


  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi! I'm Sarah and I'm 25. I recently got married and was in graduate school and that turned out to be a killer combination for me... I gained some weight in the last year especially. Now my jeans don't fit (ugh!!) and I'm getting back on board with eating healthy and exercising! I love Jillian :)

    PS: I've had some experience with 30DS and I think it definitely works! For me, I saw the best results when I paired it with some extra cardio.
  • klluncuva
    klluncuva Posts: 5 Member
    All right, I'm In! I'll be the "senior" member. I'm 50 years old, headed for 51 on the 30th of September. Perimenopause, life changes, and flat out laziness and poor nutrition brought me to a number on the scale that I had never seen before. A TERRYIFYING number! So, I'll join all you inspiring young folks, and see if I can keep up. I won't ever be 25, or 35 again, but I WILL feel strong and energetic again. Thanks for the challenge!
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sara, 27 years old, single, no kids, but I do have a 3 year old boxer mix who is basically like a child :) I actually just bought the 30DS DVD over my lunch break. The reviews on Amazon and are so positive, I have to give it a try. I just started my weight loss journey a week ago, with several failed attempts in the past. My goal is to lose 25lbs and KEEP IT OFF! My motivation is throught the roof right now and I'm excited to get started on the 30DS. I've used MFP for a couple years now on and off, but I've never joined any groups or participated in the forums. I've been reading them for the past few days and love the support and encouragement that everyone provides. I plan on starting Day 1 Level 1 tonight!
  • Aehisme
    Aehisme Posts: 60 Member

    Glad your joining the 30DS. Just wanted to let you know i'm 53 in November so your not on your own!! 50's are the new 30's Lol
    Any one else in that age range??:bigsmile:
  • klluncuva
    klluncuva Posts: 5 Member
    thanks! We "seasoned" members of society still have lots of fun and flavor to add. So, I'll be heading home to do day 1 of 30ds, let's hope I can pry myself out of bed tomorrow!
  • justmarried15
    justmarried15 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm 27 and trying to lose about 20 lbs, maybe a little more.
    I found MFP through an article in Chatelaine magazine a few months ago, but I didn't start actually tracking until mid-july. Since then I'm down 8 lbs (which isn't bad for a 5 footer like me!). Since joining I've seen so many great success stories from 30DS that I felt I just had to try it. I'm not great at following videos, but Jillian seems to be straight-forward enough for a movement dunce like me (watch me try to dance, I dare you!).
    I am trying to keep up a yoga practice this year, so I will prob not complete the program in 30 days. I want to use the videos as supplements to my yoga and walking. Aiming for 3-5 x per week, on top of 2-3x yoga and walking.
    Day 1 was a struggle! Hoping day 2, today, is better.

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    Heyy ladies!! My name is Laurie, I'm 24 and I want to lose around 40 pounds or so by the end of this year, I've already lost about 10. I've heard good things about 30DS and so I'm very excited to do my first 30DS workout tonight :) I also plan on working in some cardio (running and elliptical) and yoga.
    Good luck everyone!!
  • Hi everyone! I'm 35, recently married with two daughters and two step-sons. I've just joined MFP and am excited to get going! Stepped on the scale today and it read 190. I have never seen a number that high. I've even had a 10 pound baby and didn't weigh anything near 190 on delivery day! Life has been great lately... apparently too great judging by the way my clothes don't fit.

    I've done the 30 day shred in the past, but never followed all the way through. It's a great program for getting a good workout in a very short time.

    Looking forward to following through with all 30 days this time!
  • Hey everyone!! I'm a 26 year old single mom to two boys 4&2. I'm a preschool teacher so I stay pretty busy with my boys plus the kids in my class. I've lost 75lbs alreadybut hoping to lose another 75lbs. I've done the 30DS shred before and had awesome results but I just cant to seem to get past day 2 with it lately lol. So I'm hoping all of y'all loving ladies will help with the motivation!!

    I'm going to start Tuesday morning bc I have a class for work tonight so it wont be until 10 or so that I get home tonight.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of y'all! Feel free to add me as a friend! =)
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    My name is Christine and I am 27 years old. I started with MFP in June of 2011 after a trip to Boston that left me and my fiance feeling like we had gotten to a point where we were either going to be overweight for the rest of our life or start a new healthy life. We decided on the healthy lifestyle change! I started in June of 2011 at my heaviest weighing 212 pounds and am presently around 180 lbs (was down to 175 before my vacation but the vacation hit hard). I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it's something that has come down gradually without feeling like i'm on any kind of diet. I will say it again, it was a lifestyle change for us. How we eat now is not forced on us, it's just what we eat! It's become part of our lives! We discovered 30 day shred when my fiance's gym closed in the small town he works. As i wanted to be supportive in his weight loss as well, I decided to try to find something that we could both do together. 30 day shred is the best because in 27 minutes your done and we sweat more and make more effort than we ever did alone at our gyms. We're getting married in August of 2013 and I want to be around 160 so I still have a good 20 pounds to go and with 30 day shred, my healthy eating and a fantastic support network like MFP and my fiance, I am confident I can get there.
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    Hi I'm a 47 year old married grandmother. I have 2 grown chilren, my daughter is 25, and son 23. My grandbabies are with me allot, and they're 3 year old granddaughter, and a 2 year old grandson. They're the light in my life, I would do anything for them. That's partly why I'm doing this I need to get into better shape so I can do everything with them. Also I'm doing this to stay strong because I have an auto immune disease called scleroderma that has become active again, and on the 19th of this month I have to probably start back on a medication that makes me sick. I'm hoping doing this will keep me feeling a little better this time around.
  • crystalirene12
    crystalirene12 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am Crystal. I am 28 years old and a newlywed to my sweet husband this past February. I lost about 30 pounds before the big day and slowly but surely I have started gaining it back. I am hoping to get back down to my pre-wedding weight by the first week of November as I am in a wedding and we will be going on a cruise. To top it off I will be 29 next February and would like to get in tip top shape before trying to start a family.
    I have done the 30 day shred on top of cardio and have had great results while shedding for my wedding so I am hoping I can have the same results, just maybe a little quicker this time since I am calorie counting.

    Best of luck to everyone!!