2012.09.10 Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter (Monday)



  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    A big IPOU to all posts. Every one of you has developed insite into seeing fitness goes beyond that number on the scale. I have come to realize the body/mind work together. No the scale does not always move, but my mental & physical health are better than they ever have been in my adult life. Yes, I am still in the overweight category, but my stress level is low & my endurance better than it has ever been. Remember that old saying about hard work being, "good for the body, good for the sole".

    Today is a beautiful fall day in New Engand. I am heading off to Gloucester, Ma (remember the Movie "the deadlyest catch" was filmed here. John & I have some hikes planed around a couple of parks & taking in the beautiful coastline.

    Remember 9/11 today & take time to count your blessings. Each day is a prescious gift.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    First off, I’d just like to say that I loved all the posts; and so many of them resounded with me, because as Time 2 said, its amazing how alike we are and how we share so many struggles both from the past and present. I wonder if fate brought us all together because it knew we needed each other??

    Like some of the other Hatters, the logging has been an eye opener for me as well, including the fact that before, I’ve often been too embarrassed at times to post what I’m eating.. I’m a big wine lover and (obviously) lover of junk food lol.. but what I love about being in the Hatters is that I am no longer embarrassed with whatever choices I make, be they good, bad or ugly. Because there are days… where chocolate is the only answer! And you all get that, and know that there are gonna be good ones and bad ones so I don’t feel like I have to “explain” or excuse my choices here. And that’s pretty freeing for me. I KNOW what I should be eating, but it’s awfully nice not to have to worry about hiding it anymore when I don’t. And it helps me not give up and pack it in either, like I’ve done so many times before! So thank you to all the Hatters who shared their accomplishments and goals – its funny but you never know that what you share might strike a chord with someone else and make a difference in their lives in some way, so thanks for having the courage to share!

    I managed to up my exercise time and intensity this morning; felt good this morning so I figured I’d best take advantage and try to push myself, cause I know there are gonna be days when I’ll be lucky to just drag my behind out the door!
    Hope all the Hatters have a GOOD day!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member

    A truly amazing group of ladies. Such wonderful accomplishments that my heart is full. I want to cry and yet I am smiling. I feel I have been each of you at some time. We all do share so much in common. Janet what can I say you post is so much who I have been throughout my life. And like you I have the most amazing and support man standing beside me. I thank God each day for allowing him to enter my life and now for this wonder, loving and supportive friends. We are more than just a group we have grown so close in our short time that there is nothing I fear that I can't share with any of you. You give me so much
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    If every day were like today... You'd weigh 177.7 lbs in 5 weeks

    sure - just in time for haloween candy.. "smiles"....:bigsmile:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    If every day were like today... You'd weigh 177.7 lbs in 5 weeks

    sure - just in time for haloween candy.. "smiles"....:bigsmile:

    I can only dream of seeing that number show up for me. You'll be there in no time..
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    .07 of a pound gain this week. I am hopeful that is is just irregularity rather than a gain. Most would say I am just full of s@@t especially my friends and family. On Sunday when I hopped on the scale for a fact check I was at 238, so hopefully next week will be less. I enter my weight regardless of the gain or loss. I hope that being honest in this as well will compel me to do better. I yoyo for a few weeks and then I am down a few pounds, then yoyo again. I just keep pluggin away!

    cbm- I am aspiring to get to 177.7 it will be a while yet but I am working on it.

    I hope all of you have a great day. I am back in the swing today after much craziness at work.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Tonya, Bottom line you are down 40 lbs and that is great, you are smart to enter your weight no matter what it reflects. The good thing about a weekly weigh in when you feel bloated is that if you have a week filled with healthy choices, by the next week you will get rid of the bloat and more. You might want to avoid jumping on the scale when it is not your weekly weigh in. I find that really messes with my head. Our bodies have a lot of normal fluctuations, that are reflected in weigh ins less than a week apart.
    CBM- I was remembering the last time that I weighed 177, it was when I was pregnant with my 29 yr old daughter. That was also my last time in onederland. Now that I am at 220 my next goal is to see Onderland in the "If every day was like today you would weigh>>>>" I was thinking of putting in hours of exercise and 1000 calories, not because I would ever have a day like that, but just because I want to see that elusive number. But I will stick with reality and that day will come.
    Its official when my mother in law leaves rehab she is coming to live with us. No decision about the location for the father in law with dementia except they can no longer be together and he can't live alone. My daughter is getting married on the 29th, with a shower on the 22nd that the other daughter is giving (since she is in college that should read I am giving) The idea of all I have to get done and the changes in my life are making me crave fatty sugary things. If she is going to be with us long term we will make some changes in the house, but right now the only shower that she would be able to use is the one that is off of my bedroom and for some reason that is what is most upsetting to me. So this weekend will be spent cleaning out my son's room, and making sure that there are no fatty sugary things to eat while I am doing it.
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    Thought for today.
    Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It just means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Everyone - started the journey back in July 2011 at 220 - yikes!
    Looked back at my reports - it took until the end of December to hit onederland....at 199 - holidays came / went / back into the other land... but right back in onderland in January....

    If I can do this, so can you... have a great, fabuous day!:happy:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member

    I gave up my master suite to the daughter and SIL. It wasn't an easy choice for me but in the long run I think it will work for the best. Now my bathroom is the size of a broom closet (which may be why I am having "issues":blushing: ). Having to care for aging parents and planning showers and a wedding are really stressful. I tip my hat to you because if you think about you have done marvelous.

    Just remember we are right here with you to help

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Thank Fishbarn I love it!

    Thought for today.
    Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It just means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ Hairspray - wow - words cannot expresss - prayers coming your way


    I'm grateful / sorry that my parents are in heaven - in a better place with no suffering - yes, I miss them, but it does make life simpler....:flowerforyou:

    Just trying to get thru the teenage years with my son.... uggghhh......:noway:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Beautiful day. I am working from home today. For lunch I made huevos rancheros and sliced a tomato, put it on a pretty plate, filled up my iced tea and put on one of my big floppy hats and headed out to the picnic table on my deck. It was about 80 degrees, sunny and no humidity. My favorite weather! It was a lovely lunch and I didn't even get a phone call. Sitting in the sun, eating a healthy lunch was a great break to my work day and let me forget about all the other things I need to do in the next few weeks.
    Hope you each have the opportunity to take a minute for yourself today.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!

    Woke up early and decided to go for a stroll down by the lake; it was a gorgeous warm morning and I felt quite “goat like” so I climbed up on the big flat rocks and wended my way out to the end of the inlet thingy (I don’t know what you call it but its like a ..thing that juts out quite far into Lake Ontario at one end of the trail, and has big rocks you can walk on out another ½ km or so). I stood there all alone on the top flat rock for a few minutes, gazing out at nothing but water for miles and felt quite like whatshername in Titanic when she stood on the bow lol. A very nice start to my day!

    Managed to get down to the gym this afternoon (probably because I looked around at the housework that was calling, and thot if I go down there I wont have to do it lol) but I have to say today, I wasn’t feeling the love… I don’t know if I made the “fat cry” as such, but my calves and thighs were screaming like banshees the whole time. IPOM for making it to the end even tho I had to slow down to a crawl a few times. And I’m hungry lol.. but afore I go in search of substanance:

    Janet: Your plate is about as full as it can get.. oh my goodness! And looks like as you said, “you’re” giving the shower as such.. wow.. so much to be done.. and no wonder you’re having cravings! I think we can all relate to the bathroom issue… it’s one of the few places you can usually claim as “mine” and it would be hugely stressful having to share (well at my age it would.. I like my bathroom all to myself thanks). Wish we could all come give you a hand with the cleaning of the son’s room; it’d be done in a jiffy with a bunch of women digging in! SO glad you had such a lovely lunch and a little solitude on a beautiful day! And you will see that Onderland in the “if” comment my friend.. and we’ll be here to throw you a heck of a party that day!! And I loved your achievement… moved me so much.. and when I was reading about all the progress you’ve made in everything (like the body pump #3 lol).. well.. I’ll get all choked up again but.. you ARE an awesome woman!

    Tonya: so glad to hear you didn’t dive into the IC! (but I bet you would have had a lot of us volunteering to dive in and save ya.. especially if it was a chocolate vat I’d a been there in a heartbeat lol) I shared your comment about how often times no one really listens to us, they just humour us, or write it off as hormonal bs.. with my g/f’s last night… and we all agreed you are absolutely right…

    Adiane you’ve been rocking that exercise ..well done!! Glad the voices in your head were ours LOL!

    Cbm: I’m handing over the pom poms girl; you are an awesome cheerleader!

    T2/Gail: Honestly you must be so proud of yourself right now… you have been diligent with those hundreds of stairs and I am so impressed.. loved your post, and couldn’t have said it better about not having to worry here about what I put in my diary (or my mouth lol).. and its quite liberating because I know everyone here is just going to focus on the good; ain’t it wonderful? Huge congrats T2.. !

    Abbe: I stand in awe of 81 days smoke free.. I really do. HUGE accomplishment!

    Bis: I loved your body/mind connection, and its something I have to try to remember when I get frustrated..hope you’re having a lovely time in MA with hubby!

    TA: I hope all is going well with the munchkins in class; and if not, that the recent pounds gone will at least keep you sane and not ripping your hair out LOL!

    Fishbarn! Lovely to see you!

    Ok, now I’m really hungry lol so best get cracking! Love being a Hatter!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Janet, you are in my thoughts & wish I could offer some assistance. So many changes for you & the family. I know stress eating is my downfall, try to keep getting your exercise in, it will help.

    I have lost track of logging food yesterday and today, but will try to do better tomorrow. I am on vacation this week so my usual routeen is off. Yesterday had a, "count my blessings day" in Gloucester/Rockport getting in quite a bit of walking. It was a clear day so the views were spectacular, the skyline of Boston in one direction & the coast of NH & Maine in the other. We had a picnic lunch at a light house & stopped for some seafood on the way home. It is a beautiful area with so much to see, so allready planning a return trip where we could stay overnight at a B&B. Today busy working with my son who is in the prosess of getting a new car & needs assistance in establishing credit/his first loan & some medical appointments with my Mom. Tomorrow I should have time to get in some serious exercise. I am thinking a run in the AM & a bike ride later in the day. With other responsibilities it is not looking like I will get that mountain hike in this week, but able to spend time getting other issues settled I would not be able to if I was working.

    Snooozie, it has been years since I have been to Lake Ontario & I actually have a return trip to Niagra Falls on my bucket list. My day yesterday & yours on the jetty sound very similar. It just was so relaxing. I hope everyone is able to take a minute or 2 everyday to recharge their batteries by smelling the floweres/looking at the water/saying a prayer/or whatever works for you. The benifits go far beyond the moment.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Niagara Falls is only 40 minutes from my place Bis... so when ya get here one day, we're on for lunch!! bigsmile:
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Hi all - just wanted to drop in and say hi. I too have struggled with alot of the same issues as all of you. Every day I think to myself that I will get thru it and do the best I can. I try not to blame myself if I don't. It is so hard to break old habits and not to hear all the voices of past friends and family telling you that you are a failure.

    I so enjoy reading all the inspirational comments. :happy:

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Thought for today.
    Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It just means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.

    This I LOVE :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    So good to have you aboard Gsp! We're all doing exactly the same here; taking it one day at a time, in a group that's safe and comfortable, with women who completely understand and know the struggles and offer support, encouragement and sometimes just an ear and an understanding nod for those times when you think you're losing your mind and just need to vent LOL.. We get MORE than enough criticism and judgement from outside at home or work or from relatives .. whatever.. (and inwards as we all know sometimes we are the most critical of ourselves) but here, it's all about building each other up, and lending a helping hand as we all work on our journeys... :flowerforyou:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    and happy "it's almost TGIF day"!