2012.09.10 Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter (Monday)



  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I hope everyone had a great day today, I did....

    See you in the morning!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Inching our way to the weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though I have a full bag of things to get done I am looking forward to it anyway. We really need to go to a 4 day work week and 3 day weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well I am thankful to be working and to have weekends with the family and my church friends.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday !!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    TGIF my Mad friends!

    This weekend is going to be full of yard work. After having the trees cut down and stumps ground it has left us with a bit of a mess. Still waiting on insurance to give us reimbursement for the cost of cutting the trees. After a week of Cassie cooking, we have finally gotten portion sizes in check and even healthier options coming in the future. Since she isn't working she has really stepped up and is cooking, cleaning and doing laundry like nobody's business. I told Gspea yesterday that I felt useless. She made a great point....I am not used to someone taking care of me. I think she was right and I am going to try and embrace this and use my free time to concentrate more on ME. Today, I am going with Cassie to get a pedicure (she's buying) woohoo!

    My hope is that all of you will have a great weekend and do at least one thing for yourselves. I am also saying a prayer for all of us.

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    TGIF Ladies....

    So frustrated right now... but luckily dance class is on the plan for after work...

    Smile Team Smile - Let's keep up the great work we've accomplished and not let the little things get us down.....
    Remember why we're here....

    Go Team Go!

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Hatters- This is the LAST FULL WEEKEND OF SUMMER, celebrate--find some local produce before its gone, get outside, move, find someone to hug and someone to laugh with. The timing of the Jewish new year seems to make more sense then to start a new year in the depths of winter, so I will send you all best wishes for a new year ---May the new year bring you peace, prosperity and a world filled with laughter, love, health and fitness.
    September mornings-the best mornings of the year! This morning I left the house at 5:45. There was a slight chill in the air. The sky was crystal clear and the stars were still shining brightly. The moon was a bright sliver, but the entire circle of the moon was slightly visible. I always set up my body pump weights by the window so I can see the sun rise on days like today. By the time I left at 7 it was a bright morning. Sweaty from the weight class walking to my car, I felt like I can handle anything that this stressful autumn will bring my way, bring on the mother-in-law moving in, the unorganized shower and the wedding! Then when I picked up the paper I saw that the Orioles game I went to, was not only a thrilling 14 inning win, it was also the first winning season in 14 years! Life is good.
    Speaking of Body Pump, I posted my second Body Pump picture. I need to check the date of the picture that I took on the morning of the first class, maybe 6 weeks ago. The two pictures might not be that different but I feel so much stronger. I like the Body Pump class because it has given me opportunities for so many NSV’s. The day I did more that 2 push ups, then the day I did as many push ups as the rest of the class, the day I did my first dip. Adding the weights on a little at a time. When I first went back I could not do a plank for 10 seconds, today I was able to not only do the plank but also alternate bringing my legs forward one at a time. I think about the two times that ladies who were the only ones other than me, in the get fit phase and not the maintenance phase came for one class not to return. Next time I am going to make a point of talking to any newcomer to let them know that they don’t have to do everything the rest of the class is doing (I am never going to jump) and they can go at whatever pace they need, but it is worth it, because the feeling of strength that you get each time you do something you could not do the class before is really priceless.
    I want to send the same message to any of you who are hesitating about joining any group fitness. If you don’t think you would be able to keep up with everything, talk to the teacher in advance and modify when you need to. I used to worry about the fit people checking me out. But people in fitness classes are usually too concerned about their own bodies to worry about yours.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hatters- This is the LAST FULL WEEKEND OF SUMMER, celebrate--find some local produce before its gone, get outside, move, find someone to hug and someone to laugh with. The timing of the Jewish new year seems to make more sense then to start a new year in the depths of winter, so I will send you all best wishes for a new year ---May the new year bring you peace, prosperity and a world filled with laughter, love, health and fitness.
    September mornings-the best mornings of the year! This morning I left the house at 5:45. There was a slight chill in the air. The sky was crystal clear and the stars were still shining brightly. The moon was a bright sliver, but the entire circle of the moon was slightly visible. I always set up my body pump weights by the window so I can see the sun rise on days like today. By the time I left at 7 it was a bright morning. Sweaty from the weight class walking to my car, I felt like I can handle anything that this stressful autumn will bring my way, bring on the mother-in-law moving in, the unorganized shower and the wedding! Then when I picked up the paper I saw that the Orioles game I went to, was not only a thrilling 14 inning win, it was also the first winning season in 14 years! Life is good.

    Speaking of Body Pump, I posted my second Body Pump picture. I need to check the date of the picture that I took on the morning of the first class, maybe 6 weeks ago. The two pictures might not be that different but I feel so much stronger. I like the Body Pump class because it has given me opportunities for so many NSV’s. The day I did more that 2 push ups, then the day I did as many push ups as the rest of the class, the day I did my first dip. Adding the weights on a little at a time. When I first went back I could not do a plank for 10 seconds, today I was able to not only do the plank but also alternate bringing my legs forward one at a time. I think about the two times that ladies who were the only ones other than me, in the get fit phase and not the maintenance phase came for one class not to return. Next time I am going to make a point of talking to any newcomer to let them know that they don’t have to do everything the rest of the class is doing (I am never going to jump) and they can go at whatever pace they need, but it is worth it, because the feeling of strength that you get each time you do something you could not do the class before is really priceless.
    I want to send the same message to any of you who are hesitating about joining any group fitness. If you don’t think you would be able to keep up with everything, talk to the teacher in advance and modify when you need to. I used to worry about the fit people checking me out. But people in fitness classes are usually too concerned about their own bodies to worry about yours.

    Awesome as always hairspray - very very very (did I say very) proud of you - Carol
    Keep up the great work - love the pic - and love the t-shirt....
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    don't know why it did that...????
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thank you for the lovely thoughts Janet!! Right back at ya!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Janet, YOU ROCK and a big thank you for all of the kinds thoughts.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    A comparison picture, when Snoozie asked me a question I decided to add a comparison picture to my profile. The first picture is January 2012 during a visit to my dad's. I think I came home and looked at the picture and decided it was time to get fit.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I am .. .stunned... amazed... gob smacked ... thrilled... impressed... I'm running out of words but I went and looked at your pictures.. and I cannot BELIEVE the difference between the flowered shirt and the orange t shirt pics... you look FABULOUS ... absolutely stunning my friend.... I guess I haven't really spent much time looking at people's pics; I tend to look at tickers but I never really looked at pics... you haved worked SO hard Janet.. and the difference in your body is really amazing, AND inspiring!!! You are an awesome woman, and I am so happy for you that all the hard work and effort you are putting into your goal for your physical self, are coming true. You SO have earned this.. with blood, sweat and tears!!! Huge congratulations!!! and huge hugs!! :flowerforyou:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thank you everyone for walking with me.... had the mad hatter mix going on the ipod...

    snoozie - saw you by the lake
    janet - you were playing tennis
    bisland - you were running past us
    merobi - you were biking by the shore - watch out for the bridges (smile)....

    Go Team Go!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend... and in case anyone else struggles a wee bit during their down time.. here's a weekend warrior giggle:

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

    Stay clean :tongue: and motivated! :bigsmile:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good morning and wonderful weekend end ladies

    Janet the comparison photo really reveals you accomplishment thus far. Great job.

    While I haven't had much time for posting this week, like others I have been lurking and reading. I owe you ladies another thank you since your post have helped me move past another huge blocker. :flowerforyou:

    So many working on their exercise and still I can't make myself walk. :grumble: That said I have decide I am not going to keep fighting this battle in my mind over walking at a give time or for a given amount of time.:indifferent: I know I am getting much more walking in than ever before by just being back in the classroom. :smile: The result have shown with the higher pounds lost on the scales weekly.:wink: Does it matter that its not part of a regular structured so called "exercise time" For me I think not. Does this mean I won't be getting more walking in during weekend activities when venturing out? No, only that for right now I am no longer going to concentrate on a regular schedule walking program.

    I have let being to tired to walk stop me from doing any additional exercise. :embarassed: Now that I have accepted that for right now the walking isn't going to work for me I can move on to adding back something that can help me. :happy:

    In the past, I was doing the ab lounger and seeing good results in inches lost and in mobility with the added stretching which is most important for me. Since it doesn't require walking, makes me more flexible, and tones those abs I am going to make this my daily goal. I believe this is something I can achieve even on days that I am tired and my feet are hurting ( I suspect part of the pain is the bone spurs that I have on both heels and with being back in the classroom it aggravates them)

    Took me a few weeks to totally wrap my head around all of this but as I was sharing my thoughts with my husband this morning and explaining how I know I am getting more walking and that I am not going to stress over it not being a structured thing my husband said well you should get back to doing that as he pointed to the ab lounger. We both had the same thoughts about what can be an achievable goal for me. I took that as a confirmation :bigsmile:

    We have shared and learned over the past few months its about lifestyle changes, listening to our individual bodies to know what works for each of us. Took me a while to understand the all the connections btw the increased walking in the classroom, the increased weight lost, the pain and being to tired to walk. and finally accepting that its okay to change exercises according to what my body is saying. Pain = find an exercise that doesn't require more walking" and being okay with that decision. :blushing:

    Feels good to have this weight off my shoulder and be able to move on.

    Now I have a ton of work that I want to accomplish this week end to keep me moving in the right direction on that plan to be more efficient in the classroom and not have to stay so late each day. Hopefully this will be the last working weekend require to make that a reality also. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and takes some time for yourself.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: SCV :bigsmile:

    (Small Change Victory).. Yup I just made it up.. because my victory doesnt qualify as a non scale one,..so I borrowed the idea:laugh:

    You've probably all noticed I drink a lot of coffee in my food diary.. way down from a few years ago when I drank 10-12 a day, but its stil a big staple in my life.. especially at work but at least 3 or 4 every day at home too..

    I've always been a "double double" (which here in Canada means 2 creams and 2 sugars in any coffee shop lol). When I started logging here at MFP I realized the huge amount of calories I was using up and started S L O W L Y cutting down on the amount of cream, and I bought a keurig for home and started buying light 5% cream instead of 10%, and started using a sweetener (my choice and I'm happy with it). Took a few months, but this morning I have found I only want a "1/2 cream" in my cup.. .. woo hoo! Who'd a thunk it... lol

    Next step is to work towards homogenized milk instead LOL.. but for me its a huge SCV .. and all those extra calories are mine to use wherever I want now!! So I'm doing the happy dance

    SMALL changes... :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I am SO proud of you!!! And I think its perfect that you got past your mind block, AND solved your inner dilemna... when I worked an 8 hr shift at my part time job at a bookstore, my feet and legs would ache from all the walking; and you never stopped - back and forth across the 3000 foot store LOL.. I can't even imagine how many steps you are taking during the school day, but from the weight loss you KNOW it's an awful lot!

    And you are so right.. exercise doesn't have to be structured at all; it's all about just making sure we move the working parts every day - and from what I understand it's good to mix things up every once in a while too - to avoid muscle memory. As long as you find something that's right for YOU at the moment, it doesn't matter what you're doing - and sounds like you're happy to have re discovered the ab lounger! I found the stairs were just too hard on my knees, and I'm not fit enough to be able to do the "slogging yet" so right now the eliptical is and bike seem to be less painful for me.. I've no doubt it will change down the road too!

    I read a good topic on the boards by someone who said they couldn't afford a gym (and ignoring the 20 something year olds who all gave brilliant advice about how it was only $50 a month or whatever and you could scrape it up if you really wanted to... yeesh..... all of whom were still living at home with mom and dad of course.. and have no clue that $50 a month can mean the entire difference between feeding your family and just paying the bills.every month... but I digress.. as usual lol).. anyway some SMART replies all agreed nobody needs a gym - you can do enough at home or outside in the fresh air; from gardening to DVD's or going up and down stairs or playing with the kids or walking the dog... or using cans from the cupboards for weights.

    "finally accepting that its okay to change exercises according to what my body is saying. Pain = find an exercise that doesn't require more walking" and being okay with that decision. " :flowerforyou:

    Awesome, TA. Well done! :drinker:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member


    My name is Sharon. 56 years old, newly diagnosed diabetic. My 2 boys are grown. My husband is a great guy, but does not like to exercise. This group has had helpful entries, which i appreciate very much. I will be hiking up the Grand canyon in a month (Yikes- how did I get talked into that?) Have lost 8 pounds in 6 weeks despite exercising alot. The exercise is a new habit for me, so some days it is hard to get motivated. My job is 3-11PM and sometimes early morning meetings, which can make proper sleep and eating a little tricky.

    Thank you for sharing your stories and your hard work. (I have probably 50- 60 more pounds to lose to get to an ideal weight, so here I look to give and get support from the wonderful folks I am reading about!


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: COPIED POST FROM THE NEW MEMEBERS OVER HERE PAGE BY T2 :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Sharon ..welcome to the Mad Hatters!

    I was recently dianogsed with Type 11 Diabetes as well, which is one of the things that brought me to MFP... because im working my tail off to avoid having to go on any meds LOL.. and until 2 months ago.. the only exercise I got was jumping to conclusions :laugh:
    so you've got lots of company at trying to make it a habit.. that's what we're all about here.. making small changes... a little bit at a time and just trying to do better each day with food choices and moving our parts lol

    And despite working so hard, I've only lost 6 pounds in the last too months, so I understand the frustration, as do all our Hatters.. patience has never been one of my virtues, but with the help and support of the Hatters, I'm not freaking anymore cause I know evertyhing I'm doing WILL make a difference in the pounds, but until then its doing me loads of good on the inside too..

    Grand Caynon sounds amazing!!!

    And I've learned the hard way and with lots of encouragement that preparation is indeed the key.... having good stuff ready and available is the only thing sometimes that keeps me on track.. and i hate to cook lol... but this weekend I made up some veggie chili and soup and froze it all in portion sizes, and chopped about 400 veggies to have for snacks (hmmm... ok.. maybe only 398 LOL)... glad to have you aboard and have no doubt you WILL MEET your goals!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Hi there. My name is Susan, I'm 56 ,and I just discovered this group-yeah! I've read the entries from this week and can relate to all of you. I am re-educating myself and majorly revamping my lifestyle-who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? I had given up for many years, but the Type 2 diabetes diagnosis at the end of May scared me silly and provided the reality check and missing motivation. Since that day I have not had a single cigarette, and three weeks after that gave up Coke (don't know which was harder!), then started eating much, much cleaner, drinking water, learned ( still learning ) to cook,(and in a healthy way) and therefore eating out less, and moving a lot more. I'm feeling so much more empowered, yet must admit that it is stressful, too, as change often is. Did anyone see the movie the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel? One of my favorite lines, for which my husband nudged me and whispered jokingly "that's you" is when one of the women, lamenting about how much harder it is to stay in shape at this age, says “I joined a gym but didn’t get any fitter.......... Apparently, you have to go.” :ohwell: But I am changing, and putting a lot of effort into it as we all are, and am very grateful to have found you all !
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Susan.. and welcome to the Mad Hatters!! So glad you joined us, and sounds like your at the same stage as the rest of us; realizing this is the time to turn things around once and for all.. huge congrats on the smoking (one of our Hatters Abbe is 81 days smoke free too!) and on the coke.. I was a coke addict (coca cola lol) for years so I know what you're going through there..

    and yup that diagnosis is what brought me here too.. my doc forced me to go to a one day diabetes class and learning the horrors of what the disease actually does to all your organs, scared me silly as well! And yes.....we can all relate to the stresses .. its a whole different ball game after 50 in changing habits.. guess cause we've had so many years to practice LOL.. add in menopause and family and work stresses.. and hence why we're the "Mad" Hatters .. occasionally sanity takes a vacation! Never saw the movie, but can totally relate.. until I came to MFP 2 months ago I couldn't even spell exercise.. and it's been a bigger struggle than the food most days... but... this is the place to be for laughter and support, and the occasional venting/primal scream!! Glad to have you aboard