
Share your experiences. Whether good or bad.


  • noelibear
    I am going to drink only water this week. I would love for as many people as possible to join in on this challenge and tell me how it went! If you have done this before, or are currently doing it. Please share your experiences with us! I also would love input on other weekly goals that this group can do in pursuit of a healthier life! :wink:
  • MelodyBronson
    MelodyBronson Posts: 67 Member
    I will work on this goal as well. I have a hard time getting my water intake in each day so this has been my daily challenge to myself. So beginning today, I will drink only water every day with meals and in between.
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    I'm In :-)
  • 7djt
    7djt Posts: 38 Member
    ok, I got to share with you that I thought you meant water ONLY! like a water fast (no food) and I though to myself, :now that is going to be hard!" After reading the comments, I realize that it is a no juice, soda, pop, etc. kind of resolution -- I am in too. I just don;t seem to be able to consistently commit to this weight loss journey - so maybe if I just start with one thing....
  • renamarie77
    renamarie77 Posts: 98 Member
    I already do this, with the exception of one hazelnut coffee cocoa thing I have to make once a week to keep my migraines at bay. I don't even add the flavorings bc they are usually way to sour for me. However, I did have some alcohol on Sat/Sun... ok, nothing but water for the next week, and the one coffee, if needed, of course.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Thanks for this Weekly Challenge Forum, Noelbear...I have been lacking in my water goal of 8 glasses MINIMUM. My body feels it, and I need to be accountable. Also, lately I've been eating fast food, and the only exercise I have gotten has been running after my 27 month grandson...he IS a handful and SOO Adorable...he gives me exercise. I have an 8 month old granddaughter who is become VERY active in her crawling activity...sooo...BUSY...but need sustained exercise. My plan is to walk my granddog (Beautiful White Standard Poodle rescue, whose former owners biked with her...She LOVES to run, doesn't heel well cause she was never taught...but GENTLE with the kids. My daughter decided to take her on...as her Standard Poodle of only 6 years had to be put to sleep from a stomach tumor that grew out of control. I LOVE Zumba, and power walking, but getting little of that because taking care of the grandkids since DD is recuperating from feet surgery yes...both feet...I've had my hands full...but LOVIN' every moment...and savoring my grandkids growing years. I'm taking a cruise to the Bahamas with my Sis. We are celebrating our birthdays. I will be 62 and she will be 60...I am GRATEFULLY still very active in my life!!

    Today: Goal: 2 miles on gym treadmill (30 minutes)
    8 glasses of water (I don't drink soda or juices... I drink coffee and tea without sugar or cream
    NO FAST FOOD (had it twice last week)

    Will report in later today :) ... Ohhh...taking a 3 day out of town trip to Fort Bragg with our Car Club next Friday, Saturday coming home Sunday. I will be dining in restaurants, but I don't consider that fast food. If I go through a fast food place on the drive...it will be SALADS...not burgers and fries that I sometimes crave. My final goal is 110 lbs...my HS weight, When I started MFP back in December 2011...I never thought I wanted to weight under 117... what I thought was my ideal weight back then. MFP made me realize in order to get rid of the body fat I've been carrying for years...YES...I am one of those SKINNY FAT MFP'ers, I then went on a quest to lose fat. As a result, I realized that 110 is a DOABLE, without looking emaciated. LOL. I woke up this morning and weighed in at 114.2. YAY!! I would like to be 110 by the time I go on my cruise on my birthday in December. That's me!! Glad for the group :drinker:
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    OK. As soon as I finish this DP I am drinking, it will be my last! I was drinking 4 or 5 a day and then down to one a day and now one every three days. Now we are moving to none. Challenge accepted.
  • Get 8 hours sleep
  • mylove0mylife
    I'll join on board to drink only water. It's going to be hard to not drink an energy drink once a day...but...I'll try.

    My job sells 32 oz cups downstairs in the cafe...and if I fill that with water once in the morning and once at lunch then I can drink my full 64 oz (8 - 8 oz glasses) just at work.
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Wait! I just realized this means no coffee also! This will definitely be more of a challenge!
  • SammySiegs17
    SammySiegs17 Posts: 6 Member
    It has been a personal goal of mine to start drinking more water! I don't drink enough. I am definitely in for this challenge. and i agree with Tiacox1 No coffee is definitely going to be a challenge!!! :) Good luck to all we can do this! :)
  • pawprints86
    pawprints86 Posts: 59 Member
    Oh gosh! This is going to be hard, especially with how crazy and late my weeks are at work. I brought a Monster with me to work today, so I *am* going to have to have that to stave sleep off on my long shift tonight, but after that I'm in for the just water for one week!! We can do this, good luck to everyone! :glasses:
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member
    i already do this but will try to increase my intake
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    I agree this will be hard, the no coffe thing is going to be the hardest for me, at least Mcdonald is done with it's free coffee give away LOL
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 260 Member
    When does your week start and end? I am going to try this goal
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Today 9/29/2012
    Exercise: Dancing for 30 minutes...couldn't get to the gym. 122 Calories Burned
    8 glasses of water - DONE :drinker:
    NO FAST FOOD TODAY! Even under Calorie Goal
  • JazzyMarie
    JazzyMarie Posts: 39 Member
    this will be a challenge when i get up for work at 6am with no coffee!
    dont worry I'm gonna embrace this challenge and see how my body reacts !
    lets gooooo
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    OK....So I get up this morning and go sit on my peaceful back porch to read before the little ones get up. All of a sudden I realize I am drinking coffee! How sad is that that I made it and started drinking it without realizing what I was doing! I may have to put my Keurig under the counter somewhere!!!! I don't put sugar in it and I use fat feee
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Half and half but still! I made a mistake and I'm going to recover and move on with the goal!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Goals 9/30/12
    1) Exercise - 30 minutes
    2) No processed sugar
    3) Water - 8 glasses