

  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Good morning all,

    Well, a huge accomplishment so far for me would be that I have been consistent in my exercising for the past 3 months. It has finally become a part of what I do. Before it was a struggle to make myself exercise.....NOT ANYMORE!!! Now I can't live without exercising.....Wow! Never thought I would ever hear myself say that.

    My goal is to continue to work hard and incorporate running into my exericse routine. I want to start the Couch to 5K workout routine.

    That is a great accomplishment!!! Excercise is key to a healthy lifestyle!!!! I am sure you will be able to real your goal in no time!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    My accomplishment is that I have been able to take two long weekend trips in the past six weeks and come back without a gain. My goal for the challenge is to be able to buy a new outfit for Christmas in a smaller size.

    My short-term goal (non challenge related) is to come back from this coming week's vacation without a gain. I need to have a little more confidence in myself. I made it four days in the past when traveling, can I stretch it to nine days this time?

    I know exactly what you mean about being able to comeback from a vacation without a gain. I was away this summer for 18 days and I returned with a minor (1.2lbs) loss!!!! I was hoping to maintain while I was on vacation....so when I saw my loss....I was SUPER happy!!!! I am sure you will be able to come back from your vacation without a gain!!! You can do it!!!! And we all want to see your Christmas outfit!!!!! :)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Help......I can't see the video.

    I just sent you a message with the link....Let me know if it works! :)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    My biggest accomplishment was to stop smoking. A whole year being smoke-free yayyyy!!!!! :)
    My goal is to be able to wear a size 16 and feel comfortable and continue to let exercising be apart of my life.

    CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!!!! Quitting smoking is a HUGE accomplishment!!!! And I am sure you will reach your goal also!!! You can do it!!! :)
  • WendyCollinson2004
    I'm good on the water challenge, so I decided to make my challenge to try to stay under 2000mg of sodium a day. This is very hard for me, because even whe I think I'm doing ok, I'm going way over.
    I will try to do 100 sit-ups a day for the next week. My thing is that I forget to do them.
    One accomplishment I have made is to stop drinking soda. I tried soda for the first time in 5 1/2 weeks the other day. I said outloud to myself "how could I drink this stuff before."
    One goal for me would be to run one more 4 mile run this year before it gets too cold and to me among the 1st in my age group to finish. I also want to be able to run a 10k which I'm almost sure I can do, but I have never tried it.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm good on the water challenge, so I decided to make my challenge to try to stay under 2000mg of sodium a day. This is very hard for me, because even whe I think I'm doing ok, I'm going way over.
    I will try to do 100 sit-ups a day for the next week. My thing is that I forget to do them.
    One accomplishment I have made is to stop drinking soda. I tried soda for the first time in 5 1/2 weeks the other day. I said outloud to myself "how could I drink this stuff before."
    One goal for me would be to run one more 4 mile run this year before it gets too cold and to me among the 1st in my age group to finish. I also want to be able to run a 10k which I'm almost sure I can do, but I have never tried it.

    It is great that you are challenging yourself with the sodium Wendy!!! Congrats on your accomplishment with the soda!!! I remember how hard it was for you in the beginning to give up the soda!!! YOU DID IT!!!!:)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Thursday 9/13:

    Water Intake: 1.5 liters (50.7 oz) about 6 1/2 cups....Need to work harder to get in the 64 oz/day!!!! But for Day 1, it is much better!!!

    Crunches: 100 crunches in the evening :)
  • jordanelizabeth511
    This is a great week 1 challenge!! 100 crunches per day is going to kick my butt, but that is exactly what I need and to be honest I NEVER drink water, so this will be huge!

    One accomplishment of mine is that I finally started to cook things that were out of my comfort zone and found that I'm not all that bad :)

    A goal that I would like to reach is to be back at my pre pregnancy weight and be physically fit! I want my old clothes back and It would be nice to one day look in the mirror and see some actual abs :)
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    Great video Pam! Well i don't have a big problem with water, but with soda! I am going to try diet and then ween myself off of that and then maybe just get down to water again.

    I actually love crunches!! Although i may not do the whole 700 I like to work abs every other day, but I will still try to get as many as I can in.

    Hmmm one accomplishment....I would have to say keep the 20 pounds off I've already lost because it could have been so easy to put it back on and now that its gone it can stay gone and I can start losing again.

    One goal for this challenge would be to climb all the way to the third floor to my organic chemistry lab without getting winded!!
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    i did 100- crunches Ouch
    My accomplishment I lowered my cholesterol from 224 last year to186 this year and raised my good cholesterol and lowered the bad, and my doctor told my to keep doing what ever I am doing!
    One goal is to be able to jog for 10 minutes with out stoping and also be able to ware a size 12
    , i havent been a size 12 for over 30 years!
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    Love the video!!

    I think I am good with the water challenge, so maybe ill drink less coffee in the morning. oh boy did I say less coffee (O_0).....lol

    One accomplishment for me would be that I have dedicated myself to a healthier me for almost a year now. I have only lost 25 pounds but that is a big accomplishment.

    I have a lot of goals but one of my main goals is to tone up the fat that is on my body.
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    I for got to post my water 10-8oz glasses today
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    That was a great video Pam!!!!!

    My biggest accomplishment is since having my 3rd child (born 1/11) I have lost 80 pounds. I gained A LOT of weight with her. I wasn't on here for the first 50 but I was able to lose the weight.

    My goal is to be able to fit into a pair of jeans from a few years ago (before my 2nd child was born). I have a LONG way to go but ultimately that is my goal pair of jeans!!!!!!
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Week 1, day 1 - 10 glasses of water. ( I drink a ton anyway)

    100 crunches... ouch!... but doable.

    My goal - all those dang clothes in my closet that don't fit!!!!
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    Yay......just did my 100 crunches and it felt GREAT!!!! I haven't done any form of exercise in quite a while. As for water,,,,,,,,i need to do better tomorrow. I never drink watet so this will be a tough one!
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    100 crunches done 100 oz water down going for another 25oz
  • april_nicole1981
    My accomplishment: Making the life changes and sticking to them that allowed me to lose 46 pounds!

    My Goal: To be physically fit and able to participate in the Warrior Dash next summer!

    Today's Progress: 100 sit-ups done! 24oz of water done also. I know the water isn't much but I NEVER drink water so this is a challenge that I will really have to push myself with. In short, 24oz is better than the ZERO which is my norm :)
  • WendyCollinson2004
    My sodium is lower today then what it should be so a pat on the back from myself. Also I did 100 crunches while at the gym this afternoon.
  • channon26
    channon26 Posts: 48 Member
    My water intake was ok today13 cups. I didn't think I was gone able to do a 100 sit-ups with me having to get a 2 mile walk in before dark, but I did. Get it me :) I can't wait till tomorrow. This just may be a breeze for me. Good Job everyone!!!! Goodnight
  • Jennycyr
    Jennycyr Posts: 159 Member
    I drank my 8 cups of water today. I usually don't drink that much water.

    I also did my sit ups. OUCH!! After numerous attempts, my kids kept climbing on me thinking it was play time on the ground!! We all laughed so hard which made it fun!

    My goal is to fit in size 10. I was fitting tightly in them at the end of the last challenge but I gained over the summer so I'd like to be comfortable in size 10 by the end of this challenge.

    Good night all!