is Day 3 of Level 1 of 30DS. My legs *ache* from the first two days, which I'm sure is a very good sign, but it's making me hobble up and down the stairs at work (: I haven't taken pictures or measurements yet but am planning to today. Also need to buy some scales (just moved house and left the last set behind...) so I can track progress! I'm motivated by the brave people who posted before and after pictures on the 30DS threads on MFP before...I don't have any weights so am using shampoo bottles instead, which are definitely not heavy enough. I try and do the video each day in the time between me getting home from work and the hubby getting back, as otherwise he will find me gasping on the floor clutching shampoo bottles - probably a sight that would stick in his mind for quite some time (:
  • TammyRandolph
    TammyRandolph Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am Tammy 42, and my doctor told me about MFP. I have two children ages 16 and 12. I tried the 30 day shred twice and just couldn't do it, but now I am at the point, where I really want to get this weight off. I don't have a whole lot to lose, but would like to get it off anyway. My goal is to get down to 120, but 125 would be great also.

    Good Luck to everyone.
  • I'm Ellie, 30, no longer fitting in my jeans and today I realised I no longer have an excuse not to do my shred DVD. I don't live in an apartment anymore. Time to dust of the DVD and let jillian kick my behind into shape., I am NOT buying bigger jeans.
  • triomommyedu
    triomommyedu Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all,

    My name is Samantha, I am a mother of 3 girls and since the last daughter was born 3 almost 4 years ago, I have lost only 12 lbs hovering around 179 to 181 lbs. My goal weight is 155-160 lbs. On a more short term basis, I turn 30 on October 19 and would really like to drop two pants sizes and about 10-15 lbs, whichever can be achieved by exercising twice a day and eating healthy. I absolutely hate being hungry and don't agree with not eating. I'd rather eat fewer calories in more meals.

    Anyway, that's me and yes i've done the 30 day shred for about two weeks before a vacation and had great results. I don't know how to post pics but it always motivates me to see pics, so I will post some if someone tells me how. Glad to meet you all and hope for the best.

    I have to go buy some weights today, mine disappeared! Let's get it!
  • Hi, I'm Peggy and just started MFP today, from a link a friend sent me :) I'm 25, going onto 26 in November, been underweight my entire high school career, because I did alot of sports. then came varsity and I got lazy, weight shot from 47kgs to 59 kgs in a space of 8 years... not good, I know (>.<)~

    So now, i want to stay within the ideal weight for my height (1.65m) and get down to 55kgs, toning up and losing body fat!!

    Signed up to run the 10km run in Mid-October and in my second week of training~

    Oh! I live in South Africa by the ways :)
  • Aehisme
    Aehisme Posts: 60 Member
    Hello all you lovely people.
    My name is Annette. Often known as Net. I’m a young at heart Grandmother to two beautiful girls aged 7 and 3 and 2 grown up children.

    I work full time for an Emergency service in London, which at times can be a killer as I work long hours.

    I'd been on a diet and lost weight but I was begining to falter, someone told me about MFP and once i'd joined my motivation came flooding back- I’ve now lost nearly two stone.

    My main motivation is to be healthy and active so I can reduce the medication I’m on for high blood pressure, I want many more years of enjoying my family.

    I’m on day 3 of the 30DS and boy do I ache. I’m sure it will pass and I’ll keep plodding on. It’s nice to know others are out there feeling the same... Good luck everone!!
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Hello all!

    I am 29 years old and have been married for 2 years as of this month! Me and my husband are TTC and have not been too successful yet. I found out last year I have PCOS which makes it harder for me to conceive and also harder to lose weight. We have done a few fertility treatments and before we try another round of IVF I wanted to lose some extra weight in hope it helps. My Drs have never told me to but I know I should, plus a friend of mine with PCOS lost some weight after TTC and she ended up getting pregnant!

    Right now I need something to kick start me again into working out so this will be great, everyone can spare 30 min a day right! Plus I am in a wedding October 20 so this will give me a great last kick before the wedding to shed a little weight.

    I will be sending in my measurements and can't wait to see everyones progress!
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Fellow "Shredders"!

    I'm 24, have been married for a little over 2 years, and have gained quite a bit of the marriage weight/relationship gut. :) I really need to lose at least 20 pounds to be back into the 'normal' weight range (to no longer be considered overweight), but I'd like to lose 40 pounds.

    I heard about Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred through a blog and the blogger had amazing results from this workout. I am a little intimidated since I know it'll be tough, but I'm encouraged that it is a relatively short workout that should give some amazing results.

    In the long term I'd like to lose 40 pounds, but for short term I've got my parents anniversary party coming up on Oct. 7th and I'd love to lose a little weight and gain some muscle definition in my arms.

    Best wishes to you all!! We can do it!

    God bless you,

  • wanarun
    wanarun Posts: 31 Member
    HI ALL! I am a 41 year old mom of 4. I tend to forget about myself A LOT. So I am now 100lb overweight and forced to remember everyday I look in the mirror. It is now ME TIME. I am starting the shred today with you all, and truly excited. I know it's going to "kill me", but I know it will be worth it. Along with the hour long walks I take I am hoping for a dramatic entrance at Christmas. I found the wonderful site in Woman's World magazine, and I feel so blessed that I splurged on a magazine for me that day which I rarely do. GOOD LUCK ALL!
  • Hi, I'm Sammie. I'm 28. Representing the single people (most seem to be married with kids) :) I started actively using MFP last week and it's through this site that I first heard of 30DS. Today will be my first time doing it. I'm probably going to be doing the easier versions of the moves to start with, but I'm hoping that will change with time.

    Glad to be here!
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey! I'm Bethany, 29 yrs old (soon to be 30 in a couple of weeks). I have a 7 year old son and 8 year old daughter. Have been married for about a year and a half. I've been on MFP for about 2 years. I started at the beginning of this year, diligently logging but have not had huge success since about April.

    It's crazy that this is the most active I've ever been yet I weigh the most I've ever weighed (except for during pregnancy). I would really like to lose 10 more pounds but don't see that happening. In all actuality, I wouldn't mind weighing 150 lbs and fitting a size 6 pants... that way I could still eat a lot. lol

    Well, here's to the 30 day shred. I've heard rave reviews and am looking forward to being one of those after 30 days.
  • tfrobinson
    tfrobinson Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Tonya. I am a 34 year old, mother of one. I started using MFP over a year ago, but never stuck with it. Ever since I had my daugher in 2007 i have been a roller coster on the scale. For the past year I have wanted to lose my weight but did not have the motivation. Well, my 4 year old gave me that motivation when she told me that I had a big belly. I do not want to be a FAT MOM!! I have been off and on with the shred for the past 6 weeks, but I am determined that I will finish it. I have already had great results with it. So happy that I found this group of people to keep me motivated.
  • JasminArias
    JasminArias Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Jasmin and I will be 37 in a week! I am a mother of 3 boys, aged 14, 11, and 8. I have never done the 30DS before but looking so forward to it. I find it so hard to motivate myself in trying to lose weight but I have finally decided, this is IT!!!! I look forward to joining this group and finally getting the motivation I need. My goal weight is 130lbs and I am currently at 173lbs. It's been hard at times but I am truly excited.

    My goal is to try to lose as much as least 20lbs by mid January as I have a birthday party to attend in Miami.

    Good LUCK to everyone!
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    Hello ladies! I am 37 years old, married for 8 years and mother to 3. I have a 16 and 7 yr. old daughters, and a 4 yr. old son so I stay super busy. I was introduced to MFP almost 3 months ago and became completely obsessed. I've lost 22 lbs. so far and I'm loving it even more. I have a gym membership where I enjoy the cardio machines but dislike the weight machines. I knew I needed to add strength training if I wanted to reach my goals. I had some good results with 30DS over a year ago but quit due to getting busy (which is a sad excuse.) I'm doing 5 days and then keeping my 2 rest days so it will take me longer than the 30 days. I completed my first 5 days last week and by Friday I knew I needed my rest days. I'm hoping this week goes better. I didn't do before pictures but I did take measurements. I look forward to seeing everyones wonderful results!!
  • eellington
    eellington Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am 35 and live in the Atlanta area- I hit my highest weight ever last November so decided I needed to slowly start to make changes - I lost- quit smoking - gained back....I have always gone up and down but told myself that I was not going to do that again! I've started a running (more like jogging) program that has really kicked up the weight loss so hoping that the shred will help even more. I'm taking my "before" (scary) pics tonight as well as my measurements! I can't wait to see what kind of results everyone has! 30 days will be tough, but in the grand scheme of things, it is nothing! We can do this!