6 Reasons It Is Impossible to Quit 'World of Warcraft'



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I quit in 2007 shortly before the WotLK expansion came out. I was a member of a PvP guild who was disgusted with how bad PvP got in the game. Those of us who weren't content with the idea of converting to a raiding guild left for EVE Online. Some of us did eventually go back. I wasn't one of them. I played EVE Online until last Spring/Summer at which point I realized one day that I no longer had the time or patience for MMOs anymore.
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    I started playing in 2006 and quit in 2009. I had no desired to play the game ever again. Now my nephew has gotten the trial deal and was confused on a quest. Somehow I picked up his laptop and finished the quest for him. It was weird how I could remember all the shortcuts and keyboard buttons. For those few brief minutes of gaming I was lured back to the idea of playing, but I pushed the laptop away and said, "Nope, not happening again." I will agree that it is a very addictive game, but I won't let it control me ever again. WoW back in the day was my drug of choice, and I kicked the habit.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I quit in early Cata and picked it back up right before MoP out of boredom with every other game I tried inbetween. I'm hooked again, though fortunately not to the extent I used to be, back in the raiding until 5am days... (it sucks being a Brit on US servers!) I am in complete control of my gaming finally, I no longer feel that panic or longing if I don't get to log in, and I don't let anything else suffer because of my game time.
    But I still play. 5 years and counting. It passes the time and it's a relatively cheap hobby!
  • whankammer
    whankammer Posts: 41 Member
    I quit back in 2009 when my daughter was born. Fatherhood is much more fun that WoW. I went back when WoW gave me a free 7 day to try Mists but....umm.. No..

    I was a hardcore raider since well.. Beta really but mostly since Vanilla. The game turned into Pokemon (which there's nothing wrong with but not in an MMO unless it's a Pokemon MMO!) and became so simple that it made any type of theory craft or skill building useless. That's what, for me, made it fun. Breaking my class so that it could do crazy things.

    I miss my shadow priest sometimes. But, I don't think I'll ever go back. In fact I've tried other MMOs since then and ALL of them lose their draw on me about 30 hours in. I just can't handle the grind anymore. Least with the current crop. We'll see.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    haha I do love the pet battles, as much fun as I made of it. I'm not re-subbing when my time is up next week. We just got our xbox and I'm into fitness games and trying to find some good RPG's and hanging out with my baby boy. It's not that it's not fun, but I have no desire to raid and if you're not going to raid, what's the point. I can't see paying for a subscription so I can quest, and level toons that I don't plan to raid with LOL

    I am hoping to get in on the Elder Scrolls or FF beta tho, not gona lie!
  • jesseg1989
    jesseg1989 Posts: 49 Member
    I also quit somewhere back around 08 or 09, but then blizzard ended up giving me 2 free weeks for WoW time because of some crap they did right before I decided I was going to stop playing for good. Haven't re-subbed and don't even have it install on my pc anymore.
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    i quit about 4 years ago due to being promoted to GM of a very high end raiding clan and just getting fed up with the childish acts of people my age....... also my husband would be very disappointed if I started playing that game again hahaha